Re-enable atomic loads and stores for all RISC-V targets This roughly reverts PR Atomic "CAS" are still disabled for targets without the *“A” Standard Extension for Atomic Instructions*. However this extension only adds instructions for operations more complex than simple loads and stores, which are always atomic when aligned. In the [Unprivileged Spec v. 20191213]( section 2.6 *Load and Store Instructions* of chapter 2 *RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set* (emphasis mine): > Even when misaligned loads and stores complete successfully, these accesses might run extremely slowly depending on the implementation (e.g., when implemented via an invisible trap). Further-more, whereas **naturally aligned loads and stores are guaranteed to execute atomically**, misaligned loads and stores might not, and hence require additional synchronization to ensure atomicity. Unfortunately PR did not provide much details on the bug that motivated it, but and appear related and happen with targets that do have the A extension.
contains some very low-level details that are
specific to different compilation targets and so forth.
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