As per https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2013-July/004685.html This is the initial machinery to setup the l10n infrastructure for markdown documentation. A new "docs-l10n" target will take care of generating, updating and then building .pot and .po files, and later on the final .md. This commit includes the .pot for all current .md docs; they can be feed directly to Mozilla Verbatim if wanted. Please note that po4a only provides the orig.md -> .pot -> l10n.po -> l10n.md flow. The l10n.md -> l10n.html generation is not currently built in the makefile, as no language has been enabled.
Pandoc, a universal document converter, is required to generate docs as HTML from Rust's source code. It's available for most platforms here: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html Node.js (http://nodejs.org/) is also required for generating HTML from the Markdown docs (reference manual, tutorials, etc.) distributed with this git repository. To generate all the docs, run `make docs` from the root of the repository. This will convert the distributed Markdown docs to HTML and generate HTML doc for the 'std' and 'extra' libraries. To generate HTML documentation from one source file/crate, do something like: rustdoc --output-dir html-doc/ --output-format html ../src/libstd/path.rs (This, of course, requires that you've built/installed the `rustdoc` tool.) To generate an HTML version of a doc from Markdown, without having Node.js installed, do something like: pandoc --from=markdown --to=html --number-sections -o rust.html rust.md The syntax for pandoc flavored markdown can be found at: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#pandocs-markdown A nice quick reference (for non-pandoc markdown) is at: http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/quickref.html