Older tags of the repo don't have the configuration.md file that the docs/index.html file uses to display configuration options. Removing them from the list since they don't apply to the use case of the documentation page.
298 lines
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298 lines
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async outputHtml() {
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const ConfigurationMdUrl =
let res;
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const {
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head.includes(this.searchCondition) === false) {
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highlight(code, lang) {
return hljs.highlight(lang ? lang : 'rust', code).value;
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created: async function() {
let tags;
try {
tags = (await axios.get(RusfmtTagsUrl)).data;
} catch(e) {
const excludedTagVersions = new Set(['v0.7', 'v0.8.1']);
const tagOptions = tags
.map(tag => tag.name)
.filter(tag => tag.startsWith('v') && !excludedTagVersions.has(tag));
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handleReqFailure(e) {
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const resetDate = new Date(
e.response.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset'] * 1000
this.aboutHtml =
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} else {
this.aboutHtml =
`<p>Ecountered an error when fetching documentation data:</p>` +
`<pre><code>${e.response.data}</code></pre>` +
`<p>We would appreciate <a href="https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/new?template=bug_report.md">a bug report</a>.` +
`<p>Try refreshing the page.</p>`;
const extractDepthOnes = (ast) => {
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if (next.depth === 1) {
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return elem.map((val) => {
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value: val,
stable: val.some((elem) => {
return elem.type === "list" &&
!!elem.raw &&
elem.raw.includes("**Stable**: Yes");
text: val.reduce((result, next) => {
return next.text != null
? `${result} ${next.text}`
: result;
}, '')
const parseMarkdownAst = (rawMarkdown) => {
const ast = marked.lexer(rawMarkdown);
const depthOnes = extractDepthOnes(ast);
const depthTwos = extractDepthTwos(depthOnes);
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abouts, configurations
] = createHeadAndValue(depthTwos);
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about.links = {};
const [
configurationAbout, ...configurationDescriptions
] = configurations;
configurationAbout.value.links = {};
return {
configurationAbout: configurationAbout.value,
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