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156 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Simple ANSI color library
use std::io;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))] use std::os;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))] use terminfo::*;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))] use terminfo::searcher::open;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))] use terminfo::parser::compiled::parse;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))] use terminfo::parm::{expand, Number, Variables};
// FIXME (#2807): Windows support.
pub mod color {
pub type Color = u16;
pub static black: Color = 0u16;
pub static red: Color = 1u16;
pub static green: Color = 2u16;
pub static yellow: Color = 3u16;
pub static blue: Color = 4u16;
pub static magenta: Color = 5u16;
pub static cyan: Color = 6u16;
pub static white: Color = 7u16;
pub static bright_black: Color = 8u16;
pub static bright_red: Color = 9u16;
pub static bright_green: Color = 10u16;
pub static bright_yellow: Color = 11u16;
pub static bright_blue: Color = 12u16;
pub static bright_magenta: Color = 13u16;
pub static bright_cyan: Color = 14u16;
pub static bright_white: Color = 15u16;
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))]
pub struct Terminal {
num_colors: u16,
priv out: @io::Writer,
priv ti: ~TermInfo
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
pub struct Terminal {
num_colors: u16,
priv out: @io::Writer,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "win32"))]
impl Terminal {
pub fn new(out: @io::Writer) -> Result<Terminal, ~str> {
let term = os::getenv("TERM");
if term.is_none() {
return Err(~"TERM environment variable undefined");
let entry = open(term.unwrap());
if entry.is_err() {
return Err(entry.unwrap_err());
let ti = parse(entry.unwrap(), false);
if ti.is_err() {
return Err(ti.unwrap_err());
let inf = ti.unwrap();
let nc = if inf.strings.find_equiv(&("setaf")).is_some()
&& inf.strings.find_equiv(&("setab")).is_some() {
inf.numbers.find_equiv(&("colors")).map_consume_default(0, |&n| n)
} else { 0 };
return Ok(Terminal {out: out, ti: inf, num_colors: nc});
/// Sets the foreground color to the given color.
/// If the color is a bright color, but the terminal only supports 8 colors,
/// the corresponding normal color will be used instead.
pub fn fg(&self, color: color::Color) {
let color = self.dim_if_necessary(color);
if self.num_colors > color {
let s = expand(*self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("setaf")).unwrap(),
[Number(color as int)], &mut Variables::new());
if s.is_ok() {
} else {
warn!("%s", s.unwrap_err());
/// Sets the background color to the given color.
/// If the color is a bright color, but the terminal only supports 8 colors,
/// the corresponding normal color will be used instead.
pub fn bg(&self, color: color::Color) {
let color = self.dim_if_necessary(color);
if self.num_colors > color {
let s = expand(*self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("setab")).unwrap(),
[Number(color as int)], &mut Variables::new());
if s.is_ok() {
} else {
warn!("%s", s.unwrap_err());
pub fn reset(&self) {
let mut vars = Variables::new();
let s = do self.ti.strings.find_equiv(&("op"))
.map_consume_default(Err(~"can't find terminfo capability `op`")) |&op| {
expand(op, [], &mut vars)
if s.is_ok() {
} else if self.num_colors > 0 {
warn!("%s", s.unwrap_err());
} else {
debug!("%s", s.unwrap_err());
priv fn dim_if_necessary(&self, color: color::Color) -> color::Color {
if color >= self.num_colors && color >= 8 && color < 16 {
} else { color }
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
impl Terminal {
pub fn new(out: @io::Writer) -> Result<Terminal, ~str> {
return Ok(Terminal {out: out, num_colors: 0});
pub fn fg(&self, _color: color::Color) {
pub fn bg(&self, _color: color::Color) {
pub fn reset(&self) {