Don't do intra-pass validation on MIR shims
In the test that was committed, we end up generating the drop shim for `struct Foo` that looks like:
fn std::ptr::drop_in_place(_1: *mut Foo) -> () {
let mut _0: ();
bb0: {
goto -> bb5;
bb1: {
bb2 (cleanup): {
bb3: {
goto -> bb1;
bb4 (cleanup): {
drop(((*_1).0: foo::WrapperWithDrop<()>)) -> [return: bb2, unwind terminate];
bb5: {
drop(((*_1).0: foo::WrapperWithDrop<()>)) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb2];
In `bb4` and `bb5`, we assert that `(*_1).0` has type `WrapperWithDrop<()>`. However, In a user-facing param env, the type is actually `WrapperWithDrop<Tait>`. These types are not equal in a user-facing param-env (and can't be made equal even if we use `DefiningAnchor::Bubble`, since it's a non-local TAIT).