310 lines
9.3 KiB
310 lines
9.3 KiB
import std::map;
import std::map::hashmap;
import ast::*;
import print::pprust;
import ast_util::path_to_ident;
import ast_util::inlined_item_methods;
import diagnostic::span_handler;
enum path_elt { path_mod(str), path_name(str) }
type path = [path_elt];
fn path_to_str_with_sep(p: path, sep: str) -> str {
let strs = vec::map(p) {|e|
alt e {
path_mod(s) { s }
path_name(s) { s }
str::connect(strs, sep)
fn path_ident_to_str(p: path, i: ident) -> str {
if vec::is_empty(p) {
} else {
#fmt["%s::%s", path_to_str(p), i]
fn path_to_str(p: path) -> str {
path_to_str_with_sep(p, "::")
enum ast_node {
node_item(@item, @path),
node_native_item(@native_item, native_abi, @path),
node_method(@method, def_id /* impl did */, @path /* path to the impl */),
node_variant(variant, @item, @path),
node_export(@view_path, @path),
// Locals are numbered, because the alias analysis needs to know in which
// order they are introduced.
node_arg(arg, uint),
// Constructor for either a resource or a class
node_ctor(ident, [ty_param], a_ctor, @path),
// Destructor for a class
node_dtor([ty_param], @class_dtor, def_id, @path),
enum a_ctor {
res_ctor(fn_decl, node_id, codemap::span),
class_ctor(@class_ctor, def_id /* ID for parent class */),
type map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, ast_node>;
type ctx = {map: map, mut path: path,
mut local_id: uint, diag: span_handler};
type vt = visit::vt<ctx>;
fn extend(cx: ctx, elt: str) -> @path {
@(cx.path + [path_name(elt)])
fn mk_ast_map_visitor() -> vt {
ret visit::mk_vt(@{
visit_item: map_item,
visit_expr: map_expr,
visit_fn: map_fn,
visit_local: map_local,
visit_arm: map_arm,
visit_view_item: map_view_item,
visit_block: map_block
with *visit::default_visitor()
fn map_crate(diag: span_handler, c: crate) -> map {
let cx = {map: std::map::int_hash(),
mut path: [],
mut local_id: 0u,
diag: diag};
visit::visit_crate(c, cx, mk_ast_map_visitor());
ret cx.map;
// Used for items loaded from external crate that are being inlined into this
// crate. The `path` should be the path to the item but should not include
// the item itself.
fn map_decoded_item(diag: span_handler,
map: map, path: path, ii: inlined_item) {
// I believe it is ok for the local IDs of inlined items from other crates
// to overlap with the local ids from this crate, so just generate the ids
// starting from 0. (In particular, I think these ids are only used in
// alias analysis, which we will not be running on the inlined items, and
// even if we did I think it only needs an ordering between local
// variables that are simultaneously in scope).
let cx = {map: map,
mut path: path,
mut local_id: 0u,
diag: diag};
let v = mk_ast_map_visitor();
// methods get added to the AST map when their impl is visited. Since we
// don't decode and instantiate the impl, but just the method, we have to
// add it to the table now:
alt ii {
ii_item(_) | ii_ctor(_,_,_,_) { /* fallthrough */ }
ii_native(i) {
cx.map.insert(i.id, node_native_item(i, native_abi_rust_intrinsic,
ii_method(impl_did, m) {
map_method(impl_did, @path, m, cx);
// visit the item / method contents and add those to the map:
ii.accept(cx, v);
fn map_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: fn_decl, body: blk,
sp: codemap::span, id: node_id, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
for decl.inputs.each {|a|
cx.map.insert(a.id, node_arg(a, cx.local_id));
cx.local_id += 1u;
alt fk {
visit::fk_ctor(nm, tps, self_id, parent_id) {
let ct = @{node: {id: id, self_id: self_id,
dec: decl, body: body},
span: sp};
cx.map.insert(id, node_ctor(nm, tps, class_ctor(ct, parent_id),
visit::fk_dtor(tps, self_id, parent_id) {
let dt = @{node: {id: id, self_id: self_id, body: body},
span: sp};
cx.map.insert(id, node_dtor(tps, dt, parent_id, @cx.path));
_ {}
visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, cx, v);
fn map_block(b: blk, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
cx.map.insert(b.node.id, node_block(b));
visit::visit_block(b, cx, v);
fn number_pat(cx: ctx, pat: @pat) {
ast_util::walk_pat(pat) {|p|
alt p.node {
pat_ident(_, _) {
cx.map.insert(p.id, node_local(cx.local_id));
cx.local_id += 1u;
_ {}
fn map_local(loc: @local, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
number_pat(cx, loc.node.pat);
visit::visit_local(loc, cx, v);
fn map_arm(arm: arm, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
number_pat(cx, arm.pats[0]);
visit::visit_arm(arm, cx, v);
fn map_method(impl_did: def_id, impl_path: @path,
m: @method, cx: ctx) {
cx.map.insert(m.id, node_method(m, impl_did, impl_path));
cx.map.insert(m.self_id, node_local(cx.local_id));
cx.local_id += 1u;
fn map_item(i: @item, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
let item_path = @cx.path;
cx.map.insert(i.id, node_item(i, item_path));
alt i.node {
item_impl(_, _, _, _, ms) {
let impl_did = ast_util::local_def(i.id);
for ms.each {|m|
map_method(impl_did, extend(cx, i.ident), m, cx);
item_res(decl, tps, _, dtor_id, ctor_id, _) {
cx.map.insert(ctor_id, node_ctor(i.ident, tps,
res_ctor(decl, ctor_id, i.span),
cx.map.insert(dtor_id, node_item(i, item_path));
item_enum(vs, _, _) {
for vs.each {|v|
cx.map.insert(v.node.id, node_variant(
v, i, extend(cx, i.ident)));
item_native_mod(nm) {
let abi = alt attr::native_abi(i.attrs) {
either::left(msg) { cx.diag.span_fatal(i.span, msg); }
either::right(abi) { abi }
for nm.items.each {|nitem|
cx.map.insert(nitem.id, node_native_item(nitem, abi, @cx.path));
item_class(tps, ifces, items, ctor, dtor, _) {
let (_, ms) = ast_util::split_class_items(items);
// Map iface refs to their parent classes. This is
// so we can find the self_ty
vec::iter(ifces) {|p| cx.map.insert(p.id,
node_item(i, item_path)); };
let d_id = ast_util::local_def(i.id);
let p = extend(cx, i.ident);
// only need to handle methods
vec::iter(ms) {|m| map_method(d_id, p, m, cx); }
_ { }
alt i.node {
item_mod(_) | item_native_mod(_) {
cx.path += [path_mod(i.ident)];
_ { cx.path += [path_name(i.ident)]; }
visit::visit_item(i, cx, v);
fn map_view_item(vi: @view_item, cx: ctx, _v: vt) {
alt vi.node {
view_item_export(vps) {
for vps.each {|vp|
let (id, name) = alt vp.node {
view_path_simple(nm, _, id) { (id, nm) }
view_path_glob(pth, id) | view_path_list(pth, _, id) {
(id, path_to_ident(pth))
cx.map.insert(id, node_export(vp, extend(cx, name)));
_ {}
fn map_expr(ex: @expr, cx: ctx, v: vt) {
cx.map.insert(ex.id, node_expr(ex));
visit::visit_expr(ex, cx, v);
fn node_id_to_str(map: map, id: node_id) -> str {
alt map.find(id) {
none {
#fmt["unknown node (id=%d)", id]
some(node_item(item, path)) {
#fmt["item %s (id=%?)", path_ident_to_str(*path, item.ident), id]
some(node_native_item(item, abi, path)) {
#fmt["native item %s with abi %? (id=%?)",
path_ident_to_str(*path, item.ident), abi, id]
some(node_method(m, impl_did, path)) {
#fmt["method %s in %s (id=%?)",
m.ident, path_to_str(*path), id]
some(node_variant(variant, def_id, path)) {
#fmt["variant %s in %s (id=%?)",
variant.node.name, path_to_str(*path), id]
some(node_expr(expr)) {
#fmt["expr %s (id=%?)",
pprust::expr_to_str(expr), id]
some(node_export(_, path)) {
#fmt["export %s (id=%?)", // FIXME: add more info here
path_to_str(*path), id]
some(node_arg(_, _)) { // FIXME: add more info here
#fmt["arg (id=%?)", id]
some(node_local(_)) { // FIXME: add more info here
#fmt["local (id=%?)", id]
some(node_ctor(*)) { // FIXME: add more info here
#fmt["node_ctor (id=%?)", id]
some(node_dtor(*)) { // FIXME: add more info here
#fmt["node_dtor (id=%?)", id]
some(node_block(_)) {
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// mode: rust
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