893 lines
27 KiB
893 lines
27 KiB
import std._str;
import std._vec;
import std._str.rustrt.sbuf;
import std._vec.rustrt.vbuf;
import std.map.hashmap;
import front.ast;
import driver.session;
import back.x86;
import back.abi;
import util.common.istr;
import util.common.new_str_hash;
import util.common.option;
import util.common.some;
import util.common.none;
import lib.llvm.llvm;
import lib.llvm.builder;
import lib.llvm.llvm.ModuleRef;
import lib.llvm.llvm.ValueRef;
import lib.llvm.llvm.TypeRef;
import lib.llvm.llvm.BuilderRef;
import lib.llvm.llvm.BasicBlockRef;
import lib.llvm.False;
import lib.llvm.True;
state obj namegen(mutable int i) {
fn next(str prefix) -> str {
i += 1;
ret prefix + istr(i);
type glue_fns = rec(ValueRef activate_glue,
ValueRef yield_glue,
ValueRef exit_task_glue,
vec[ValueRef] upcall_glues);
state type trans_ctxt = rec(session.session sess,
ModuleRef llmod,
hashmap[str,ValueRef] upcalls,
hashmap[str,ValueRef] fns,
@glue_fns glues,
namegen names,
str path);
state type fn_ctxt = rec(ValueRef llfn,
ValueRef lloutptr,
ValueRef lltaskptr,
@trans_ctxt tcx);
type terminator = fn(@fn_ctxt cx, builder build);
tag cleanup {
clean(fn(@block_ctxt cx) -> result);
state type block_ctxt = rec(BasicBlockRef llbb,
builder build,
terminator term,
mutable vec[cleanup] cleanups,
@fn_ctxt fcx);
state type result = rec(mutable @block_ctxt bcx,
mutable ValueRef val);
fn res(@block_ctxt bcx, ValueRef val) -> result {
ret rec(mutable bcx = bcx,
mutable val = val);
fn ty_str(TypeRef t) -> str {
ret lib.llvm.type_to_str(t);
fn val_ty(ValueRef v) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMTypeOf(v);
fn val_str(ValueRef v) -> str {
ret ty_str(val_ty(v));
// LLVM type constructors.
fn T_void() -> TypeRef {
// Note: For the time being llvm is kinda busted here, it has the notion
// of a 'void' type that can only occur as part of the signature of a
// function, but no general unit type of 0-sized value. This is, afaict,
// vestigial from its C heritage, and we'll be attempting to submit a
// patch upstream to fix it. In the mean time we only model function
// outputs (Rust functions and C functions) using T_void, and model the
// Rust general purpose nil type you can construct as 1-bit (always
// zero). This makes the result incorrect for now -- things like a tuple
// of 10 nil values will have 10-bit size -- but it doesn't seem like we
// have any other options until it's fixed upstream.
ret llvm.LLVMVoidType();
fn T_nil() -> TypeRef {
// NB: See above in T_void().
ret llvm.LLVMInt1Type();
fn T_i1() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMInt1Type();
fn T_i8() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMInt8Type();
fn T_i16() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMInt16Type();
fn T_i32() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMInt32Type();
fn T_i64() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMInt64Type();
fn T_int() -> TypeRef {
// FIXME: switch on target type.
ret T_i32();
fn T_fn(vec[TypeRef] inputs, TypeRef output) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMFunctionType(output,
fn T_ptr(TypeRef t) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMPointerType(t, 0u);
fn T_struct(vec[TypeRef] elts) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMStructType(_vec.buf[TypeRef](elts),
fn T_opaque() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMOpaqueType();
fn T_task() -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct(vec(T_int(), // Refcount
T_int(), // Delegate pointer
T_int(), // Stack segment pointer
T_int(), // Runtime SP
T_int(), // Rust SP
T_int(), // GC chain
T_int(), // Domain pointer
T_int() // Crate cache pointer
fn T_array(TypeRef t, uint n) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMArrayType(t, n);
fn T_vec(TypeRef t, uint n) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct(vec(T_int(), // Refcount
T_int(), // Alloc
T_int(), // Fill
T_array(t, n) // Body elements
fn T_str(uint n) -> TypeRef {
ret T_vec(T_i8(), n);
fn T_crate() -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct(vec(T_int(), // ptrdiff_t image_base_off
T_int(), // uintptr_t self_addr
T_int(), // ptrdiff_t debug_abbrev_off
T_int(), // size_t debug_abbrev_sz
T_int(), // ptrdiff_t debug_info_off
T_int(), // size_t debug_info_sz
T_int(), // size_t activate_glue_off
T_int(), // size_t yield_glue_off
T_int(), // size_t unwind_glue_off
T_int(), // size_t gc_glue_off
T_int(), // size_t main_exit_task_glue_off
T_int(), // int n_rust_syms
T_int(), // int n_c_syms
T_int() // int n_libs
fn T_double() -> TypeRef {
ret llvm.LLVMDoubleType();
fn T_taskptr() -> TypeRef {
ret T_ptr(T_task());
// LLVM constant constructors.
fn C_null(TypeRef t) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm.LLVMConstNull(t);
fn C_integral(int i, TypeRef t) -> ValueRef {
// FIXME. We can't use LLVM.ULongLong with our existing minimal native
// API, which only knows word-sized args. Lucky for us LLVM has a "take a
// string encoding" version. Hilarious. Please fix to handle:
// ret llvm.LLVMConstInt(T_int(), t as LLVM.ULongLong, False);
ret llvm.LLVMConstIntOfString(t, _str.buf(istr(i)), 10);
fn C_nil() -> ValueRef {
// NB: See comment above in T_void().
ret C_integral(0, T_i1());
fn C_bool(bool b) -> ValueRef {
if (b) {
ret C_integral(1, T_i1());
} else {
ret C_integral(0, T_i1());
fn C_int(int i) -> ValueRef {
ret C_integral(i, T_int());
fn C_str(@trans_ctxt cx, str s) -> ValueRef {
auto sc = llvm.LLVMConstString(_str.buf(s), _str.byte_len(s), False);
auto g = llvm.LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, val_ty(sc),
llvm.LLVMSetInitializer(g, sc);
ret g;
fn C_struct(vec[ValueRef] elts) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm.LLVMConstStruct(_vec.buf[ValueRef](elts),
fn decl_cdecl_fn(ModuleRef llmod, str name,
vec[TypeRef] inputs, TypeRef output) -> ValueRef {
let TypeRef llty = T_fn(inputs, output);
log "declaring " + name + " with type " + ty_str(llty);
let ValueRef llfn =
llvm.LLVMAddFunction(llmod, _str.buf(name), llty);
llvm.LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(llfn, lib.llvm.LLVMCCallConv);
ret llfn;
fn decl_glue(ModuleRef llmod, str s) -> ValueRef {
ret decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, s, vec(T_taskptr()), T_void());
fn decl_upcall(ModuleRef llmod, uint _n) -> ValueRef {
// It doesn't actually matter what type we come up with here, at the
// moment, as we cast the upcall function pointers to int before passing
// them to the indirect upcall-invocation glue. But eventually we'd like
// to call them directly, once we have a calling convention worked out.
let int n = _n as int;
let str s = abi.upcall_glue_name(n);
let vec[TypeRef] args =
vec(T_taskptr(), // taskptr
T_int()) // callee
+ _vec.init_elt[TypeRef](T_int(), n as uint);
ret decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, s, args, T_int());
fn get_upcall(@trans_ctxt cx, str name, int n_args) -> ValueRef {
if (cx.upcalls.contains_key(name)) {
ret cx.upcalls.get(name);
auto inputs = vec(T_taskptr());
inputs += _vec.init_elt[TypeRef](T_int(), n_args as uint);
auto output = T_int();
auto f = decl_cdecl_fn(cx.llmod, name, inputs, output);
cx.upcalls.insert(name, f);
ret f;
fn trans_upcall(@block_ctxt cx, str name, vec[ValueRef] args) -> result {
let int n = _vec.len[ValueRef](args) as int;
let ValueRef llupcall = get_upcall(cx.fcx.tcx, name, n);
llupcall = llvm.LLVMConstPointerCast(llupcall, T_int());
let ValueRef llglue = cx.fcx.tcx.glues.upcall_glues.(n);
let vec[ValueRef] call_args = vec(cx.fcx.lltaskptr, llupcall);
for (ValueRef a in args) {
call_args += cx.build.ZExtOrBitCast(a, T_int());
log "emitting indirect-upcall via " + abi.upcall_glue_name(n);
for (ValueRef v in call_args) {
log "arg: " + val_str(v);
log "emitting call to llglue of type: " + val_str(llglue);
ret res(cx, cx.build.Call(llglue, call_args));
fn trans_non_gc_free(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v) -> result {
ret trans_upcall(cx, "upcall_free", vec(cx.build.PtrToInt(v, T_int()),
fn decr_refcnt_and_if_zero(@block_ctxt cx,
ValueRef box_ptr,
fn(@block_ctxt cx) -> result inner,
TypeRef t_else, ValueRef v_else) -> result {
auto rc_ptr = cx.build.GEP(box_ptr, vec(C_int(0),
auto rc = cx.build.Load(rc_ptr);
rc = cx.build.Sub(rc, C_int(1));
cx.build.Store(rc, rc_ptr);
auto test = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntEQ, C_int(0), rc);
auto next_cx = new_extension_block_ctxt(cx);
auto then_cx = new_empty_block_ctxt(cx.fcx);
auto then_res = inner(then_cx);
cx.build.CondBr(test, then_res.bcx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
auto phi = next_cx.build.Phi(t_else,
vec(v_else, then_res.val),
vec(cx.llbb, then_res.bcx.llbb));
ret res(next_cx, phi);
fn trans_drop_str(@block_ctxt cx, ValueRef v) -> result {
ret decr_refcnt_and_if_zero(cx, v,
bind trans_non_gc_free(_, v),
T_int(), C_int(0));
fn trans_lit(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.lit lit) -> result {
alt (lit.node) {
case (ast.lit_int(?i)) {
ret res(cx, C_int(i));
case (ast.lit_uint(?u)) {
ret res(cx, C_int(u as int));
case (ast.lit_char(?c)) {
ret res(cx, C_integral(c as int, T_i32()));
case (ast.lit_bool(?b)) {
ret res(cx, C_bool(b));
case (ast.lit_nil) {
ret res(cx, C_nil());
case (ast.lit_str(?s)) {
auto len = (_str.byte_len(s) as int) + 1;
auto sub = trans_upcall(cx, "upcall_new_str",
vec(p2i(C_str(cx.fcx.tcx, s)),
sub.val = sub.bcx.build.IntToPtr(sub.val,
T_ptr(T_str(len as uint)));
cx.cleanups += vec(clean(bind trans_drop_str(_, sub.val)));
ret sub;
fn trans_unary(@block_ctxt cx, ast.unop op, &ast.expr e) -> result {
auto sub = trans_expr(cx, e);
alt (op) {
case (ast.bitnot) {
sub.val = cx.build.Not(sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.not) {
sub.val = cx.build.Not(sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.neg) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.Neg(sub.val);
ret sub;
cx.fcx.tcx.sess.unimpl("expr variant in trans_unary");
fn trans_binary(@block_ctxt cx, ast.binop op,
&ast.expr a, &ast.expr b) -> result {
auto lhs = trans_expr(cx, a);
auto sub = trans_expr(lhs.bcx, b);
alt (op) {
case (ast.add) {
sub.val = cx.build.Add(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.sub) {
sub.val = cx.build.Sub(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.mul) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.Mul(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.div) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.SDiv(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.rem) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.SRem(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.bitor) {
sub.val = cx.build.Or(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.bitand) {
sub.val = cx.build.And(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.bitxor) {
sub.val = cx.build.Xor(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.lsl) {
sub.val = cx.build.Shl(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.lsr) {
sub.val = cx.build.LShr(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.asr) {
sub.val = cx.build.AShr(lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.eq) {
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntEQ, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.ne) {
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntNE, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.lt) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntSLT, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.le) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntSLE, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.ge) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntSGE, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
case (ast.gt) {
// FIXME: switch by signedness.
