Indexes are listed in ~/.cargo/sources.json and ~/.cargo/local-sources.json, the former of which is stored in the rust source tree in src/cargo. Each entry in either of these files is a source, which is a dictionary with (currently) a single key, "url". The supplied url should point to a json list, each element of which should be a dictionary with four keys: "name", "uuid", "url", and "method". The name and uuid serve to identify the package; the method describes how to fetch the package; the url describes where to fetch it from. Currently supported methods are "git", "http", and "file". Signed-off-by: Elly Jones <elly@leptoquark.net>
6 lines
92 B
6 lines
92 B
"elly": {
"url": "https://raw.github.com/elly/rust-packages/master/packages.json"