353 lines
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353 lines
13 KiB
//! The context or environment in which the language server functions. In our
//! server implementation this is know as the `WorldState`.
//! Each tick provides an immutable snapshot of the state as `WorldSnapshot`.
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Instant};
use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver, Sender};
use flycheck::FlycheckHandle;
use ide::{Analysis, AnalysisHost, Cancellable, Change, FileId};
use ide_db::base_db::{CrateId, VfsPath};
use lsp_types::{SemanticTokens, Url};
use parking_lot::{Mutex, RwLock};
use project_model::{
CargoWorkspace, ProcMacroClient, ProjectWorkspace, Target, WorkspaceBuildScripts,
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use vfs::AnchoredPathBuf;
use crate::{
diagnostics::{CheckFixes, DiagnosticCollection},
line_index::{LineEndings, LineIndex},
request_metrics::{LatestRequests, RequestMetrics},
// Enforces drop order
pub(crate) struct Handle<H, C> {
pub(crate) handle: H,
pub(crate) receiver: C,
pub(crate) type ReqHandler = fn(&mut GlobalState, lsp_server::Response);
pub(crate) type ReqQueue = lsp_server::ReqQueue<(String, Instant), ReqHandler>;
/// `GlobalState` is the primary mutable state of the language server
/// The most interesting components are `vfs`, which stores a consistent
/// snapshot of the file systems, and `analysis_host`, which stores our
/// incremental salsa database.
/// Note that this struct has more than on impl in various modules!
pub(crate) struct GlobalState {
sender: Sender<lsp_server::Message>,
req_queue: ReqQueue,
pub(crate) task_pool: Handle<TaskPool<Task>, Receiver<Task>>,
pub(crate) loader: Handle<Box<dyn vfs::loader::Handle>, Receiver<vfs::loader::Message>>,
pub(crate) config: Arc<Config>,
pub(crate) analysis_host: AnalysisHost,
pub(crate) diagnostics: DiagnosticCollection,
pub(crate) mem_docs: FxHashMap<VfsPath, DocumentData>,
pub(crate) semantic_tokens_cache: Arc<Mutex<FxHashMap<Url, SemanticTokens>>>,
pub(crate) shutdown_requested: bool,
pub(crate) last_reported_status: Option<lsp_ext::ServerStatusParams>,
pub(crate) source_root_config: SourceRootConfig,
pub(crate) proc_macro_client: Option<ProcMacroClient>,
pub(crate) flycheck: Vec<FlycheckHandle>,
pub(crate) flycheck_sender: Sender<flycheck::Message>,
pub(crate) flycheck_receiver: Receiver<flycheck::Message>,
pub(crate) vfs: Arc<RwLock<(vfs::Vfs, FxHashMap<FileId, LineEndings>)>>,
pub(crate) vfs_config_version: u32,
pub(crate) vfs_progress_config_version: u32,
pub(crate) vfs_progress_n_total: usize,
pub(crate) vfs_progress_n_done: usize,
/// `workspaces` field stores the data we actually use, while the `OpQueue`
/// stores the result of the last fetch.
/// If the fetch (partially) fails, we do not update the current value.
/// The handling of build data is subtle. We fetch workspace in two phases:
/// *First*, we run `cargo metadata`, which gives us fast results for
/// initial analysis.
/// *Second*, we run `cargo check` which runs build scripts and compiles
/// proc macros.
/// We need both for the precise analysis, but we want rust-analyzer to be
/// at least partially available just after the first phase. That's because
/// first phase is much faster, and is much less likely to fail.
/// This creates a complication -- by the time the second phase completes,
/// the results of the fist phase could be invalid. That is, while we run
/// `cargo check`, the user edits `Cargo.toml`, we notice this, and the new
/// `cargo metadata` completes before `cargo check`.
/// An additional complication is that we want to avoid needless work. When
/// the user just adds comments or whitespace to Cargo.toml, we do not want
/// to invalidate any salsa caches.
pub(crate) workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>,
pub(crate) fetch_workspaces_queue: OpQueue<Vec<anyhow::Result<ProjectWorkspace>>>,
pub(crate) fetch_build_data_queue:
OpQueue<(Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>, Vec<anyhow::Result<WorkspaceBuildScripts>>)>,
pub(crate) prime_caches_queue: OpQueue<()>,
latest_requests: Arc<RwLock<LatestRequests>>,
/// An immutable snapshot of the world's state at a point in time.
pub(crate) struct GlobalStateSnapshot {
pub(crate) config: Arc<Config>,
pub(crate) analysis: Analysis,
pub(crate) check_fixes: CheckFixes,
pub(crate) latest_requests: Arc<RwLock<LatestRequests>>,
mem_docs: FxHashMap<VfsPath, DocumentData>,
pub(crate) semantic_tokens_cache: Arc<Mutex<FxHashMap<Url, SemanticTokens>>>,
vfs: Arc<RwLock<(vfs::Vfs, FxHashMap<FileId, LineEndings>)>>,
pub(crate) workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>,
impl GlobalState {
pub(crate) fn new(sender: Sender<lsp_server::Message>, config: Config) -> GlobalState {
let loader = {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<vfs::loader::Message>();
let handle: vfs_notify::NotifyHandle =
vfs::loader::Handle::spawn(Box::new(move |msg| sender.send(msg).unwrap()));
let handle = Box::new(handle) as Box<dyn vfs::loader::Handle>;
Handle { handle, receiver }
let task_pool = {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded();
let handle = TaskPool::new(sender);
Handle { handle, receiver }
let analysis_host = AnalysisHost::new(config.lru_capacity());
let (flycheck_sender, flycheck_receiver) = unbounded();
let mut this = GlobalState {
req_queue: ReqQueue::default(),
config: Arc::new(config.clone()),
diagnostics: Default::default(),
mem_docs: FxHashMap::default(),
semantic_tokens_cache: Arc::new(Default::default()),
shutdown_requested: false,
last_reported_status: None,
source_root_config: SourceRootConfig::default(),
proc_macro_client: None,
flycheck: Vec::new(),
vfs: Arc::new(RwLock::new((vfs::Vfs::default(), FxHashMap::default()))),
vfs_config_version: 0,
vfs_progress_config_version: 0,
vfs_progress_n_total: 0,
vfs_progress_n_done: 0,
workspaces: Arc::new(Vec::new()),
fetch_workspaces_queue: OpQueue::default(),
prime_caches_queue: OpQueue::default(),
fetch_build_data_queue: OpQueue::default(),
latest_requests: Default::default(),
// Apply any required database inputs from the config.
pub(crate) fn process_changes(&mut self) -> bool {
let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::process_changes");
let mut fs_changes = Vec::new();
let mut has_fs_changes = false;
let change = {
let mut change = Change::new();
let (vfs, line_endings_map) = &mut *self.vfs.write();
let changed_files = vfs.take_changes();
if changed_files.is_empty() {
return false;
for file in changed_files {
if file.is_created_or_deleted() {
if let Some(path) = vfs.file_path(file.file_id).as_path() {
fs_changes.push((path.to_path_buf(), file.change_kind));
has_fs_changes = true;
let text = if file.exists() {
let bytes = vfs.file_contents(file.file_id).to_vec();
match String::from_utf8(bytes).ok() {
Some(text) => {
let (text, line_endings) = LineEndings::normalize(text);
line_endings_map.insert(file.file_id, line_endings);
None => None,
} else {
change.change_file(file.file_id, text);
if has_fs_changes {
let roots = self.source_root_config.partition(vfs);
pub(crate) fn snapshot(&self) -> GlobalStateSnapshot {
GlobalStateSnapshot {
config: Arc::clone(&self.config),
workspaces: Arc::clone(&self.workspaces),
analysis: self.analysis_host.analysis(),
vfs: Arc::clone(&self.vfs),
latest_requests: Arc::clone(&self.latest_requests),
check_fixes: Arc::clone(&self.diagnostics.check_fixes),
mem_docs: self.mem_docs.clone(),
semantic_tokens_cache: Arc::clone(&self.semantic_tokens_cache),
pub(crate) fn send_request<R: lsp_types::request::Request>(
&mut self,
params: R::Params,
handler: ReqHandler,
) {
let request = self.req_queue.outgoing.register(R::METHOD.to_string(), params, handler);
pub(crate) fn complete_request(&mut self, response: lsp_server::Response) {
let handler = self.req_queue.outgoing.complete(response.id.clone());
handler(self, response)
pub(crate) fn send_notification<N: lsp_types::notification::Notification>(
&mut self,
params: N::Params,
) {
let not = lsp_server::Notification::new(N::METHOD.to_string(), params);
pub(crate) fn register_request(
&mut self,
request: &lsp_server::Request,
request_received: Instant,
) {
.register(request.id.clone(), (request.method.clone(), request_received));
pub(crate) fn respond(&mut self, response: lsp_server::Response) {
if let Some((method, start)) = self.req_queue.incoming.complete(response.id.clone()) {
let duration = start.elapsed();
log::info!("handled req#{} in {:?}", response.id, duration);
let metrics = RequestMetrics { id: response.id.clone(), method, duration };
pub(crate) fn cancel(&mut self, request_id: lsp_server::RequestId) {
if let Some(response) = self.req_queue.incoming.cancel(request_id) {
fn send(&mut self, message: lsp_server::Message) {
impl Drop for GlobalState {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl GlobalStateSnapshot {
pub(crate) fn url_to_file_id(&self, url: &Url) -> Result<FileId> {
url_to_file_id(&self.vfs.read().0, url)
pub(crate) fn file_id_to_url(&self, id: FileId) -> Url {
file_id_to_url(&self.vfs.read().0, id)
pub(crate) fn file_line_index(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Cancellable<LineIndex> {
let endings = self.vfs.read().1[&file_id];
let index = self.analysis.file_line_index(file_id)?;
let res = LineIndex { index, endings, encoding: self.config.offset_encoding() };
pub(crate) fn url_file_version(&self, url: &Url) -> Option<i32> {
let path = from_proto::vfs_path(url).ok()?;
pub(crate) fn anchored_path(&self, path: &AnchoredPathBuf) -> Url {
let mut base = self.vfs.read().0.file_path(path.anchor);
let path = base.join(&path.path).unwrap();
let path = path.as_path().unwrap();
pub(crate) fn cargo_target_for_crate_root(
crate_id: CrateId,
) -> Option<(&CargoWorkspace, Target)> {
let file_id = self.analysis.crate_root(crate_id).ok()?;
let path = self.vfs.read().0.file_path(file_id);
let path = path.as_path()?;
self.workspaces.iter().find_map(|ws| match ws {
ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo, .. } => {
cargo.target_by_root(path).map(|it| (cargo, it))
ProjectWorkspace::Json { .. } => None,
ProjectWorkspace::DetachedFiles { .. } => None,
pub(crate) fn file_id_to_url(vfs: &vfs::Vfs, id: FileId) -> Url {
let path = vfs.file_path(id);
let path = path.as_path().unwrap();
pub(crate) fn url_to_file_id(vfs: &vfs::Vfs, url: &Url) -> Result<FileId> {
let path = from_proto::vfs_path(url)?;
let res = vfs.file_id(&path).ok_or_else(|| format!("file not found: {}", path))?;