sub.val = cx.build.ICmp(lib.llvm.LLVMIntSGT, lhs.val, sub.val);
ret sub;
cx.fcx.tcx.sess.unimpl("expr variant in trans_binary");
fn trans_if(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.expr cond,
&ast.block thn, &option[ast.block] els) -> result {
auto cond_res = trans_expr(cx, cond);
auto then_cx = new_empty_block_ctxt(cx.fcx);
auto then_res = trans_block(then_cx, thn);
auto next_cx = new_extension_block_ctxt(cx);
auto phi;
alt (els) {
case (some[ast.block](?eblk)) {
auto else_cx = new_empty_block_ctxt(cx.fcx);
auto else_res = trans_block(else_cx, eblk);
phi = next_cx.build.Phi(T_nil(),
case (_) {
phi = next_cx.build.Phi(T_nil(),
vec(then_res.val, C_nil()),
ret res(next_cx, phi);
fn trans_expr(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.expr e) -> result {
alt (e.node) {
case (ast.expr_lit(?lit)) {
ret trans_lit(cx, *lit);
case (ast.expr_unary(?op, ?x)) {
ret trans_unary(cx, op, *x);
case (ast.expr_binary(?op, ?x, ?y)) {
ret trans_binary(cx, op, *x, *y);
case (ast.expr_if(?cond, ?thn, ?els)) {
ret trans_if(cx, *cond, thn, els);
case (ast.expr_block(?blk)) {
auto sub_cx = new_empty_block_ctxt(cx.fcx);
auto next_cx = new_extension_block_ctxt(cx);
auto sub = trans_block(sub_cx, blk);
ret res(next_cx, sub.val);
cx.fcx.tcx.sess.unimpl("expr variant in trans_expr");
fn trans_log(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.expr e) -> result {
alt (e.node) {
case (ast.expr_lit(?lit)) {
alt (lit.node) {
case (ast.lit_str(_)) {
auto sub = trans_expr(cx, e);
auto v = sub.bcx.build.PtrToInt(sub.val, T_int());
ret trans_upcall(sub.bcx,
case (_) {
auto sub = trans_expr(cx, e);
ret trans_upcall(sub.bcx,
case (_) {
auto sub = trans_expr(cx, e);
ret trans_upcall(sub.bcx, "upcall_log_int", vec(sub.val));
fn trans_stmt(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.stmt s) -> result {
auto sub = res(cx, C_nil());
alt (s.node) {
case (ast.stmt_log(?a)) {
sub.bcx = trans_log(cx, *a).bcx;
case (ast.stmt_expr(?e)) {
sub.bcx = trans_expr(cx, *e).bcx;
case (_) {
cx.fcx.tcx.sess.unimpl("stmt variant");
ret sub;
fn new_builder(BasicBlockRef llbb) -> builder {
let BuilderRef llbuild = llvm.LLVMCreateBuilder();
llvm.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(llbuild, llbb);
ret builder(llbuild);
// You probably don't want to use this one. See the
// next three functions instead.
