These two containers are indeed collections, so their place is in libcollections, not in libstd. There will always be a hash map as part of the standard distribution of Rust, but by moving it out of the standard library it makes libstd that much more portable to more platforms and environments. This conveniently also removes the stuttering of 'std::hashmap::HashMap', although 'collections::HashMap' is only one character shorter.
738 lines
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738 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
Data structures used for tracking moves. Please see the extensive
comments in the section "Moves and initialization" and in `doc.rs`.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::uint;
use collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use middle::borrowck::*;
use middle::dataflow::DataFlowContext;
use middle::dataflow::DataFlowOperator;
use middle::ty;
use middle::typeck;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast_util;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::opt_vec::OptVec;
use syntax::opt_vec;
use util::ppaux::Repr;
pub struct MoveData {
/// Move paths. See section "Move paths" in `doc.rs`.
paths: RefCell<~[MovePath]>,
/// Cache of loan path to move path index, for easy lookup.
path_map: RefCell<HashMap<@LoanPath, MovePathIndex>>,
/// Each move or uninitialized variable gets an entry here.
moves: RefCell<~[Move]>,
/// Assignments to a variable, like `x = foo`. These are assigned
/// bits for dataflow, since we must track them to ensure that
/// immutable variables are assigned at most once along each path.
var_assignments: RefCell<~[Assignment]>,
/// Assignments to a path, like `x.f = foo`. These are not
/// assigned dataflow bits, but we track them because they still
/// kill move bits.
path_assignments: RefCell<~[Assignment]>,
assignee_ids: RefCell<HashSet<ast::NodeId>>,
pub struct FlowedMoveData {
move_data: MoveData,
dfcx_moves: MoveDataFlow,
// We could (and maybe should, for efficiency) combine both move
// and assign data flow into one, but this way it's easier to
// distinguish the bits that correspond to moves and assignments.
dfcx_assign: AssignDataFlow
/// Index into `MoveData.paths`, used like a pointer
pub struct MovePathIndex(uint);
impl MovePathIndex {
fn get(&self) -> uint {
let MovePathIndex(v) = *self; v
impl Clone for MovePathIndex {
fn clone(&self) -> MovePathIndex {
static InvalidMovePathIndex: MovePathIndex =
/// Index into `MoveData.moves`, used like a pointer
pub struct MoveIndex(uint);
impl MoveIndex {
fn get(&self) -> uint {
let MoveIndex(v) = *self; v
static InvalidMoveIndex: MoveIndex =
pub struct MovePath {
/// Loan path corresponding to this move path
loan_path: @LoanPath,
/// Parent pointer, `InvalidMovePathIndex` if root
parent: MovePathIndex,
/// Head of linked list of moves to this path,
/// `InvalidMoveIndex` if not moved
first_move: MoveIndex,
/// First node in linked list of children, `InvalidMovePathIndex` if leaf
first_child: MovePathIndex,
/// Next node in linked list of parent's children (siblings),
/// `InvalidMovePathIndex` if none.
next_sibling: MovePathIndex,
pub enum MoveKind {
Declared, // When declared, variables start out "moved".
MoveExpr, // Expression or binding that moves a variable
MovePat, // By-move binding
Captured // Closure creation that moves a value
pub struct Move {
/// Path being moved.
path: MovePathIndex,
/// id of node that is doing the move.
id: ast::NodeId,
/// Kind of move, for error messages.
kind: MoveKind,
/// Next node in linked list of moves from `path`, or `InvalidMoveIndex`
next_move: MoveIndex
pub struct Assignment {
/// Path being assigned.
path: MovePathIndex,
/// id where assignment occurs
id: ast::NodeId,
/// span of node where assignment occurs
span: Span,
pub struct MoveDataFlowOperator;
/// FIXME(pcwalton): Should just be #[deriving(Clone)], but that doesn't work
/// yet on unit structs.
impl Clone for MoveDataFlowOperator {
fn clone(&self) -> MoveDataFlowOperator {
pub type MoveDataFlow = DataFlowContext<MoveDataFlowOperator>;
pub struct AssignDataFlowOperator;
/// FIXME(pcwalton): Should just be #[deriving(Clone)], but that doesn't work
/// yet on unit structs.
impl Clone for AssignDataFlowOperator {
fn clone(&self) -> AssignDataFlowOperator {
pub type AssignDataFlow = DataFlowContext<AssignDataFlowOperator>;
impl MoveData {
pub fn new() -> MoveData {
MoveData {
paths: RefCell::new(~[]),
path_map: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
moves: RefCell::new(~[]),
path_assignments: RefCell::new(~[]),
var_assignments: RefCell::new(~[]),
assignee_ids: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
fn path_loan_path(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> @LoanPath {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
fn path_parent(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> MovePathIndex {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
fn path_first_move(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> MoveIndex {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
fn path_first_child(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> MovePathIndex {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
fn path_next_sibling(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> MovePathIndex {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
fn set_path_first_move(&self,
index: MovePathIndex,
first_move: MoveIndex) {
let mut paths = self.paths.borrow_mut();
paths.get()[index.get()].first_move = first_move
fn set_path_first_child(&self,
index: MovePathIndex,
first_child: MovePathIndex) {
let mut paths = self.paths.borrow_mut();
paths.get()[index.get()].first_child = first_child
fn move_next_move(&self, index: MoveIndex) -> MoveIndex {
//! Type safe indexing operator
let moves = self.moves.borrow();
fn is_var_path(&self, index: MovePathIndex) -> bool {
//! True if `index` refers to a variable
self.path_parent(index) == InvalidMovePathIndex
pub fn move_path(&self,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
lp: @LoanPath) -> MovePathIndex {
* Returns the existing move path index for `lp`, if any,
* and otherwise adds a new index for `lp` and any of its
* base paths that do not yet have an index.
let path_map = self.path_map.borrow();
match path_map.get().find(&lp) {
Some(&index) => {
return index;
None => {}
let index = match *lp {
LpVar(..) => {
let mut paths = self.paths.borrow_mut();
let index = MovePathIndex(paths.get().len());
paths.get().push(MovePath {
loan_path: lp,
parent: InvalidMovePathIndex,
first_move: InvalidMoveIndex,
first_child: InvalidMovePathIndex,
next_sibling: InvalidMovePathIndex,
LpExtend(base, _, _) => {
let parent_index = self.move_path(tcx, base);
let index = {
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
let next_sibling = self.path_first_child(parent_index);
self.set_path_first_child(parent_index, index);
let mut paths = self.paths.borrow_mut();
paths.get().push(MovePath {
loan_path: lp,
parent: parent_index,
first_move: InvalidMoveIndex,
first_child: InvalidMovePathIndex,
next_sibling: next_sibling,
debug!("move_path(lp={}, index={:?})",
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
assert_eq!(index.get(), paths.get().len() - 1);
let mut path_map = self.path_map.borrow_mut();
path_map.get().insert(lp, index);
return index;
fn existing_move_path(&self,
lp: @LoanPath)
-> Option<MovePathIndex> {
let path_map = self.path_map.borrow();
fn existing_base_paths(&self,
lp: @LoanPath)
-> OptVec<MovePathIndex> {
let mut result = opt_vec::Empty;
self.add_existing_base_paths(lp, &mut result);
fn add_existing_base_paths(&self,
lp: @LoanPath,
result: &mut OptVec<MovePathIndex>) {
* Adds any existing move path indices for `lp` and any base
* paths of `lp` to `result`, but does not add new move paths
let index_opt = {
let path_map = self.path_map.borrow();
match index_opt {
Some(index) => {
self.each_base_path(index, |p| {
None => {
match *lp {
LpVar(..) => { }
LpExtend(b, _, _) => {
self.add_existing_base_paths(b, result);
pub fn add_move(&self,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
lp: @LoanPath,
id: ast::NodeId,
kind: MoveKind) {
* Adds a new move entry for a move of `lp` that occurs at
* location `id` with kind `kind`.
debug!("add_move(lp={}, id={:?}, kind={:?})",
let path_index = self.move_path(tcx, lp);
let move_index = {
let moves = self.moves.borrow();
let next_move = self.path_first_move(path_index);
self.set_path_first_move(path_index, move_index);
let mut moves = self.moves.borrow_mut();
moves.get().push(Move {
path: path_index,
id: id,
kind: kind,
next_move: next_move
pub fn add_assignment(&self,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
lp: @LoanPath,
assign_id: ast::NodeId,
span: Span,
assignee_id: ast::NodeId) {
* Adds a new record for an assignment to `lp` that occurs at
* location `id` with the given `span`.
debug!("add_assignment(lp={}, assign_id={:?}, assignee_id={:?}",
lp.repr(tcx), assign_id, assignee_id);
let path_index = self.move_path(tcx, lp);
let mut assignee_ids = self.assignee_ids.borrow_mut();
let assignment = Assignment {
path: path_index,
id: assign_id,
span: span,
if self.is_var_path(path_index) {
let mut var_assignments = self.var_assignments.borrow_mut();
debug!("add_assignment[var](lp={}, assignment={}, path_index={:?})",
lp.repr(tcx), var_assignments.get().len(), path_index);
} else {
debug!("add_assignment[path](lp={}, path_index={:?})",
lp.repr(tcx), path_index);
let mut path_assignments = self.path_assignments.borrow_mut();
fn add_gen_kills(&self,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
dfcx_moves: &mut MoveDataFlow,
dfcx_assign: &mut AssignDataFlow) {
* Adds the gen/kills for the various moves and
* assignments into the provided data flow contexts.
* Moves are generated by moves and killed by assignments and
* scoping. Assignments are generated by assignment to variables and
* killed by scoping. See `doc.rs` for more details.
let moves = self.moves.borrow();
for (i, move) in moves.get().iter().enumerate() {
dfcx_moves.add_gen(move.id, i);
let var_assignments = self.var_assignments.borrow();
for (i, assignment) in var_assignments.get().iter().enumerate() {
dfcx_assign.add_gen(assignment.id, i);
self.kill_moves(assignment.path, assignment.id, dfcx_moves);
let path_assignments = self.path_assignments.borrow();
for assignment in path_assignments.get().iter() {
self.kill_moves(assignment.path, assignment.id, dfcx_moves);
// Kill all moves related to a variable `x` when it goes out
// of scope:
let paths = self.paths.borrow();
for path in paths.get().iter() {
match *path.loan_path {
LpVar(id) => {
let kill_id = tcx.region_maps.var_scope(id);
let path = {
let path_map = self.path_map.borrow();
self.kill_moves(path, kill_id, dfcx_moves);
LpExtend(..) => {}
// Kill all assignments when the variable goes out of scope:
let var_assignments = self.var_assignments.borrow();
for (assignment_index, assignment) in
var_assignments.get().iter().enumerate() {
match *self.path_loan_path(assignment.path) {
LpVar(id) => {
let kill_id = tcx.region_maps.var_scope(id);
dfcx_assign.add_kill(kill_id, assignment_index);
LpExtend(..) => {
tcx.sess.bug("var assignment for non var path");
fn each_base_path(&self, index: MovePathIndex, f: |MovePathIndex| -> bool)
-> bool {
let mut p = index;
while p != InvalidMovePathIndex {
if !f(p) {
return false;
p = self.path_parent(p);
return true;
fn each_extending_path(&self,
index: MovePathIndex,
f: |MovePathIndex| -> bool)
-> bool {
if !f(index) {
return false;
let mut p = self.path_first_child(index);
while p != InvalidMovePathIndex {
if !self.each_extending_path(p, |x| f(x)) {
return false;
p = self.path_next_sibling(p);
return true;
fn each_applicable_move(&self,
index0: MovePathIndex,
f: |MoveIndex| -> bool)
-> bool {
let mut ret = true;
self.each_extending_path(index0, |index| {
let mut p = self.path_first_move(index);
while p != InvalidMoveIndex {
if !f(p) {
ret = false;
p = self.move_next_move(p);
fn kill_moves(&self,
path: MovePathIndex,
kill_id: ast::NodeId,
dfcx_moves: &mut MoveDataFlow) {
self.each_applicable_move(path, |move_index| {
dfcx_moves.add_kill(kill_id, move_index.get());
impl FlowedMoveData {
pub fn new(move_data: MoveData,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
method_map: typeck::method_map,
id_range: ast_util::IdRange,
body: &ast::Block)
-> FlowedMoveData {
let mut dfcx_moves = {
let moves = move_data.moves.borrow();
let mut dfcx_assign = {
let var_assignments = move_data.var_assignments.borrow();
move_data.add_gen_kills(tcx, &mut dfcx_moves, &mut dfcx_assign);
FlowedMoveData {
move_data: move_data,
dfcx_moves: dfcx_moves,
dfcx_assign: dfcx_assign,
pub fn each_path_moved_by(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
f: |&Move, @LoanPath| -> bool)
-> bool {
* Iterates through each path moved by `id`
self.dfcx_moves.each_gen_bit_frozen(id, |index| {
let moves = self.move_data.moves.borrow();
let move = &moves.get()[index];
let moved_path = move.path;
f(move, self.move_data.path_loan_path(moved_path))
pub fn each_move_of(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
loan_path: @LoanPath,
f: |&Move, @LoanPath| -> bool)
-> bool {
* Iterates through each move of `loan_path` (or some base path
* of `loan_path`) that *may* have occurred on entry to `id` without
* an intervening assignment. In other words, any moves that
* would invalidate a reference to `loan_path` at location `id`.
// Bad scenarios:
// 1. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c`
// 2. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c.d`
// 3. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a` or `a.b`
// OK scenario:
// 4. move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.d`
let base_indices = self.move_data.existing_base_paths(loan_path);
if base_indices.is_empty() {
return true;
let opt_loan_path_index = self.move_data.existing_move_path(loan_path);
let mut ret = true;
self.dfcx_moves.each_bit_on_entry_frozen(id, |index| {
let moves = self.move_data.moves.borrow();
let move = &moves.get()[index];
let moved_path = move.path;
if base_indices.iter().any(|x| x == &moved_path) {
// Scenario 1 or 2: `loan_path` or some base path of
// `loan_path` was moved.
if !f(move, self.move_data.path_loan_path(moved_path)) {
ret = false;
} else {
for &loan_path_index in opt_loan_path_index.iter() {
let cont = self.move_data.each_base_path(moved_path, |p| {
if p == loan_path_index {
// Scenario 3: some extension of `loan_path`
// was moved
f(move, self.move_data.path_loan_path(moved_path))
} else {
if !cont { ret = false; break }
pub fn is_assignee(&self,
id: ast::NodeId)
-> bool {
//! True if `id` is the id of the LHS of an assignment
let assignee_ids = self.move_data.assignee_ids.borrow();
assignee_ids.get().iter().any(|x| x == &id)
pub fn each_assignment_of(&self,
id: ast::NodeId,
loan_path: @LoanPath,
f: |&Assignment| -> bool)
-> bool {
* Iterates through every assignment to `loan_path` that
* may have occurred on entry to `id`. `loan_path` must be
* a single variable.
let loan_path_index = {
match self.move_data.existing_move_path(loan_path) {
Some(i) => i,
None => {
// if there were any assignments, it'd have an index
return true;
self.dfcx_assign.each_bit_on_entry_frozen(id, |index| {
let var_assignments = self.move_data.var_assignments.borrow();
let assignment = &var_assignments.get()[index];
if assignment.path == loan_path_index && !f(assignment) {
} else {
impl DataFlowOperator for MoveDataFlowOperator {
fn initial_value(&self) -> bool {
false // no loans in scope by default
fn join(&self, succ: uint, pred: uint) -> uint {
succ | pred // moves from both preds are in scope
impl DataFlowOperator for AssignDataFlowOperator {
fn initial_value(&self) -> bool {
false // no assignments in scope by default
fn join(&self, succ: uint, pred: uint) -> uint {
succ | pred // moves from both preds are in scope