Tyson Nottingham 75de8286c0 rustc_span: add span_data_to_lines_and_cols to caching source map view
Gives a performance increase over calling byte_pos_to_line_and_col
twice, partially because it decreases the function calling overhead,
potentially because it doesn't populate the line cache with lines that
turn out to belong to invalid spans, and likely because of some other
incidental improvements made possible by having more context available.
2020-12-03 18:36:34 -08:00

294 lines
10 KiB

use crate::source_map::SourceMap;
use crate::{BytePos, SourceFile, SpanData};
use rustc_data_structures::sync::Lrc;
use std::ops::Range;
struct CacheEntry {
time_stamp: usize,
line_number: usize,
// The line's byte position range in the `SourceMap`. This range will fail to contain a valid
// position in certain edge cases. Spans often start/end one past something, and when that
// something is the last character of a file (this can happen when a file doesn't end in a
// newline, for example), we'd still like for the position to be considered within the last
// line. However, it isn't according to the exclusive upper bound of this range. We cannot
// change the upper bound to be inclusive, because for most lines, the upper bound is the same
// as the lower bound of the next line, so there would be an ambiguity.
// Since the containment aspect of this range is only used to see whether or not the cache
// entry contains a position, the only ramification of the above is that we will get cache
// misses for these rare positions. A line lookup for the position via `SourceMap::lookup_line`
// after a cache miss will produce the last line number, as desired.
line: Range<BytePos>,
file: Lrc<SourceFile>,
file_index: usize,
impl CacheEntry {
fn update(
&mut self,
new_file_and_idx: Option<(Lrc<SourceFile>, usize)>,
pos: BytePos,
time_stamp: usize,
) {
if let Some((file, file_idx)) = new_file_and_idx {
self.file = file;
self.file_index = file_idx;
let line_index = self.file.lookup_line(pos).unwrap();
let line_bounds = self.file.line_bounds(line_index);
self.line_number = line_index + 1;
self.line = line_bounds;
fn touch(&mut self, time_stamp: usize) {
self.time_stamp = time_stamp;
pub struct CachingSourceMapView<'sm> {
source_map: &'sm SourceMap,
line_cache: [CacheEntry; 3],
time_stamp: usize,
impl<'sm> CachingSourceMapView<'sm> {
pub fn new(source_map: &'sm SourceMap) -> CachingSourceMapView<'sm> {
let files = source_map.files();
let first_file = files[0].clone();
let entry = CacheEntry {
time_stamp: 0,
line_number: 0,
line: BytePos(0)..BytePos(0),
file: first_file,
file_index: 0,
CachingSourceMapView {
line_cache: [entry.clone(), entry.clone(), entry],
time_stamp: 0,
pub fn byte_pos_to_line_and_col(
&mut self,
pos: BytePos,
) -> Option<(Lrc<SourceFile>, usize, BytePos)> {
self.time_stamp += 1;
// Check if the position is in one of the cached lines
let cache_idx = self.cache_entry_index(pos);
if cache_idx != -1 {
let cache_entry = &mut self.line_cache[cache_idx as usize];
return Some((
pos - cache_entry.line.start,
// No cache hit ...
let oldest = self.oldest_cache_entry_index();
// If the entry doesn't point to the correct file, get the new file and index.
let new_file_and_idx = if !file_contains(&self.line_cache[oldest].file, pos) {
} else {
let cache_entry = &mut self.line_cache[oldest];
cache_entry.update(new_file_and_idx, pos, self.time_stamp);
Some((cache_entry.file.clone(), cache_entry.line_number, pos - cache_entry.line.start))
pub fn span_data_to_lines_and_cols(
&mut self,
span_data: &SpanData,
) -> Option<(Lrc<SourceFile>, usize, BytePos, usize, BytePos)> {
self.time_stamp += 1;
// Check if lo and hi are in the cached lines.
let lo_cache_idx = self.cache_entry_index(span_data.lo);
let hi_cache_idx = self.cache_entry_index(span_data.hi);
if lo_cache_idx != -1 && hi_cache_idx != -1 {
// Cache hit for span lo and hi. Check if they belong to the same file.
let result = {
let lo = &self.line_cache[lo_cache_idx as usize];
let hi = &self.line_cache[hi_cache_idx as usize];
if lo.file_index != hi.file_index {
return None;
span_data.lo - lo.line.start,
span_data.hi - hi.line.start,
self.line_cache[lo_cache_idx as usize].touch(self.time_stamp);
self.line_cache[hi_cache_idx as usize].touch(self.time_stamp);
return Some(result);
// No cache hit or cache hit for only one of span lo and hi.
let oldest = if lo_cache_idx != -1 || hi_cache_idx != -1 {
let avoid_idx = if lo_cache_idx != -1 { lo_cache_idx } else { hi_cache_idx };
self.oldest_cache_entry_index_avoid(avoid_idx as usize)
} else {
// If the entry doesn't point to the correct file, get the new file and index.
// Return early if the file containing beginning of span doesn't contain end of span.
let new_file_and_idx = if !file_contains(&self.line_cache[oldest].file, span_data.lo) {
let new_file_and_idx = self.file_for_position(span_data.lo)?;
if !file_contains(&new_file_and_idx.0, span_data.hi) {
return None;
} else {
let file = &self.line_cache[oldest].file;
if !file_contains(&file, span_data.hi) {
return None;
// Update the cache entries.
let (lo_idx, hi_idx) = match (lo_cache_idx, hi_cache_idx) {
// Oldest cache entry is for span_data.lo line.
(-1, -1) => {
let lo = &mut self.line_cache[oldest];
lo.update(new_file_and_idx, span_data.lo, self.time_stamp);
if !lo.line.contains(&span_data.hi) {
let new_file_and_idx = Some((lo.file.clone(), lo.file_index));
let next_oldest = self.oldest_cache_entry_index_avoid(oldest);
let hi = &mut self.line_cache[next_oldest];
hi.update(new_file_and_idx, span_data.hi, self.time_stamp);
(oldest, next_oldest)
} else {
(oldest, oldest)
// Oldest cache entry is for span_data.lo line.
(-1, _) => {
let lo = &mut self.line_cache[oldest];
lo.update(new_file_and_idx, span_data.lo, self.time_stamp);
let hi = &mut self.line_cache[hi_cache_idx as usize];
(oldest, hi_cache_idx as usize)
// Oldest cache entry is for span_data.hi line.
(_, -1) => {
let hi = &mut self.line_cache[oldest];
hi.update(new_file_and_idx, span_data.hi, self.time_stamp);
let lo = &mut self.line_cache[lo_cache_idx as usize];
(lo_cache_idx as usize, oldest)
_ => {
let lo = &self.line_cache[lo_idx];
let hi = &self.line_cache[hi_idx];
// Span lo and hi may equal line end when last line doesn't
// end in newline, hence the inclusive upper bounds below.
debug_assert!(span_data.lo >= lo.line.start);
debug_assert!(span_data.lo <= lo.line.end);
debug_assert!(span_data.hi >= hi.line.start);
debug_assert!(span_data.hi <= hi.line.end);
debug_assert_eq!(lo.file_index, hi.file_index);
span_data.lo - lo.line.start,
span_data.hi - hi.line.start,
fn cache_entry_index(&self, pos: BytePos) -> isize {
for (idx, cache_entry) in self.line_cache.iter().enumerate() {
if cache_entry.line.contains(&pos) {
return idx as isize;
fn oldest_cache_entry_index(&self) -> usize {
let mut oldest = 0;
for idx in 1..self.line_cache.len() {
if self.line_cache[idx].time_stamp < self.line_cache[oldest].time_stamp {
oldest = idx;
fn oldest_cache_entry_index_avoid(&self, avoid_idx: usize) -> usize {
let mut oldest = if avoid_idx != 0 { 0 } else { 1 };
for idx in 0..self.line_cache.len() {
if idx != avoid_idx
&& self.line_cache[idx].time_stamp < self.line_cache[oldest].time_stamp
oldest = idx;
fn file_for_position(&self, pos: BytePos) -> Option<(Lrc<SourceFile>, usize)> {
if !self.source_map.files().is_empty() {
let file_idx = self.source_map.lookup_source_file_idx(pos);
let file = &self.source_map.files()[file_idx];
if file_contains(file, pos) {
return Some((file.clone(), file_idx));
fn file_contains(file: &SourceFile, pos: BytePos) -> bool {
// `SourceMap::lookup_source_file_idx` and `SourceFile::contains` both consider the position
// one past the end of a file to belong to it. Normally, that's what we want. But for the
// purposes of converting a byte position to a line and column number, we can't come up with a
// line and column number if the file is empty, because an empty file doesn't contain any
// lines. So for our purposes, we don't consider empty files to contain any byte position.
file.contains(pos) && !file.is_empty()