fn new_block_ctxt(@fn_ctxt cx, terminator term,
vec[cleanup] cleanups) -> @block_ctxt {
let BasicBlockRef llbb =
llvm.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(cx.llfn, _str.buf(""));
ret @rec(llbb=llbb,
mutable cleanups=cleanups,
// Use this when you are making a block_ctxt to replace the
// current one, i.e. when chaining together sequences of stmts
// or making sub-blocks you will branch back out of and wish to
// "carry on" in the parent block's context.
fn new_extension_block_ctxt(@block_ctxt bcx) -> @block_ctxt {
ret new_block_ctxt(bcx.fcx, bcx.term, bcx.cleanups);
// Use this when you're at the top block of a function or the like.
fn new_top_block_ctxt(@fn_ctxt fcx) -> @block_ctxt {
fn terminate_ret_void(@fn_ctxt cx, builder build) {
auto term = terminate_ret_void;
let vec[cleanup] cleanups = vec();
ret new_block_ctxt(fcx, term, cleanups);
// Use this when you are making a block_ctxt to replace the
// current one, i.e. when chaining together sequences of stmts
// or making sub-blocks you will branch back out of and wish to
// "carry on" in the parent block's context.
fn new_empty_block_ctxt(@fn_ctxt fcx) -> @block_ctxt {
fn terminate_no_op(@fn_ctxt cx, builder build) {
auto term = terminate_no_op;
let vec[cleanup] cleanups = vec();
ret new_block_ctxt(fcx, term, cleanups);
fn trans_block_cleanups(@block_ctxt cx) -> @block_ctxt {
auto bcx = cx;
for (cleanup c in cx.cleanups) {
alt (c) {
case (clean(?cfn)) {
bcx = cfn(bcx).bcx;
ret bcx;
fn trans_block(@block_ctxt cx, &ast.block b) -> result {
auto bcx = cx;
for (@ast.stmt s in b.node) {
bcx = trans_stmt(bcx, *s).bcx;
bcx = trans_block_cleanups(bcx);
bcx.term(bcx.fcx, bcx.build);
ret res(bcx, C_nil());
fn new_fn_ctxt(@trans_ctxt cx,
str name,
TypeRef T_out,
vec[TypeRef] T_explicit_args) -> @fn_ctxt {
let vec[TypeRef] args = vec(T_ptr(T_out), // outptr.
T_taskptr() // taskptr
args += T_explicit_args;
let ValueRef llfn = decl_cdecl_fn(cx.llmod, name, args, T_void());
cx.fns.insert(cx.path, llfn);
let ValueRef lloutptr = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0u);
let ValueRef lltaskptr = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llfn, 1u);
ret @rec(llfn=llfn,
fn trans_fn(@trans_ctxt cx, &ast._fn f) {
let TypeRef out = T_int();
let vec[TypeRef] args = vec();
auto fcx = new_fn_ctxt(cx, cx.path, out, args);
trans_block(new_top_block_ctxt(fcx), f.body);
fn trans_item(@trans_ctxt cx, &str name, &ast.item item) {
auto sub_cx = @rec(path=cx.path + "." + name with *cx);
alt (item.node) {
case (ast.item_fn(?f, _)) {
trans_fn(sub_cx, f);
case (ast.item_mod(?m)) {
trans_mod(sub_cx, m);
fn trans_mod(@trans_ctxt cx, &ast._mod m) {
for each (tup(str, @ast.item) pair in m.items()) {
trans_item(cx, pair._0, *pair._1);
fn p2i(ValueRef v) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm.LLVMConstPtrToInt(v, T_int());
fn trans_exit_task_glue(@trans_ctxt cx) {
let vec[TypeRef] T_args = vec();
let vec[ValueRef] V_args = vec();
auto llfn = cx.glues.exit_task_glue;
let ValueRef lloutptr = C_null(T_int());
let ValueRef lltaskptr = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llfn, 0u);
auto fcx = @rec(llfn=llfn,
auto bcx = new_top_block_ctxt(fcx);
trans_upcall(bcx, "upcall_exit", V_args);
bcx.term(fcx, bcx.build);
fn crate_constant(@trans_ctxt cx) -> ValueRef {
let ValueRef crate_ptr =
llvm.LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, T_crate(),
let ValueRef crate_addr = p2i(crate_ptr);
let ValueRef activate_glue_off =
llvm.LLVMConstSub(p2i(cx.glues.activate_glue), crate_addr);
let ValueRef yield_glue_off =
llvm.LLVMConstSub(p2i(cx.glues.yield_glue), crate_addr);
let ValueRef exit_task_glue_off =
llvm.LLVMConstSub(p2i(cx.glues.exit_task_glue), crate_addr);
let ValueRef crate_val =
C_struct(vec(C_null(T_int()), // ptrdiff_t image_base_off
p2i(crate_ptr), // uintptr_t self_addr
C_null(T_int()), // ptrdiff_t debug_abbrev_off
C_null(T_int()), // size_t debug_abbrev_sz
C_null(T_int()), // ptrdiff_t debug_info_off
C_null(T_int()), // size_t debug_info_sz
activate_glue_off, // size_t activate_glue_off
yield_glue_off, // size_t yield_glue_off
C_null(T_int()), // size_t unwind_glue_off
C_null(T_int()), // size_t gc_glue_off
exit_task_glue_off, // size_t main_exit_task_glue_off
C_null(T_int()), // int n_rust_syms
C_null(T_int()), // int n_c_syms
C_null(T_int()) // int n_libs
llvm.LLVMSetInitializer(crate_ptr, crate_val);
ret crate_ptr;
fn trans_main_fn(@trans_ctxt cx, ValueRef llcrate) {
auto T_main_args = vec(T_int(), T_int());
auto T_rust_start_args = vec(T_int(), T_int(), T_int(), T_int());
auto llmain =
decl_cdecl_fn(cx.llmod, "main", T_main_args, T_int());
auto llrust_start =
decl_cdecl_fn(cx.llmod, "rust_start", T_rust_start_args, T_int());
auto llargc = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llmain, 0u);
auto llargv = llvm.LLVMGetParam(llmain, 1u);
auto llrust_main = cx.fns.get("_rust.main");
// Emit the moral equivalent of:
// main(int argc, char **argv) {
// rust_start(&_rust.main, &crate, argc, argv);
// }
let BasicBlockRef llbb =
llvm.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llmain, _str.buf(""));
auto b = new_builder(llbb);
auto start_args = vec(p2i(llrust_main), p2i(llcrate), llargc, llargv);
b.Ret(b.Call(llrust_start, start_args));
fn trans_crate(session.session sess, ast.crate crate) {
auto llmod =
llvm.LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(llmod, _str.buf(x86.get_module_asm()));
auto glues = @rec(activate_glue = decl_glue(llmod,
yield_glue = decl_glue(llmod, abi.yield_glue_name()),
* Note: the signature passed to decl_cdecl_fn here
* looks unusual because it is. It corresponds neither
* to an upcall signature nor a normal rust-ABI
* signature. In fact it is a fake signature, that
* exists solely to acquire the task pointer as an
* argument to the upcall. It so happens that the
* runtime sets up the task pointer as the sole incoming
* argument to the frame that we return into when
* returning to the exit task glue. So this is the
* signature required to retrieve it.
exit_task_glue =
decl_cdecl_fn(llmod, abi.exit_task_glue_name(),
vec(T_taskptr()), T_void()),
upcall_glues =
_vec.init_fn[ValueRef](bind decl_upcall(llmod, _),
abi.n_upcall_glues as uint));
auto cx = @rec(sess = sess,
llmod = llmod,
upcalls = new_str_hash[ValueRef](),
fns = new_str_hash[ValueRef](),
glues = glues,
names = namegen(0),
path = "_rust");
trans_mod(cx, crate.node.module);
trans_main_fn(cx, crate_constant(cx));
llvm.LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, _str.buf("rust_out.bc"));
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: