Marijn Haverbeke 420484579d Better handling of unreachable code in trans
The builder functions in trans_build now look at an 'unreachable' flag
in the block context and don't generate code (returning undefined
placeholder values) when this flag is set. Threading the unreachable
flag through context still requires some care, but this seems a more
sane approach than re-checking for terminated blocks throughout the

When creating a block, if you use its closest dominator as parent, the
flag will be automatically passed through. If you can't do that,
because the dominator is a scope block that you're trying to get out
of, you'll have to do something like this to explicitly pass on the

    if bcx.unreachable { Unreachable(next_cx); }

Closes #949. Closes #946. Closes #942. Closes #895. Closes #894.
Closes #892. Closes #957. Closes #958.
2011-09-23 11:09:57 +02:00

314 lines
12 KiB

import std::vec;
import std::option::none;
import syntax::ast;
import lib::llvm::llvm::{ValueRef, TypeRef};
import back::abi;
import trans::{call_memmove, trans_shared_malloc, llsize_of, type_of_or_i8,
INIT, copy_val, load_if_immediate, alloca, size_of,
llderivedtydescs_block_ctxt, lazily_emit_tydesc_glue,
get_tydesc, load_inbounds, move_val_if_temp, trans_lval,
node_id_type, new_sub_block_ctxt, tps_normal, do_spill_noroot,
GEPi, alloc_ty};
import trans_build::*;
import trans_common::*;
fn get_fill(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
Load(bcx, GEPi(bcx, Load(bcx, vptrptr), [0, abi::vec_elt_fill as int]))
fn get_alloc(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
Load(bcx, GEPi(bcx, Load(bcx, vptrptr), [0, abi::vec_elt_alloc as int]))
fn get_dataptr(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, unit_ty: TypeRef) ->
ValueRef {
let ptr = GEPi(bcx, Load(bcx, vptrptr), [0, abi::vec_elt_elems as int]);
PointerCast(bcx, ptr, T_ptr(unit_ty))
fn pointer_add(bcx: @block_ctxt, ptr: ValueRef, bytes: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let old_ty = val_ty(ptr);
let bptr = PointerCast(bcx, ptr, T_ptr(T_i8()));
ret PointerCast(bcx, InBoundsGEP(bcx, bptr, [bytes]), old_ty);
fn alloc_raw(bcx: @block_ctxt, fill: ValueRef, alloc: ValueRef) -> result {
let llvecty = T_opaque_vec();
let vecsize = Add(bcx, alloc, llsize_of(llvecty));
let {bcx: bcx, val: vecptr} =
trans_shared_malloc(bcx, T_ptr(llvecty), vecsize);
Store(bcx, fill,
InBoundsGEP(bcx, vecptr, [C_int(0), C_uint(abi::vec_elt_fill)]));
Store(bcx, alloc,
InBoundsGEP(bcx, vecptr, [C_int(0), C_uint(abi::vec_elt_alloc)]));
ret {bcx: bcx, val: vecptr};
type alloc_result =
{bcx: @block_ctxt,
val: ValueRef,
unit_ty: ty::t,
llunitsz: ValueRef,
llunitty: TypeRef};
fn alloc(bcx: @block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, elts: uint) -> alloc_result {
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let llunitty = type_of_or_i8(bcx, unit_ty);
let llvecty = T_vec(llunitty);
let {bcx: bcx, val: unit_sz} = size_of(bcx, unit_ty);
let fill = Mul(bcx, C_uint(elts), unit_sz);
let alloc = if elts < 4u { Mul(bcx, C_int(4), unit_sz) } else { fill };
let {bcx: bcx, val: vptr} = alloc_raw(bcx, fill, alloc);
let vptr = PointerCast(bcx, vptr, T_ptr(llvecty));
let r = alloc_ty(bcx, vec_ty);
let vptrptr = r.val;
bcx = r.bcx;
Store(bcx, vptr, vptrptr);
add_clean_temp(bcx, vptrptr, vec_ty);
ret {bcx: bcx,
val: vptrptr,
unit_ty: unit_ty,
llunitsz: unit_sz,
llunitty: llunitty};
fn duplicate(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef) -> @block_ctxt {
let fill = get_fill(bcx, vptrptr);
let vptr = Load(bcx, vptrptr);
let size = Add(bcx, fill, llsize_of(T_opaque_vec()));
let {bcx: bcx, val: newptr} =
trans_shared_malloc(bcx, val_ty(vptr), size);
let bcx = call_memmove(bcx, newptr, vptr, size).bcx;
Store(bcx, fill,
InBoundsGEP(bcx, newptr, [C_int(0), C_uint(abi::vec_elt_alloc)]));
Store(bcx, newptr, vptrptr);
ret bcx;
fn make_drop_glue(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t) ->
@block_ctxt {
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let vptr = Load(bcx, vptrptr);
let drop_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "drop");
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "next");
let null_test = IsNull(bcx, vptr);
CondBr(bcx, null_test, next_cx.llbb, drop_cx.llbb);
if ty::type_needs_drop(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) {
drop_cx = iter_vec(drop_cx, vptrptr, vec_ty, trans::drop_ty);
drop_cx = trans::trans_shared_free(drop_cx, vptr);
Store(drop_cx, C_null(val_ty(vptr)), vptrptr);
Br(drop_cx, next_cx.llbb);
ret next_cx;
fn trans_vec(bcx: @block_ctxt, args: [@ast::expr], id: ast::node_id) ->
result {
let vec_ty = node_id_type(bcx_ccx(bcx), id);
let {bcx: bcx,
val: vptr,
llunitsz: llunitsz,
unit_ty: unit_ty,
llunitty: llunitty} =
alloc(bcx, vec_ty, vec::len(args));
// Store the individual elements.
let dataptr = get_dataptr(bcx, vptr, llunitty);
let i = 0u;
for e in args {
let lv = trans_lval(bcx, e);
bcx = lv.bcx;
let lleltptr =
if ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) {
InBoundsGEP(bcx, dataptr, [Mul(bcx, C_uint(i), llunitsz)])
} else { InBoundsGEP(bcx, dataptr, [C_uint(i)]) };
bcx = move_val_if_temp(bcx, INIT, lleltptr, lv, unit_ty);
i += 1u;
ret rslt(bcx, vptr);
fn trans_str(bcx: @block_ctxt, s: str) -> result {
let veclen = std::str::byte_len(s) + 1u; // +1 for \0
let {bcx: bcx, val: sptr, _} =
alloc(bcx, ty::mk_str(bcx_tcx(bcx)), veclen);
let llcstr = C_cstr(bcx_ccx(bcx), s);
let bcx =
call_memmove(bcx, get_dataptr(bcx, sptr, T_i8()), llcstr,
ret rslt(bcx, sptr);
fn trans_append(cx: @block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, lhsptr: ValueRef,
rhsptr: ValueRef) -> result {
// Cast to opaque interior vector types if necessary.
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(cx), vec_ty);
let dynamic = ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(cx), unit_ty);
if dynamic {
lhsptr = PointerCast(cx, lhsptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_opaque_vec())));
rhsptr = PointerCast(cx, rhsptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_opaque_vec())));
let strings =
alt ty::struct(bcx_tcx(cx), vec_ty) {
ty::ty_str. { true }
ty::ty_vec(_) { false }
let {bcx: bcx, val: unit_sz} = size_of(cx, unit_ty);
let llunitty = type_of_or_i8(cx, unit_ty);
let rhs = Load(bcx, rhsptr);
let lhs = Load(bcx, lhsptr);
let self_append = ICmp(bcx, lib::llvm::LLVMIntEQ, lhs, rhs);
let lfill = get_fill(bcx, lhsptr);
let rfill = get_fill(bcx, rhsptr);
let new_fill = Add(bcx, lfill, rfill);
if strings { new_fill = Sub(bcx, new_fill, C_int(1)); }
let opaque_lhs = PointerCast(bcx, lhsptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_opaque_vec())));
Call(bcx, bcx_ccx(cx).upcalls.vec_grow,
[cx.fcx.lltaskptr, opaque_lhs, new_fill]);
// Was overwritten if we resized
rhsptr = Select(bcx, self_append, lhsptr, rhsptr);
let lhs_data = get_dataptr(bcx, lhsptr, llunitty);
let lhs_off = lfill;
if strings { lhs_off = Sub(bcx, lhs_off, C_int(1)); }
let write_ptr = pointer_add(bcx, lhs_data, lhs_off);
let write_ptr_ptr = do_spill_noroot(bcx, write_ptr);
let bcx =
iter_vec_raw(bcx, rhsptr, vec_ty, rfill,
// We have to increment by the dynamically-computed size.
{|bcx, addr, _ty|
let write_ptr = Load(bcx, write_ptr_ptr);
let bcx =
copy_val(bcx, INIT, write_ptr,
load_if_immediate(bcx, addr, unit_ty),
let incr = dynamic ? unit_sz : C_int(1);
Store(bcx, InBoundsGEP(bcx, write_ptr, [incr]),
ret bcx;
ret rslt(bcx, C_nil());
fn trans_append_literal(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
vals: [@ast::expr]) -> @block_ctxt {
let elt_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let ti = none;
let {bcx: bcx, val: td} =
get_tydesc(bcx, elt_ty, false, tps_normal, ti).result;
trans::lazily_emit_tydesc_glue(bcx, abi::tydesc_field_take_glue, ti);
let opaque_v = PointerCast(bcx, vptrptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_opaque_vec())));
for val in vals {
let {bcx: e_bcx, val: elt} = trans::trans_expr(bcx, val);
bcx = e_bcx;
let r = trans::spill_if_immediate(bcx, elt, elt_ty);
let spilled = r.val;
bcx = r.bcx;
Call(bcx, bcx_ccx(bcx).upcalls.vec_push,
[bcx.fcx.lltaskptr, opaque_v, td,
PointerCast(bcx, spilled, T_ptr(T_i8()))]);
ret bcx;
fn trans_add(bcx: @block_ctxt, vec_ty: ty::t, lhsptr: ValueRef,
rhsptr: ValueRef) -> result {
let strings =
alt ty::struct(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty) {
ty::ty_str. { true }
ty::ty_vec(_) { false }
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let llunitty = type_of_or_i8(bcx, unit_ty);
let {bcx: bcx, val: llunitsz} = size_of(bcx, unit_ty);
let lhs_fill = get_fill(bcx, lhsptr);
if strings { lhs_fill = Sub(bcx, lhs_fill, C_int(1)); }
let rhs_fill = get_fill(bcx, rhsptr);
let new_fill = Add(bcx, lhs_fill, rhs_fill);
let {bcx: bcx, val: new_vec_ptr} = alloc_raw(bcx, new_fill, new_fill);
new_vec_ptr = PointerCast(bcx, new_vec_ptr, T_ptr(T_vec(llunitty)));
let {bcx: bcx, val: new_vec_ptr_ptr} = alloc_ty(bcx, vec_ty);
Store(bcx, new_vec_ptr, new_vec_ptr_ptr);
add_clean_temp(bcx, new_vec_ptr_ptr, vec_ty);
let write_ptr_ptr =
do_spill_noroot(bcx, get_dataptr(bcx, new_vec_ptr_ptr, llunitty));
let copy_fn =
bind fn (bcx: @block_ctxt, addr: ValueRef, _ty: ty::t,
write_ptr_ptr: ValueRef, unit_ty: ty::t, llunitsz: ValueRef)
-> @block_ctxt {
let write_ptr = Load(bcx, write_ptr_ptr);
let bcx =
copy_val(bcx, INIT, write_ptr,
load_if_immediate(bcx, addr, unit_ty), unit_ty);
let incr =
ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) ?
llunitsz : C_int(1);
Store(bcx, InBoundsGEP(bcx, write_ptr, [incr]),
ret bcx;
}(_, _, _, write_ptr_ptr, unit_ty, llunitsz);
let bcx = iter_vec_raw(bcx, lhsptr, vec_ty, lhs_fill, copy_fn);
let bcx = iter_vec_raw(bcx, rhsptr, vec_ty, rhs_fill, copy_fn);
ret rslt(bcx, new_vec_ptr_ptr);
type val_and_ty_fn = fn(@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> result;
type iter_vec_block = block(@block_ctxt, ValueRef, ty::t) -> @block_ctxt;
fn iter_vec_raw(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
fill: ValueRef, f: iter_vec_block) -> @block_ctxt {
let unit_ty = ty::sequence_element_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), vec_ty);
let llunitty = type_of_or_i8(bcx, unit_ty);
let {bcx: bcx, val: unit_sz} = size_of(bcx, unit_ty);
vptrptr = PointerCast(bcx, vptrptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_vec(llunitty))));
let data_ptr = get_dataptr(bcx, vptrptr, llunitty);
// Calculate the last pointer address we want to handle.
// TODO: Optimize this when the size of the unit type is statically
// known to not use pointer casts, which tend to confuse LLVM.
let data_end_ptr = pointer_add(bcx, data_ptr, fill);
// Now perform the iteration.
let header_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "iter_vec_loop_header");
Br(bcx, header_cx.llbb);
let data_ptr = Phi(header_cx, val_ty(data_ptr), [data_ptr], [bcx.llbb]);
let not_yet_at_end =
ICmp(header_cx, lib::llvm::LLVMIntULT, data_ptr, data_end_ptr);
let body_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(header_cx, "iter_vec_loop_body");
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(header_cx, "iter_vec_next");
CondBr(header_cx, not_yet_at_end, body_cx.llbb, next_cx.llbb);
body_cx = f(body_cx, data_ptr, unit_ty);
let increment =
if ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(bcx), unit_ty) {
} else { C_int(1) };
AddIncomingToPhi(data_ptr, [InBoundsGEP(body_cx, data_ptr, [increment])],
Br(body_cx, header_cx.llbb);
ret next_cx;
fn iter_vec(bcx: @block_ctxt, vptrptr: ValueRef, vec_ty: ty::t,
f: iter_vec_block) -> @block_ctxt {
vptrptr = PointerCast(bcx, vptrptr, T_ptr(T_ptr(T_opaque_vec())));
ret iter_vec_raw(bcx, vptrptr, vec_ty, get_fill(bcx, vptrptr), f);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: