1020 lines
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1020 lines
39 KiB
// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use back::{link};
use llvm::{ValueRef, CallConv, get_param};
use llvm;
use middle::weak_lang_items;
use trans::base::{llvm_linkage_by_name, push_ctxt};
use trans::base;
use trans::build::*;
use trans::cabi;
use trans::common::*;
use trans::debuginfo::DebugLoc;
use trans::machine;
use trans::monomorphize;
use trans::type_::Type;
use trans::type_of::*;
use trans::type_of;
use middle::ty::{self, Ty};
use middle::subst::Substs;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::cmp;
use libc::c_uint;
use syntax::abi::{Cdecl, Aapcs, C, Win64, Abi};
use syntax::abi::{RustIntrinsic, Rust, RustCall, Stdcall, Fastcall, System};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::parse::token::{InternedString, special_idents};
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::{ast};
use syntax::{attr, ast_map};
use syntax::print::pprust;
use util::ppaux::Repr;
// Type definitions
struct ForeignTypes<'tcx> {
/// Rust signature of the function
fn_sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
/// Adapter object for handling native ABI rules (trust me, you
/// don't want to know)
fn_ty: cabi::FnType,
/// LLVM types that will appear on the foreign function
llsig: LlvmSignature,
struct LlvmSignature {
// LLVM versions of the types of this function's arguments.
llarg_tys: Vec<Type> ,
// LLVM version of the type that this function returns. Note that
// this *may not be* the declared return type of the foreign
// function, because the foreign function may opt to return via an
// out pointer.
llret_ty: Type,
/// True if there is a return value (not bottom, not unit)
ret_def: bool,
// Calls to external functions
pub fn llvm_calling_convention(ccx: &CrateContext,
abi: Abi) -> CallConv {
match ccx.sess().target.target.adjust_abi(abi) {
RustIntrinsic => {
// Intrinsics are emitted at the call site
ccx.sess().bug("asked to register intrinsic fn");
Rust => {
// FIXME(#3678) Implement linking to foreign fns with Rust ABI
ccx.sess().unimpl("foreign functions with Rust ABI");
RustCall => {
// FIXME(#3678) Implement linking to foreign fns with Rust ABI
ccx.sess().unimpl("foreign functions with RustCall ABI");
// It's the ABI's job to select this, not us.
System => ccx.sess().bug("system abi should be selected elsewhere"),
Stdcall => llvm::X86StdcallCallConv,
Fastcall => llvm::X86FastcallCallConv,
C => llvm::CCallConv,
Win64 => llvm::X86_64_Win64,
// These API constants ought to be more specific...
Cdecl => llvm::CCallConv,
Aapcs => llvm::CCallConv,
pub fn register_static(ccx: &CrateContext,
foreign_item: &ast::ForeignItem) -> ValueRef {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx(), foreign_item.id);
let llty = type_of::type_of(ccx, ty);
let ident = link_name(foreign_item);
match attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&foreign_item.attrs,
"linkage") {
// If this is a static with a linkage specified, then we need to handle
// it a little specially. The typesystem prevents things like &T and
// extern "C" fn() from being non-null, so we can't just declare a
// static and call it a day. Some linkages (like weak) will make it such
// that the static actually has a null value.
Some(name) => {
let linkage = match llvm_linkage_by_name(&name) {
Some(linkage) => linkage,
None => {
"invalid linkage specified");
let llty2 = match ty.sty {
ty::ty_ptr(ref mt) => type_of::type_of(ccx, mt.ty),
_ => {
"must have type `*T` or `*mut T`");
unsafe {
// Declare a symbol `foo` with the desired linkage.
let buf = CString::new(ident.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let g1 = llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod(), llty2.to_ref(),
llvm::SetLinkage(g1, linkage);
// Declare an internal global `extern_with_linkage_foo` which
// is initialized with the address of `foo`. If `foo` is
// discarded during linking (for example, if `foo` has weak
// linkage and there are no definitions), then
// `extern_with_linkage_foo` will instead be initialized to
// zero.
let mut real_name = "_rust_extern_with_linkage_".to_string();
let real_name = CString::new(real_name).unwrap();
let g2 = llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod(), llty.to_ref(),
llvm::SetLinkage(g2, llvm::InternalLinkage);
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(g2, g1);
None => unsafe {
// Generate an external declaration.
let buf = CString::new(ident.as_bytes()).unwrap();
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod(), llty.to_ref(), buf.as_ptr())
/// Registers a foreign function found in a library. Just adds a LLVM global.
pub fn register_foreign_item_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
abi: Abi, fty: Ty<'tcx>,
name: &str) -> ValueRef {
debug!("register_foreign_item_fn(abi={}, \
ty={}, \
let cc = llvm_calling_convention(ccx, abi);
// Register the function as a C extern fn
let tys = foreign_types_for_fn_ty(ccx, fty);
// Make sure the calling convention is right for variadic functions
// (should've been caught if not in typeck)
if tys.fn_sig.variadic {
assert!(cc == llvm::CCallConv);
// Create the LLVM value for the C extern fn
let llfn_ty = lltype_for_fn_from_foreign_types(ccx, &tys);
let llfn = base::get_extern_fn(ccx,
&mut *ccx.externs().borrow_mut(),
add_argument_attributes(&tys, llfn);
/// Prepares a call to a native function. This requires adapting
/// from the Rust argument passing rules to the native rules.
/// # Parameters
/// - `callee_ty`: Rust type for the function we are calling
/// - `llfn`: the function pointer we are calling
/// - `llretptr`: where to store the return value of the function
/// - `llargs_rust`: a list of the argument values, prepared
/// as they would be if calling a Rust function
/// - `passed_arg_tys`: Rust type for the arguments. Normally we
/// can derive these from callee_ty but in the case of variadic
/// functions passed_arg_tys will include the Rust type of all
/// the arguments including the ones not specified in the fn's signature.
pub fn trans_native_call<'blk, 'tcx>(bcx: Block<'blk, 'tcx>,
callee_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
llfn: ValueRef,
llretptr: ValueRef,
llargs_rust: &[ValueRef],
passed_arg_tys: Vec<Ty<'tcx>>,
call_debug_loc: DebugLoc)
-> Block<'blk, 'tcx>
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let tcx = bcx.tcx();
debug!("trans_native_call(callee_ty={}, \
llfn={}, \
let (fn_abi, fn_sig) = match callee_ty.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref fn_ty) => (fn_ty.abi, &fn_ty.sig),
_ => ccx.sess().bug("trans_native_call called on non-function type")
let fn_sig = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(ccx.tcx(), fn_sig);
let llsig = foreign_signature(ccx, &fn_sig, &passed_arg_tys[..]);
let fn_type = cabi::compute_abi_info(ccx,
let arg_tys: &[cabi::ArgType] = &fn_type.arg_tys;
let mut llargs_foreign = Vec::new();
// If the foreign ABI expects return value by pointer, supply the
// pointer that Rust gave us. Sometimes we have to bitcast
// because foreign fns return slightly different (but equivalent)
// views on the same type (e.g., i64 in place of {i32,i32}).
if fn_type.ret_ty.is_indirect() {
match fn_type.ret_ty.cast {
Some(ty) => {
let llcastedretptr =
BitCast(bcx, llretptr, ty.ptr_to());
None => {
for (i, &llarg_rust) in llargs_rust.iter().enumerate() {
let mut llarg_rust = llarg_rust;
if arg_tys[i].is_ignore() {
// Does Rust pass this argument by pointer?
let rust_indirect = type_of::arg_is_indirect(ccx, passed_arg_tys[i]);
debug!("argument {}, llarg_rust={}, rust_indirect={}, arg_ty={}",
// Ensure that we always have the Rust value indirectly,
// because it makes bitcasting easier.
if !rust_indirect {
let scratch =
type_of::type_of(ccx, passed_arg_tys[i]),
base::store_ty(bcx, llarg_rust, scratch, passed_arg_tys[i]);
llarg_rust = scratch;
debug!("llarg_rust={} (after indirection)",
// Check whether we need to do any casting
match arg_tys[i].cast {
Some(ty) => llarg_rust = BitCast(bcx, llarg_rust, ty.ptr_to()),
None => ()
debug!("llarg_rust={} (after casting)",
// Finally, load the value if needed for the foreign ABI
let foreign_indirect = arg_tys[i].is_indirect();
let llarg_foreign = if foreign_indirect {
} else {
if ty::type_is_bool(passed_arg_tys[i]) {
let val = LoadRangeAssert(bcx, llarg_rust, 0, 2, llvm::False);
Trunc(bcx, val, Type::i1(bcx.ccx()))
} else {
Load(bcx, llarg_rust)
debug!("argument {}, llarg_foreign={}",
i, ccx.tn().val_to_string(llarg_foreign));
// fill padding with undef value
match arg_tys[i].pad {
Some(ty) => llargs_foreign.push(C_undef(ty)),
None => ()
let cc = llvm_calling_convention(ccx, fn_abi);
// A function pointer is called without the declaration available, so we have to apply
// any attributes with ABI implications directly to the call instruction.
