https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/221 The current terminology of "task failure" often causes problems when writing or speaking about code. You often want to talk about the possibility of an operation that returns a Result "failing", but cannot because of the ambiguity with task failure. Instead, you have to speak of "the failing case" or "when the operation does not succeed" or other circumlocutions. Likewise, we use a "Failure" header in rustdoc to describe when operations may fail the task, but it would often be helpful to separate out a section describing the "Err-producing" case. We have been steadily moving away from task failure and toward Result as an error-handling mechanism, so we should optimize our terminology accordingly: Result-producing functions should be easy to describe. To update your code, rename any call to `fail!` to `panic!` instead. Assuming you have not created your own macro named `panic!`, this will work on UNIX based systems: grep -lZR 'fail!' . | xargs -0 -l sed -i -e 's/fail!/panic!/g' You can of course also do this by hand. [breaking-change]
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// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use codemap::{Pos, Span};
use codemap;
use diagnostics;
use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::iter::range;
use std::string::String;
use term::WriterWrapper;
use term;
/// maximum number of lines we will print for each error; arbitrary.
static MAX_LINES: uint = 6u;
pub enum RenderSpan {
/// A FullSpan renders with both with an initial line for the
/// message, prefixed by file:linenum, followed by a summary of
/// the source code covered by the span.
/// A FileLine renders with just a line for the message prefixed
/// by file:linenum.
impl RenderSpan {
fn span(self) -> Span {
match self {
FullSpan(s) | FileLine(s) => s
fn is_full_span(&self) -> bool {
match self {
&FullSpan(..) => true,
&FileLine(..) => false,
pub enum ColorConfig {
pub trait Emitter {
fn emit(&mut self, cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level);
fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level);
/// This structure is used to signify that a task has panicked with a fatal error
/// from the diagnostics. You can use this with the `Any` trait to figure out
/// how a rustc task died (if so desired).
pub struct FatalError;
/// Signifies that the compiler died with an explicit call to `.bug`
/// or `.span_bug` rather than a failed assertion, etc.
pub struct ExplicitBug;
/// A span-handler is like a handler but also
/// accepts span information for source-location
/// reporting.
pub struct SpanHandler {
pub handler: Handler,
pub cm: codemap::CodeMap,
impl SpanHandler {
pub fn span_fatal(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Fatal);
pub fn span_err(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Error);
pub fn span_err_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
self.handler.emit_with_code(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, code, Error);
pub fn span_warn(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Warning);
pub fn span_warn_with_code(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str, code: &str) {
self.handler.emit_with_code(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, code, Warning);
pub fn span_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Note);
pub fn span_end_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FullSpan(sp), msg, Note);
pub fn span_help(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Help);
pub fn fileline_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FileLine(sp), msg, Note);
pub fn span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Bug);
pub fn span_unimpl(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.span_bug(sp, format!("unimplemented {}", msg).as_slice());
pub fn handler<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Handler {
/// A handler deals with errors; certain errors
/// (fatal, bug, unimpl) may cause immediate exit,
/// others log errors for later reporting.
pub struct Handler {
err_count: Cell<uint>,
emit: RefCell<Box<Emitter + Send>>,
impl Handler {
pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Fatal);
pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Error);
pub fn bump_err_count(&self) {
self.err_count.set(self.err_count.get() + 1u);
pub fn err_count(&self) -> uint {
pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool {
self.err_count.get()> 0u
pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) {
let s;
match self.err_count.get() {
0u => return,
1u => s = "aborting due to previous error".to_string(),
_ => {
s = format!("aborting due to {} previous errors",
pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Warning);
pub fn note(&self, msg: &str) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Note);
pub fn help(&self, msg: &str) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Help);
pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, None, Bug);
pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
self.bug(format!("unimplemented {}", msg).as_slice());
pub fn emit(&self,
cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str,
lvl: Level) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(cmsp, msg, None, lvl);
pub fn emit_with_code(&self,
cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str,
code: &str,
lvl: Level) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(cmsp, msg, Some(code), lvl);
pub fn custom_emit(&self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
self.emit.borrow_mut().custom_emit(cm, sp, msg, lvl);
pub fn mk_span_handler(handler: Handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> SpanHandler {
SpanHandler {
handler: handler,
cm: cm,
pub fn default_handler(color_config: ColorConfig,
registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>) -> Handler {
mk_handler(box EmitterWriter::stderr(color_config, registry))
pub fn mk_handler(e: Box<Emitter + Send>) -> Handler {
Handler {
err_count: Cell::new(0),
emit: RefCell::new(e),
#[deriving(PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum Level {
impl fmt::Show for Level {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use std::fmt::Show;
match *self {
Bug => "error: internal compiler error".fmt(f),
Fatal | Error => "error".fmt(f),
Warning => "warning".fmt(f),
Note => "note".fmt(f),
Help => "help".fmt(f),
impl Level {
fn color(self) -> term::color::Color {
match self {
Bug | Fatal | Error => term::color::BRIGHT_RED,
Warning => term::color::BRIGHT_YELLOW,
Note => term::color::BRIGHT_GREEN,
Help => term::color::BRIGHT_CYAN,
fn print_maybe_styled(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
msg: &str,
color: term::attr::Attr) -> io::IoResult<()> {
match w.dst {
Terminal(ref mut t) => {
// If `msg` ends in a newline, we need to reset the color before
// the newline. We're making the assumption that we end up writing
// to a `LineBufferedWriter`, which means that emitting the reset
// after the newline ends up buffering the reset until we print
// another line or exit. Buffering the reset is a problem if we're
// sharing the terminal with any other programs (e.g. other rustc
// instances via `make -jN`).
// Note that if `msg` contains any internal newlines, this will
// result in the `LineBufferedWriter` flushing twice instead of
// once, which still leaves the opportunity for interleaved output
// to be miscolored. We assume this is rare enough that we don't
// have to worry about it.
if msg.ends_with("\n") {
} else {
Raw(ref mut w) => {
fn print_diagnostic(dst: &mut EmitterWriter, topic: &str, lvl: Level,
msg: &str, code: Option<&str>) -> io::IoResult<()> {
if !topic.is_empty() {
try!(write!(&mut dst.dst, "{} ", topic));
format!("{}: ", lvl.to_string()).as_slice(),
format!("{}", msg).as_slice(),
match code {
Some(code) => {
let style = term::attr::ForegroundColor(term::color::BRIGHT_MAGENTA);
try!(print_maybe_styled(dst, format!(" [{}]", code.clone()).as_slice(), style));
None => ()
pub struct EmitterWriter {
dst: Destination,
registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>
enum Destination {
Terminal(Box<term::Terminal<WriterWrapper> + Send>),
Raw(Box<Writer + Send>),
impl EmitterWriter {
pub fn stderr(color_config: ColorConfig,
registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>) -> EmitterWriter {
let stderr = io::stderr();
let use_color = match color_config {
Always => true,
Never => false,
Auto => stderr.get_ref().isatty()
if use_color {
let dst = match term::stderr() {
Some(t) => Terminal(t),
None => Raw(box stderr),
EmitterWriter { dst: dst, registry: registry }
} else {
EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(box stderr), registry: registry }
pub fn new(dst: Box<Writer + Send>,
registry: Option<diagnostics::registry::Registry>) -> EmitterWriter {
EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(dst), registry: registry }
impl Writer for Destination {
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
match *self {
Terminal(ref mut t) => t.write(bytes),
Raw(ref mut w) => w.write(bytes),
impl Emitter for EmitterWriter {
fn emit(&mut self,
cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level) {
let error = match cmsp {
Some((cm, sp)) => emit(self, cm, FullSpan(sp), msg, code, lvl, false),
None => print_diagnostic(self, "", lvl, msg, code),
match error {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {}", e),
fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
match emit(self, cm, sp, msg, None, lvl, true) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {}", e),
fn emit(dst: &mut EmitterWriter, cm: &codemap::CodeMap, rsp: RenderSpan,
msg: &str, code: Option<&str>, lvl: Level, custom: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> {
let sp = rsp.span();
let ss = cm.span_to_string(sp);
let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp);
if custom {
// we want to tell compiletest/runtest to look at the last line of the
// span (since `custom_highlight_lines` displays an arrow to the end of
// the span)
let span_end = Span { lo: sp.hi, hi: sp.hi, expn_id: sp.expn_id};
let ses = cm.span_to_string(span_end);
try!(print_diagnostic(dst, ses.as_slice(), lvl, msg, code));
if rsp.is_full_span() {
try!(custom_highlight_lines(dst, cm, sp, lvl, lines));
} else {
try!(print_diagnostic(dst, ss.as_slice(), lvl, msg, code));
if rsp.is_full_span() {
try!(highlight_lines(dst, cm, sp, lvl, lines));
try!(print_macro_backtrace(dst, cm, sp));
match code {
Some(code) =>
match dst.registry.as_ref().and_then(|registry| registry.find_description(code)) {
Some(_) => {
try!(print_diagnostic(dst, ss.as_slice(), Help,
format!("pass `--explain {}` to see a detailed \
explanation", code).as_slice(), None));
None => ()
None => (),
fn highlight_lines(err: &mut EmitterWriter,
cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: Span,
lvl: Level,
lines: codemap::FileLines) -> io::IoResult<()> {
let fm = &*lines.file;
let mut elided = false;
let mut display_lines = lines.lines.as_slice();
if display_lines.len() > MAX_LINES {
display_lines = display_lines[0u..MAX_LINES];
elided = true;
// Print the offending lines
for line in display_lines.iter() {
try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name, *line + 1,
fm.get_line(*line as int)));
if elided {
let last_line = display_lines[display_lines.len() - 1u];
let s = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, last_line + 1u);
try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{0:1$}...\n", "", s.len()));
// FIXME (#3260)
// If there's one line at fault we can easily point to the problem
if lines.lines.len() == 1u {
let lo = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
let mut digits = 0u;
let mut num = (lines.lines[0] + 1u) / 10u;
// how many digits must be indent past?
while num > 0u { num /= 10u; digits += 1u; }
// indent past |name:## | and the 0-offset column location
let left = fm.name.len() + digits + lo.col.to_uint() + 3u;
let mut s = String::new();
// Skip is the number of characters we need to skip because they are
// part of the 'filename:line ' part of the previous line.
let skip = fm.name.len() + digits + 3u;
for _ in range(0, skip) {
s.push(' ');
let orig = fm.get_line(lines.lines[0] as int);
for pos in range(0u, left-skip) {
let cur_char = orig.as_bytes()[pos] as char;
// Whenever a tab occurs on the previous line, we insert one on
// the error-point-squiggly-line as well (instead of a space).
// That way the squiggly line will usually appear in the correct
// position.
match cur_char {
'\t' => s.push('\t'),
_ => s.push(' '),
try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{}", s));
let mut s = String::from_str("^");
let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
if hi.col != lo.col {
// the ^ already takes up one space
let num_squigglies = hi.col.to_uint()-lo.col.to_uint()-1u;
for _ in range(0, num_squigglies) {
format!("{}\n", s).as_slice(),
/// Here are the differences between this and the normal `highlight_lines`:
/// `custom_highlight_lines` will always put arrow on the last byte of the
/// span (instead of the first byte). Also, when the span is too long (more
/// than 6 lines), `custom_highlight_lines` will print the first line, then
/// dot dot dot, then last line, whereas `highlight_lines` prints the first
/// six lines.
fn custom_highlight_lines(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: Span,
lvl: Level,
lines: codemap::FileLines)
-> io::IoResult<()> {
let fm = &*lines.file;
let lines = lines.lines.as_slice();
if lines.len() > MAX_LINES {
try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
lines[0] + 1, fm.get_line(lines[0] as int)));
try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "...\n"));
let last_line = lines[lines.len()-1];
try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
last_line + 1, fm.get_line(last_line as int)));
} else {
for line in lines.iter() {
try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
*line + 1, fm.get_line(*line as int)));
let last_line_start = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, lines[lines.len()-1]+1);
let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
// Span seems to use half-opened interval, so subtract 1
let skip = last_line_start.len() + hi.col.to_uint() - 1;
let mut s = String::new();
for _ in range(0, skip) {
s.push(' ');
fn print_macro_backtrace(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: Span)
-> io::IoResult<()> {
let cs = try!(cm.with_expn_info(sp.expn_id, |expn_info| match expn_info {
Some(ei) => {
let ss = ei.callee.span.map_or(String::new(), |span| cm.span_to_string(span));
let (pre, post) = match ei.callee.format {
codemap::MacroAttribute => ("#[", "]"),
codemap::MacroBang => ("", "!")
try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note,
format!("in expansion of {}{}{}", pre,
post).as_slice(), None));
let ss = cm.span_to_string(ei.call_site);
try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note, "expansion site", None));
None => Ok(None)
cs.map_or(Ok(()), |call_site| print_macro_backtrace(w, cm, call_site))
pub fn expect<T>(diag: &SpanHandler, opt: Option<T>, msg: || -> String) -> T {
match opt {
Some(t) => t,
None => diag.handler().bug(msg().as_slice()),