Nick Cameron 843db01bd9 eddyb's changes for DST coercions
+ lots of rebasing
2015-05-13 14:19:51 +12:00

347 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Detecting language items.
// Language items are items that represent concepts intrinsic to the language
// itself. Examples are:
// * Traits that specify "kinds"; e.g. "Sync", "Send".
// * Traits that represent operators; e.g. "Add", "Sub", "Index".
// * Functions called by the compiler itself.
pub use self::LangItem::*;
use session::Session;
use metadata::csearch::each_lang_item;
use middle::ty;
use middle::weak_lang_items;
use util::nodemap::FnvHashMap;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast_util::local_def;
use syntax::attr::AttrMetaMethods;
use syntax::codemap::{DUMMY_SP, Span};
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
use syntax::visit::Visitor;
use syntax::visit;
use std::iter::Enumerate;
use std::slice;
// The actual lang items defined come at the end of this file in one handy table.
// So you probably just want to nip down to the end.
macro_rules! lets_do_this {
$( $variant:ident, $name:expr, $method:ident; )*
) => {
enum_from_u32! {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum LangItem {
pub struct LanguageItems {
pub items: Vec<Option<ast::DefId>>,
pub missing: Vec<LangItem>,
impl LanguageItems {
pub fn new() -> LanguageItems {
fn foo(_: LangItem) -> Option<ast::DefId> { None }
LanguageItems {
items: vec!($(foo($variant)),*),
missing: Vec::new(),
pub fn items<'a>(&'a self) -> Enumerate<slice::Iter<'a, Option<ast::DefId>>> {
pub fn item_name(index: usize) -> &'static str {
let item: Option<LangItem> = LangItem::from_u32(index as u32);
match item {
$( Some($variant) => $name, )*
None => "???"
pub fn require(&self, it: LangItem) -> Result<ast::DefId, String> {
match self.items[it as usize] {
Some(id) => Ok(id),
None => {
Err(format!("requires `{}` lang_item",
LanguageItems::item_name(it as usize)))
pub fn from_builtin_kind(&self, bound: ty::BuiltinBound)
-> Result<ast::DefId, String>
match bound {
ty::BoundSend => self.require(SendTraitLangItem),
ty::BoundSized => self.require(SizedTraitLangItem),
ty::BoundCopy => self.require(CopyTraitLangItem),
ty::BoundSync => self.require(SyncTraitLangItem),
pub fn to_builtin_kind(&self, id: ast::DefId) -> Option<ty::BuiltinBound> {
if Some(id) == self.send_trait() {
} else if Some(id) == self.sized_trait() {
} else if Some(id) == self.copy_trait() {
} else if Some(id) == self.sync_trait() {
} else {
pub fn fn_trait_kind(&self, id: ast::DefId) -> Option<ty::ClosureKind> {
let def_id_kinds = [
(self.fn_trait(), ty::FnClosureKind),
(self.fn_mut_trait(), ty::FnMutClosureKind),
(self.fn_once_trait(), ty::FnOnceClosureKind),
for &(opt_def_id, kind) in &def_id_kinds {
if Some(id) == opt_def_id {
return Some(kind);
pub fn $method(&self) -> Option<ast::DefId> {
self.items[$variant as usize]
struct LanguageItemCollector<'a> {
items: LanguageItems,
session: &'a Session,
item_refs: FnvHashMap<&'static str, usize>,
impl<'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for LanguageItemCollector<'a> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &ast::Item) {
if let Some(value) = extract(&item.attrs) {
let item_index = self.item_refs.get(&value[..]).cloned();
if let Some(item_index) = item_index {
self.collect_item(item_index, local_def(, item.span)
visit::walk_item(self, item);
impl<'a> LanguageItemCollector<'a> {
pub fn new(session: &'a Session) -> LanguageItemCollector<'a> {
let mut item_refs = FnvHashMap();
$( item_refs.insert($name, $variant as usize); )*
LanguageItemCollector {
session: session,
items: LanguageItems::new(),
item_refs: item_refs
pub fn collect_item(&mut self, item_index: usize,
item_def_id: ast::DefId, span: Span) {
// Check for duplicates.
match self.items.items[item_index] {
Some(original_def_id) if original_def_id != item_def_id => {
span_err!(self.session, span, E0152,
"duplicate entry for `{}`", LanguageItems::item_name(item_index));
Some(_) | None => {
// OK.
// Matched.
self.items.items[item_index] = Some(item_def_id);
pub fn collect_local_language_items(&mut self, krate: &ast::Crate) {
visit::walk_crate(self, krate);
pub fn collect_external_language_items(&mut self) {
let crate_store = &self.session.cstore;
crate_store.iter_crate_data(|crate_number, _crate_metadata| {
each_lang_item(crate_store, crate_number, |node_id, item_index| {
let def_id = ast::DefId { krate: crate_number, node: node_id };
self.collect_item(item_index, def_id, DUMMY_SP);
pub fn collect(&mut self, krate: &ast::Crate) {
pub fn extract(attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) -> Option<InternedString> {
for attribute in attrs {
match attribute.value_str() {
Some(ref value) if attribute.check_name("lang") => {
return Some(value.clone());
_ => {}
return None;
pub fn collect_language_items(krate: &ast::Crate,
session: &Session) -> LanguageItems {
let mut collector = LanguageItemCollector::new(session);
let LanguageItemCollector { mut items, .. } = collector;
weak_lang_items::check_crate(krate, session, &mut items);
// End of the macro
lets_do_this! {
// Variant name, Name, Method name;
CharImplItem, "char", char_impl;
StrImplItem, "str", str_impl;
SliceImplItem, "slice", slice_impl;
ConstPtrImplItem, "const_ptr", const_ptr_impl;
MutPtrImplItem, "mut_ptr", mut_ptr_impl;
I8ImplItem, "i8", i8_impl;
I16ImplItem, "i16", i16_impl;
I32ImplItem, "i32", i32_impl;
I64ImplItem, "i64", i64_impl;
IsizeImplItem, "isize", isize_impl;
U8ImplItem, "u8", u8_impl;
U16ImplItem, "u16", u16_impl;
U32ImplItem, "u32", u32_impl;
U64ImplItem, "u64", u64_impl;
UsizeImplItem, "usize", usize_impl;
F32ImplItem, "f32", f32_impl;
F64ImplItem, "f64", f64_impl;
SendTraitLangItem, "send", send_trait;
SizedTraitLangItem, "sized", sized_trait;
UnsizeTraitLangItem, "unsize", unsize_trait;
CopyTraitLangItem, "copy", copy_trait;
SyncTraitLangItem, "sync", sync_trait;
DropTraitLangItem, "drop", drop_trait;
CoerceUnsizedTraitLangItem, "coerce_unsized", coerce_unsized_trait;
AddTraitLangItem, "add", add_trait;
SubTraitLangItem, "sub", sub_trait;
MulTraitLangItem, "mul", mul_trait;
DivTraitLangItem, "div", div_trait;
RemTraitLangItem, "rem", rem_trait;
NegTraitLangItem, "neg", neg_trait;
NotTraitLangItem, "not", not_trait;
BitXorTraitLangItem, "bitxor", bitxor_trait;
BitAndTraitLangItem, "bitand", bitand_trait;
BitOrTraitLangItem, "bitor", bitor_trait;
ShlTraitLangItem, "shl", shl_trait;
ShrTraitLangItem, "shr", shr_trait;
IndexTraitLangItem, "index", index_trait;
IndexMutTraitLangItem, "index_mut", index_mut_trait;
RangeStructLangItem, "range", range_struct;
RangeFromStructLangItem, "range_from", range_from_struct;
RangeToStructLangItem, "range_to", range_to_struct;
RangeFullStructLangItem, "range_full", range_full_struct;
UnsafeCellTypeLangItem, "unsafe_cell", unsafe_cell_type;
DerefTraitLangItem, "deref", deref_trait;
DerefMutTraitLangItem, "deref_mut", deref_mut_trait;
FnTraitLangItem, "fn", fn_trait;
FnMutTraitLangItem, "fn_mut", fn_mut_trait;
FnOnceTraitLangItem, "fn_once", fn_once_trait;
EqTraitLangItem, "eq", eq_trait;
OrdTraitLangItem, "ord", ord_trait;
StrEqFnLangItem, "str_eq", str_eq_fn;
// A number of panic-related lang items. The `panic` item corresponds to
// divide-by-zero and various panic cases with `match`. The
// `panic_bounds_check` item is for indexing arrays.
// The `begin_unwind` lang item has a predefined symbol name and is sort of
// a "weak lang item" in the sense that a crate is not required to have it
// defined to use it, but a final product is required to define it
// somewhere. Additionally, there are restrictions on crates that use a weak
// lang item, but do not have it defined.
PanicFnLangItem, "panic", panic_fn;
PanicBoundsCheckFnLangItem, "panic_bounds_check", panic_bounds_check_fn;
PanicFmtLangItem, "panic_fmt", panic_fmt;
ExchangeMallocFnLangItem, "exchange_malloc", exchange_malloc_fn;
ExchangeFreeFnLangItem, "exchange_free", exchange_free_fn;
StrDupUniqFnLangItem, "strdup_uniq", strdup_uniq_fn;
StartFnLangItem, "start", start_fn;
EhPersonalityLangItem, "eh_personality", eh_personality;
ExchangeHeapLangItem, "exchange_heap", exchange_heap;
OwnedBoxLangItem, "owned_box", owned_box;
PhantomDataItem, "phantom_data", phantom_data;
// Deprecated:
CovariantTypeItem, "covariant_type", covariant_type;
ContravariantTypeItem, "contravariant_type", contravariant_type;
InvariantTypeItem, "invariant_type", invariant_type;
CovariantLifetimeItem, "covariant_lifetime", covariant_lifetime;
ContravariantLifetimeItem, "contravariant_lifetime", contravariant_lifetime;
InvariantLifetimeItem, "invariant_lifetime", invariant_lifetime;
NoCopyItem, "no_copy_bound", no_copy_bound;
NonZeroItem, "non_zero", non_zero;
StackExhaustedLangItem, "stack_exhausted", stack_exhausted;
DebugTraitLangItem, "debug_trait", debug_trait;