The latest locals() method in stable MIR returns slices instead of vecs. This commit also includes fixes to the existing tests that previously referenced the private locals field.
123 lines
3.6 KiB
123 lines
3.6 KiB
// run-pass
//! Test that users are able to use stable mir APIs to retrieve monomorphized instances
// ignore-stage1
// ignore-cross-compile
// ignore-remote
// ignore-windows-gnu mingw has troubles with linking
// edition: 2021
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_smir;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate stable_mir;
use mir::{mono::Instance, TerminatorKind::*};
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_smir::rustc_internal;
use stable_mir::ty::{RigidTy, TyKind};
use stable_mir::*;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
const CRATE_NAME: &str = "input";
/// This function uses the Stable MIR APIs to get information about the test crate.
fn test_stable_mir(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> ControlFlow<()> {
let items = stable_mir::all_local_items();
// Get all items and split generic vs monomorphic items.
let (generic, mono): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
items.into_iter().partition(|item| item.requires_monomorphization());
assert_eq!(mono.len(), 3, "Expected 2 mono functions and one constant");
assert_eq!(generic.len(), 2, "Expected 2 generic functions");
// For all monomorphic items, get the correspondent instances.
let instances = mono
.filter_map(|item| mir::mono::Instance::try_from(*item).ok())
assert_eq!(instances.len(), mono.len());
// For all generic items, try_from should fail.
assert!(generic.iter().all(|item| mir::mono::Instance::try_from(*item).is_err()));
for instance in instances {
/// Inspect the instance body
fn test_body(body: mir::Body) {
for term in body.blocks.iter().map(|bb| &bb.terminator) {
match &term.kind {
Call { func, .. } => {
let TyKind::RigidTy(ty) = func.ty(body.locals()).kind() else { unreachable!() };
let RigidTy::FnDef(def, args) = ty else { unreachable!() };
let result = Instance::resolve(def, &args);
Goto { .. } | Assert { .. } | SwitchInt { .. } | Return | Drop { .. } => {
/* Do nothing */
_ => {
unreachable!("Unexpected terminator {term:?}")
/// This test will generate and analyze a dummy crate using the stable mir.
/// For that, it will first write the dummy crate into a file.
/// Then it will create a `StableMir` using custom arguments and then
/// it will run the compiler.
fn main() {
let path = "";
let args = vec![
run!(args, tcx, test_stable_mir(tcx)).unwrap();
fn generate_input(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?;
pub fn ty_param<T>(t: &T) -> T where T: Clone {{
pub fn const_param<const LEN: usize>(a: [bool; LEN]) -> bool {{
LEN > 0 && a[0]
pub fn monomorphic() {{
let v = vec![10];
let dup = ty_param(&v);
assert_eq!(v, dup);
pub mod foo {{
pub fn bar_mono(i: i32) -> i64 {{
i as i64