2019-08-20 19:55:34 +03:00

493 lines
17 KiB

use lsp_types::{
self, CreateFile, DiagnosticSeverity, DocumentChangeOperation, DocumentChanges, Documentation,
Location, LocationLink, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, Position, Range, RenameFile, ResourceOp,
SymbolKind, TextDocumentEdit, TextDocumentIdentifier, TextDocumentItem,
TextDocumentPositionParams, Url, VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier, WorkspaceEdit,
use ra_ide_api::{
translate_offset_with_edit, CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, FileId, FilePosition,
FileRange, FileSystemEdit, InsertTextFormat, LineCol, LineIndex, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo,
Severity, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit,
use ra_syntax::{SyntaxKind, TextRange, TextUnit};
use ra_text_edit::{AtomTextEdit, TextEdit};
use ra_vfs::LineEndings;
use crate::{req, world::WorldSnapshot, Result};
pub trait Conv {
type Output;
fn conv(self) -> Self::Output;
pub trait ConvWith<CTX> {
type Output;
fn conv_with(self, ctx: CTX) -> Self::Output;
pub trait TryConvWith<CTX> {
type Output;
fn try_conv_with(self, ctx: CTX) -> Result<Self::Output>;
impl Conv for SyntaxKind {
type Output = SymbolKind;
fn conv(self) -> <Self as Conv>::Output {
match self {
SyntaxKind::FN_DEF => SymbolKind::Function,
SyntaxKind::STRUCT_DEF => SymbolKind::Struct,
SyntaxKind::ENUM_DEF => SymbolKind::Enum,
SyntaxKind::ENUM_VARIANT => SymbolKind::EnumMember,
SyntaxKind::TRAIT_DEF => SymbolKind::Interface,
SyntaxKind::MODULE => SymbolKind::Module,
SyntaxKind::TYPE_ALIAS_DEF => SymbolKind::TypeParameter,
SyntaxKind::NAMED_FIELD_DEF => SymbolKind::Field,
SyntaxKind::STATIC_DEF => SymbolKind::Constant,
SyntaxKind::CONST_DEF => SymbolKind::Constant,
SyntaxKind::IMPL_BLOCK => SymbolKind::Object,
_ => SymbolKind::Variable,
impl Conv for CompletionItemKind {
type Output = ::lsp_types::CompletionItemKind;
fn conv(self) -> <Self as Conv>::Output {
use lsp_types::CompletionItemKind::*;
match self {
CompletionItemKind::Keyword => Keyword,
CompletionItemKind::Snippet => Snippet,
CompletionItemKind::Module => Module,
CompletionItemKind::Function => Function,
CompletionItemKind::Struct => Struct,
CompletionItemKind::Enum => Enum,
CompletionItemKind::EnumVariant => EnumMember,
CompletionItemKind::BuiltinType => Struct,
CompletionItemKind::Binding => Variable,
CompletionItemKind::Field => Field,
CompletionItemKind::Trait => Interface,
CompletionItemKind::TypeAlias => Struct,
CompletionItemKind::Const => Constant,
CompletionItemKind::Static => Value,
CompletionItemKind::Method => Method,
CompletionItemKind::TypeParam => TypeParameter,
CompletionItemKind::Macro => Method,
impl Conv for Severity {
type Output = DiagnosticSeverity;
fn conv(self) -> DiagnosticSeverity {
match self {
Severity::Error => DiagnosticSeverity::Error,
Severity::WeakWarning => DiagnosticSeverity::Hint,
impl ConvWith<(&LineIndex, LineEndings)> for CompletionItem {
type Output = ::lsp_types::CompletionItem;
fn conv_with(self, ctx: (&LineIndex, LineEndings)) -> ::lsp_types::CompletionItem {
let mut additional_text_edits = Vec::new();
let mut text_edit = None;
// LSP does not allow arbitrary edits in completion, so we have to do a
// non-trivial mapping here.
for atom_edit in self.text_edit().as_atoms() {
if self.source_range().is_subrange(&atom_edit.delete) {
text_edit = Some(if atom_edit.delete == self.source_range() {
} else {
assert!(self.source_range().end() == atom_edit.delete.end());
let range1 =
TextRange::from_to(atom_edit.delete.start(), self.source_range().start());
let range2 = self.source_range();
let edit1 = AtomTextEdit::replace(range1, String::new());
let edit2 = AtomTextEdit::replace(range2, atom_edit.insert.clone());
} else {
let text_edit = text_edit.unwrap();
let mut res = lsp_types::CompletionItem {
label: self.label().to_string(),
detail: self.detail().map(|it| it.to_string()),
filter_text: Some(self.lookup().to_string()),
kind: self.kind().map(|it| it.conv()),
text_edit: Some(text_edit),
additional_text_edits: Some(additional_text_edits),
documentation: self.documentation().map(|it| it.conv()),
res.insert_text_format = Some(match self.insert_text_format() {
InsertTextFormat::Snippet => lsp_types::InsertTextFormat::Snippet,
InsertTextFormat::PlainText => lsp_types::InsertTextFormat::PlainText,
impl ConvWith<&LineIndex> for Position {
type Output = TextUnit;
fn conv_with(self, line_index: &LineIndex) -> TextUnit {
let line_col = LineCol { line: self.line as u32, col_utf16: self.character as u32 };
impl ConvWith<&LineIndex> for TextUnit {
type Output = Position;
fn conv_with(self, line_index: &LineIndex) -> Position {
let line_col = line_index.line_col(self);
Position::new(u64::from(line_col.line), u64::from(line_col.col_utf16))
impl ConvWith<&LineIndex> for TextRange {
type Output = Range;
fn conv_with(self, line_index: &LineIndex) -> Range {
Range::new(self.start().conv_with(line_index), self.end().conv_with(line_index))
impl ConvWith<&LineIndex> for Range {
type Output = TextRange;
fn conv_with(self, line_index: &LineIndex) -> TextRange {
TextRange::from_to(self.start.conv_with(line_index), self.end.conv_with(line_index))
impl Conv for ra_ide_api::Documentation {
type Output = lsp_types::Documentation;
fn conv(self) -> Documentation {
Documentation::MarkupContent(MarkupContent {
kind: MarkupKind::Markdown,
value: crate::markdown::format_docs(self.as_str()),
impl Conv for ra_ide_api::FunctionSignature {
type Output = lsp_types::SignatureInformation;
fn conv(self) -> Self::Output {
use lsp_types::{ParameterInformation, ParameterLabel, SignatureInformation};
let label = self.to_string();
let documentation = self.doc.map(|it| it.conv());
let parameters: Vec<ParameterInformation> = self
.map(|param| ParameterInformation {
label: ParameterLabel::Simple(param),
documentation: None,
SignatureInformation { label, documentation, parameters: Some(parameters) }
impl ConvWith<(&LineIndex, LineEndings)> for TextEdit {
type Output = Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>;
fn conv_with(self, ctx: (&LineIndex, LineEndings)) -> Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit> {
impl ConvWith<(&LineIndex, LineEndings)> for &AtomTextEdit {
type Output = lsp_types::TextEdit;
fn conv_with(
(line_index, line_endings): (&LineIndex, LineEndings),
) -> lsp_types::TextEdit {
let mut new_text = self.insert.clone();
if line_endings == LineEndings::Dos {
new_text = new_text.replace('\n', "\r\n");
lsp_types::TextEdit { range: self.delete.conv_with(line_index), new_text }
impl<T: ConvWith<CTX>, CTX> ConvWith<CTX> for Option<T> {
type Output = Option<T::Output>;
fn conv_with(self, ctx: CTX) -> Self::Output {
self.map(|x| ConvWith::conv_with(x, ctx))
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &Url {
type Output = FileId;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FileId> {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for FileId {
type Output = Url;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<Url> {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &TextDocumentItem {
type Output = FileId;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FileId> {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
type Output = FileId;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FileId> {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &TextDocumentIdentifier {
type Output = FileId;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FileId> {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &TextDocumentPositionParams {
type Output = FilePosition;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FilePosition> {
let file_id = self.text_document.try_conv_with(world)?;
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
let offset = self.position.conv_with(&line_index);
Ok(FilePosition { file_id, offset })
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for (&TextDocumentIdentifier, Range) {
type Output = FileRange;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<FileRange> {
let file_id = self.0.try_conv_with(world)?;
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;
let range = self.1.conv_with(&line_index);
Ok(FileRange { file_id, range })
impl<T: TryConvWith<CTX>, CTX: Copy> TryConvWith<CTX> for Vec<T> {
type Output = Vec<<T as TryConvWith<CTX>>::Output>;
fn try_conv_with(self, ctx: CTX) -> Result<Self::Output> {
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(self.len());
for item in self {
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for SourceChange {
type Output = req::SourceChange;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<req::SourceChange> {
let cursor_position = match self.cursor_position {
None => None,
Some(pos) => {
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(pos.file_id)?;
let edit = self
.find(|it| it.file_id == pos.file_id)
.map(|it| &it.edit);
let line_col = match edit {
Some(edit) => translate_offset_with_edit(&*line_index, pos.offset, edit),
None => line_index.line_col(pos.offset),
let position =
Position::new(u64::from(line_col.line), u64::from(line_col.col_utf16));
Some(TextDocumentPositionParams {
text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier::new(pos.file_id.try_conv_with(world)?),
let mut document_changes: Vec<DocumentChangeOperation> = Vec::new();
for resource_op in self.file_system_edits.try_conv_with(world)? {
for text_document_edit in self.source_file_edits.try_conv_with(world)? {
let workspace_edit = WorkspaceEdit {
changes: None,
document_changes: Some(DocumentChanges::Operations(document_changes)),
Ok(req::SourceChange { label: self.label, workspace_edit, cursor_position })
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for SourceFileEdit {
type Output = TextDocumentEdit;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<TextDocumentEdit> {
let text_document = VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
uri: self.file_id.try_conv_with(world)?,
version: None,
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(self.file_id)?;
let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(self.file_id);
let edits =
self.edit.as_atoms().iter().map_conv_with((&line_index, line_endings)).collect();
Ok(TextDocumentEdit { text_document, edits })
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for FileSystemEdit {
type Output = ResourceOp;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<ResourceOp> {
let res = match self {
FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { source_root, path } => {
let uri = world.path_to_uri(source_root, &path)?;
ResourceOp::Create(CreateFile { uri, options: None })
FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { src, dst_source_root, dst_path } => {
let old_uri = world.file_id_to_uri(src)?;
let new_uri = world.path_to_uri(dst_source_root, &dst_path)?;
ResourceOp::Rename(RenameFile { old_uri, new_uri, options: None })
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for &NavigationTarget {
type Output = Location;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<Location> {
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(self.file_id())?;
let range = self.range();
to_location(self.file_id(), range, &world, &line_index)
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for (FileId, RangeInfo<NavigationTarget>) {
type Output = LocationLink;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<LocationLink> {
let (src_file_id, target) = self;
let target_uri = target.info.file_id().try_conv_with(world)?;
let src_line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(src_file_id)?;
let tgt_line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(target.info.file_id())?;
let target_range = target.info.full_range().conv_with(&tgt_line_index);
let target_selection_range = target
.map(|it| it.conv_with(&tgt_line_index))
let res = LocationLink {
origin_selection_range: Some(target.range.conv_with(&src_line_index)),
impl TryConvWith<&WorldSnapshot> for (FileId, RangeInfo<Vec<NavigationTarget>>) {
type Output = req::GotoDefinitionResponse;
fn try_conv_with(self, world: &WorldSnapshot) -> Result<req::GotoTypeDefinitionResponse> {
let (file_id, RangeInfo { range, info: navs }) = self;
let links = navs
.map(|nav| (file_id, RangeInfo::new(range, nav)))
if world.options.supports_location_link {
} else {
let locations: Vec<Location> = links
.map(|link| Location { uri: link.target_uri, range: link.target_selection_range })
pub fn to_location(
file_id: FileId,
range: TextRange,
world: &WorldSnapshot,
line_index: &LineIndex,
) -> Result<Location> {
let url = file_id.try_conv_with(world)?;
let loc = Location::new(url, range.conv_with(line_index));
pub trait MapConvWith<CTX>: Sized {
type Output;
fn map_conv_with(self, ctx: CTX) -> ConvWithIter<Self, CTX> {
ConvWithIter { iter: self, ctx }
impl<CTX, I> MapConvWith<CTX> for I
I: Iterator,
I::Item: ConvWith<CTX>,
type Output = <I::Item as ConvWith<CTX>>::Output;
pub struct ConvWithIter<I, CTX> {
iter: I,
ctx: CTX,
impl<I, CTX> Iterator for ConvWithIter<I, CTX>
I: Iterator,
I::Item: ConvWith<CTX>,
CTX: Copy,
type Item = <I::Item as ConvWith<CTX>>::Output;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
self.iter.next().map(|item| item.conv_with(self.ctx))
pub trait TryConvWithToVec<CTX>: Sized {
type Output;
fn try_conv_with_to_vec(self, ctx: CTX) -> Result<Vec<Self::Output>>;
impl<I, CTX> TryConvWithToVec<CTX> for I
I: Iterator,
I::Item: TryConvWith<CTX>,
CTX: Copy,
type Output = <I::Item as TryConvWith<CTX>>::Output;
fn try_conv_with_to_vec(self, ctx: CTX) -> Result<Vec<Self::Output>> {
self.map(|it| it.try_conv_with(ctx)).collect()