2023-10-08 10:06:17 +00:00

48 lines
2.3 KiB

// run-rustfix
fn foo<'a>(d: impl Sized + 'a, p: &'a mut ()) -> impl Sized + 'a { //~ NOTE the parameter type `impl Sized` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime defined here...
//~^ HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p)
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `impl Sized` may not live long enough
//~| NOTE ...so that the type `impl Sized` will meet its required lifetime bounds
fn foo1<'b>(d: impl Sized + 'b, p: &'b mut ()) -> impl Sized + '_ {
//~^ NOTE the parameter type `impl Sized` must be valid for the lifetime `'b` as defined here...
//~| HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p) //~ NOTE ...so that the type `impl Sized` will meet its required lifetime bounds
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `impl Sized` may not live long enough
fn foo2<'b, 'a>(d: impl Sized + 'a + 'b, p: &'b mut ()) -> impl Sized + 'b { //~ NOTE the parameter type `impl Sized + 'a` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime defined here...
//~^ HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p)
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `impl Sized + 'a` may not live long enough
//~| NOTE ...so that the type `impl Sized + 'a` will meet its required lifetime bounds
fn bar<'a, T : Sized + 'a>(d: T, p: &'a mut ()) -> impl Sized + 'a { //~ NOTE the parameter type `T` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime defined here...
//~^ HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p)
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
//~| NOTE ...so that the type `T` will meet its required lifetime bounds
fn bar1<'b, T : Sized + 'b>(d: T, p: &'b mut ()) -> impl Sized + '_ {
//~^ NOTE the parameter type `T` must be valid for the lifetime `'b` as defined here...
//~| HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p) //~ NOTE ...so that the type `T` will meet its required lifetime bounds
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
fn bar2<'b, 'a, T : Sized + 'a + 'b>(d: T, p: &'b mut ()) -> impl Sized + 'b { //~ NOTE the parameter type `T` must be valid for the anonymous lifetime defined here...
//~^ HELP consider adding an explicit lifetime bound
(d, p)
//~^ ERROR the parameter type `T` may not live long enough
//~| NOTE ...so that the type `T` will meet its required lifetime bounds
fn main() {}