169 lines
5.5 KiB
169 lines
5.5 KiB
import std::vec;
import std::vec::plus_option;
import syntax::ast::*;
import util::ppaux::fn_ident_to_string;
import std::option::*;
import syntax::walk;
import syntax::visit;
import walk::walk_crate;
import walk::walk_fn;
import walk::ast_visitor;
import aux::cinit;
import aux::ninit;
import aux::npred;
import aux::cpred;
import aux::constraint;
import aux::fn_info;
import aux::crate_ctxt;
import aux::num_constraints;
import aux::constr_map;
import aux::expr_to_constr;
import aux::constraints_expr;
import aux::node_id_to_def_strict;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import util::common::new_def_hash;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::ast::respan;
type ctxt = rec(@mutable vec[aux::constr] cs, ty::ctxt tcx);
fn collect_local(&@local loc, &ctxt cx, &visit::vt[ctxt] v) {
log "collect_local: pushing " + loc.node.ident;
respan(loc.span, rec(id=loc.node.id, c=ninit(loc.node.ident))));
visit::visit_local(loc, cx, v);
fn collect_pred(&@expr e, &ctxt cx, &visit::vt[ctxt] v) {
alt (e.node) {
case (expr_check(_, ?ch)) {
vec::push(*cx.cs, expr_to_constr(cx.tcx, ch));
case (expr_if_check(?ex, _, _)) {
vec::push(*cx.cs, expr_to_constr(cx.tcx, ex));
// If it's a call, generate appropriate instances of the
// call's constraints.
case (expr_call(?operator, ?operands)) {
for (@ty::constr_def c in constraints_expr(cx.tcx, operator)) {
let aux::constr ct = respan(c.span,
operands, c)));
vec::push(*cx.cs, ct);
case (_) { }
// visit subexpressions
visit::visit_expr(e, cx, v);
fn do_nothing(&_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tp, &span sp, &fn_ident i,
node_id iid, &ctxt cx, &visit::vt[ctxt] v) {
fn find_locals(&ty::ctxt tcx, &_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tps,
&span sp, &fn_ident i, node_id id)
-> ctxt {
let ctxt cx = rec(cs=@mutable vec::alloc(0u), tcx=tcx);
auto visitor = visit::default_visitor[ctxt]();
visitor =
with *visitor);
visit::visit_fn(f, tps, sp, i, id, cx, visit::vtor(visitor));
ret cx;
fn add_constraint(&ty::ctxt tcx, aux::constr c, uint next, constr_map tbl) ->
uint {
log aux::constraint_to_str(tcx, c) + " |-> " + std::uint::str(next);
alt (c.node.c) {
case (ninit(?i)) { tbl.insert(c.node.id, cinit(next, c.span, i)); }
case (npred(?p, ?args)) {
alt (tbl.find(c.node.id)) {
case (some(?ct)) {
alt (ct) {
case (cinit(_, _, _)) {
tcx.sess.bug("add_constraint: same def_id used" +
" as a variable and a pred");
case (cpred(_, ?pds)) {
rec(args=args, bit_num=next)));
case (none) {
@mutable [respan(c.span,
ret next + 1u;
/* builds a table mapping each local var defined in f
to a bit number in the precondition/postcondition vectors */
fn mk_fn_info(&crate_ctxt ccx, &_fn f, &vec[ty_param] tp,
&span f_sp, &fn_ident f_name,
node_id id) {
auto res_map = @new_int_hash[constraint]();
let uint next = 0u;
let ctxt cx = find_locals(ccx.tcx, f, tp, f_sp, f_name, id);
/* now we have to add bit nums for both the constraints
and the variables... */
for (aux::constr c in { *cx.cs }) {
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, c, next, res_map);
/* add a pseudo-entry for the function's return value
we can safely use the function's name itself for this purpose */
auto name = fn_ident_to_string(id, f_name);
add_constraint(cx.tcx, respan(f_sp, rec(id=id, c=ninit(name))), next,
let @mutable vec[node_id] v = @mutable [];
auto rslt =
num_constraints=vec::len(*cx.cs) + 1u,
ccx.fm.insert(id, rslt);
log name + " has " + std::uint::str(num_constraints(rslt)) +
" constraints";
/* initializes the global fn_info_map (mapping each function ID, including
nested locally defined functions, onto a mapping from local variable name
to bit number) */
fn mk_f_to_fn_info(&crate_ctxt ccx, @crate c) {
let ast_visitor vars_visitor = walk::default_visitor();
vars_visitor =
rec(visit_fn_pre=bind mk_fn_info(ccx, _, _, _, _, _)
with vars_visitor);
walk_crate(vars_visitor, *c);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: