225 lines
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225 lines
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use ast;
use codemap::span;
use ext::base::ext_ctxt;
use ext::pipes::ast_builder::{append_types, ext_ctxt_ast_builder, path};
use core::to_str::ToStr;
pub enum direction { send, recv }
impl ToStr for direction {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
match *self {
send => ~"Send",
recv => ~"Recv"
pub impl direction {
fn reverse(&self) -> direction {
match *self {
send => recv,
recv => send
pub struct next_state {
state: ~str,
tys: ~[@ast::Ty],
// name, span, data, current state, next state
pub struct message(~str, span, ~[@ast::Ty], state, Option<next_state>);
pub impl message {
fn name(&mut self) -> ~str {
match *self {
message(ref id, _, _, _, _) => copy *id
fn span(&mut self) -> span {
match *self {
message(_, span, _, _, _) => span
/// Return the type parameters actually used by this message
fn get_generics(&self) -> ast::Generics {
match *self {
message(_, _, _, this, _) => copy this.generics
pub type state = @state_;
pub struct state_ {
id: uint,
name: ~str,
ident: ast::ident,
span: span,
dir: direction,
generics: ast::Generics,
messages: @mut ~[message],
proto: protocol
pub impl state_ {
fn add_message(@self, +name: ~str, span: span,
+data: ~[@ast::Ty], +next: Option<next_state>) {
self.messages.push(message(name, span, data, self,
fn filename(&self) -> ~str {
fn data_name(&self) -> ast::ident {
/// Returns the type that is used for the messages.
fn to_ty(&self, cx: @ext_ctxt) -> @ast::Ty {
/// Iterate over the states that can be reached in one message
/// from this state.
fn reachable(&self, f: &fn(state) -> bool) {
for self.messages.each |m| {
match *m {
message(_, _, _, _, Some(next_state { state: ref id, _ })) => {
let state = self.proto.get_state((*id));
if !f(state) { break }
_ => ()
pub type protocol = @mut protocol_;
pub fn protocol(+name: ~str, +span: span) -> protocol {
@mut protocol_(name, span)
pub fn protocol_(+name: ~str, span: span) -> protocol_ {
protocol_ {
name: name,
span: span,
states: @mut ~[],
bounded: None
pub struct protocol_ {
name: ~str,
span: span,
states: @mut ~[state],
bounded: Option<bool>,
pub impl protocol_ {
/// Get a state.
fn get_state(&mut self, name: ~str) -> state {
self.states.find(|i| i.name == name).get()
fn get_state_by_id(&mut self, id: uint) -> state { self.states[id] }
fn has_state(&mut self, name: ~str) -> bool {
self.states.find(|i| i.name == name).is_some()
fn filename(&mut self) -> ~str {
~"proto://" + self.name
fn num_states(&mut self) -> uint {
let states = &mut *self.states;
fn has_ty_params(&mut self) -> bool {
for self.states.each |s| {
if s.generics.ty_params.len() > 0 {
return true;
fn is_bounded(&mut self) -> bool {
let bounded = self.bounded.get();
pub impl protocol_ {
fn add_state_poly(@mut self,
+name: ~str,
ident: ast::ident,
dir: direction,
+generics: ast::Generics)
-> state {
let messages = @mut ~[];
let states = &*self.states;
let state = @state_ {
id: states.len(),
name: name,
ident: ident,
span: self.span,
dir: dir,
generics: generics,
messages: messages,
proto: self
pub trait visitor<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage> {
fn visit_proto(&self, proto: protocol, st: &[Tstate]) -> Tproto;
fn visit_state(&self, state: state, m: &[Tmessage]) -> Tstate;
fn visit_message(&self, name: ~str, spane: span, tys: &[@ast::Ty],
this: state, next: Option<next_state>) -> Tmessage;
pub fn visit<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage, V: visitor<Tproto, Tstate, Tmessage>>(
proto: protocol, visitor: V) -> Tproto {
// the copy keywords prevent recursive use of dvec
let states = do (copy proto.states).map_to_vec |&s| {
let messages = do (copy s.messages).map_to_vec |&m| {
let message(name, span, tys, this, next) = m;
visitor.visit_message(name, span, tys, this, next)
visitor.visit_state(s, messages)
visitor.visit_proto(proto, states)