let mut attrs = llvm::AttrBuilder::new();
// Add attributes that are always applicable, independent of the concrete foreign ABI
if fn_type.ret_ty.is_indirect() {
let llret_sz = machine::llsize_of_real(ccx, fn_type.ret_ty.ty);
// The outptr can be noalias and nocapture because it's entirely
// invisible to the program. We also know it's nonnull as well
// as how many bytes we can dereference
attrs.arg(1, llvm::NoAliasAttribute)
.arg(1, llvm::NoCaptureAttribute)
.arg(1, llvm::DereferenceableAttribute(llret_sz));
// Add attributes that depend on the concrete foreign ABI
let mut arg_idx = if fn_type.ret_ty.is_indirect() { 1 } else { 0 };
match fn_type.ret_ty.attr {
Some(attr) => { attrs.arg(arg_idx, attr); },
_ => ()
arg_idx += 1;
for arg_ty in &fn_type.arg_tys {
if arg_ty.is_ignore() {
// skip padding
if arg_ty.pad.is_some() { arg_idx += 1; }
if let Some(attr) = arg_ty.attr {
attrs.arg(arg_idx, attr);
arg_idx += 1;
let llforeign_retval = CallWithConv(bcx,
// If the function we just called does not use an outpointer,
// store the result into the rust outpointer. Cast the outpointer
// type to match because some ABIs will use a different type than
// the Rust type. e.g., a {u32,u32} struct could be returned as
// u64.
if llsig.ret_def && !fn_type.ret_ty.is_indirect() {
let llrust_ret_ty = llsig.llret_ty;
let llforeign_ret_ty = match fn_type.ret_ty.cast {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => fn_type.ret_ty.ty
debug!("llretptr={}", ccx.tn().val_to_string(llretptr));
debug!("llforeign_retval={}", ccx.tn().val_to_string(llforeign_retval));
debug!("llrust_ret_ty={}", ccx.tn().type_to_string(llrust_ret_ty));
debug!("llforeign_ret_ty={}", ccx.tn().type_to_string(llforeign_ret_ty));
if llrust_ret_ty == llforeign_ret_ty {
match fn_sig.output {
ty::FnConverging(result_ty) => {
base::store_ty(bcx, llforeign_retval, llretptr, result_ty)
ty::FnDiverging => {}
} else {
// The actual return type is a struct, but the ABI
// adaptation code has cast it into some scalar type. The
// code that follows is the only reliable way I have
// found to do a transform like i64 -> {i32,i32}.
// Basically we dump the data onto the stack then memcpy it.
// Other approaches I tried:
// - Casting rust ret pointer to the foreign type and using Store
// is (a) unsafe if size of foreign type > size of rust type and
// (b) runs afoul of strict aliasing rules, yielding invalid
// assembly under -O (specifically, the store gets removed).
// - Truncating foreign type to correct integral type and then
// bitcasting to the struct type yields invalid cast errors.
let llscratch = base::alloca(bcx, llforeign_ret_ty, "__cast");
Store(bcx, llforeign_retval, llscratch);
let llscratch_i8 = BitCast(bcx, llscratch, Type::i8(ccx).ptr_to());
let llretptr_i8 = BitCast(bcx, llretptr, Type::i8(ccx).ptr_to());
let llrust_size = machine::llsize_of_store(ccx, llrust_ret_ty);
let llforeign_align = machine::llalign_of_min(ccx, llforeign_ret_ty);
let llrust_align = machine::llalign_of_min(ccx, llrust_ret_ty);
let llalign = cmp::min(llforeign_align, llrust_align);
debug!("llrust_size={}", llrust_size);
base::call_memcpy(bcx, llretptr_i8, llscratch_i8,
C_uint(ccx, llrust_size), llalign as u32);
return bcx;
// feature gate SIMD types in FFI, since I (huonw) am not sure the
// ABIs are handled at all correctly.
fn gate_simd_ffi(tcx: &ty::ctxt, decl: &ast::FnDecl, ty: &ty::BareFnTy) {
if !tcx.sess.features.borrow().simd_ffi {
let check = |ast_ty: &ast::Ty, ty: ty::Ty| {
if ty::type_is_simd(tcx, ty) {
&format!("use of SIMD type `{}` in FFI is highly experimental and \
may result in invalid code",
"add #![feature(simd_ffi)] to the crate attributes to enable");
let sig = &ty.sig.0;
for (input, ty) in decl.inputs.iter().zip(sig.inputs.iter()) {
check(&*input.ty, *ty)
if let ast::Return(ref ty) = decl.output {
check(&**ty, sig.output.unwrap())
pub fn trans_foreign_mod(ccx: &CrateContext, foreign_mod: &ast::ForeignMod) {
let _icx = push_ctxt("foreign::trans_foreign_mod");
for foreign_item in &foreign_mod.items {
let lname = link_name(&**foreign_item);
if let ast::ForeignItemFn(ref decl, _) = foreign_item.node {
match foreign_mod.abi {
Rust | RustIntrinsic => {}
abi => {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx(), foreign_item.id);
match ty.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, bft) => gate_simd_ffi(ccx.tcx(), &**decl, bft),
_ => ccx.tcx().sess.span_bug(foreign_item.span,
"foreign fn's sty isn't a bare_fn_ty?")
register_foreign_item_fn(ccx, abi, ty,
// Unlike for other items, we shouldn't call
// `base::update_linkage` here. Foreign items have
// special linkage requirements, which are handled
// inside `foreign::register_*`.
// Rust functions with foreign ABIs
// These are normal Rust functions defined with foreign ABIs. For
// now, and perhaps forever, we translate these using a "layer of
// indirection". That is, given a Rust declaration like:
// extern "C" fn foo(i: u32) -> u32 { ... }
// we will generate a function like:
// S foo(T i) {
// S r;
// foo0(&r, NULL, i);
// return r;
// }
// #[inline_always]
// void foo0(uint32_t *r, void *env, uint32_t i) { ... }
// Here the (internal) `foo0` function follows the Rust ABI as normal,
// where the `foo` function follows the C ABI. We rely on LLVM to
// inline the one into the other. Of course we could just generate the
// correct code in the first place, but this is much simpler.
pub fn decl_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
t: Ty<'tcx>,
name: &str)
-> ValueRef {
let tys = foreign_types_for_fn_ty(ccx, t);
let llfn_ty = lltype_for_fn_from_foreign_types(ccx, &tys);
let cconv = match t.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref fn_ty) => {
llvm_calling_convention(ccx, fn_ty.abi)
_ => panic!("expected bare fn in decl_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi")
let llfn = base::decl_fn(ccx, name, cconv, llfn_ty, ty::FnConverging(ty::mk_nil(ccx.tcx())));
add_argument_attributes(&tys, llfn);
debug!("decl_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi(llfn_ty={}, llfn={})",
ccx.tn().type_to_string(llfn_ty), ccx.tn().val_to_string(llfn));
pub fn register_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi(ccx: &CrateContext,
sp: Span,
sym: String,
node_id: ast::NodeId)
-> ValueRef {
let _icx = push_ctxt("foreign::register_foreign_fn");
let tys = foreign_types_for_id(ccx, node_id);
let llfn_ty = lltype_for_fn_from_foreign_types(ccx, &tys);
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx(), node_id);
let cconv = match t.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref fn_ty) => {
llvm_calling_convention(ccx, fn_ty.abi)
_ => panic!("expected bare fn in register_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi")
let llfn = base::register_fn_llvmty(ccx, sp, sym, node_id, cconv, llfn_ty);
add_argument_attributes(&tys, llfn);
debug!("register_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi(node_id={}, llfn_ty={}, llfn={})",
node_id, ccx.tn().type_to_string(llfn_ty), ccx.tn().val_to_string(llfn));
pub fn trans_rust_fn_with_foreign_abi<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
decl: &ast::FnDecl,
body: &ast::Block,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
llwrapfn: ValueRef,
param_substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
id: ast::NodeId,
hash: Option<&str>) {
let _icx = push_ctxt("foreign::build_foreign_fn");
let fnty = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx(), id);
let mty = monomorphize::apply_param_substs(ccx.tcx(), param_substs, &fnty);
let tys = foreign_types_for_fn_ty(ccx, mty);
unsafe { // unsafe because we call LLVM operations
// Build up the Rust function (`foo0` above).
let llrustfn = build_rust_fn(ccx, decl, body, param_substs, attrs, id, hash);
// Build up the foreign wrapper (`foo` above).
return build_wrap_fn(ccx, llrustfn, llwrapfn, &tys, mty);
fn build_rust_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
decl: &ast::FnDecl,
body: &ast::Block,
param_substs: &'tcx Substs<'tcx>,
attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
id: ast::NodeId,
hash: Option<&str>)
-> ValueRef
let _icx = push_ctxt("foreign::foreign::build_rust_fn");
let tcx = ccx.tcx();
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, id);
let t = monomorphize::apply_param_substs(tcx, param_substs, &t);
let ps = ccx.tcx().map.with_path(id, |path| {
let abi = Some(ast_map::PathName(special_idents::clownshoe_abi.name));
link::mangle(path.chain(abi.into_iter()), hash)
// Compute the type that the function would have if it were just a
// normal Rust function. This will be the type of the wrappee fn.
match t.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref f) => {
assert!(f.abi != Rust && f.abi != RustIntrinsic);
_ => {
ccx.sess().bug(&format!("build_rust_fn: extern fn {} has ty {}, \
expected a bare fn ty",
debug!("build_rust_fn: path={} id={} t={}",
id, t.repr(tcx));
let llfn = base::decl_internal_rust_fn(ccx, t, &ps[..]);
base::set_llvm_fn_attrs(ccx, attrs, llfn);
base::trans_fn(ccx, decl, body, llfn, param_substs, id, &[]);
unsafe fn build_wrap_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
llrustfn: ValueRef,
llwrapfn: ValueRef,
tys: &ForeignTypes<'tcx>,
t: Ty<'tcx>) {
let _icx = push_ctxt(
let tcx = ccx.tcx();
debug!("build_wrap_fn(llrustfn={}, llwrapfn={}, t={})",
// Avoid all the Rust generation stuff and just generate raw
// LLVM here.
// We want to generate code like this:
// S foo(T i) {
// S r;
// foo0(&r, NULL, i);
// return r;
// }
let ptr = "the block\0".as_ptr();
let the_block = llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(ccx.llcx(), llwrapfn,
ptr as *const _);
let builder = ccx.builder();
// Array for the arguments we will pass to the rust function.
let mut llrust_args = Vec::new();
let mut next_foreign_arg_counter: c_uint = 0;
let mut next_foreign_arg = |pad: bool| -> c_uint {
next_foreign_arg_counter += if pad {
} else {
next_foreign_arg_counter - 1
// If there is an out pointer on the foreign function
let foreign_outptr = {
if tys.fn_ty.ret_ty.is_indirect() {
Some(get_param(llwrapfn, next_foreign_arg(false)))
} else {
let rustfn_ty = Type::from_ref(llvm::LLVMTypeOf(llrustfn)).element_type();
let mut rust_param_tys = rustfn_ty.func_params().into_iter();
// Push Rust return pointer, using null if it will be unused.
let rust_uses_outptr = match tys.fn_sig.output {
ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) => type_of::return_uses_outptr(ccx, ret_ty),
ty::FnDiverging => false
let return_alloca: Option<ValueRef>;
let llrust_ret_ty = if rust_uses_outptr {
rust_param_tys.next().expect("Missing return type!").element_type()
} else {
if rust_uses_outptr {
// Rust expects to use an outpointer. If the foreign fn
// also uses an outpointer, we can reuse it, but the types
// may vary, so cast first to the Rust type. If the
// foreign fn does NOT use an outpointer, we will have to
// alloca some scratch space on the stack.
match foreign_outptr {
Some(llforeign_outptr) => {
debug!("out pointer, foreign={}",
let llrust_retptr =
builder.bitcast(llforeign_outptr, llrust_ret_ty.ptr_to());
debug!("out pointer, foreign={} (casted)",
return_alloca = None;
None => {
let slot = builder.alloca(llrust_ret_ty, "return_alloca");
debug!("out pointer, \
allocad={}, \
llrust_ret_ty={}, \
return_alloca = Some(slot);
} else {
// Rust does not expect an outpointer. If the foreign fn
// does use an outpointer, then we will do a store of the
// value that the Rust fn returns.
return_alloca = None;
// Build up the arguments to the call to the rust function.
// Careful to adapt for cases where the native convention uses
// a pointer and Rust does not or vice versa.
for i in 0..tys.fn_sig.inputs.len() {
let rust_ty = tys.fn_sig.inputs[i];
let rust_indirect = type_of::arg_is_indirect(ccx, rust_ty);
let llty = rust_param_tys.next().expect("Not enough parameter types!");
let llrust_ty = if rust_indirect {
} else {
let llforeign_arg_ty = tys.fn_ty.arg_tys[i];
let foreign_indirect = llforeign_arg_ty.is_indirect();
if llforeign_arg_ty.is_ignore() {
debug!("skipping ignored arg #{}", i);
// skip padding
let foreign_index = next_foreign_arg(llforeign_arg_ty.pad.is_some());
let mut llforeign_arg = get_param(llwrapfn, foreign_index);
debug!("llforeign_arg {}{}: {}", "#",
i, ccx.tn().val_to_string(llforeign_arg));
debug!("rust_indirect = {}, foreign_indirect = {}",
rust_indirect, foreign_indirect);
// Ensure that the foreign argument is indirect (by
// pointer). It makes adapting types easier, since we can
// always just bitcast pointers.
if !foreign_indirect {
llforeign_arg = if ty::type_is_bool(rust_ty) {
let lltemp = builder.alloca(Type::bool(ccx), "");
builder.store(builder.zext(llforeign_arg, Type::bool(ccx)), lltemp);
} else {
let lltemp = builder.alloca(val_ty(llforeign_arg), "");
builder.store(llforeign_arg, lltemp);
// If the types in the ABI and the Rust types don't match,
// bitcast the llforeign_arg pointer so it matches the types
// Rust expects.
if llforeign_arg_ty.cast.is_some() {
llforeign_arg = builder.bitcast(llforeign_arg, llrust_ty.ptr_to());
let llrust_arg = if rust_indirect {
} else {
if ty::type_is_bool(rust_ty) {
let tmp = builder.load_range_assert(llforeign_arg, 0, 2, llvm::False);
builder.trunc(tmp, Type::i1(ccx))
} else if type_of::type_of(ccx, rust_ty).is_aggregate() {
// We want to pass small aggregates as immediate values, but using an aggregate
// LLVM type for this leads to bad optimizations, so its arg type is an
// appropriately sized integer and we have to convert it
let tmp = builder.bitcast(llforeign_arg,
type_of::arg_type_of(ccx, rust_ty).ptr_to());
} else {
debug!("llrust_arg {}{}: {}", "#",
i, ccx.tn().val_to_string(llrust_arg));
// Perform the call itself
debug!("calling llrustfn = {}, t = {}",
ccx.tn().val_to_string(llrustfn), t.repr(ccx.tcx()));
let attributes = base::get_fn_llvm_attributes(ccx, t);
let llrust_ret_val = builder.call(llrustfn, &llrust_args, Some(attributes));
// Get the return value where the foreign fn expects it.
let llforeign_ret_ty = match tys.fn_ty.ret_ty.cast {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => tys.fn_ty.ret_ty.ty
match foreign_outptr {
None if !tys.llsig.ret_def => {
// Function returns `()` or `bot`, which in Rust is the LLVM
// type "{}" but in foreign ABIs is "Void".
None if rust_uses_outptr => {
// Rust uses an outpointer, but the foreign ABI does not. Load.
let llrust_outptr = return_alloca.unwrap();
let llforeign_outptr_casted =
builder.bitcast(llrust_outptr, llforeign_ret_ty.ptr_to());
let llforeign_retval = builder.load(llforeign_outptr_casted);
None if llforeign_ret_ty != llrust_ret_ty => {
// Neither ABI uses an outpointer, but the types don't
// quite match. Must cast. Probably we should try and
// examine the types and use a concrete llvm cast, but
// right now we just use a temp memory location and
// bitcast the pointer, which is the same thing the
// old wrappers used to do.
let lltemp = builder.alloca(llforeign_ret_ty, "");
let lltemp_casted = builder.bitcast(lltemp, llrust_ret_ty.ptr_to());
builder.store(llrust_ret_val, lltemp_casted);
let llforeign_retval = builder.load(lltemp);
None => {
// Neither ABI uses an outpointer, and the types
// match. Easy peasy.
Some(llforeign_outptr) if !rust_uses_outptr => {
// Foreign ABI requires an out pointer, but Rust doesn't.
// Store Rust return value.
let llforeign_outptr_casted =
builder.bitcast(llforeign_outptr, llrust_ret_ty.ptr_to());
builder.store(llrust_ret_val, llforeign_outptr_casted);
Some(_) => {
// Both ABIs use outpointers. Easy peasy.
// General ABI Support
// This code is kind of a confused mess and needs to be reworked given
// the massive simplifications that have occurred.
pub fn link_name(i: &ast::ForeignItem) -> InternedString {
match attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, "link_name") {
Some(ln) => ln.clone(),
None => match weak_lang_items::link_name(&i.attrs) {
Some(name) => name,
None => token::get_ident(i.ident),
/// The ForeignSignature is the LLVM types of the arguments/return type of a function. Note that
/// these LLVM types are not quite the same as the LLVM types would be for a native Rust function
/// because foreign functions just plain ignore modes. They also don't pass aggregate values by
/// pointer like we do.
fn foreign_signature<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
fn_sig: &ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
arg_tys: &[Ty<'tcx>])
-> LlvmSignature {
let llarg_tys = arg_tys.iter().map(|&arg| foreign_arg_type_of(ccx, arg)).collect();
let (llret_ty, ret_def) = match fn_sig.output {
ty::FnConverging(ret_ty) =>
(type_of::foreign_arg_type_of(ccx, ret_ty), !return_type_is_void(ccx, ret_ty)),
ty::FnDiverging =>
(Type::nil(ccx), false)
LlvmSignature {
llarg_tys: llarg_tys,
llret_ty: llret_ty,
ret_def: ret_def
fn foreign_types_for_id<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
id: ast::NodeId) -> ForeignTypes<'tcx> {
foreign_types_for_fn_ty(ccx, ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx(), id))
fn foreign_types_for_fn_ty<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> ForeignTypes<'tcx> {
let fn_sig = match ty.sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(_, ref fn_ty) => &fn_ty.sig,
_ => ccx.sess().bug("foreign_types_for_fn_ty called on non-function type")
let fn_sig = ty::erase_late_bound_regions(ccx.tcx(), fn_sig);
let llsig = foreign_signature(ccx, &fn_sig, &fn_sig.inputs);
let fn_ty = cabi::compute_abi_info(ccx,
ty={}, \
llsig={} -> {}, \
fn_ty={} -> {}, \
ccx.tn().types_to_str(&fn_ty.arg_tys.iter().map(|t| t.ty).collect::<Vec<_>>()),
ForeignTypes {
fn_sig: fn_sig,
llsig: llsig,
fn_ty: fn_ty
fn lltype_for_fn_from_foreign_types(ccx: &CrateContext, tys: &ForeignTypes) -> Type {
let mut llargument_tys = Vec::new();
let ret_ty = tys.fn_ty.ret_ty;
let llreturn_ty = if ret_ty.is_indirect() {
} else {
match ret_ty.cast {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => ret_ty.ty
for &arg_ty in &tys.fn_ty.arg_tys {
if arg_ty.is_ignore() {
// add padding
match arg_ty.pad {
Some(ty) => llargument_tys.push(ty),
None => ()
let llarg_ty = if arg_ty.is_indirect() {
} else {
match arg_ty.cast {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => arg_ty.ty
if tys.fn_sig.variadic {
Type::variadic_func(&llargument_tys, &llreturn_ty)
} else {
Type::func(&llargument_tys[..], &llreturn_ty)
pub fn lltype_for_foreign_fn<'a, 'tcx>(ccx: &CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>,
ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Type {
lltype_for_fn_from_foreign_types(ccx, &foreign_types_for_fn_ty(ccx, ty))
fn add_argument_attributes(tys: &ForeignTypes,
llfn: ValueRef) {
let mut i = if tys.fn_ty.ret_ty.is_indirect() {
} else {
match tys.fn_ty.ret_ty.attr {
Some(attr) => unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddFunctionAttribute(llfn, i as c_uint, attr.bits() as u64);
None => {}
i += 1;
for &arg_ty in &tys.fn_ty.arg_tys {
if arg_ty.is_ignore() {
// skip padding
if arg_ty.pad.is_some() { i += 1; }
match arg_ty.attr {
Some(attr) => unsafe {
llvm::LLVMAddFunctionAttribute(llfn, i as c_uint, attr.bits() as u64);
None => ()
i += 1;