This breaks code that referred to variant names in the same namespace as their enum. Reexport the variants in the old location or alter code to refer to the new locations: ``` pub enum Foo { A, B } fn main() { let a = A; } ``` => ``` pub use self::Foo::{A, B}; pub enum Foo { A, B } fn main() { let a = A; } ``` or ``` pub enum Foo { A, B } fn main() { let a = Foo::A; } ``` [breaking-change]
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2.6 KiB
85 lines
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// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::{option, mem};
// Iota-reduction is a rule in the Calculus of (Co-)Inductive Constructions,
// which "says that a destructor applied to an object built from a constructor
// behaves as expected". --
// It's a little more complicated here, because of pointers and regions and
// trying to get assert failure messages that at least identify which case
// failed.
enum E<T> { Thing(int, T), Nothing((), ((), ()), [i8, ..0]) }
impl<T> E<T> {
fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
E::Thing(..) => false,
E::Nothing(..) => true
fn get_ref(&self) -> (int, &T) {
match *self {
E::Nothing(..) => panic!("E::get_ref(Nothing::<{}>)", stringify!(T)),
E::Thing(x, ref y) => (x, y)
macro_rules! check_option {
($e:expr: $T:ty) => {{
check_option!($e: $T, |ptr| assert!(*ptr == $e));
($e:expr: $T:ty, |$v:ident| $chk:expr) => {{
let e = $e;
let s_ = option::Some::<$T>(e);
let $v = s_.as_ref().unwrap();
macro_rules! check_fancy {
($e:expr: $T:ty) => {{
check_fancy!($e: $T, |ptr| assert!(*ptr == $e));
($e:expr: $T:ty, |$v:ident| $chk:expr) => {{
assert!(E::Nothing::<$T>((), ((), ()), [23i8, ..0]).is_none());
let e = $e;
let t_ = E::Thing::<$T>(23, e);
match t_.get_ref() {
(23, $v) => { $chk }
_ => panic!("Thing::<{}>(23, {}).get_ref() != (23, _)",
stringify!($T), stringify!($e))
macro_rules! check_type {
($($a:tt)*) => {{
pub fn main() {
check_type!(&17: &int);
check_type!(box 18: Box<int>);
check_type!("foo".to_string(): String);
check_type!(vec!(20, 22): Vec<int> );
let mint: uint = unsafe { mem::transmute(main) };
check_type!(main: fn(), |pthing| {
assert!(mint == unsafe { mem::transmute(*pthing) })