* a rule * access * after * amount * annotations * assignment * assist * associated * attribute * borrowed * built-in type * clarification * command * const * constructor * corresponding * counterparts * curlies * dependencies * deterministic * diagnostic * duplicates * edge * edited * efficient * elsewhere * execution * expression * extensions * extracted * fill * github * helper * heuristic * incomplete * indent end * inlay * invocation * lifetime * looking * maybe * move * mutability * mutable * necessarily * necessary * negative * nonexistent * occurred * offsets * offsetted * overridden * parameters * params * params_and_where_preds_in_scope * paredit * parent * parentheses * prepended if * punctuation * receive * receiver * referring * repeated * representing * semantically * separately * shouldnot * siblings * similar * something's * statement * struct * structure * surprise * the * this * transparent * unimplemented * unnamed * unnecessary * unneeded * unreachable * unterminated * utilities * variant * variants * visibility * work around (v) * workaround Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <2119212+jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
200 lines
6.1 KiB
200 lines
6.1 KiB
//! An experimental implementation of [Rust RFC#2256 lrs);
let root = SyntaxNode::new_owned(root);
File { root }
pub fn parse(text: &str) -> File {
let tokens = tokenize(&text);
let (green, errors) = parser_impl::parse_with::<syntax_node::GreenBuilder>(
text, &tokens, grammar::root,
File::new(green, errors)
pub fn reparse(&self, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> File {
self.incremental_reparse(edit).unwrap_or_else(|| self.full_reparse(edit))
pub fn incremental_reparse(&self, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> Option<File> {
let (node, reparser) = find_reparsable_node(self.syntax(), edit.delete)?;
let text = replace_range(
edit.delete - node.range().start(),
let tokens = tokenize(&text);
if !is_balanced(&tokens) {
return None;
let (green, new_errors) = parser_impl::parse_with::<syntax_node::GreenBuilder>(
&te2t, &tokens, reparser,
let green_root = node.replace_with(green);
let errors = merge_errors(self.errors(), new_errors, node, edit);
Some(File::new(green_root, errors))
fn full_reparse(&self, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> File {
let text = replace_range(self.syntax().text().to_string(), edit.delete, &edit.insert);
pub fn ast(&self) -> ast::Root {
pub fn syntax(&self) -> SyntaxNodeRef {
node.next_sibling().is_none() && pair.prev_sibling().is_none(),
"\nfloating curlies at {:?}\nfile:\n{}\nerror:\n{}\n",
_ => (),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct AtomTextEdit {
pub delete: TextRange,
pub insert: String,
impl AtomTextEdit {
pub fn replace(range: TextRange, replace_with: String) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit { delete: range, insert: replace_with }
pub fn delete(range: TextRange) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit::replace(range, String::new())
pub fn insert(offset: TextUnit, text: String) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit::replace(TextRange::offset_len(offset, 0.into()), text)
fn find_reparsable_node(node: SyntaxNodeRef, range: TextRange) -> Option<(SyntaxNodeRef, fn(&mut Parser))> {
let node = algo::find_covering_node(node, range);
return algo::ancestors(node)
.filter_map(|node| reparser(node).map(|r| (node, r)))
fn reparser(node: SyntaxNodeRef) -> Option<fn(&mut Parser)> {
let res = match node.kind() {
BLOCK => grammar::block,
RECORD_FIELD_LIST => grammar::record_field_list,
_ => return None,
pub /*(meh)*/ fn replace_range(mut text: String, range: TextRange, replace_with: &str) -> String {
let start = u32::from(range.start()) as usize;
let end = u32::from(range.end()) as usize;
text.replace_range(start..end, replace_with);
fn is_balanced(tokens: &[Token]) -> bool {
if tokens.is_empty()
|| tokens.first().unwrap().kind != L_CURLY
|| tokens.last().unwrap().kind != R_CURLY {
return false
let mut balance = 0usize;
for t in tokens.iter() {
match t.kind {
pub delete: TextRange,
pub insert: String,
impl AtomTextEdit {
pub fn replace(range: TextRange, replace_with: String) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit { delete: range, insert: replace_with }
pub fn delete(range: TextRange) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit::replace(range, String::new())
pub fn insert(offset: TextUnit, text: String) -> AtomTextEdit {
AtomTextEdit::replace(TextRange::offset_len(offset, 0.into()), text)
fn find_reparsable_node(node: SyntaxNodeRef, range: TextRange) -> Option<(SyntaxNodeRef, fn(&mut Parser))> {
let node = algo::find_covering_node(node, range);
return algo::ancestors(node)
.filter_map(|node| reparser(node).map(|r| (node, r)))
fn reparser(node: SyntaxNodeRef) -> Option<fn(&mut Parser)> {
let res = match node.kind() {
let end = u32::from(range.end()) as usize;
text.replaT => grammar::record_field_list,
_ => return None,
pub /*(meh)*/ fn replace_range(mut text: String, range: TextRange, replace_with: &str) -> String {
let start = u32::from(range.start()) as usize;
let end = u32::from(range.end()) as usize;
text.replace_range(start..end, replace_with);
fn is_balanced(tokens: &[Token]) -> bool {
if tokens.is_empty()
|| tokens.first().unwrap().kind != L_CURLY
|| tokens.last().unwrap().kind != R_CURLY {
return false
let mut balance = 0usize;
for t in tokens.iter() {
match t.kind {
L_CURLY => balance += 1,
R_CURLY => balance = match balance.checked_sub(1) {
Some(b) => b,
None => return false,
_ => (),
balance == 0
fn merge_errors(
old_errors: Vec<SyntaxError>,
new_errors: Vec<SyntaxError>,
old_node: SyntaxNodeRef,
edit: &AtomTextEdit,
) -> Vec<SyntaxError> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for e in old_errors {
if e.offset < old_node.range().start() {
} else if e.offset > old_node.range().end() {
res.push(SyntaxError {
msg: e.msg,
offset: e.offset + TextUnit::of_str(&edit.insert) - edit.delete.len(),
for e in new_errors {
res.push(SyntaxError {
msg: e.msg,
offset: e.offset + old_node.range().start(),