Escape fewer Unicode codepoints in `Debug` impl of `str`
Use the same procedure as Python to determine whether a character is
printable, described in [PEP 3138]. In particular, this means that the
following character classes are escaped:
- Cc (Other, Control)
- Cf (Other, Format)
- Cs (Other, Surrogate), even though they can't appear in Rust strings
- Co (Other, Private Use)
- Cn (Other, Not Assigned)
- Zl (Separator, Line)
- Zp (Separator, Paragraph)
- Zs (Separator, Space), except for the ASCII space `' '` `0x20`
This allows for user-friendly inspection of strings that are not
English (e.g. compare `"\u{e9}\u{e8}\u{ea}"` to `"éèê"`).
CC #34422.
[PEP 3138]: