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#[doc = "
Communication between tasks
Communication between tasks is facilitated by ports (in the receiving
task), and channels (in the sending task). Any number of channels may
feed into a single port. Ports and channels may only transmit values
of unique types; that is, values that are statically guaranteed to be
accessed by a single 'owner' at a time. Unique types include scalars,
vectors, strings, and records, tags, tuples and unique boxes (`~T`)
thereof. Most notably, shared boxes (`@T`) may not be transmitted
across channels.
# Example
let po = comm::port();
let ch = comm::chan(po);
task::spawn {||
comm::send(ch, \"Hello, World\");
import either::either;
import libc::size_t;
export port::{};
export chan::{};
export send;
export recv;
export peek;
export recv_chan;
export select2;
export methods;
export listen;
#[doc = "
A communication endpoint that can receive messages
Each port has a unique per-task identity and may not be replicated or
transmitted. If a port value is copied, both copies refer to the same
port. Ports may be associated with multiple `chan`s.
enum port<T: send> {
// It's critical that this only have one variant, so it has a record
// layout, and will work in the rust_task structure in
#[doc = "
A communication endpoint that can send messages
Each channel is bound to a port when the channel is constructed, so
the destination port for a channel must exist before the channel
itself. Channels are weak: a channel does not keep the port it is
bound to alive. If a channel attempts to send data to a dead port that
data will be silently dropped. Channels may be duplicated and
themselves transmitted over other channels.
enum chan<T: send> {
#[doc = "Constructs a port"]
fn port<T: send>() -> port<T> {
port_t(@port_ptr(rustrt::new_port(sys::size_of::<T>() as size_t)))
impl methods<T: send> for port<T> {
fn chan() -> chan<T> { chan(self) }
fn send(+v: T) { self.chan().send(v) }
fn recv() -> T { recv(self) }
fn peek() -> bool { peek(self) }
impl methods<T: send> for chan<T> {
fn chan() -> chan<T> { self }
fn send(+v: T) { send(self, v) }
fn recv() -> T { recv_chan(self) }
fn peek() -> bool { peek_chan(self) }
#[doc = "Open a new receiving channel for the duration of a function"]
fn listen<T: send, U>(f: fn(chan<T>) -> U) -> U {
let po = port();
resource port_ptr<T: send>(po: *rust_port) unsafe {
task::unkillable {||
// Once the port is detached it's guaranteed not to receive further
// messages
let yield = 0u;
let yieldp = ptr::addr_of(yield);
rustrt::rust_port_begin_detach(po, yieldp);
if yield != 0u {
// Need to wait for the port to be detached
// FIXME: If this fails then we're going to leave our port
// in a bogus state. (Issue #1988)
// Drain the port so that all the still-enqueued items get dropped
while rustrt::rust_port_size(po) > 0u as size_t {
#[doc = "
Internal function for converting from a channel to a port
# Failure
Fails if the port is detached or dead. Fails if the port
is owned by a different task.
fn as_raw_port<T: send, U>(ch: comm::chan<T>, f: fn(*rust_port) -> U) -> U {
resource portref(p: *rust_port) {
if !ptr::is_null(p) {
let p = portref(rustrt::rust_port_take(*ch));
if ptr::is_null(*p) {
fail "unable to locate port for channel"
} else if rustrt::get_task_id() != rustrt::rust_port_task(*p) {
fail "unable to access unowned port"
#[doc = "
Constructs a channel. The channel is bound to the port used to
construct it.
fn chan<T: send>(p: port<T>) -> chan<T> {
#[doc = "
Sends data over a channel. The sent data is moved into the channel,
whereupon the caller loses access to it.
fn send<T: send>(ch: chan<T>, -data: T) {
let chan_t(p) = ch;
let data_ptr = ptr::addr_of(data) as *();
let res = rustrt::rust_port_id_send(p, data_ptr);
if res != 0u unsafe {
// Data sent successfully
#[doc = "
Receive from a port. If no data is available on the port then the
task will block until data becomes available.
fn recv<T: send>(p: port<T>) -> T { recv_(***p) }
#[doc = "Returns true if there are messages available"]
fn peek<T: send>(p: port<T>) -> bool { peek_(***p) }
fn recv_chan<T: send>(ch: comm::chan<T>) -> T {
as_raw_port(ch, recv_(_))
fn peek_chan<T: send>(ch: comm::chan<T>) -> bool {
as_raw_port(ch, peek_(_))
#[doc = "Receive on a raw port pointer"]
fn recv_<T: send>(p: *rust_port) -> T {
let yield = 0u;
let yieldp = ptr::addr_of(yield);
let mut res;
res = rusti::init::<T>();
rustrt::port_recv(ptr::addr_of(res) as *uint, p, yieldp);
if yield != 0u {
// Data isn't available yet, so res has not been initialized.
} else {
// In the absense of compiler-generated preemption points
// this is a good place to yield
ret res;
fn peek_(p: *rust_port) -> bool unsafe {
rustrt::rust_port_size(p) != 0u as libc::size_t
#[doc = "Receive on one of two ports"]
fn select2<A: send, B: send>(p_a: port<A>, p_b: port<B>)
-> either<A, B> unsafe {
let ports = [***p_a, ***p_b];
let n_ports = 2 as libc::size_t;
let yield = 0u, yieldp = ptr::addr_of(yield);
let mut resport: *rust_port;
resport = rusti::init::<*rust_port>();
vec::as_buf(ports) {|ports|
rustrt::rust_port_select(ptr::addr_of(resport), ports, n_ports,
if yield != 0u {
// Wait for data
} else {
// As in recv, this is a good place to yield anyway until
// the compiler generates yield calls
// Now we know the port we're supposed to receive from
assert resport != ptr::null();
if resport == ***p_a {
} else if resport == ***p_b {
} else {
fail "unexpected result from rust_port_select";
/* Implementation details */
enum rust_port {}
type port_id = int;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
native mod rustrt {
fn rust_port_id_send(target_port: port_id, data: *()) -> libc::uintptr_t;
fn new_port(unit_sz: libc::size_t) -> *rust_port;
fn del_port(po: *rust_port);
fn rust_port_begin_detach(po: *rust_port,
yield: *libc::uintptr_t);
fn rust_port_end_detach(po: *rust_port);
fn get_port_id(po: *rust_port) -> port_id;
fn rust_port_size(po: *rust_port) -> libc::size_t;
fn port_recv(dptr: *uint, po: *rust_port,
yield: *libc::uintptr_t);
fn rust_port_select(dptr: **rust_port, ports: **rust_port,
n_ports: libc::size_t,
yield: *libc::uintptr_t);
fn rust_port_take(port_id: port_id) -> *rust_port;
fn rust_port_drop(p: *rust_port);
fn rust_port_task(p: *rust_port) -> libc::uintptr_t;
fn get_task_id() -> libc::uintptr_t;
#[abi = "rust-intrinsic"]
native mod rusti {
fn init<T>() -> T;
/* Tests */
fn create_port_and_chan() { let p = port::<int>(); chan(p); }
fn send_int() {
let p = port::<int>();
let c = chan(p);
send(c, 22);
fn send_recv_fn() {
let p = port::<int>();
let c = chan::<int>(p);
send(c, 42);
assert (recv(p) == 42);
fn send_recv_fn_infer() {
let p = port();
let c = chan(p);
send(c, 42);
assert (recv(p) == 42);
fn chan_chan_infer() {
let p = port(), p2 = port::<int>();
let c = chan(p);
send(c, chan(p2));
fn chan_chan() {
let p = port::<chan<int>>(), p2 = port::<int>();
let c = chan(p);
send(c, chan(p2));
fn test_peek() {
let po = port();
let ch = chan(po);
assert !peek(po);
send(ch, ());
assert peek(po);
assert !peek(po);
fn test_select2_available() {
let po_a = port();
let po_b = port();
let ch_a = chan(po_a);
let ch_b = chan(po_b);
send(ch_a, "a");
assert select2(po_a, po_b) == either::left("a");
send(ch_b, "b");
assert select2(po_a, po_b) == either::right("b");
fn test_select2_rendezvous() {
let po_a = port();
let po_b = port();
let ch_a = chan(po_a);
let ch_b = chan(po_b);
iter::repeat(10u) {||
task::spawn {||
iter::repeat(10u) {|| task::yield() }
send(ch_a, "a");
assert select2(po_a, po_b) == either::left("a");
task::spawn {||
iter::repeat(10u) {|| task::yield() }
send(ch_b, "b");
assert select2(po_a, po_b) == either::right("b");
fn test_select2_stress() {
let po_a = port();
let po_b = port();
let ch_a = chan(po_a);
let ch_b = chan(po_b);
let msgs = 100u;
let times = 4u;
iter::repeat(times) {||
task::spawn {||
iter::repeat(msgs) {||
send(ch_a, "a")
task::spawn {||
iter::repeat(msgs) {||
send(ch_b, "b")
let mut as = 0;
let mut bs = 0;
iter::repeat(msgs * times * 2u) {||
alt check select2(po_a, po_b) {
either::left("a") { as += 1 }
either::right("b") { bs += 1 }
assert as == 400;
assert bs == 400;
fn test_recv_chan() {
let po = port();
let ch = chan(po);
send(ch, "flower");
assert recv_chan(ch) == "flower";
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "win32"))]
fn test_recv_chan_dead() {
let ch = chan(port());
send(ch, "flower");
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "win32"))]
fn test_recv_chan_wrong_task() {
let po = port();
let ch = chan(po);
send(ch, "flower");
assert result::is_failure(task::try {||
fn test_port_send() {
let po = port();
fn test_chan_peek() {
let po = port();
let ch = po.chan();
assert ch.peek();
fn test_listen() {
listen {|parent|
task::spawn {||
assert parent.recv() == "oatmeal-salad";
fn test_port_detach_fail() {
iter::repeat(100u) {||
let builder = task::builder();
task::run(builder) {||
let po = port();
let ch = po.chan();
task::spawn {||
task::spawn {||