VS Code problem matcher are restricted to be static "regexes". You can't create a problem matcher dynamically, and you can't use custom code in lieu of problem matcher. This creates a problem for rust/cargo compiler errors. They use paths relative to the root of the Cargo workspace, but VS Code doesn't necessary know where that root is. Luckily, there's a way out: our current problem matcher is defined like this: "fileLocation": [ "autoDetect", "${workspaceRoot}" ], That means that relative pahts would be resoleved relative to workspace root. VS Code allows to specify a command inside `${}`. So we can plug custom logic there to fetch Cargo's workspace root! And that's exactly what this PR is doing!
178 lines
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178 lines
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import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient";
import * as ra from "./lsp_ext";
import * as tasks from "./tasks";
import { Ctx } from "./ctx";
import { makeDebugConfig } from "./debug";
import { Config, RunnableEnvCfg } from "./config";
const quickPickButtons = [
{ iconPath: new vscode.ThemeIcon("save"), tooltip: "Save as a launch.json configuration." },
export async function selectRunnable(
ctx: Ctx,
prevRunnable?: RunnableQuickPick,
debuggeeOnly = false,
showButtons: boolean = true
): Promise<RunnableQuickPick | undefined> {
const editor = ctx.activeRustEditor;
const client = ctx.client;
if (!editor || !client) return;
const textDocument: lc.TextDocumentIdentifier = {
uri: editor.document.uri.toString(),
const runnables = await client.sendRequest(ra.runnables, {
position: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(editor.selection.active),
const items: RunnableQuickPick[] = [];
if (prevRunnable) {
for (const r of runnables) {
if (prevRunnable && JSON.stringify(prevRunnable.runnable) === JSON.stringify(r)) {
if (debuggeeOnly && (r.label.startsWith("doctest") || r.label.startsWith("cargo"))) {
items.push(new RunnableQuickPick(r));
if (items.length === 0) {
// it is the debug case, run always has at least 'cargo check ...'
// see crates\rust-analyzer\src\main_loop\handlers.rs, handle_runnables
await vscode.window.showErrorMessage("There's no debug target!");
return await new Promise((resolve) => {
const disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
const close = (result?: RunnableQuickPick) => {
disposables.forEach((d) => d.dispose());
const quickPick = vscode.window.createQuickPick<RunnableQuickPick>();
quickPick.items = items;
quickPick.title = "Select Runnable";
if (showButtons) {
quickPick.buttons = quickPickButtons;
quickPick.onDidHide(() => close()),
quickPick.onDidAccept(() => close(quickPick.selectedItems[0])),
quickPick.onDidTriggerButton(async (_button) => {
await makeDebugConfig(ctx, quickPick.activeItems[0].runnable);
quickPick.onDidChangeActive((active) => {
if (showButtons && active.length > 0) {
if (active[0].label.startsWith("cargo")) {
// save button makes no sense for `cargo test` or `cargo check`
quickPick.buttons = [];
} else if (quickPick.buttons.length === 0) {
quickPick.buttons = quickPickButtons;
export class RunnableQuickPick implements vscode.QuickPickItem {
public label: string;
public cargoWorkspaceRoot?: string;
public description?: string | undefined;
public detail?: string | undefined;
public picked?: boolean | undefined;
constructor(public runnable: ra.Runnable) {
this.label = runnable.label;
this.cargoWorkspaceRoot = runnable.args.workspaceRoot;
export function prepareEnv(
runnable: ra.Runnable,
runnableEnvCfg: RunnableEnvCfg
): Record<string, string> {
const env: Record<string, string> = { RUST_BACKTRACE: "short" };
if (runnable.args.expectTest) {
env["UPDATE_EXPECT"] = "1";
Object.assign(env, process.env as { [key: string]: string });
if (runnableEnvCfg) {
if (Array.isArray(runnableEnvCfg)) {
for (const it of runnableEnvCfg) {
if (!it.mask || new RegExp(it.mask).test(runnable.label)) {
Object.assign(env, it.env);
} else {
Object.assign(env, runnableEnvCfg);
return env;
export async function createTask(runnable: ra.Runnable, config: Config): Promise<vscode.Task> {
if (runnable.kind !== "cargo") {
// rust-analyzer supports only one kind, "cargo"
// do not use tasks.TASK_TYPE here, these are completely different meanings.
throw `Unexpected runnable kind: ${runnable.kind}`;
const args = createArgs(runnable);
const definition: tasks.CargoTaskDefinition = {
type: tasks.TASK_TYPE,
command: args[0], // run, test, etc...
args: args.slice(1),
cwd: runnable.args.workspaceRoot || ".",
env: prepareEnv(runnable, config.runnableEnv),
overrideCargo: runnable.args.overrideCargo,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion
const target = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders![0]; // safe, see main activate()
const cargoTask = await tasks.buildCargoTask(
cargoTask.presentationOptions.clear = true;
// Sadly, this doesn't prevent focus stealing if the terminal is currently
// hidden, and will become revealed due to task exucution.
cargoTask.presentationOptions.focus = false;
return cargoTask;
export function createArgs(runnable: ra.Runnable): string[] {
const args = [...runnable.args.cargoArgs]; // should be a copy!
if (runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs) {
args.push(...runnable.args.cargoExtraArgs); // Append user-specified cargo options.
if (runnable.args.executableArgs.length > 0) {
args.push("--", ...runnable.args.executableArgs);
return args;