This commit applies rustfmt with default settings to files in src/libcore *that are not involved in any currently open PR* to minimize merge conflicts. The list of files involved in open PRs was determined by querying GitHub's GraphQL API with this script: With the list of files from the script in `outstanding_files`, the relevant commands were: $ find src/libcore -name '*.rs' | xargs rustfmt --edition=2018 $ rg libcore outstanding_files | xargs git checkout -- Repeating this process several months apart should get us coverage of most of the rest of libcore.
874 lines
24 KiB
874 lines
24 KiB
/// The unary logical negation operator `!`.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `Not` for `Answer`, which enables the use of `!` to
/// invert its value.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Not;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// enum Answer {
/// Yes,
/// No,
/// }
/// impl Not for Answer {
/// type Output = Answer;
/// fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
/// match self {
/// Answer::Yes => Answer::No,
/// Answer::No => Answer::Yes
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(!Answer::Yes, Answer::No);
/// assert_eq!(!Answer::No, Answer::Yes);
/// ```
#[lang = "not"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub trait Not {
/// The resulting type after applying the `!` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the unary `!` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn not(self) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! not_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Not for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn not(self) -> $t { !self }
forward_ref_unop! { impl Not, not for $t }
not_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The bitwise AND operator `&`.
/// Note that `Rhs` is `Self` by default, but this is not mandatory.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `BitAnd` for a wrapper around `bool`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitAnd;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(bool);
/// impl BitAnd for Scalar {
/// type Output = Self;
/// // rhs is the "right-hand side" of the expression `a & b`
/// fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
/// Scalar(self.0 & rhs.0)
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) & Scalar(true), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) & Scalar(false), Scalar(false));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) & Scalar(true), Scalar(false));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) & Scalar(false), Scalar(false));
/// ```
/// An implementation of `BitAnd` for a wrapper around `Vec<bool>`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitAnd;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct BooleanVector(Vec<bool>);
/// impl BitAnd for BooleanVector {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn bitand(self, BooleanVector(rhs): Self) -> Self::Output {
/// let BooleanVector(lhs) = self;
/// assert_eq!(lhs.len(), rhs.len());
/// BooleanVector(lhs.iter().zip(rhs.iter()).map(|(x, y)| *x && *y).collect())
/// }
/// }
/// let bv1 = BooleanVector(vec![true, true, false, false]);
/// let bv2 = BooleanVector(vec![true, false, true, false]);
/// let expected = BooleanVector(vec![true, false, false, false]);
/// assert_eq!(bv1 & bv2, expected);
/// ```
#[lang = "bitand"]
#[doc(alias = "&")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} & {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} & {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitAnd<Rhs = Self> {
/// The resulting type after applying the `&` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the `&` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn bitand(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! bitand_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl BitAnd for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn bitand(self, rhs: $t) -> $t { self & rhs }
forward_ref_binop! { impl BitAnd, bitand for $t, $t }
bitand_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The bitwise OR operator `|`.
/// Note that `Rhs` is `Self` by default, but this is not mandatory.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `BitOr` for a wrapper around `bool`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitOr;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(bool);
/// impl BitOr for Scalar {
/// type Output = Self;
/// // rhs is the "right-hand side" of the expression `a | b`
/// fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
/// Scalar(self.0 | rhs.0)
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) | Scalar(true), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) | Scalar(false), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) | Scalar(true), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) | Scalar(false), Scalar(false));
/// ```
/// An implementation of `BitOr` for a wrapper around `Vec<bool>`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitOr;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct BooleanVector(Vec<bool>);
/// impl BitOr for BooleanVector {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn bitor(self, BooleanVector(rhs): Self) -> Self::Output {
/// let BooleanVector(lhs) = self;
/// assert_eq!(lhs.len(), rhs.len());
/// BooleanVector(lhs.iter().zip(rhs.iter()).map(|(x, y)| *x || *y).collect())
/// }
/// }
/// let bv1 = BooleanVector(vec![true, true, false, false]);
/// let bv2 = BooleanVector(vec![true, false, true, false]);
/// let expected = BooleanVector(vec![true, true, true, false]);
/// assert_eq!(bv1 | bv2, expected);
/// ```
#[lang = "bitor"]
#[doc(alias = "|")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} | {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} | {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitOr<Rhs = Self> {
/// The resulting type after applying the `|` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the `|` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn bitor(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! bitor_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl BitOr for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn bitor(self, rhs: $t) -> $t { self | rhs }
forward_ref_binop! { impl BitOr, bitor for $t, $t }
bitor_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The bitwise XOR operator `^`.
/// Note that `Rhs` is `Self` by default, but this is not mandatory.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `BitXor` that lifts `^` to a wrapper around `bool`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitXor;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(bool);
/// impl BitXor for Scalar {
/// type Output = Self;
/// // rhs is the "right-hand side" of the expression `a ^ b`
/// fn bitxor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
/// Scalar(self.0 ^ rhs.0)
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) ^ Scalar(true), Scalar(false));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(true) ^ Scalar(false), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) ^ Scalar(true), Scalar(true));
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(false) ^ Scalar(false), Scalar(false));
/// ```
/// An implementation of `BitXor` trait for a wrapper around `Vec<bool>`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitXor;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct BooleanVector(Vec<bool>);
/// impl BitXor for BooleanVector {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn bitxor(self, BooleanVector(rhs): Self) -> Self::Output {
/// let BooleanVector(lhs) = self;
/// assert_eq!(lhs.len(), rhs.len());
/// BooleanVector(lhs.iter()
/// .zip(rhs.iter())
/// .map(|(x, y)| (*x || *y) && !(*x && *y))
/// .collect())
/// }
/// }
/// let bv1 = BooleanVector(vec![true, true, false, false]);
/// let bv2 = BooleanVector(vec![true, false, true, false]);
/// let expected = BooleanVector(vec![false, true, true, false]);
/// assert_eq!(bv1 ^ bv2, expected);
/// ```
#[lang = "bitxor"]
#[doc(alias = "^")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} ^ {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} ^ {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitXor<Rhs = Self> {
/// The resulting type after applying the `^` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the `^` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn bitxor(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! bitxor_impl {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl BitXor for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn bitxor(self, other: $t) -> $t { self ^ other }
forward_ref_binop! { impl BitXor, bitxor for $t, $t }
bitxor_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The left shift operator `<<`. Note that because this trait is implemented
/// for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust's type
/// checker has special handling for `_ << _`, setting the result type for
/// integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
/// that though `a << b` and `a.shl(b)` are one and the same from an evaluation
/// standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `Shl` that lifts the `<<` operation on integers to a
/// wrapper around `usize`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Shl;
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// struct Scalar(usize);
/// impl Shl<Scalar> for Scalar {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn shl(self, Scalar(rhs): Self) -> Scalar {
/// let Scalar(lhs) = self;
/// Scalar(lhs << rhs)
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(4) << Scalar(2), Scalar(16));
/// ```
/// An implementation of `Shl` that spins a vector leftward by a given amount.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Shl;
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// struct SpinVector<T: Clone> {
/// vec: Vec<T>,
/// }
/// impl<T: Clone> Shl<usize> for SpinVector<T> {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> Self::Output {
/// // Rotate the vector by `rhs` places.
/// let (a, b) = self.vec.split_at(rhs);
/// let mut spun_vector: Vec<T> = vec![];
/// spun_vector.extend_from_slice(b);
/// spun_vector.extend_from_slice(a);
/// SpinVector { vec: spun_vector }
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(SpinVector { vec: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4] } << 2,
/// SpinVector { vec: vec![2, 3, 4, 0, 1] });
/// ```
#[lang = "shl"]
#[doc(alias = "<<")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} << {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} << {Rhs}`"
pub trait Shl<Rhs = Self> {
/// The resulting type after applying the `<<` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the `<<` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn shl(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! shl_impl {
($t:ty, $f:ty) => {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Shl<$f> for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn shl(self, other: $f) -> $t {
self << other
forward_ref_binop! { impl Shl, shl for $t, $f }
macro_rules! shl_impl_all {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
shl_impl! { $t, u8 }
shl_impl! { $t, u16 }
shl_impl! { $t, u32 }
shl_impl! { $t, u64 }
shl_impl! { $t, u128 }
shl_impl! { $t, usize }
shl_impl! { $t, i8 }
shl_impl! { $t, i16 }
shl_impl! { $t, i32 }
shl_impl! { $t, i64 }
shl_impl! { $t, i128 }
shl_impl! { $t, isize }
shl_impl_all! { u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 isize i128 }
/// The right shift operator `>>`. Note that because this trait is implemented
/// for all integer types with multiple right-hand-side types, Rust's type
/// checker has special handling for `_ >> _`, setting the result type for
/// integer operations to the type of the left-hand-side operand. This means
/// that though `a >> b` and `a.shr(b)` are one and the same from an evaluation
/// standpoint, they are different when it comes to type inference.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `Shr` that lifts the `>>` operation on integers to a
/// wrapper around `usize`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Shr;
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// struct Scalar(usize);
/// impl Shr<Scalar> for Scalar {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn shr(self, Scalar(rhs): Self) -> Scalar {
/// let Scalar(lhs) = self;
/// Scalar(lhs >> rhs)
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Scalar(16) >> Scalar(2), Scalar(4));
/// ```
/// An implementation of `Shr` that spins a vector rightward by a given amount.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::Shr;
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
/// struct SpinVector<T: Clone> {
/// vec: Vec<T>,
/// }
/// impl<T: Clone> Shr<usize> for SpinVector<T> {
/// type Output = Self;
/// fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> Self::Output {
/// // Rotate the vector by `rhs` places.
