Instead of determining paths from the path tag, we iterate through modules' children recursively in the metadata. This will allow for lazy external module resolution.
3413 lines
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3413 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
* String manipulation
* Strings are a packed UTF-8 representation of text, stored as null
* terminated buffers of u8 bytes. Strings should be indexed in bytes,
* for efficiency, but UTF-8 unsafe operations should be avoided. For
* some heavy-duty uses, try extra::rope.
use at_vec;
use cast::transmute;
use cast;
use char;
use char::Char;
use clone::Clone;
use container::Container;
use iter::Times;
use iterator::{Iterator, IteratorUtil, FilterIterator, AdditiveIterator, MapIterator};
use libc;
use num::Zero;
use option::{None, Option, Some};
use ptr;
use ptr::RawPtr;
use to_str::ToStr;
use uint;
use vec;
use vec::{OwnedVector, OwnedCopyableVector, ImmutableVector};
Section: Conditions
condition! {
not_utf8: (~str) -> ~str;
Section: Creating a string
* Convert a vector of bytes to a new UTF-8 string
* # Failure
* Raises the `not_utf8` condition if invalid UTF-8
pub fn from_bytes(vv: &[u8]) -> ~str {
use str::not_utf8::cond;
if !is_utf8(vv) {
let first_bad_byte = *vv.iter().find_(|&b| !is_utf8([*b])).get();
cond.raise(fmt!("from_bytes: input is not UTF-8; first bad byte is %u",
first_bad_byte as uint))
else {
return unsafe { raw::from_bytes(vv) }
* Convert a vector of bytes to a UTF-8 string.
* The vector needs to be one byte longer than the string, and end with a 0 byte.
* Compared to `from_bytes()`, this fn doesn't need to allocate a new owned str.
* # Failure
* Fails if invalid UTF-8
* Fails if not null terminated
pub fn from_bytes_with_null<'a>(vv: &'a [u8]) -> &'a str {
assert_eq!(vv[vv.len() - 1], 0);
return unsafe { raw::from_bytes_with_null(vv) };
* Converts a vector to a string slice without performing any allocations.
* Once the slice has been validated as utf-8, it is transmuted in-place and
* returned as a '&str' instead of a '&[u8]'
* # Failure
* Fails if invalid UTF-8
pub fn from_bytes_slice<'a>(vector: &'a [u8]) -> &'a str {
unsafe {
let (ptr, len): (*u8, uint) = ::cast::transmute(vector);
let string: &'a str = ::cast::transmute((ptr, len + 1));
/// Copy a slice into a new unique str
pub fn to_owned(s: &str) -> ~str {
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes_owned(s, 0, s.len()) }
impl ToStr for ~str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { to_owned(*self) }
impl<'self> ToStr for &'self str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { to_owned(*self) }
impl ToStr for @str {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str { to_owned(*self) }
* Convert a byte to a UTF-8 string
* # Failure
* Fails if invalid UTF-8
pub fn from_byte(b: u8) -> ~str {
assert!(b < 128u8);
unsafe { ::cast::transmute(~[b, 0u8]) }
/// Convert a char to a string
pub fn from_char(ch: char) -> ~str {
let mut buf = ~"";
/// Convert a vector of chars to a string
pub fn from_chars(chs: &[char]) -> ~str {
let mut buf = ~"";
for chs.iter().advance |ch| {
pub fn push_str(lhs: &mut ~str, rhs: &str) {
pub trait StrVector {
pub fn concat(&self) -> ~str;
pub fn connect(&self, sep: &str) -> ~str;
impl<'self, S: Str> StrVector for &'self [S] {
/// Concatenate a vector of strings.
pub fn concat(&self) -> ~str {
if self.is_empty() { return ~""; }
let len = self.iter().transform(|s| s.as_slice().len()).sum();
let mut s = ~"";
unsafe {
do as_buf(s) |buf, _| {
let mut buf = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(buf);
for self.iter().advance |ss| {
do as_buf(ss.as_slice()) |ssbuf, sslen| {
let sslen = sslen - 1;
ptr::copy_memory(buf, ssbuf, sslen);
buf = buf.offset(sslen);
raw::set_len(&mut s, len);
/// Concatenate a vector of strings, placing a given separator between each.
pub fn connect(&self, sep: &str) -> ~str {
if self.is_empty() { return ~""; }
// concat is faster
if sep.is_empty() { return self.concat(); }
// this is wrong without the guarantee that `self` is non-empty
let len = sep.len() * (self.len() - 1)
+ self.iter().transform(|s| s.as_slice().len()).sum();
let mut s = ~"";
let mut first = true;
unsafe {
do as_buf(s) |buf, _| {
do as_buf(sep) |sepbuf, seplen| {
let seplen = seplen - 1;
let mut buf = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(buf);
for self.iter().advance |ss| {
do as_buf(ss.as_slice()) |ssbuf, sslen| {
let sslen = sslen - 1;
if first {
first = false;
} else {
ptr::copy_memory(buf, sepbuf, seplen);
buf = buf.offset(seplen);
ptr::copy_memory(buf, ssbuf, sslen);
buf = buf.offset(sslen);
raw::set_len(&mut s, len);
/// Something that can be used to compare against a character
pub trait CharEq {
/// Determine if the splitter should split at the given character
fn matches(&self, char) -> bool;
/// Indicate if this is only concerned about ASCII characters,
/// which can allow for a faster implementation.
fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool;
impl CharEq for char {
fn matches(&self, c: char) -> bool { *self == c }
fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool { (*self as uint) < 128 }
impl<'self> CharEq for &'self fn(char) -> bool {
fn matches(&self, c: char) -> bool { (*self)(c) }
fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool { false }
impl CharEq for extern "Rust" fn(char) -> bool {
fn matches(&self, c: char) -> bool { (*self)(c) }
fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool { false }
impl<'self, C: CharEq> CharEq for &'self [C] {
fn matches(&self, c: char) -> bool {
self.iter().any_(|m| m.matches(c))
fn only_ascii(&self) -> bool {
self.iter().all(|m| m.only_ascii())
/// An iterator over the substrings of a string, separated by `sep`.
pub struct StrCharSplitIterator<'self,Sep> {
priv string: &'self str,
priv position: uint,
priv sep: Sep,
/// The number of splits remaining
priv count: uint,
/// Whether an empty string at the end is allowed
priv allow_trailing_empty: bool,
priv finished: bool,
priv only_ascii: bool
/// An iterator over the words of a string, separated by an sequence of whitespace
pub type WordIterator<'self> =
FilterIterator<'self, &'self str,
StrCharSplitIterator<'self, extern "Rust" fn(char) -> bool>>;
/// An iterator over the lines of a string, separated by either `\n` or (`\r\n`).
pub type AnyLineIterator<'self> =
MapIterator<'self, &'self str, &'self str, StrCharSplitIterator<'self, char>>;
impl<'self, Sep: CharEq> Iterator<&'self str> for StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self str> {
if self.finished { return None }
let l = self.string.len();
let start = self.position;
if self.only_ascii {
// this gives a *huge* speed up for splitting on ASCII
// characters (e.g. '\n' or ' ')
while self.position < l && self.count > 0 {
let byte = self.string[self.position];
if self.sep.matches(byte as char) {
let slice = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(self.string, start, self.position) };
self.position += 1;
self.count -= 1;
return Some(slice);
self.position += 1;
} else {
while self.position < l && self.count > 0 {
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.string.char_range_at(self.position);
if self.sep.matches(ch) {
let slice = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(self.string, start, self.position) };
self.position = next;
self.count -= 1;
return Some(slice);
self.position = next;
self.finished = true;
if self.allow_trailing_empty || start < l {
Some(unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(self.string, start, l) })
} else {
/// An iterator over the start and end indicies of the matches of a
/// substring within a larger string
pub struct StrMatchesIndexIterator<'self> {
priv haystack: &'self str,
priv needle: &'self str,
priv position: uint,
/// An iterator over the substrings of a string separated by a given
/// search string
pub struct StrStrSplitIterator<'self> {
priv it: StrMatchesIndexIterator<'self>,
priv last_end: uint,
priv finished: bool
impl<'self> Iterator<(uint, uint)> for StrMatchesIndexIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(uint, uint)> {
// See Issue #1932 for why this is a naive search
let (h_len, n_len) = (self.haystack.len(), self.needle.len());
let mut match_start = 0;
let mut match_i = 0;
while self.position < h_len {
if self.haystack[self.position] == self.needle[match_i] {
if match_i == 0 { match_start = self.position; }
match_i += 1;
self.position += 1;
if match_i == n_len {
// found a match!
return Some((match_start, self.position));
} else {
// failed match, backtrack
if match_i > 0 {
match_i = 0;
self.position = match_start;
self.position += 1;
impl<'self> Iterator<&'self str> for StrStrSplitIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self str> {
if self.finished { return None; }
match self.it.next() {
Some((from, to)) => {
let ret = Some(self.it.haystack.slice(self.last_end, from));
self.last_end = to;
None => {
self.finished = true;
Some(self.it.haystack.slice(self.last_end, self.it.haystack.len()))
/** Splits a string into substrings with possibly internal whitespace,
* each of them at most `lim` bytes long. The substrings have leading and trailing
* whitespace removed, and are only cut at whitespace boundaries.
* #Failure:
* Fails during iteration if the string contains a non-whitespace
* sequence longer than the limit.
pub fn each_split_within<'a>(ss: &'a str,
lim: uint,
it: &fn(&'a str) -> bool) -> bool {
// Just for fun, let's write this as an state machine:
enum SplitWithinState {
A, // leading whitespace, initial state
B, // words
C, // internal and trailing whitespace
enum Whitespace {
Ws, // current char is whitespace
Cr // current char is not whitespace
enum LengthLimit {
UnderLim, // current char makes current substring still fit in limit
OverLim // current char makes current substring no longer fit in limit
let mut slice_start = 0;
let mut last_start = 0;
let mut last_end = 0;
let mut state = A;
let mut cont = true;
let slice: &fn() = || { cont = it(ss.slice(slice_start, last_end)) };
let machine: &fn((uint, char)) -> bool = |(i, c)| {
let whitespace = if char::is_whitespace(c) { Ws } else { Cr };
let limit = if (i - slice_start + 1) <= lim { UnderLim } else { OverLim };
state = match (state, whitespace, limit) {
(A, Ws, _) => { A }
(A, Cr, _) => { slice_start = i; last_start = i; B }
(B, Cr, UnderLim) => { B }
(B, Cr, OverLim) if (i - last_start + 1) > lim
=> fail!("word starting with %? longer than limit!",
ss.slice(last_start, i + 1)),
(B, Cr, OverLim) => { slice(); slice_start = last_start; B }
(B, Ws, UnderLim) => { last_end = i; C }
(B, Ws, OverLim) => { last_end = i; slice(); A }
(C, Cr, UnderLim) => { last_start = i; B }
(C, Cr, OverLim) => { slice(); slice_start = i; last_start = i; last_end = i; B }
(C, Ws, OverLim) => { slice(); A }
(C, Ws, UnderLim) => { C }
// Let the automaton 'run out' by supplying trailing whitespace
let mut fake_i = ss.len();
while cont && match state { B | C => true, A => false } {
machine((fake_i, ' '));
fake_i += 1;
return cont;
* Replace all occurrences of one string with another
* # Arguments
* * s - The string containing substrings to replace
* * from - The string to replace
* * to - The replacement string
* # Return value
* The original string with all occurances of `from` replaced with `to`
pub fn replace(s: &str, from: &str, to: &str) -> ~str {
let mut result = ~"";
let mut last_end = 0;
for s.matches_index_iter(from).advance |(start, end)| {
result.push_str(unsafe{raw::slice_bytes(s, last_end, start)});
last_end = end;
result.push_str(unsafe{raw::slice_bytes(s, last_end, s.len())});
Section: Comparing strings
/// Bytewise slice equality
pub fn eq_slice(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
do as_buf(a) |ap, alen| {
do as_buf(b) |bp, blen| {
if (alen != blen) { false }
else {
unsafe {
libc::memcmp(ap as *libc::c_void,
bp as *libc::c_void,
(alen - 1) as libc::size_t) == 0
pub fn eq_slice(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
do as_buf(a) |ap, alen| {
do as_buf(b) |bp, blen| {
if (alen != blen) { false }
else {
unsafe {
libc::memcmp(ap as *libc::c_void,
bp as *libc::c_void,
(alen - 1) as libc::size_t) == 0
/// Bytewise string equality
pub fn eq(a: &~str, b: &~str) -> bool {
eq_slice(*a, *b)
pub fn eq(a: &~str, b: &~str) -> bool {
eq_slice(*a, *b)
Section: Searching
// Utility used by various searching functions
fn match_at<'a,'b>(haystack: &'a str, needle: &'b str, at: uint) -> bool {
let mut i = at;
for needle.bytes_iter().advance |c| { if haystack[i] != c { return false; } i += 1u; }
return true;
Section: Misc
/// Determines if a vector of bytes contains valid UTF-8
pub fn is_utf8(v: &const [u8]) -> bool {
let mut i = 0u;
let total = v.len();
while i < total {
let mut chsize = utf8_char_width(v[i]);
if chsize == 0u { return false; }
if i + chsize > total { return false; }
i += 1u;
while chsize > 1u {
if v[i] & 192u8 != tag_cont_u8 { return false; }
i += 1u;
chsize -= 1u;
return true;
/// Determines if a vector of `u16` contains valid UTF-16
pub fn is_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> bool {
let len = v.len();
let mut i = 0u;
while (i < len) {
let u = v[i];
if u <= 0xD7FF_u16 || u >= 0xE000_u16 {
i += 1u;
} else {
if i+1u < len { return false; }
let u2 = v[i+1u];
if u < 0xD7FF_u16 || u > 0xDBFF_u16 { return false; }
if u2 < 0xDC00_u16 || u2 > 0xDFFF_u16 { return false; }
i += 2u;
return true;
/// Iterates over the utf-16 characters in the specified slice, yielding each
/// decoded unicode character to the function provided.
/// # Failures
/// * Fails on invalid utf-16 data
pub fn utf16_chars(v: &[u16], f: &fn(char)) {
let len = v.len();
let mut i = 0u;
while (i < len && v[i] != 0u16) {
let u = v[i];
if u <= 0xD7FF_u16 || u >= 0xE000_u16 {
f(u as char);
i += 1u;
} else {
let u2 = v[i+1u];
assert!(u >= 0xD800_u16 && u <= 0xDBFF_u16);
assert!(u2 >= 0xDC00_u16 && u2 <= 0xDFFF_u16);
let mut c = (u - 0xD800_u16) as char;
c = c << 10;
c |= (u2 - 0xDC00_u16) as char;
c |= 0x1_0000_u32 as char;
i += 2u;
* Allocates a new string from the utf-16 slice provided
pub fn from_utf16(v: &[u16]) -> ~str {
let mut buf = ~"";
utf16_chars(v, |ch| buf.push_char(ch));
* Allocates a new string with the specified capacity. The string returned is
* the empty string, but has capacity for much more.
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: uint) -> ~str {
let mut buf = ~"";
* As char_len but for a slice of a string
* # Arguments
* * s - A valid string
* * start - The position inside `s` where to start counting in bytes
* * end - The position where to stop counting
* # Return value
* The number of Unicode characters in `s` between the given indices.
pub fn count_chars(s: &str, start: uint, end: uint) -> uint {
let mut i = start;
let mut len = 0u;
while i < end {
let next = s.char_range_at(i).next;
len += 1u;
i = next;
return len;
/// Counts the number of bytes taken by the first `n` chars in `s`
/// starting from `start`.
pub fn count_bytes<'b>(s: &'b str, start: uint, n: uint) -> uint {
let mut end = start;
let mut cnt = n;
let l = s.len();
while cnt > 0u {
assert!(end < l);
let next = s.char_range_at(end).next;
cnt -= 1u;
end = next;
end - start
/// Given a first byte, determine how many bytes are in this UTF-8 character
pub fn utf8_char_width(b: u8) -> uint {
let byte: uint = b as uint;
if byte < 128u { return 1u; }
// Not a valid start byte
if byte < 192u { return 0u; }
if byte < 224u { return 2u; }
if byte < 240u { return 3u; }
if byte < 248u { return 4u; }
if byte < 252u { return 5u; }
return 6u;
pub struct CharRange {
ch: char,
next: uint
// UTF-8 tags and ranges
static tag_cont_u8: u8 = 128u8;
static tag_cont: uint = 128u;
static max_one_b: uint = 128u;
static tag_two_b: uint = 192u;
static max_two_b: uint = 2048u;
static tag_three_b: uint = 224u;
static max_three_b: uint = 65536u;
static tag_four_b: uint = 240u;
static max_four_b: uint = 2097152u;
static tag_five_b: uint = 248u;
static max_five_b: uint = 67108864u;
static tag_six_b: uint = 252u;
* A dummy trait to hold all the utility methods that we implement on strings.
pub trait StrUtil {
* Work with the byte buffer of a string as a null-terminated C string.
* Allows for unsafe manipulation of strings, which is useful for foreign
* interop. This is similar to `str::as_buf`, but guarantees null-termination.
* If the given slice is not already null-terminated, this function will
* allocate a temporary, copy the slice, null terminate it, and pass
* that instead.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* let s = "PATH".as_c_str(|path| libc::getenv(path));
* ~~~
fn as_c_str<T>(self, f: &fn(*libc::c_char) -> T) -> T;
impl<'self> StrUtil for &'self str {
fn as_c_str<T>(self, f: &fn(*libc::c_char) -> T) -> T {
do as_buf(self) |buf, len| {
// NB: len includes the trailing null.
assert!(len > 0);
if unsafe { *(ptr::offset(buf,len-1)) != 0 } {
} else {
f(buf as *libc::c_char)
* Deprecated. Use the `as_c_str` method on strings instead.
pub fn as_c_str<T>(s: &str, f: &fn(*libc::c_char) -> T) -> T {
* Work with the byte buffer and length of a slice.
* The given length is one byte longer than the 'official' indexable
* length of the string. This is to permit probing the byte past the
* indexable area for a null byte, as is the case in slices pointing
* to full strings, or suffixes of them.
pub fn as_buf<T>(s: &str, f: &fn(*u8, uint) -> T) -> T {
unsafe {
let v : *(*u8,uint) = transmute(&s);
let (buf,len) = *v;
f(buf, len)
/// Unsafe operations
pub mod raw {
use cast;
use libc;
use ptr;
use str::raw;
use str::{as_buf, is_utf8};
use vec;
/// Create a Rust string from a null-terminated *u8 buffer
pub unsafe fn from_buf(buf: *u8) -> ~str {
let mut curr = buf;
let mut i = 0u;
while *curr != 0u8 {
i += 1u;
curr = ptr::offset(buf, i);
return from_buf_len(buf, i);
/// Create a Rust string from a *u8 buffer of the given length
pub unsafe fn from_buf_len(buf: *const u8, len: uint) -> ~str {
let mut v: ~[u8] = vec::with_capacity(len + 1);
vec::as_mut_buf(v, |vbuf, _len| {
ptr::copy_memory(vbuf, buf as *u8, len)
vec::raw::set_len(&mut v, len);
return ::cast::transmute(v);
/// Create a Rust string from a null-terminated C string
pub unsafe fn from_c_str(c_str: *libc::c_char) -> ~str {
/// Create a Rust string from a `*c_char` buffer of the given length
pub unsafe fn from_c_str_len(c_str: *libc::c_char, len: uint) -> ~str {
from_buf_len(::cast::transmute(c_str), len)
/// Converts a vector of bytes to a new owned string.
pub unsafe fn from_bytes(v: &const [u8]) -> ~str {
do vec::as_const_buf(v) |buf, len| {
from_buf_len(buf, len)
/// Converts a vector of bytes to a string.
/// The byte slice needs to contain valid utf8 and needs to be one byte longer than
/// the string, if possible ending in a 0 byte.
pub unsafe fn from_bytes_with_null<'a>(v: &'a [u8]) -> &'a str {
/// Converts a byte to a string.
pub unsafe fn from_byte(u: u8) -> ~str { raw::from_bytes([u]) }
/// Form a slice from a C string. Unsafe because the caller must ensure the
/// C string has the static lifetime, or else the return value may be
/// invalidated later.
pub unsafe fn c_str_to_static_slice(s: *libc::c_char) -> &'static str {
let s = s as *u8;
let mut curr = s;
let mut len = 0u;
while *curr != 0u8 {
len += 1u;
curr = ptr::offset(s, len);
let v = (s, len + 1);
* Takes a bytewise (not UTF-8) slice from a string.
* Returns the substring from [`begin`..`end`).
* # Failure
* If begin is greater than end.
* If end is greater than the length of the string.
pub unsafe fn slice_bytes_owned(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> ~str {
do as_buf(s) |sbuf, n| {
assert!((begin <= end));
assert!((end <= n));
let mut v = vec::with_capacity(end - begin + 1u);
do vec::as_imm_buf(v) |vbuf, _vlen| {
let vbuf = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(vbuf);
let src = ptr::offset(sbuf, begin);
ptr::copy_memory(vbuf, src, end - begin);
vec::raw::set_len(&mut v, end - begin);
* Takes a bytewise (not UTF-8) slice from a string.
* Returns the substring from [`begin`..`end`).
* # Failure
* If begin is greater than end.
* If end is greater than the length of the string.
pub unsafe fn slice_bytes(s: &str, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &str {
do as_buf(s) |sbuf, n| {
assert!((begin <= end));
assert!((end <= n));
let tuple = (ptr::offset(sbuf, begin), end - begin + 1);
/// Appends a byte to a string. (Not UTF-8 safe).
pub unsafe fn push_byte(s: &mut ~str, b: u8) {
let new_len = s.len() + 1;
do as_buf(*s) |buf, len| {
let buf: *mut u8 = ::cast::transmute(buf);
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, len) = b;
set_len(&mut *s, new_len);
/// Appends a vector of bytes to a string. (Not UTF-8 safe).
unsafe fn push_bytes(s: &mut ~str, bytes: &[u8]) {
let new_len = s.len() + bytes.len();
for bytes.iter().advance |byte| { push_byte(&mut *s, *byte); }
/// Removes the last byte from a string and returns it. (Not UTF-8 safe).
pub unsafe fn pop_byte(s: &mut ~str) -> u8 {
let len = s.len();
assert!((len > 0u));
let b = s[len - 1u];
set_len(s, len - 1u);
return b;
/// Removes the first byte from a string and returns it. (Not UTF-8 safe).
pub unsafe fn shift_byte(s: &mut ~str) -> u8 {
let len = s.len();
assert!((len > 0u));
let b = s[0];
*s = raw::slice_bytes_owned(*s, 1u, len);
return b;
/// Sets the length of the string and adds the null terminator
pub unsafe fn set_len(v: &mut ~str, new_len: uint) {
let v: **mut vec::raw::VecRepr = cast::transmute(v);
let repr: *mut vec::raw::VecRepr = *v;
(*repr).unboxed.fill = new_len + 1u;
let null = ptr::mut_offset(cast::transmute(&((*repr).unboxed.data)),
*null = 0u8;
fn test_from_buf_len() {
unsafe {
let a = ~[65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 0u8];
let b = vec::raw::to_ptr(a);
let c = from_buf_len(b, 3u);
assert_eq!(c, ~"AAA");
pub mod traits {
use ops::Add;
use cmp::{TotalOrd, Ordering, Less, Equal, Greater, Eq, Ord, Equiv, TotalEq};
use super::{Str, eq_slice};
impl<'self> Add<&'self str,~str> for &'self str {
fn add(&self, rhs: & &'self str) -> ~str {
let mut ret = self.to_owned();
impl<'self> TotalOrd for &'self str {
fn cmp(&self, other: & &'self str) -> Ordering {
for self.bytes_iter().zip(other.bytes_iter()).advance |(s_b, o_b)| {
match s_b.cmp(&o_b) {
Greater => return Greater,
Less => return Less,
Equal => ()
impl TotalOrd for ~str {
fn cmp(&self, other: &~str) -> Ordering { self.as_slice().cmp(&other.as_slice()) }
impl TotalOrd for @str {
fn cmp(&self, other: &@str) -> Ordering { self.as_slice().cmp(&other.as_slice()) }
impl<'self> Eq for &'self str {
fn eq(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
fn ne(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
impl Eq for ~str {
fn eq(&self, other: &~str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
fn ne(&self, other: &~str) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
impl Eq for @str {
fn eq(&self, other: &@str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
fn ne(&self, other: &@str) -> bool { !(*self).eq(other) }
impl<'self> TotalEq for &'self str {
fn equals(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
impl TotalEq for ~str {
fn equals(&self, other: &~str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
impl TotalEq for @str {
fn equals(&self, other: &@str) -> bool {
eq_slice((*self), (*other))
impl<'self> Ord for &'self str {
fn lt(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Less }
fn le(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Greater }
fn ge(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Less }
fn gt(&self, other: & &'self str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Greater }
impl Ord for ~str {
fn lt(&self, other: &~str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Less }
fn le(&self, other: &~str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Greater }
fn ge(&self, other: &~str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Less }
fn gt(&self, other: &~str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Greater }
impl Ord for @str {
fn lt(&self, other: &@str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Less }
fn le(&self, other: &@str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Greater }
fn ge(&self, other: &@str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) != Less }
fn gt(&self, other: &@str) -> bool { self.cmp(other) == Greater }
impl<'self, S: Str> Equiv<S> for &'self str {
fn equiv(&self, other: &S) -> bool { eq_slice(*self, other.as_slice()) }
impl<'self, S: Str> Equiv<S> for @str {
fn equiv(&self, other: &S) -> bool { eq_slice(*self, other.as_slice()) }
impl<'self, S: Str> Equiv<S> for ~str {
fn equiv(&self, other: &S) -> bool { eq_slice(*self, other.as_slice()) }
pub mod traits {}
/// Any string that can be represented as a slice
pub trait Str {
/// Work with `self` as a slice.
fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str;
impl<'self> Str for &'self str {
fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str { *self }
impl<'self> Str for ~str {
fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str {
let s: &'a str = *self; s
impl<'self> Str for @str {
fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str {
let s: &'a str = *self; s
impl<'self> Container for &'self str {
fn len(&self) -> uint {
do as_buf(*self) |_p, n| { n - 1u }
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
pub trait StrSlice<'self> {
fn contains<'a>(&self, needle: &'a str) -> bool;
fn contains_char(&self, needle: char) -> bool;
fn iter(&self) -> StrCharIterator<'self>;
fn rev_iter(&self) -> StrCharRevIterator<'self>;
fn bytes_iter(&self) -> StrBytesIterator<'self>;
fn bytes_rev_iter(&self) -> StrBytesRevIterator<'self>;
fn split_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep>;
fn splitn_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep, count: uint) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep>;
fn split_options_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep, count: uint, allow_trailing_empty: bool)
-> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep>;
fn matches_index_iter(&self, sep: &'self str) -> StrMatchesIndexIterator<'self>;
fn split_str_iter(&self, &'self str) -> StrStrSplitIterator<'self>;
fn line_iter(&self) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, char>;
fn any_line_iter(&self) -> AnyLineIterator<'self>;
fn word_iter(&self) -> WordIterator<'self>;
fn ends_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool;
fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool;
fn is_alphanumeric(&self) -> bool;
fn char_len(&self) -> uint;
fn slice(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str;
fn slice_from(&self, begin: uint) -> &'self str;
fn slice_to(&self, end: uint) -> &'self str;
fn slice_chars(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str;
fn starts_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool;
fn escape_default(&self) -> ~str;
fn escape_unicode(&self) -> ~str;
fn trim(&self) -> &'self str;
fn trim_left(&self) -> &'self str;
fn trim_right(&self) -> &'self str;
fn trim_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str;
fn trim_left_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str;
fn trim_right_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str;
fn replace(&self, from: &str, to: &str) -> ~str;
fn to_owned(&self) -> ~str;
fn to_managed(&self) -> @str;
fn to_utf16(&self) -> ~[u16];
fn is_char_boundary(&self, index: uint) -> bool;
fn char_range_at(&self, start: uint) -> CharRange;
fn char_at(&self, i: uint) -> char;
fn char_range_at_reverse(&self, start: uint) -> CharRange;
fn char_at_reverse(&self, i: uint) -> char;
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'self [u8];
fn find<C: CharEq>(&self, search: C) -> Option<uint>;
fn rfind<C: CharEq>(&self, search: C) -> Option<uint>;
fn find_str(&self, &str) -> Option<uint>;
fn repeat(&self, nn: uint) -> ~str;
fn slice_shift_char(&self) -> (char, &'self str);
fn map_chars(&self, ff: &fn(char) -> char) -> ~str;
fn lev_distance(&self, t: &str) -> uint;
fn subslice_offset(&self, inner: &str) -> uint;
/// Extension methods for strings
impl<'self> StrSlice<'self> for &'self str {
* Returns true if one string contains another
* # Arguments
* * needle - The string to look for
fn contains<'a>(&self, needle: &'a str) -> bool {
* Returns true if a string contains a char.
* # Arguments
* * needle - The char to look for
fn contains_char(&self, needle: char) -> bool {
/// An iterator over the characters of `self`. Note, this iterates
/// over unicode code-points, not unicode graphemes.
/// # Example
/// ~~~ {.rust}
/// let v: ~[char] = "abc åäö".iter().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ~['a', 'b', 'c', ' ', 'å', 'ä', 'ö']);
/// ~~~
fn iter(&self) -> StrCharIterator<'self> {
StrCharIterator {
index: 0,
string: *self
/// An iterator over the characters of `self`, in reverse order.
fn rev_iter(&self) -> StrCharRevIterator<'self> {
StrCharRevIterator {
index: self.len(),
string: *self
/// An iterator over the bytes of `self`
fn bytes_iter(&self) -> StrBytesIterator<'self> {
StrBytesIterator { it: self.as_bytes().iter() }
/// An iterator over the bytes of `self`, in reverse order
fn bytes_rev_iter(&self) -> StrBytesRevIterator<'self> {
StrBytesRevIterator { it: self.as_bytes().rev_iter() }
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by `sep`.
/// # Example
/// ~~~ {.rust}
/// let v: ~[&str] = "Mary had a little lamb".split_iter(' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ~["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);
/// let v: ~[&str] = "abc1def2ghi".split_iter(|c: char| c.is_digit()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ~["abc", "def", "ghi"]);
/// ~~~
fn split_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep> {
self.split_options_iter(sep, self.len(), true)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by `sep`, restricted to splitting at most `count`
/// times.
fn splitn_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep, count: uint) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep> {
self.split_options_iter(sep, count, true)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by `sep`, splitting at most `count` times, and
/// possibly not including the trailing empty substring, if it
/// exists.
fn split_options_iter<Sep: CharEq>(&self, sep: Sep, count: uint, allow_trailing_empty: bool)
-> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, Sep> {
let only_ascii = sep.only_ascii();
StrCharSplitIterator {
string: *self,
position: 0,
sep: sep,
count: count,
allow_trailing_empty: allow_trailing_empty,
finished: false,
only_ascii: only_ascii
/// An iterator over the start and end indices of each match of
/// `sep` within `self`.
fn matches_index_iter(&self, sep: &'self str) -> StrMatchesIndexIterator<'self> {
StrMatchesIndexIterator {
haystack: *self,
needle: sep,
position: 0
* An iterator over the substrings of `self` separated by `sep`.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* let v: ~[&str] = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".split_str_iter("abc").collect()
* assert_eq!(v, ["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
* ~~~
fn split_str_iter(&self, sep: &'self str) -> StrStrSplitIterator<'self> {
StrStrSplitIterator {
it: self.matches_index_iter(sep),
last_end: 0,
finished: false
/// An iterator over the lines of a string (subsequences separated
/// by `\n`).
fn line_iter(&self) -> StrCharSplitIterator<'self, char> {
self.split_options_iter('\n', self.len(), false)
/// An iterator over the lines of a string, separated by either
/// `\n` or (`\r\n`).
fn any_line_iter(&self) -> AnyLineIterator<'self> {
do self.line_iter().transform |line| {
let l = line.len();
if l > 0 && line[l - 1] == '\r' as u8 { line.slice(0, l - 1) }
else { line }
/// An iterator over the words of a string (subsequences separated
/// by any sequence of whitespace).
fn word_iter(&self) -> WordIterator<'self> {
self.split_iter(char::is_whitespace).filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
* Returns true if the string contains only whitespace
* Whitespace characters are determined by `char::is_whitespace`
fn is_whitespace(&self) -> bool { self.iter().all(char::is_whitespace) }
* Returns true if the string contains only alphanumerics
* Alphanumeric characters are determined by `char::is_alphanumeric`
fn is_alphanumeric(&self) -> bool { self.iter().all(char::is_alphanumeric) }
/// Returns the number of characters that a string holds
fn char_len(&self) -> uint { self.iter().len_() }
* Returns a slice of the given string from the byte range
* [`begin`..`end`)
* Fails when `begin` and `end` do not point to valid characters or
* beyond the last character of the string
fn slice(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str {
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*self, begin, end) }
/// Returns a slice of the string from `begin` to its end.
/// Fails when `begin` does not point to a valid character, or is
/// out of bounds.
fn slice_from(&self, begin: uint) -> &'self str {
self.slice(begin, self.len())
/// Returns a slice of the string from the beginning to byte
/// `end`.
/// Fails when `end` does not point to a valid character, or is
/// out of bounds.
fn slice_to(&self, end: uint) -> &'self str {
self.slice(0, end)
/// Returns a slice of the string from the char range
/// [`begin`..`end`).
/// Fails if `begin` > `end` or the either `begin` or `end` are
/// beyond the last character of the string.
fn slice_chars(&self, begin: uint, end: uint) -> &'self str {
assert!(begin <= end);
// not sure how to use the iterators for this nicely.
let mut position = 0;
let mut count = 0;
let l = self.len();
while count < begin && position < l {
position = self.char_range_at(position).next;
count += 1;
if count < begin { fail!("Attempted to begin slice_chars beyond end of string") }
let start_byte = position;
while count < end && position < l {
position = self.char_range_at(position).next;
count += 1;
if count < end { fail!("Attempted to end slice_chars beyond end of string") }
self.slice(start_byte, position)
/// Returns true if `needle` is a prefix of the string.
fn starts_with<'a>(&self, needle: &'a str) -> bool {
let (self_len, needle_len) = (self.len(), needle.len());
if needle_len == 0u { true }
else if needle_len > self_len { false }
else { match_at(*self, needle, 0u) }
/// Returns true if `needle` is a suffix of the string.
fn ends_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
let (self_len, needle_len) = (self.len(), needle.len());
if needle_len == 0u { true }
else if needle_len > self_len { false }
else { match_at(*self, needle, self_len - needle_len) }
/// Escape each char in `s` with char::escape_default.
fn escape_default(&self) -> ~str {
let mut out: ~str = ~"";
for self.iter().advance |c| {
/// Escape each char in `s` with char::escape_unicode.
fn escape_unicode(&self) -> ~str {
let mut out: ~str = ~"";
for self.iter().advance |c| {
/// Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
fn trim(&self) -> &'self str {
/// Returns a string with leading whitespace removed
fn trim_left(&self) -> &'self str {
/// Returns a string with trailing whitespace removed
fn trim_right(&self) -> &'self str {
* Returns a string with characters that match `to_trim` removed.
* # Arguments
* * to_trim - a character matcher
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_chars(&'1'), "foo1bar")
* assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_chars(& &['1', '2']), "foo1bar")
* assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "foo1bar")
* ~~~
fn trim_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str {
* Returns a string with leading `chars_to_trim` removed.
* # Arguments
* * to_trim - a character matcher
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_left_chars(&'1'), "foo1bar11")
* assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_left_chars(& &['1', '2']), "foo1bar12")
* assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_left_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "foo1bar123")
* ~~~
fn trim_left_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str {
match self.find(|c: char| !to_trim.matches(c)) {
None => "",
Some(first) => unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*self, first, self.len()) }
* Returns a string with trailing `chars_to_trim` removed.
* # Arguments
* * to_trim - a character matcher
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_right_chars(&'1'), "11foo1bar")
* assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_right_chars(& &['1', '2']), "12foo1bar")
* assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_right_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "123foo1bar")
* ~~~
fn trim_right_chars<C: CharEq>(&self, to_trim: &C) -> &'self str {
match self.rfind(|c: char| !to_trim.matches(c)) {
None => "",
Some(last) => {
let next = self.char_range_at(last).next;
unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*self, 0u, next) }
* Replace all occurrences of one string with another
* # Arguments
* * from - The string to replace
* * to - The replacement string
* # Return value
* The original string with all occurances of `from` replaced with `to`
pub fn replace(&self, from: &str, to: &str) -> ~str {
let mut result = ~"";
let mut last_end = 0;
for self.matches_index_iter(from).advance |(start, end)| {
result.push_str(unsafe{raw::slice_bytes(*self, last_end, start)});
last_end = end;
result.push_str(unsafe{raw::slice_bytes(*self, last_end, self.len())});
/// Copy a slice into a new unique str
fn to_owned(&self) -> ~str { to_owned(*self) }
fn to_managed(&self) -> @str {
let v = at_vec::from_fn(self.len() + 1, |i| {
if i == self.len() { 0 } else { self[i] }
unsafe { ::cast::transmute(v) }
/// Converts to a vector of `u16` encoded as UTF-16.
fn to_utf16(&self) -> ~[u16] {
let mut u = ~[];
for self.iter().advance |ch| {
// Arithmetic with u32 literals is easier on the eyes than chars.
let mut ch = ch as u32;
if (ch & 0xFFFF_u32) == ch {
// The BMP falls through (assuming non-surrogate, as it
// should)
assert!(ch <= 0xD7FF_u32 || ch >= 0xE000_u32);
u.push(ch as u16)
} else {
// Supplementary planes break into surrogates.
assert!(ch >= 0x1_0000_u32 && ch <= 0x10_FFFF_u32);
ch -= 0x1_0000_u32;
let w1 = 0xD800_u16 | ((ch >> 10) as u16);
let w2 = 0xDC00_u16 | ((ch as u16) & 0x3FF_u16);
u.push_all([w1, w2])
* Returns false if the index points into the middle of a multi-byte
* character sequence.
fn is_char_boundary(&self, index: uint) -> bool {
if index == self.len() { return true; }
let b = self[index];
return b < 128u8 || b >= 192u8;
* Pluck a character out of a string and return the index of the next
* character.
* This function can be used to iterate over the unicode characters of a
* string.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* let s = "中华Việt Nam";
* let i = 0u;
* while i < s.len() {
* let CharRange {ch, next} = s.char_range_at(i);
* std::io::println(fmt!("%u: %c",i,ch));
* i = next;
* }
* ~~~
* # Example output
* ~~~
* 0: 中
* 3: 华
* 6: V
* 7: i
* 8: ệ
* 11: t
* 12:
* 13: N
* 14: a
* 15: m
* ~~~
* # Arguments
* * s - The string
* * i - The byte offset of the char to extract
* # Return value
* A record {ch: char, next: uint} containing the char value and the byte
* index of the next unicode character.
* # Failure
* If `i` is greater than or equal to the length of the string.
* If `i` is not the index of the beginning of a valid UTF-8 character.
fn char_range_at(&self, i: uint) -> CharRange {
let b0 = self[i];
let w = utf8_char_width(b0);
assert!((w != 0u));
if w == 1u { return CharRange {ch: b0 as char, next: i + 1u}; }
let mut val = 0u;
let end = i + w;
let mut i = i + 1u;
while i < end {
let byte = self[i];
assert_eq!(byte & 192u8, tag_cont_u8);
val <<= 6u;
val += (byte & 63u8) as uint;
i += 1u;
// Clunky way to get the right bits from the first byte. Uses two shifts,
// the first to clip off the marker bits at the left of the byte, and then
// a second (as uint) to get it to the right position.
val += ((b0 << ((w + 1u) as u8)) as uint) << ((w - 1u) * 6u - w - 1u);
return CharRange {ch: val as char, next: i};
/// Plucks the character starting at the `i`th byte of a string
fn char_at(&self, i: uint) -> char { self.char_range_at(i).ch }
* Given a byte position and a str, return the previous char and its position.
* This function can be used to iterate over a unicode string in reverse.
* Returns 0 for next index if called on start index 0.
fn char_range_at_reverse(&self, start: uint) -> CharRange {
let mut prev = start;
// while there is a previous byte == 10......
while prev > 0u && self[prev - 1u] & 192u8 == tag_cont_u8 {
prev -= 1u;
// now refer to the initial byte of previous char
if prev > 0u {
prev -= 1u;
} else {
prev = 0u;
let ch = self.char_at(prev);
return CharRange {ch:ch, next:prev};
/// Plucks the character ending at the `i`th byte of a string
fn char_at_reverse(&self, i: uint) -> char {
* Work with the byte buffer of a string as a byte slice.
* The byte slice does not include the null terminator.
fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'self [u8] {
unsafe {
let (ptr, len): (*u8, uint) = ::cast::transmute(*self);
let outgoing_tuple: (*u8, uint) = (ptr, len - 1);
* Returns the byte index of the first character of `self` that matches `search`
* # Return value
* `Some` containing the byte index of the last matching character
* or `None` if there is no match
fn find<C: CharEq>(&self, search: C) -> Option<uint> {
if search.only_ascii() {
for self.bytes_iter().enumerate().advance |(i, b)| {
if search.matches(b as char) { return Some(i) }
} else {
let mut index = 0;
for self.iter().advance |c| {
if search.matches(c) { return Some(index); }
index += c.len_utf8_bytes();
* Returns the byte index of the last character of `self` that matches `search`
* # Return value
* `Some` containing the byte index of the last matching character
* or `None` if there is no match
fn rfind<C: CharEq>(&self, search: C) -> Option<uint> {
let mut index = self.len();
if search.only_ascii() {
for self.bytes_rev_iter().advance |b| {
index -= 1;
if search.matches(b as char) { return Some(index); }
} else {
for self.rev_iter().advance |c| {
index -= c.len_utf8_bytes();
if search.matches(c) { return Some(index); }
* Returns the byte index of the first matching substring
* # Arguments
* * `needle` - The string to search for
* # Return value
* `Some` containing the byte index of the first matching substring
* or `None` if there is no match
fn find_str(&self, needle: &str) -> Option<uint> {
if needle.is_empty() {
} else {
.map_consume(|(start, _end)| start)
/// Given a string, make a new string with repeated copies of it.
fn repeat(&self, nn: uint) -> ~str {
do as_buf(*self) |buf, len| {
let mut ret = ~"";
// ignore the NULL terminator
let len = len - 1;
ret.reserve(nn * len);
unsafe {
do as_buf(ret) |rbuf, _len| {
let mut rbuf = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(rbuf);
for nn.times {
ptr::copy_memory(rbuf, buf, len);
rbuf = rbuf.offset(len);
raw::set_len(&mut ret, nn * len);
* Retrieves the first character from a string slice and returns
* it. This does not allocate a new string; instead, it returns a
* slice that point one character beyond the character that was
* shifted.
* # Failure
* If the string does not contain any characters
fn slice_shift_char(&self) -> (char, &'self str) {
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.char_range_at(0u);
let next_s = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes(*self, next, self.len()) };
return (ch, next_s);
/// Apply a function to each character.
fn map_chars(&self, ff: &fn(char) -> char) -> ~str {
let mut result = with_capacity(self.len());
for self.iter().advance |cc| {
/// Levenshtein Distance between two strings.
fn lev_distance(&self, t: &str) -> uint {
let slen = self.len();
let tlen = t.len();
if slen == 0 { return tlen; }
if tlen == 0 { return slen; }
let mut dcol = vec::from_fn(tlen + 1, |x| x);
for self.iter().enumerate().advance |(i, sc)| {
let mut current = i;
dcol[0] = current + 1;
for t.iter().enumerate().advance |(j, tc)| {
let next = dcol[j + 1];
if sc == tc {
dcol[j + 1] = current;
} else {
dcol[j + 1] = ::cmp::min(current, next);
dcol[j + 1] = ::cmp::min(dcol[j + 1], dcol[j]) + 1;
current = next;
return dcol[tlen];
* Returns the byte offset of an inner slice relative to an enclosing outer slice.
* Fails if `inner` is not a direct slice contained within self.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* let string = "a\nb\nc";
* let mut lines = ~[];
* for string.line_iter().advance |line| { lines.push(line) }
* assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[0]) == 0); // &"a"
* assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[1]) == 2); // &"b"
* assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[2]) == 4); // &"c"
* ~~~
fn subslice_offset(&self, inner: &str) -> uint {
do as_buf(*self) |a, a_len| {
do as_buf(inner) |b, b_len| {
let a_start: uint;
let a_end: uint;
let b_start: uint;
let b_end: uint;
unsafe {
a_start = cast::transmute(a); a_end = a_len + cast::transmute(a);
b_start = cast::transmute(b); b_end = b_len + cast::transmute(b);
assert!(a_start <= b_start);
assert!(b_end <= a_end);
b_start - a_start
pub trait NullTerminatedStr {
fn as_bytes_with_null<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8];
impl NullTerminatedStr for ~str {
* Work with the byte buffer of a string as a byte slice.
* The byte slice does include the null terminator.
fn as_bytes_with_null<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
let ptr: &'a ~[u8] = unsafe { ::cast::transmute(self) };
let slice: &'a [u8] = *ptr;
impl NullTerminatedStr for @str {
* Work with the byte buffer of a string as a byte slice.
* The byte slice does include the null terminator.
fn as_bytes_with_null<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
let ptr: &'a ~[u8] = unsafe { ::cast::transmute(self) };
let slice: &'a [u8] = *ptr;
pub trait OwnedStr {
fn push_str_no_overallocate(&mut self, rhs: &str);
fn push_str(&mut self, rhs: &str);
fn push_char(&mut self, c: char);
fn pop_char(&mut self) -> char;
fn shift_char(&mut self) -> char;
fn unshift_char(&mut self, ch: char);
fn append(&self, rhs: &str) -> ~str; // FIXME #4850: this should consume self.
fn reserve(&mut self, n: uint);
fn reserve_at_least(&mut self, n: uint);
fn capacity(&self) -> uint;
fn as_bytes_with_null_consume(self) -> ~[u8];
impl OwnedStr for ~str {
/// Appends a string slice to the back of a string, without overallocating
fn push_str_no_overallocate(&mut self, rhs: &str) {
unsafe {
let llen = self.len();
let rlen = rhs.len();
self.reserve(llen + rlen);
do as_buf(*self) |lbuf, _llen| {
do as_buf(rhs) |rbuf, _rlen| {
let dst = ptr::offset(lbuf, llen);
let dst = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(dst);
ptr::copy_memory(dst, rbuf, rlen);
raw::set_len(self, llen + rlen);
/// Appends a string slice to the back of a string
fn push_str(&mut self, rhs: &str) {
unsafe {
let llen = self.len();
let rlen = rhs.len();
self.reserve_at_least(llen + rlen);
do as_buf(*self) |lbuf, _llen| {
do as_buf(rhs) |rbuf, _rlen| {
let dst = ptr::offset(lbuf, llen);
let dst = ::cast::transmute_mut_unsafe(dst);
ptr::copy_memory(dst, rbuf, rlen);
raw::set_len(self, llen + rlen);
/// Appends a character to the back of a string
fn push_char(&mut self, c: char) {
unsafe {
let code = c as uint;
let nb = if code < max_one_b { 1u }
else if code < max_two_b { 2u }
else if code < max_three_b { 3u }
else if code < max_four_b { 4u }
else if code < max_five_b { 5u }
else { 6u };
let len = self.len();
let new_len = len + nb;
let off = len;
do as_buf(*self) |buf, _len| {
let buf: *mut u8 = ::cast::transmute(buf);
match nb {
1u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = code as u8;
2u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = (code >> 6u & 31u | tag_two_b) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 1u) = (code & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
3u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = (code >> 12u & 15u | tag_three_b) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 1u) = (code >> 6u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 2u) = (code & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
4u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = (code >> 18u & 7u | tag_four_b) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 1u) = (code >> 12u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 2u) = (code >> 6u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 3u) = (code & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
5u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = (code >> 24u & 3u | tag_five_b) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 1u) = (code >> 18u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 2u) = (code >> 12u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 3u) = (code >> 6u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 4u) = (code & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
6u => {
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off) = (code >> 30u & 1u | tag_six_b) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 1u) = (code >> 24u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 2u) = (code >> 18u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 3u) = (code >> 12u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 4u) = (code >> 6u & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
*ptr::mut_offset(buf, off + 5u) = (code & 63u | tag_cont) as u8;
_ => {}
raw::set_len(self, new_len);
* Remove the final character from a string and return it
* # Failure
* If the string does not contain any characters
fn pop_char(&mut self) -> char {
let end = self.len();
assert!(end > 0u);
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.char_range_at_reverse(end);
unsafe { raw::set_len(self, next); }
return ch;
* Remove the first character from a string and return it
* # Failure
* If the string does not contain any characters
fn shift_char(&mut self) -> char {
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.char_range_at(0u);
*self = unsafe { raw::slice_bytes_owned(*self, next, self.len()) };
return ch;
/// Prepend a char to a string
fn unshift_char(&mut self, ch: char) {
// This could be more efficient.
let mut new_str = ~"";
*self = new_str;
/// Concatenate two strings together.
fn append(&self, rhs: &str) -> ~str {
// FIXME #4850: this should consume self, but that causes segfaults
let mut v = self.clone();
* Reserves capacity for exactly `n` bytes in the given string, not including
* the null terminator.
* Assuming single-byte characters, the resulting string will be large
* enough to hold a string of length `n`. To account for the null terminator,
* the underlying buffer will have the size `n` + 1.
* If the capacity for `s` is already equal to or greater than the requested
* capacity, then no action is taken.
* # Arguments
* * s - A string
* * n - The number of bytes to reserve space for
pub fn reserve(&mut self, n: uint) {
unsafe {
let v: *mut ~[u8] = cast::transmute(self);
(*v).reserve(n + 1);
* Reserves capacity for at least `n` bytes in the given string, not including
* the null terminator.
* Assuming single-byte characters, the resulting string will be large
* enough to hold a string of length `n`. To account for the null terminator,
* the underlying buffer will have the size `n` + 1.
* This function will over-allocate in order to amortize the allocation costs
* in scenarios where the caller may need to repeatedly reserve additional
* space.
* If the capacity for `s` is already equal to or greater than the requested
* capacity, then no action is taken.
* # Arguments
* * s - A string
* * n - The number of bytes to reserve space for
fn reserve_at_least(&mut self, n: uint) {
self.reserve(uint::next_power_of_two(n + 1u) - 1u)
* Returns the number of single-byte characters the string can hold without
* reallocating
fn capacity(&self) -> uint {
let buf: &~[u8] = unsafe { cast::transmute(self) };
let vcap = buf.capacity();
assert!(vcap > 0u);
vcap - 1u
/// Convert to a vector of bytes. This does not allocate a new
/// string, and includes the null terminator.
fn as_bytes_with_null_consume(self) -> ~[u8] {
unsafe { ::cast::transmute(self) }
impl Clone for ~str {
fn clone(&self) -> ~str {
/// External iterator for a string's characters. Use with the `std::iterator`
/// module.
pub struct StrCharIterator<'self> {
priv index: uint,
priv string: &'self str,
impl<'self> Iterator<char> for StrCharIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
if self.index < self.string.len() {
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.string.char_range_at(self.index);
self.index = next;
} else {
/// External iterator for a string's characters in reverse order. Use
/// with the `std::iterator` module.
pub struct StrCharRevIterator<'self> {
priv index: uint,
priv string: &'self str,
impl<'self> Iterator<char> for StrCharRevIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
if self.index > 0 {
let CharRange {ch, next} = self.string.char_range_at_reverse(self.index);
self.index = next;
} else {
/// External iterator for a string's bytes. Use with the `std::iterator`
/// module.
pub struct StrBytesIterator<'self> {
priv it: vec::VecIterator<'self, u8>
impl<'self> Iterator<u8> for StrBytesIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
self.it.next().map_consume(|&x| x)
/// External iterator for a string's bytes in reverse order. Use with
/// the `std::iterator` module.
pub struct StrBytesRevIterator<'self> {
priv it: vec::VecRevIterator<'self, u8>
impl<'self> Iterator<u8> for StrBytesRevIterator<'self> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
self.it.next().map_consume(|&x| x)
// This works because every lifetime is a sub-lifetime of 'static
impl<'self> Zero for &'self str {
fn zero() -> &'self str { "" }
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self.is_empty() }
impl Zero for ~str {
fn zero() -> ~str { ~"" }
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 }
impl Zero for @str {
fn zero() -> @str { @"" }
fn is_zero(&self) -> bool { self.len() == 0 }
mod tests {
use iterator::IteratorUtil;
use container::Container;
use option::Some;
use libc::c_char;
use libc;
use ptr;
use str::*;
use vec;
use vec::{ImmutableVector, CopyableVector};
use cmp::{TotalOrd, Less, Equal, Greater};
fn test_eq() {
assert!((eq(&~"", &~"")));
assert!((eq(&~"foo", &~"foo")));
assert!((!eq(&~"foo", &~"bar")));
fn test_eq_slice() {
assert!((eq_slice("foobar".slice(0, 3), "foo")));
assert!((eq_slice("barfoo".slice(3, 6), "foo")));
assert!((!eq_slice("foo1", "foo2")));
fn test_le() {
assert!("" <= "");
assert!("" <= "foo");
assert!("foo" <= "foo");
assert!("foo" != "bar");
fn test_len() {
assert_eq!("".len(), 0u);
assert_eq!("hello world".len(), 11u);
assert_eq!("\x63".len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("\xa2".len(), 2u);
assert_eq!("\u03c0".len(), 2u);
assert_eq!("\u2620".len(), 3u);
assert_eq!("\U0001d11e".len(), 4u);
assert_eq!("".char_len(), 0u);
assert_eq!("hello world".char_len(), 11u);
assert_eq!("\x63".char_len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("\xa2".char_len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("\u03c0".char_len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("\u2620".char_len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("\U0001d11e".char_len(), 1u);
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".char_len(), 19u);
fn test_find() {
assert_eq!("hello".find('l'), Some(2u));
assert_eq!("hello".find(|c:char| c == 'o'), Some(4u));
assert!("hello".find(|c:char| c == 'x').is_none());
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".find('华'), Some(30u));
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".find(|c: char| c == '华'), Some(30u));
fn test_rfind() {
assert_eq!("hello".rfind('l'), Some(3u));
assert_eq!("hello".rfind(|c:char| c == 'o'), Some(4u));
assert!("hello".rfind(|c:char| c == 'x').is_none());
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".rfind('华'), Some(30u));
assert_eq!("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".rfind(|c: char| c == '华'), Some(30u));
fn test_push_str() {
let mut s = ~"";
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "");
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "abc");
s.push_str("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam");
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "abcประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam");
fn test_append() {
let mut s = ~"";
s = s.append("");
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "");
s = s.append("abc");
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "abc");
s = s.append("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam");
assert_eq!(s.slice_from(0), "abcประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam");
fn test_pop_char() {
let mut data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
let cc = data.pop_char();
assert_eq!(~"ประเทศไทย中", data);
assert_eq!('华', cc);
fn test_pop_char_2() {
let mut data2 = ~"华";
let cc2 = data2.pop_char();
assert_eq!(~"", data2);
assert_eq!('华', cc2);
fn test_pop_char_fail() {
let mut data = ~"";
let _cc3 = data.pop_char();
fn test_push_char() {
let mut data = ~"ประเทศไทย中";
assert_eq!(~"ประเทศไทย中华", data);
fn test_shift_char() {
let mut data = ~"ประเทศไทย中";
let cc = data.shift_char();
assert_eq!(~"ระเทศไทย中", data);
assert_eq!('ป', cc);
fn test_unshift_char() {
let mut data = ~"ประเทศไทย中";
assert_eq!(~"华ประเทศไทย中", data);
fn test_split_within() {
fn t(s: &str, i: uint, u: &[~str]) {
let mut v = ~[];
for each_split_within(s, i) |s| { v.push(s.to_owned()) }
assert!(v.iter().zip(u.iter()).all(|(a,b)| a == b));
t("", 0, []);
t("", 15, []);
t("hello", 15, [~"hello"]);
t("\nMary had a little lamb\nLittle lamb\n", 15,
[~"Mary had a", ~"little lamb", ~"Little lamb"]);
fn test_find_str() {
// byte positions
assert_eq!("".find_str(""), Some(0u));
assert!("banana".find_str("apple pie").is_none());
let data = "abcabc";
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 6u).find_str("ab"), Some(0u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(2u, 6u).find_str("ab"), Some(3u - 2u));
assert!(data.slice(2u, 4u).find_str("ab").is_none());
let mut data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
data = data + data;
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str(""), Some(0u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(6u, 43u).find_str(""), Some(6u - 6u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str("ประ"), Some( 0u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str("ทศไ"), Some(12u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str("ย中"), Some(24u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str("iệt"), Some(34u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(0u, 43u).find_str("Nam"), Some(40u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(43u, 86u).find_str("ประ"), Some(43u - 43u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(43u, 86u).find_str("ทศไ"), Some(55u - 43u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(43u, 86u).find_str("ย中"), Some(67u - 43u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(43u, 86u).find_str("iệt"), Some(77u - 43u));
assert_eq!(data.slice(43u, 86u).find_str("Nam"), Some(83u - 43u));
fn test_slice_chars() {
fn t(a: &str, b: &str, start: uint) {
assert_eq!(a.slice_chars(start, start + b.char_len()), b);
t("hello", "llo", 2);
t("hello", "el", 1);
assert_eq!("ะเทศไท", "ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam".slice_chars(2, 8));
fn test_concat() {
fn t(v: &[~str], s: &str) {
assert_eq!(v.concat(), s.to_str());
t([~"you", ~"know", ~"I'm", ~"no", ~"good"], "youknowI'mnogood");
let v: &[~str] = [];
t(v, "");
t([~"hi"], "hi");
fn test_connect() {
fn t(v: &[~str], sep: &str, s: &str) {
assert_eq!(v.connect(sep), s.to_str());
t([~"you", ~"know", ~"I'm", ~"no", ~"good"],
" ", "you know I'm no good");
let v: &[~str] = [];
t(v, " ", "");
t([~"hi"], " ", "hi");
fn test_concat_slices() {
fn t(v: &[&str], s: &str) {
assert_eq!(v.concat(), s.to_str());
t(["you", "know", "I'm", "no", "good"], "youknowI'mnogood");
let v: &[&str] = [];
t(v, "");
t(["hi"], "hi");
fn test_connect_slices() {
fn t(v: &[&str], sep: &str, s: &str) {
assert_eq!(v.connect(sep), s.to_str());
t(["you", "know", "I'm", "no", "good"],
" ", "you know I'm no good");
t([], " ", "");
t(["hi"], " ", "hi");
fn test_repeat() {
assert_eq!("x".repeat(4), ~"xxxx");
assert_eq!("hi".repeat(4), ~"hihihihi");
assert_eq!("ไท华".repeat(3), ~"ไท华ไท华ไท华");
assert_eq!("".repeat(4), ~"");
assert_eq!("hi".repeat(0), ~"");
fn test_unsafe_slice() {
assert_eq!("ab", unsafe {raw::slice_bytes("abc", 0, 2)});
assert_eq!("bc", unsafe {raw::slice_bytes("abc", 1, 3)});
assert_eq!("", unsafe {raw::slice_bytes("abc", 1, 1)});
fn a_million_letter_a() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 { rs.push_str("aaaaaaaaaa"); i += 1; }
fn half_a_million_letter_a() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 { rs.push_str("aaaaa"); i += 1; }
let letters = a_million_letter_a();
assert!(half_a_million_letter_a() ==
unsafe {raw::slice_bytes(letters, 0u, 500000)}.to_owned());
fn test_starts_with() {
fn test_ends_with() {
fn test_is_empty() {
fn test_replace() {
let a = "a";
assert_eq!("".replace(a, "b"), ~"");
assert_eq!("a".replace(a, "b"), ~"b");
assert_eq!("ab".replace(a, "b"), ~"bb");
let test = "test";
assert!(" test test ".replace(test, "toast") ==
~" toast toast ");
assert_eq!(" test test ".replace(test, ""), ~" ");
fn test_replace_2a() {
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = ~"دولة الكويت";
let a = ~"ประเ";
let A = ~"دولة الكويتทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(a, repl), A);
fn test_replace_2b() {
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = ~"دولة الكويت";
let b = ~"ะเ";
let B = ~"ปรدولة الكويتทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(b, repl), B);
fn test_replace_2c() {
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = ~"دولة الكويت";
let c = ~"中华";
let C = ~"ประเทศไทยدولة الكويت";
assert_eq!(data.replace(c, repl), C);
fn test_replace_2d() {
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华";
let repl = ~"دولة الكويت";
let d = ~"ไท华";
assert_eq!(data.replace(d, repl), data);
fn test_slice() {
assert_eq!("ab", "abc".slice(0, 2));
assert_eq!("bc", "abc".slice(1, 3));
assert_eq!("", "abc".slice(1, 1));
assert_eq!("\u65e5", "\u65e5\u672c".slice(0, 3));
let data = "ประเทศไทย中华";
assert_eq!("ป", data.slice(0, 3));
assert_eq!("ร", data.slice(3, 6));
assert_eq!("", data.slice(3, 3));
assert_eq!("华", data.slice(30, 33));
fn a_million_letter_X() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 {
push_str(&mut rs, "华华华华华华华华华华");
i += 1;
fn half_a_million_letter_X() -> ~str {
let mut i = 0;
let mut rs = ~"";
while i < 100000 { push_str(&mut rs, "华华华华华"); i += 1; }
let letters = a_million_letter_X();
assert!(half_a_million_letter_X() ==
letters.slice(0u, 3u * 500000u).to_owned());
fn test_slice_2() {
let ss = "中华Việt Nam";
assert_eq!("华", ss.slice(3u, 6u));
assert_eq!("Việt Nam", ss.slice(6u, 16u));
assert_eq!("ab", "abc".slice(0u, 2u));
assert_eq!("bc", "abc".slice(1u, 3u));
assert_eq!("", "abc".slice(1u, 1u));
assert_eq!("中", ss.slice(0u, 3u));
assert_eq!("华V", ss.slice(3u, 7u));
assert_eq!("", ss.slice(3u, 3u));
/*0: 中
3: 华
6: V
7: i
8: ệ
11: t
13: N
14: a
15: m */
fn test_slice_fail() {
"中华Việt Nam".slice(0u, 2u);
fn test_slice_from() {
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(0), "abcd");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(2), "cd");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_from(4), "");
fn test_slice_to() {
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(0), "");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(2), "ab");
assert_eq!("abcd".slice_to(4), "abcd");
fn test_trim_left_chars() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_left_chars(&v), " *** foo *** ");
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_left_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "foo *** ");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_left_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "");
assert_eq!("foo *** ".trim_left_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "foo *** ");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_left_chars(&'1'), "foo1bar11");
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_left_chars(& &['1', '2']), "foo1bar12");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_left_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "foo1bar123");
fn test_trim_right_chars() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_right_chars(&v), " *** foo *** ");
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_right_chars(& &['*', ' ']), " *** foo");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_right_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "");
assert_eq!(" *** foo".trim_right_chars(& &['*', ' ']), " *** foo");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_right_chars(&'1'), "11foo1bar");
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_right_chars(& &['1', '2']), "12foo1bar");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_right_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "123foo1bar");
fn test_trim_chars() {
let v: &[char] = &[];
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_chars(&v), " *** foo *** ");
assert_eq!(" *** foo *** ".trim_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "foo");
assert_eq!(" *** *** ".trim_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "");
assert_eq!("foo".trim_chars(& &['*', ' ']), "foo");
assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_chars(&'1'), "foo1bar");
assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_chars(& &['1', '2']), "foo1bar");
assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_chars(&|c: char| c.is_digit()), "foo1bar");
fn test_trim_left() {
assert_eq!("".trim_left(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim_left(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim_left(), "");
assert_eq!(" blah".trim_left(), "blah");
assert_eq!(" \u3000 wut".trim_left(), "wut");
assert_eq!("hey ".trim_left(), "hey ");
fn test_trim_right() {
assert_eq!("".trim_right(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim_right(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim_right(), "");
assert_eq!("blah ".trim_right(), "blah");
assert_eq!("wut \u3000 ".trim_right(), "wut");
assert_eq!(" hey".trim_right(), " hey");
fn test_trim() {
assert_eq!("".trim(), "");
assert_eq!("a".trim(), "a");
assert_eq!(" ".trim(), "");
assert_eq!(" blah ".trim(), "blah");
assert_eq!("\nwut \u3000 ".trim(), "wut");
assert_eq!(" hey dude ".trim(), "hey dude");
fn test_is_whitespace() {
assert!(" ".is_whitespace());
assert!("\u2009".is_whitespace()); // Thin space
assert!(" \n\t ".is_whitespace());
assert!(!" _ ".is_whitespace());
fn test_shift_byte() {
let mut s = ~"ABC";
let b = unsafe{raw::shift_byte(&mut s)};
assert_eq!(s, ~"BC");
assert_eq!(b, 65u8);
fn test_pop_byte() {
let mut s = ~"ABC";
let b = unsafe{raw::pop_byte(&mut s)};
assert_eq!(s, ~"AB");
assert_eq!(b, 67u8);
fn test_unsafe_from_bytes() {
let a = ~[65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8];
let b = unsafe { raw::from_bytes(a) };
assert_eq!(b, ~"AAAAAAA");
fn test_from_bytes() {
let ss = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let bb = ~[0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa8_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb9_u8, 0x84_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0x97_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa2_u8,
0xe4_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xad_u8,
0xe5_u8, 0x8d_u8, 0x8e_u8,
0x56_u8, 0x69_u8, 0xe1_u8,
0xbb_u8, 0x87_u8, 0x74_u8,
0x20_u8, 0x4e_u8, 0x61_u8,
assert_eq!(ss, from_bytes(bb));
fn test_from_bytes_fail() {
use str::not_utf8::cond;
let bb = ~[0xff_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa8_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb9_u8, 0x84_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0x97_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa2_u8,
0xe4_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xad_u8,
0xe5_u8, 0x8d_u8, 0x8e_u8,
0x56_u8, 0x69_u8, 0xe1_u8,
0xbb_u8, 0x87_u8, 0x74_u8,
0x20_u8, 0x4e_u8, 0x61_u8,
let mut error_happened = false;
let _x = do cond.trap(|err| {
assert_eq!(err, ~"from_bytes: input is not UTF-8; first bad byte is 255");
error_happened = true;
}).in {
fn test_unsafe_from_bytes_with_null() {
let a = [65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 0u8];
let b = unsafe { raw::from_bytes_with_null(a) };
assert_eq!(b, "AAAAAAA");
fn test_from_bytes_with_null() {
let ss = "ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let bb = [0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa8_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb9_u8, 0x84_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0x97_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa2_u8,
0xe4_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xad_u8,
0xe5_u8, 0x8d_u8, 0x8e_u8,
0x56_u8, 0x69_u8, 0xe1_u8,
0xbb_u8, 0x87_u8, 0x74_u8,
0x20_u8, 0x4e_u8, 0x61_u8,
0x6d_u8, 0x0_u8];
assert_eq!(ss, from_bytes_with_null(bb));
fn test_from_bytes_with_null_fail() {
let bb = [0xff_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa8_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb9_u8, 0x84_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0x97_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa2_u8,
0xe4_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xad_u8,
0xe5_u8, 0x8d_u8, 0x8e_u8,
0x56_u8, 0x69_u8, 0xe1_u8,
0xbb_u8, 0x87_u8, 0x74_u8,
0x20_u8, 0x4e_u8, 0x61_u8,
0x6d_u8, 0x0_u8];
let _x = from_bytes_with_null(bb);
fn test_from_bytes_with_null_fail_2() {
let bb = [0xff_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa8_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb9_u8, 0x84_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0x97_u8,
0xe0_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xa2_u8,
0xe4_u8, 0xb8_u8, 0xad_u8,
0xe5_u8, 0x8d_u8, 0x8e_u8,
0x56_u8, 0x69_u8, 0xe1_u8,
0xbb_u8, 0x87_u8, 0x74_u8,
0x20_u8, 0x4e_u8, 0x61_u8,
0x6d_u8, 0x60_u8];
let _x = from_bytes_with_null(bb);
fn test_from_buf() {
unsafe {
let a = ~[65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 65u8, 0u8];
let b = vec::raw::to_ptr(a);
let c = raw::from_buf(b);
assert_eq!(c, ~"AAAAAAA");
fn test_as_bytes() {
// no null
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
assert_eq!("".as_bytes(), &[]);
assert_eq!("abc".as_bytes(), &['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8]);
assert_eq!("ศไทย中华Việt Nam".as_bytes(), v);
fn test_as_bytes_with_null() {
// has null
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
109, 0
let s1 = @"";
let s2 = @"abc";
let s3 = @"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert_eq!(s1.as_bytes_with_null(), &[0]);
assert_eq!(s2.as_bytes_with_null(), &['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8, 0]);
assert_eq!(s3.as_bytes_with_null(), v);
let s1 = ~"";
let s2 = ~"abc";
let s3 = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
assert_eq!(s1.as_bytes_with_null(), &[0]);
assert_eq!(s2.as_bytes_with_null(), &['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8, 0]);
assert_eq!(s3.as_bytes_with_null(), v);
fn test_as_bytes_with_null_consume() {
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ~[
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
109, 0
assert_eq!((~"").as_bytes_with_null_consume(), ~[0]);
~['a' as u8, 'b' as u8, 'c' as u8, 0]);
assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_null_consume(), v);
fn test_as_bytes_fail() {
// Don't double free. (I'm not sure if this exercises the
// original problem code path anymore.)
let s = ~"";
let _bytes = s.as_bytes_with_null();
fn test_as_buf() {
let a = "Abcdefg";
let b = as_buf(a, |buf, _l| {
assert_eq!(unsafe { *buf }, 65u8);
assert_eq!(b, 100);
fn test_as_buf_small() {
let a = "A";
let b = as_buf(a, |buf, _l| {
assert_eq!(unsafe { *buf }, 65u8);
assert_eq!(b, 100);
fn test_as_buf2() {
unsafe {
let s = ~"hello";
let sb = as_buf(s, |b, _l| b);
let s_cstr = raw::from_buf(sb);
assert_eq!(s_cstr, s);
fn test_as_buf_3() {
let a = ~"hello";
do as_buf(a) |buf, len| {
unsafe {
assert_eq!(a[0], 'h' as u8);
assert_eq!(*buf, 'h' as u8);
assert_eq!(len, 6u);
assert_eq!(*ptr::offset(buf,4u), 'o' as u8);
assert_eq!(*ptr::offset(buf,5u), 0u8);
fn test_subslice_offset() {
let a = "kernelsprite";
let b = a.slice(7, a.len());
let c = a.slice(0, a.len() - 6);
assert_eq!(a.subslice_offset(b), 7);
assert_eq!(a.subslice_offset(c), 0);
let string = "a\nb\nc";
let mut lines = ~[];
for string.line_iter().advance |line| { lines.push(line) }
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[0]), 0);
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[1]), 2);
assert_eq!(string.subslice_offset(lines[2]), 4);
fn test_subslice_offset_2() {
let a = "alchemiter";
let b = "cruxtruder";
fn vec_str_conversions() {
let s1: ~str = ~"All mimsy were the borogoves";
let v: ~[u8] = s1.as_bytes().to_owned();
let s2: ~str = from_bytes(v);
let mut i: uint = 0u;
let n1: uint = s1.len();
let n2: uint = v.len();
assert_eq!(n1, n2);
while i < n1 {
let a: u8 = s1[i];
let b: u8 = s2[i];
assert_eq!(a, b);
i += 1u;
fn test_contains() {
let data = ~"ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam";
fn test_contains_char() {
fn test_map() {
assert_eq!(~"", "".map_chars(|c| unsafe {libc::toupper(c as c_char)} as char));
assert_eq!(~"YMCA", "ymca".map_chars(|c| unsafe {libc::toupper(c as c_char)} as char));
fn test_utf16() {
let pairs =
~[0xd800_u16, 0xdf45_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf3f_u16,
0xd800_u16, 0xdf3b_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf46_u16,
0xd800_u16, 0xdf39_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf3b_u16,
0xd800_u16, 0xdf30_u16, 0x000a_u16]),
(~"𐐒𐑉𐐮𐑀𐐲𐑋 𐐏𐐲𐑍\n",
~[0xd801_u16, 0xdc12_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc49_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc2e_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc40_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc32_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc4b_u16, 0x0020_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc0f_u16,
0xd801_u16, 0xdc32_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc4d_u16,
~[0xd800_u16, 0xdf00_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf16_u16,
0xd800_u16, 0xdf0b_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf04_u16,
0xd800_u16, 0xdf11_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf09_u16,
0x00b7_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf0c_u16, 0xd800_u16,
0xdf04_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf15_u16, 0xd800_u16,
0xdf04_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf0b_u16, 0xd800_u16,
0xdf09_u16, 0xd800_u16, 0xdf11_u16, 0x000a_u16 ]),
(~"𐒋𐒘𐒈𐒑𐒛𐒒 𐒕𐒓 𐒈𐒚𐒍 𐒏𐒜𐒒𐒖𐒆 𐒕𐒆\n",
~[0xd801_u16, 0xdc8b_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc98_u16,
0xd801_u16, 0xdc88_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc91_u16,
0xd801_u16, 0xdc9b_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc92_u16,
0x0020_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc95_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc93_u16, 0x0020_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc88_u16,
0xd801_u16, 0xdc9a_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc8d_u16,
0x0020_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc8f_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc9c_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc92_u16, 0xd801_u16,
0xdc96_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc86_u16, 0x0020_u16,
0xd801_u16, 0xdc95_u16, 0xd801_u16, 0xdc86_u16,
0x000a_u16 ]) ];
for pairs.iter().advance |p| {
let (s, u) = copy *p;
assert!(s.to_utf16() == u);
assert!(from_utf16(u) == s);
assert!(from_utf16(s.to_utf16()) == s);
assert!(from_utf16(u).to_utf16() == u);
fn test_char_at() {
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ~['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = 0;
for v.iter().advance |ch| {
assert!(s.char_at(pos) == *ch);
pos += from_char(*ch).len();
fn test_char_at_reverse() {
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ~['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = s.len();
for v.rev_iter().advance |ch| {
assert!(s.char_at_reverse(pos) == *ch);
pos -= from_char(*ch).len();
fn test_escape_unicode() {
assert_eq!("abc".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x61\\x62\\x63");
assert_eq!("a c".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x61\\x20\\x63");
assert_eq!("\r\n\t".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x0d\\x0a\\x09");
assert_eq!("'\"\\".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x27\\x22\\x5c");
assert_eq!("\x00\x01\xfe\xff".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x00\\x01\\xfe\\xff");
assert_eq!("\u0100\uffff".escape_unicode(), ~"\\u0100\\uffff");
assert_eq!("\U00010000\U0010ffff".escape_unicode(), ~"\\U00010000\\U0010ffff");
assert_eq!("ab\ufb00".escape_unicode(), ~"\\x61\\x62\\ufb00");
assert_eq!("\U0001d4ea\r".escape_unicode(), ~"\\U0001d4ea\\x0d");
fn test_escape_default() {
assert_eq!("abc".escape_default(), ~"abc");
assert_eq!("a c".escape_default(), ~"a c");
assert_eq!("\r\n\t".escape_default(), ~"\\r\\n\\t");
assert_eq!("'\"\\".escape_default(), ~"\\'\\\"\\\\");
assert_eq!("\u0100\uffff".escape_default(), ~"\\u0100\\uffff");
assert_eq!("\U00010000\U0010ffff".escape_default(), ~"\\U00010000\\U0010ffff");
assert_eq!("ab\ufb00".escape_default(), ~"ab\\ufb00");
assert_eq!("\U0001d4ea\r".escape_default(), ~"\\U0001d4ea\\r");
fn test_to_managed() {
assert_eq!("abc".to_managed(), @"abc");
assert_eq!("abcdef".slice(1, 5).to_managed(), @"bcde");
fn test_total_ord() {
"1234".cmp(& &"123") == Greater;
"123".cmp(& &"1234") == Less;
"1234".cmp(& &"1234") == Equal;
"12345555".cmp(& &"123456") == Less;
"22".cmp(& &"1234") == Greater;
fn test_char_range_at_reverse_underflow() {
assert_eq!("abc".char_range_at_reverse(0).next, 0);
fn test_add() {
macro_rules! t (
($s1:expr, $s2:expr, $e:expr) => {
assert_eq!($s1 + $s2, $e);
assert_eq!($s1.to_owned() + $s2, $e);
assert_eq!($s1.to_managed() + $s2, $e);
t!("foo", "bar", ~"foobar");
t!("foo", @"bar", ~"foobar");
t!("foo", ~"bar", ~"foobar");
t!("ศไทย中", "华Việt Nam", ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam");
t!("ศไทย中", @"华Việt Nam", ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam");
t!("ศไทย中", ~"华Việt Nam", ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam");
fn test_iterator() {
use iterator::*;
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ~['ศ','ไ','ท','ย','中','华','V','i','ệ','t',' ','N','a','m'];
let mut pos = 0;
let mut it = s.iter();
for it.advance |c| {
assert_eq!(c, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
fn test_rev_iterator() {
use iterator::*;
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = ~['m', 'a', 'N', ' ', 't', 'ệ','i','V','华','中','ย','ท','ไ','ศ'];
let mut pos = 0;
let mut it = s.rev_iter();
for it.advance |c| {
assert_eq!(c, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
assert_eq!(pos, v.len());
fn test_bytes_iterator() {
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
let mut pos = 0;
for s.bytes_iter().advance |b| {
assert_eq!(b, v[pos]);
pos += 1;
fn test_bytes_rev_iterator() {
let s = ~"ศไทย中华Việt Nam";
let v = [
224, 184, 168, 224, 185, 132, 224, 184, 151, 224, 184, 162, 228,
184, 173, 229, 141, 142, 86, 105, 225, 187, 135, 116, 32, 78, 97,
let mut pos = v.len();
for s.bytes_rev_iter().advance |b| {
pos -= 1;
assert_eq!(b, v[pos]);
fn test_split_char_iterator() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_iter(' ').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little", "lämb\nLittle", "lämb\n"]);
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_iter(|c: char| c == ' ').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little", "lämb\nLittle", "lämb\n"]);
// Unicode
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_iter('ä').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little l", "mb\nLittle l", "mb\n"]);
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_iter(|c: char| c == 'ä').collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little l", "mb\nLittle l", "mb\n"]);
fn test_splitn_char_iterator() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let split: ~[&str] = data.splitn_iter(' ', 3).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
let split: ~[&str] = data.splitn_iter(|c: char| c == ' ', 3).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nMäry", "häd", "ä", "little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
// Unicode
let split: ~[&str] = data.splitn_iter('ä', 3).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
let split: ~[&str] = data.splitn_iter(|c: char| c == 'ä', 3).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["\nM", "ry h", "d ", " little lämb\nLittle lämb\n"]);
fn test_split_char_iterator_no_trailing() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_options_iter('\n', 1000, true).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "Little lämb", ""]);
let split: ~[&str] = data.split_options_iter('\n', 1000, false).collect();
assert_eq!(split, ~["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "Little lämb"]);
fn test_word_iter() {
let data = "\n \tMäry häd\tä little lämb\nLittle lämb\n";
let words: ~[&str] = data.word_iter().collect();
assert_eq!(words, ~["Märy", "häd", "ä", "little", "lämb", "Little", "lämb"])
fn test_line_iter() {
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb\n";
let lines: ~[&str] = data.line_iter().collect();
assert_eq!(lines, ~["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "", "Little lämb"]);
let data = "\nMäry häd ä little lämb\n\nLittle lämb"; // no trailing \n
let lines: ~[&str] = data.line_iter().collect();
assert_eq!(lines, ~["", "Märy häd ä little lämb", "", "Little lämb"]);
fn test_split_str_iterator() {
fn t<'a>(s: &str, sep: &'a str, u: ~[&str]) {
let v: ~[&str] = s.split_str_iter(sep).collect();
assert_eq!(v, u);
t("--1233345--", "12345", ~["--1233345--"]);
t("abc::hello::there", "::", ~["abc", "hello", "there"]);
t("::hello::there", "::", ~["", "hello", "there"]);
t("hello::there::", "::", ~["hello", "there", ""]);
t("::hello::there::", "::", ~["", "hello", "there", ""]);
t("ประเทศไทย中华Việt Nam", "中华", ~["ประเทศไทย", "Việt Nam"]);
t("zzXXXzzYYYzz", "zz", ~["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
t("zzXXXzYYYz", "XXX", ~["zz", "zYYYz"]);
t(".XXX.YYY.", ".", ~["", "XXX", "YYY", ""]);
t("", ".", ~[""]);
t("zz", "zz", ~["",""]);
t("ok", "z", ~["ok"]);
t("zzz", "zz", ~["","z"]);
t("zzzzz", "zz", ~["","","z"]);
fn test_str_zero() {
use num::Zero;
fn t<S: Zero + Str>() {
let s: S = Zero::zero();
assert_eq!(s.as_slice(), "");