Remove auto-config patching from the VSCode client This was introduced 4 months ago when we drastically changed the config keys. I'd like to remove this given I always felt uneasy doing edits to a users config from within r-a, and by now most if not all users should've swapped to a new enough version of r-a that should've updated their configs. The extension will continue to work fine even with the outdated keys afterwards since we still do patching server side as well, and that one we'll have to support for quite some more time (if not until a proper 1.0 release where I assume we can allow ourselves some more user facing breakage) (There also might've been a small bug in here that prevented users with certain outdated keys to prevent them from enabling certain keys for some reason)
301 lines
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301 lines
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import path = require("path");
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { Env } from "./client";
import { log } from "./util";
export type RunnableEnvCfg =
| undefined
| Record<string, string>
| { mask?: string; env: Record<string, string> }[];
export class Config {
readonly extensionId = "rust-lang.rust-analyzer";
readonly rootSection = "rust-analyzer";
private readonly requiresWorkspaceReloadOpts = [
// FIXME: This shouldn't be here, changing this setting should reload
// `continueCommentsOnNewline` behavior without restart
].map((opt) => `${this.rootSection}.${opt}`);
private readonly requiresReloadOpts = [
"lens", // works as lens.*
.map((opt) => `${this.rootSection}.${opt}`)
readonly package: {
version: string;
releaseTag: string | null;
enableProposedApi: boolean | undefined;
} = vscode.extensions.getExtension(this.extensionId)!.packageJSON;
readonly globalStorageUri: vscode.Uri;
constructor(ctx: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
this.globalStorageUri = ctx.globalStorageUri;
private refreshLogging() {
|"Extension version:", this.package.version);
const cfg = Object.entries(this.cfg).filter(([_, val]) => !(val instanceof Function));
|"Using configuration", Object.fromEntries(cfg));
private async onDidChangeConfiguration(event: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
const requiresReloadOpt = this.requiresReloadOpts.find((opt) =>
if (!requiresReloadOpt) return;
const requiresWorkspaceReloadOpt = this.requiresWorkspaceReloadOpts.find((opt) =>
if (!requiresWorkspaceReloadOpt && this.restartServerOnConfigChange) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand("rust-analyzer.reload");
const message = requiresWorkspaceReloadOpt
? `Changing "${requiresWorkspaceReloadOpt}" requires a window reload`
: `Changing "${requiresReloadOpt}" requires a reload`;
const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message, "Reload now");
if (userResponse === "Reload now") {
const command = requiresWorkspaceReloadOpt
? "workbench.action.reloadWindow"
: "rust-analyzer.reload";
if (userResponse === "Reload now") {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(command);
// We don't do runtime config validation here for simplicity. More on stackoverflow:
private get cfg(): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration {
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(this.rootSection);
* Beware that postfix `!` operator erases both `null` and `undefined`.
* This is why the following doesn't work as expected:
* ```ts
* const nullableNum = vscode
* .workspace
* .getConfiguration
* .getConfiguration("rust-analyzer")
* .get<number | null>(path)!;
* // What happens is that type of `nullableNum` is `number` but not `null | number`:
* const fullFledgedNum: number = nullableNum;
* ```
* So this getter handles this quirk by not requiring the caller to use postfix `!`
private get<T>(path: string): T {
return this.cfg.get<T>(path)!;
get serverPath() {
return this.get<null | string>("server.path") ?? this.get<null | string>("serverPath");
get serverExtraEnv(): Env {
const extraEnv =
this.get<{ [key: string]: string | number } | null>("server.extraEnv") ?? {};
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(extraEnv).map(([k, v]) => [k, typeof v !== "string" ? v.toString() : v])
get traceExtension() {
return this.get<boolean>("trace.extension");
get cargoRunner() {
return this.get<string | undefined>("cargoRunner");
get runnableEnv() {
return this.get<RunnableEnvCfg>("runnableEnv");
get restartServerOnConfigChange() {
return this.get<boolean>("restartServerOnConfigChange");
get typingContinueCommentsOnNewline() {
return this.get<boolean>("typing.continueCommentsOnNewline");
get debug() {
let sourceFileMap = this.get<Record<string, string> | "auto">("debug.sourceFileMap");
if (sourceFileMap !== "auto") {
// "/rustc/<id>" used by suggestions only.
const { ["/rustc/<id>"]: _, ...trimmed } =
this.get<Record<string, string>>("debug.sourceFileMap");
sourceFileMap = trimmed;
return {
engine: this.get<string>("debug.engine"),
engineSettings: this.get<object>("debug.engineSettings"),
openDebugPane: this.get<boolean>("debug.openDebugPane"),
sourceFileMap: sourceFileMap,
get hoverActions() {
return {
enable: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.enable"),
implementations: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.implementations.enable"),
references: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.references.enable"),
run: this.get<boolean>(""),
debug: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.debug.enable"),
gotoTypeDef: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.gotoTypeDef.enable"),
export function substituteVariablesInEnv(env: Env): Env {
const missingDeps = new Set<string>();
// vscode uses `env:ENV_NAME` for env vars resolution, and it's easier
// to follow the same convention for our dependency tracking
const definedEnvKeys = new Set(Object.keys(env).map((key) => `env:${key}`));
const envWithDeps = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(env).map(([key, value]) => {
const deps = new Set<string>();
const depRe = new RegExp(/\${(?<depName>.+?)}/g);
let match = undefined;
while ((match = depRe.exec(value))) {
const depName = match.groups!.depName;
// `depName` at this point can have a form of `expression` or
// `prefix:expression`
if (!definedEnvKeys.has(depName)) {
return [`env:${key}`, { deps: [...deps], value }];
const resolved = new Set<string>();
for (const dep of missingDeps) {
const match = /(?<prefix>.*?):(?<body>.+)/.exec(dep);
if (match) {
const { prefix, body } = match.groups!;
if (prefix === "env") {
const envName = body;
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: process.env[envName] ?? "",
deps: [],
} else {
// we can't handle other prefixes at the moment
// leave values as is, but still mark them as resolved
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: "${" + dep + "}",
deps: [],
} else {
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: computeVscodeVar(dep),
deps: [],
const toResolve = new Set(Object.keys(envWithDeps));
let leftToResolveSize;
do {
leftToResolveSize = toResolve.size;
for (const key of toResolve) {
if (envWithDeps[key].deps.every((dep) => resolved.has(dep))) {
envWithDeps[key].value = envWithDeps[key].value.replace(
(_wholeMatch, depName) => {
return envWithDeps[depName].value;
} while (toResolve.size > 0 && toResolve.size < leftToResolveSize);
const resolvedEnv: Env = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(env)) {
resolvedEnv[key] = envWithDeps[`env:${key}`].value;
return resolvedEnv;
function computeVscodeVar(varName: string): string {
const supportedVariables: { [k: string]: () => string } = {
workspaceFolder: () => {
const folders = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders ?? [];
if (folders.length === 1) {
// TODO: support for remote workspaces?
return folders[0].uri.fsPath;
} else if (folders.length > 1) {
// could use currently opened document to detect the correct
// workspace. However, that would be determined by the document
// user has opened on Editor startup. Could lead to
// unpredictable workspace selection in practice.
// It's better to pick the first one
return folders[0].uri.fsPath;
} else {
// no workspace opened
return "";
workspaceFolderBasename: () => {
const workspaceFolder = computeVscodeVar("workspaceFolder");
if (workspaceFolder) {
return path.basename(workspaceFolder);
} else {
return "";
cwd: () => process.cwd(),
// see
// or
execPath: () => process.env.VSCODE_EXEC_PATH ?? process.execPath,
pathSeparator: () => path.sep,
if (varName in supportedVariables) {
return supportedVariables[varName]();
} else {
// can't resolve, keep the expression as is
return "${" + varName + "}";