/// let (a, b) = self.vec.split_at(self.vec.len() - rhs);
/// let mut spun_vector: Vec<T> = vec![];
/// spun_vector.extend_from_slice(b);
/// spun_vector.extend_from_slice(a);
/// SpinVector { vec: spun_vector }
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(SpinVector { vec: vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4] } >> 2,
/// SpinVector { vec: vec![3, 4, 0, 1, 2] });
/// ```
#[lang = "shr"]
#[doc(alias = ">>")]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} >> {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} >> {Rhs}`"
pub trait Shr<Rhs = Self> {
/// The resulting type after applying the `>>` operator.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
type Output;
/// Performs the `>>` operation.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
fn shr(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
macro_rules! shr_impl {
($t:ty, $f:ty) => {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Shr<$f> for $t {
type Output = $t;
fn shr(self, other: $f) -> $t {
self >> other
forward_ref_binop! { impl Shr, shr for $t, $f }
macro_rules! shr_impl_all {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
shr_impl! { $t, u8 }
shr_impl! { $t, u16 }
shr_impl! { $t, u32 }
shr_impl! { $t, u64 }
shr_impl! { $t, u128 }
shr_impl! { $t, usize }
shr_impl! { $t, i8 }
shr_impl! { $t, i16 }
shr_impl! { $t, i32 }
shr_impl! { $t, i64 }
shr_impl! { $t, i128 }
shr_impl! { $t, isize }
shr_impl_all! { u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize }
/// The bitwise AND assignment operator `&=`.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `BitAndAssign` that lifts the `&=` operator to a
/// wrapper around `bool`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitAndAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(bool);
/// impl BitAndAssign for Scalar {
/// // rhs is the "right-hand side" of the expression `a &= b`
/// fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
/// *self = Scalar(self.0 & rhs.0)
/// }
/// }
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(true);
/// scalar &= Scalar(true);
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(true));
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(true);
/// scalar &= Scalar(false);
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(false));
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(false);
/// scalar &= Scalar(true);
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(false));
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(false);
/// scalar &= Scalar(false);
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(false));
/// ```
/// Here, the `BitAndAssign` trait is implemented for a wrapper around
/// `Vec<bool>`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitAndAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct BooleanVector(Vec<bool>);
/// impl BitAndAssign for BooleanVector {
/// // `rhs` is the "right-hand side" of the expression `a &= b`.
/// fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
/// assert_eq!(self.0.len(), rhs.0.len());
/// *self = BooleanVector(self.0
/// .iter()
/// .zip(rhs.0.iter())
/// .map(|(x, y)| *x && *y)
/// .collect());
/// }
/// }
/// let mut bv = BooleanVector(vec![true, true, false, false]);
/// bv &= BooleanVector(vec![true, false, true, false]);
/// let expected = BooleanVector(vec![true, false, false, false]);
/// assert_eq!(bv, expected);
/// ```
#[lang = "bitand_assign"]
#[doc(alias = "&=")]
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} &= {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} &= {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitAndAssign<Rhs = Self> {
/// Performs the `&=` operation.
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rhs);
macro_rules! bitand_assign_impl {
($($t:ty)+) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
impl BitAndAssign for $t {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: $t) { *self &= other }
forward_ref_op_assign! { impl BitAndAssign, bitand_assign for $t, $t }
bitand_assign_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The bitwise OR assignment operator `|=`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitOrAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct PersonalPreferences {
/// likes_cats: bool,
/// likes_dogs: bool,
/// }
/// impl BitOrAssign for PersonalPreferences {
/// fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
/// self.likes_cats |= rhs.likes_cats;
/// self.likes_dogs |= rhs.likes_dogs;
/// }
/// }
/// let mut prefs = PersonalPreferences { likes_cats: true, likes_dogs: false };
/// prefs |= PersonalPreferences { likes_cats: false, likes_dogs: true };
/// assert_eq!(prefs, PersonalPreferences { likes_cats: true, likes_dogs: true });
/// ```
#[lang = "bitor_assign"]
#[doc(alias = "|=")]
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} |= {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} |= {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitOrAssign<Rhs = Self> {
/// Performs the `|=` operation.
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rhs);
macro_rules! bitor_assign_impl {
($($t:ty)+) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
impl BitOrAssign for $t {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: $t) { *self |= other }
forward_ref_op_assign! { impl BitOrAssign, bitor_assign for $t, $t }
bitor_assign_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The bitwise XOR assignment operator `^=`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::ops::BitXorAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Personality {
/// has_soul: bool,
/// likes_knitting: bool,
/// }
/// impl BitXorAssign for Personality {
/// fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
/// self.has_soul ^= rhs.has_soul;
/// self.likes_knitting ^= rhs.likes_knitting;
/// }
/// }
/// let mut personality = Personality { has_soul: false, likes_knitting: true };
/// personality ^= Personality { has_soul: true, likes_knitting: true };
/// assert_eq!(personality, Personality { has_soul: true, likes_knitting: false});
/// ```
#[lang = "bitxor_assign"]
#[doc(alias = "^=")]
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} ^= {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} ^= {Rhs}`"
pub trait BitXorAssign<Rhs = Self> {
/// Performs the `^=` operation.
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rhs);
macro_rules! bitxor_assign_impl {
($($t:ty)+) => ($(
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
impl BitXorAssign for $t {
fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: $t) { *self ^= other }
forward_ref_op_assign! { impl BitXorAssign, bitxor_assign for $t, $t }
bitxor_assign_impl! { bool usize u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 }
/// The left shift assignment operator `<<=`.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `ShlAssign` for a wrapper around `usize`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::ShlAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(usize);
/// impl ShlAssign<usize> for Scalar {
/// fn shl_assign(&mut self, rhs: usize) {
/// self.0 <<= rhs;
/// }
/// }
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(4);
/// scalar <<= 2;
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(16));
/// ```
#[lang = "shl_assign"]
#[doc(alias = "<<=")]
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} <<= {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} <<= {Rhs}`"
pub trait ShlAssign<Rhs = Self> {
/// Performs the `<<=` operation.
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
fn shl_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rhs);
macro_rules! shl_assign_impl {
($t:ty, $f:ty) => {
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
impl ShlAssign<$f> for $t {
fn shl_assign(&mut self, other: $f) {
*self <<= other
forward_ref_op_assign! { impl ShlAssign, shl_assign for $t, $f }
macro_rules! shl_assign_impl_all {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
shl_assign_impl! { $t, u8 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, u16 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, u32 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, u64 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, u128 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, usize }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, i8 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, i16 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, i32 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, i64 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, i128 }
shl_assign_impl! { $t, isize }
shl_assign_impl_all! { u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize }
/// The right shift assignment operator `>>=`.
/// # Examples
/// An implementation of `ShrAssign` for a wrapper around `usize`.
/// ```
/// use std::ops::ShrAssign;
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Scalar(usize);
/// impl ShrAssign<usize> for Scalar {
/// fn shr_assign(&mut self, rhs: usize) {
/// self.0 >>= rhs;
/// }
/// }
/// let mut scalar = Scalar(16);
/// scalar >>= 2;
/// assert_eq!(scalar, Scalar(4));
/// ```
#[lang = "shr_assign"]
#[doc(alias = ">>=")]
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
message = "no implementation for `{Self} >>= {Rhs}`",
label = "no implementation for `{Self} >>= {Rhs}`"
pub trait ShrAssign<Rhs = Self> {
/// Performs the `>>=` operation.
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
fn shr_assign(&mut self, rhs: Rhs);
macro_rules! shr_assign_impl {
($t:ty, $f:ty) => {
#[stable(feature = "op_assign_traits", since = "1.8.0")]
impl ShrAssign<$f> for $t {
fn shr_assign(&mut self, other: $f) {
*self >>= other
forward_ref_op_assign! { impl ShrAssign, shr_assign for $t, $f }
macro_rules! shr_assign_impl_all {
($($t:ty)*) => ($(
shr_assign_impl! { $t, u8 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, u16 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, u32 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, u64 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, u128 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, usize }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, i8 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, i16 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, i32 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, i64 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, i128 }
shr_assign_impl! { $t, isize }
shr_assign_impl_all! { u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize }