217 lines
7.6 KiB
217 lines
7.6 KiB
//! Config used by the language server.
//! We currently get this config from `initialize` LSP request, which is not the
//! best way to do it, but was the simplest thing we could implement.
//! Of particular interest is the `feature_flags` hash map: while other fields
//! configure the server itself, feature flags are passed into analysis, and
//! tweak things like automatic insertion of `()` in completions.
use lsp_types::TextDocumentClientCapabilities;
use ra_flycheck::FlycheckConfig;
use ra_ide::{CompletionConfig, InlayHintsConfig};
use ra_project_model::CargoConfig;
use serde::Deserialize;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
pub client_caps: ClientCapsConfig,
pub with_sysroot: bool,
pub publish_diagnostics: bool,
pub lru_capacity: Option<usize>,
pub proc_macro_srv: Option<(String, Vec<String>)>,
pub files: FilesConfig,
pub notifications: NotificationsConfig,
pub cargo: CargoConfig,
pub rustfmt: RustfmtConfig,
pub check: Option<FlycheckConfig>,
pub inlay_hints: InlayHintsConfig,
pub completion: CompletionConfig,
pub call_info_full: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FilesConfig {
pub watcher: FilesWatcher,
pub exclude: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FilesWatcher {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NotificationsConfig {
pub workspace_loaded: bool,
pub cargo_toml_not_found: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum RustfmtConfig {
Rustfmt {
extra_args: Vec<String>,
CustomCommand {
command: String,
args: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct ClientCapsConfig {
pub location_link: bool,
pub line_folding_only: bool,
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Self {
Config {
client_caps: ClientCapsConfig::default(),
with_sysroot: true,
publish_diagnostics: true,
lru_capacity: None,
proc_macro_srv: None,
files: FilesConfig { watcher: FilesWatcher::Notify, exclude: Vec::new() },
notifications: NotificationsConfig {
workspace_loaded: true,
cargo_toml_not_found: true,
cargo: CargoConfig::default(),
rustfmt: RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args: Vec::new() },
check: Some(FlycheckConfig::CargoCommand {
command: "check".to_string(),
all_targets: true,
extra_args: Vec::new(),
inlay_hints: InlayHintsConfig {
type_hints: true,
parameter_hints: true,
chaining_hints: true,
max_length: None,
completion: CompletionConfig {
enable_postfix_completions: true,
add_call_parenthesis: true,
add_call_argument_snippets: true,
call_info_full: true,
impl Config {
pub fn update(&mut self, value: &serde_json::Value) {
log::info!("Config::update({:#})", value);
let client_caps = self.client_caps.clone();
*self = Default::default();
self.client_caps = client_caps;
set(value, "/withSysroot", &mut self.with_sysroot);
set(value, "/featureFlags/lsp.diagnostics", &mut self.publish_diagnostics);
set(value, "/lruCapacity", &mut self.lru_capacity);
self.files.watcher = match get(value, "/files/watcher") {
Some("client") => FilesWatcher::Client,
Some("notify") | _ => FilesWatcher::Notify
set(value, "/notifications/workspaceLoaded", &mut self.notifications.workspace_loaded);
set(value, "/notifications/cargoTomlNotFound", &mut self.notifications.cargo_toml_not_found);
set(value, "/cargo/noDefaultFeatures", &mut self.cargo.no_default_features);
set(value, "/cargo/allFeatures", &mut self.cargo.all_features);
set(value, "/cargo/features", &mut self.cargo.features);
set(value, "/cargo/loadOutDirsFromCheck", &mut self.cargo.load_out_dirs_from_check);
match get::<bool>(value, "/procMacro/enabled") {
Some(true) => {
if let Ok(path) = std::env::current_exe() {
self.proc_macro_srv = Some((path.to_string_lossy().to_string(), vec!["proc-macro".to_string()]));
_ => self.proc_macro_srv = None,
match get::<Vec<String>>(value, "/rustfmt/overrideCommand") {
Some(mut args) if !args.is_empty() => {
let command = args.remove(0);
self.rustfmt = RustfmtConfig::CustomCommand {
_ => {
if let RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args } = &mut self.rustfmt {
set(value, "/rustfmt/extraArgs", extra_args);
if let Some(false) = get(value, "/checkOnSave/enable") {
// check is disabled
self.check = None;
} else {
// check is enabled
match get::<Vec<String>>(value, "/checkOnSave/overrideCommand") {
// first see if the user has completely overridden the command
Some(mut args) if !args.is_empty() => {
let command = args.remove(0);
self.check = Some(FlycheckConfig::CustomCommand {
// otherwise configure command customizations
_ => {
if let Some(FlycheckConfig::CargoCommand { command, extra_args, all_targets })
= &mut self.check
set(value, "/checkOnSave/extraArgs", extra_args);
set(value, "/checkOnSave/command", command);
set(value, "/checkOnSave/allTargets", all_targets);
set(value, "/inlayHints/typeHints", &mut self.inlay_hints.type_hints);
set(value, "/inlayHints/parameterHints", &mut self.inlay_hints.parameter_hints);
set(value, "/inlayHints/chainingHints", &mut self.inlay_hints.chaining_hints);
set(value, "/inlayHints/maxLength", &mut self.inlay_hints.max_length);
set(value, "/completion/postfix/enable", &mut self.completion.enable_postfix_completions);
set(value, "/completion/addCallParenthesis", &mut self.completion.add_call_parenthesis);
set(value, "/completion/addCallArgumentSnippets", &mut self.completion.add_call_argument_snippets);
set(value, "/callInfo/full", &mut self.call_info_full);
log::info!("Config::update() = {:#?}", self);
fn get<'a, T: Deserialize<'a>>(value: &'a serde_json::Value, pointer: &str) -> Option<T> {
value.pointer(pointer).and_then(|it| T::deserialize(it).ok())
fn set<'a, T: Deserialize<'a>>(value: &'a serde_json::Value, pointer: &str, slot: &mut T) {
if let Some(new_value) = get(value, pointer) {
*slot = new_value
pub fn update_caps(&mut self, caps: &TextDocumentClientCapabilities) {
if let Some(value) = caps.definition.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.link_support) {
self.client_caps.location_link = value;
if let Some(value) = caps.folding_range.as_ref().and_then(|it| it.line_folding_only) {
self.client_caps.line_folding_only = value