When things like our internal hashing or representations change, it is inappropriate for these tests to suddenly fail for no reason. The chance of error is reduced if we instead pattern-match.
34 lines
841 B
34 lines
841 B
//@ only-x86_64
//@ only-linux
//@ assembly-output: emit-asm
//@ compile-flags: -C llvm-args=--x86-asm-syntax=intel
//@ compile-flags: -C symbol-mangling-version=v0
#![crate_type = "rlib"]
use std::arch::global_asm;
fn my_func() {}
static MY_STATIC: i32 = 0;
// CHECK: mov eax, eax
global_asm!("mov eax, eax");
// CHECK: mov ebx, 5
global_asm!("mov ebx, {}", const 5);
// CHECK: mov ecx, 5
global_asm!("movl ${}, %ecx", const 5, options(att_syntax));
// CHECK: call my_func
global_asm!("call {}", sym my_func);
// CHECK: lea rax, [rip + MY_STATIC]
global_asm!("lea rax, [rip + {}]", sym MY_STATIC);
// CHECK: call _RNvC[[CRATE_IDENT:[a-zA-Z0-9]{12}]]_10global_asm6foobar
global_asm!("call {}", sym foobar);
// CHECK: _RNvC[[CRATE_IDENT]]_10global_asm6foobar:
fn foobar() {
loop {}