As per discussion on IRC. I am about to file an RFC for further discussion about the more general issue of whether to enforce invariants through types, typestate, or dynamic checks, but for now, removing the misleading name "last_unsafe".
404 lines
11 KiB
404 lines
11 KiB
#[doc = "Finds docs for reexported items and duplicates them"];
import std::map;
import std::map::hashmap;
import rustc::syntax::ast;
import rustc::syntax::ast_util;
import rustc::util::common;
import rustc::middle::ast_map;
export mk_pass;
fn mk_pass() -> pass {
name: "reexport",
f: run
type def_set = map::set<ast::def_id>;
type def_map = map::hashmap<ast::def_id, doc::itemtag>;
type path_map = map::hashmap<str, [(str, doc::itemtag)]>;
fn run(srv: astsrv::srv, doc: doc::doc) -> doc::doc {
// First gather the set of defs that are used as reexports
let def_set = build_reexport_def_set(srv);
// Now find the docs that go with those defs
let def_map = build_reexport_def_map(srv, doc, def_set);
// Now create a map that tells us where to insert the duplicated
// docs into the existing doc tree
let path_map = build_reexport_path_map(srv, def_map);
// Finally update the doc tree
merge_reexports(doc, path_map)
// Hash maps are not sendable so converting them back and forth
// to association lists. Yuck.
fn to_assoc_list<K:copy, V:copy>(
map: map::hashmap<K, V>
) -> [(K, V)] {
let vec = [];
map.items {|k, v|
vec += [(k, v)];
ret vec;
fn from_assoc_list<K:copy, V:copy>(
list: [(K, V)],
new_hash: fn() -> map::hashmap<K, V>
) -> map::hashmap<K, V> {
let map = new_hash();
vec::iter(list) {|elt|
let (k, v) = elt;
map.insert(k, v);
ret map;
fn from_def_assoc_list<V:copy>(
list: [(ast::def_id, V)]
) -> map::hashmap<ast::def_id, V> {
from_assoc_list(list, bind common::new_def_hash())
fn from_str_assoc_list<V:copy>(
list: [(str, V)]
) -> map::hashmap<str, V> {
from_assoc_list(list, bind map::new_str_hash())
fn build_reexport_def_set(srv: astsrv::srv) -> def_set {
let assoc_list = astsrv::exec(srv) {|ctxt|
let def_set = common::new_def_hash();
ctxt.exp_map.items {|_id, defs|
for def in defs {
if def.reexp {
def_set.insert(, ());
fn build_reexport_def_map(
srv: astsrv::srv,
doc: doc::doc,
def_set: def_set
) -> def_map {
type ctxt = {
srv: astsrv::srv,
def_set: def_set,
def_map: def_map
let ctxt = {
srv: srv,
def_set: def_set,
def_map: common::new_def_hash()
// FIXME: Do a parallel fold
let fold = fold::fold({
fold_mod: fold_mod,
fold_nmod: fold_nmod
with *fold::default_seq_fold(ctxt)
fold.fold_doc(fold, doc);
ret ctxt.def_map;
fn fold_mod(fold: fold::fold<ctxt>, doc: doc::moddoc) -> doc::moddoc {
let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_mod(fold, doc);
for item in doc.items {
let def_id = ast_util::local_def(;
if fold.ctxt.def_set.contains_key(def_id) {
fold.ctxt.def_map.insert(def_id, item);
ret doc;
fn fold_nmod(fold: fold::fold<ctxt>, doc: doc::nmoddoc) -> doc::nmoddoc {
let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_nmod(fold, doc);
for fndoc in doc.fns {
let def_id = ast_util::local_def(;
if fold.ctxt.def_set.contains_key(def_id) {
fold.ctxt.def_map.insert(def_id, doc::fntag(fndoc));
ret doc;
fn build_reexport_path_map(srv: astsrv::srv, -def_map: def_map) -> path_map {
// This is real unfortunate. Lots of copying going on here
let def_assoc_list = to_assoc_list(def_map);
#debug("def_map: %?", def_assoc_list);
let assoc_list = astsrv::exec(srv) {|ctxt|
let def_map = from_def_assoc_list(def_assoc_list);
let path_map = map::new_str_hash();
ctxt.exp_map.items {|exp_id, defs|
let path = alt check ctxt.ast_map.get(exp_id) {
ast_map::node_export(_, path) { path }
// should be a constraint on the node_export constructor
// that guarantees path is non-empty
let name = alt check vec::last(*path) {
ast_map::path_name(nm) { nm }
let modpath = ast_map::path_to_str(vec::init(*path));
let reexportdocs = [];
for def in defs {
if !def.reexp { cont; }
alt def_map.find( {
some(itemtag) {
reexportdocs += [(name, itemtag)];
_ {}
if reexportdocs.len() > 0u {
option::may(path_map.find(modpath)) {|docs|
reexportdocs = docs + vec::filter(reexportdocs, {|x|
!vec::contains(docs, x)
path_map.insert(modpath, reexportdocs);
#debug("path_map entry: %? - %?",
modpath, (name, reexportdocs));
fn merge_reexports(
doc: doc::doc,
path_map: path_map
) -> doc::doc {
let fold = fold::fold({
fold_mod: fold_mod
with *fold::default_seq_fold(path_map)
ret fold.fold_doc(fold, doc);
fn fold_mod(fold: fold::fold<path_map>, doc: doc::moddoc) -> doc::moddoc {
let doc = fold::default_seq_fold_mod(fold, doc);
let is_topmod = == rustc::syntax::ast::crate_node_id;
// In the case of the top mod, it really doesn't have a name;
// the name we have here is actually the crate name
let path = if is_topmod {
} else {
doc.path() + []
let new_items = get_new_items(path, fold.ctxt);
#debug("merging into %?: %?", path, new_items);
items: (doc.items + new_items)
with doc
fn get_new_items(path: [str], path_map: path_map) -> [doc::itemtag] {
#debug("looking for reexports in path %?", path);
alt path_map.find(str::connect(path, "::")) {
some(name_docs) {
vec::foldl([], name_docs) {|v, name_doc|
let (name, doc) = name_doc;
v + [reexport_doc(doc, name)]
none { [] }
fn reexport_doc(doc: doc::itemtag, name: str) -> doc::itemtag {
alt doc {
doc::modtag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::nmodtag(_) { fail }
doc::consttag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::fntag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::enumtag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::restag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::ifacetag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::impltag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
doc::tytag(doc @ {item, _}) {
item: reexport(item, name)
with doc
fn reexport(doc: doc::itemdoc, name: str) -> doc::itemdoc {
name: name,
reexport: true
with doc
fn should_duplicate_reexported_items() {
let source = "mod a { export b; fn b() { } } \
mod c { import a::b; export b; }";
let doc = test::mk_doc(source);
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[1].fns()[0].name() == "b";
fn should_mark_reepxorts_as_such() {
let source = "mod a { export b; fn b() { } } \
mod c { import a::b; export b; }";
let doc = test::mk_doc(source);
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[1].fns()[0].item.reexport == true;
fn should_duplicate_reexported_native_fns() {
let source = "native mod a { fn b(); } \
mod c { import a::b; export b; }";
let doc = test::mk_doc(source);
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[0].fns()[0].name() == "b";
fn should_duplicate_multiple_reexported_items() {
let source = "mod a { \
export b; export c; \
fn b() { } fn c() { } \
} \
mod d { \
import a::b; import a::c; \
export b; export c; \
astsrv::from_str(source) {|srv|
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "");
let doc = path_pass::mk_pass().f(srv, doc);
let doc = run(srv, doc);
// Reexports may not be in any specific order
let doc = sort_item_name_pass::mk_pass().f(srv, doc);
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[1].fns()[0].name() == "b";
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[1].fns()[1].name() == "c";
fn should_rename_items_reexported_with_different_names() {
let source = "mod a { export b; fn b() { } } \
mod c { import x = a::b; export x; }";
let doc = test::mk_doc(source);
assert doc.cratemod().mods()[1].fns()[0].name() == "x";
fn should_reexport_in_topmod() {
fn mk_doc(source: str) -> doc::doc {
astsrv::from_str(source) {|srv|
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "core");
let doc = path_pass::mk_pass().f(srv, doc);
run(srv, doc)
let source = "import option::{some, none}; \
import option = option::t; \
export option, some, none; \
mod option { \
enum t { some, none } \
let doc = mk_doc(source);
assert doc.cratemod().enums()[0].name() == "option";
fn should_not_reexport_multiple_times() {
let source = "import option = option::t; \
export option; \
export option; \
mod option { \
enum t { none, some } \
let doc = test::mk_doc(source);
assert vec::len(doc.cratemod().enums()) == 1u;
mod test {
fn mk_doc(source: str) -> doc::doc {
astsrv::from_str(source) {|srv|
let doc = extract::from_srv(srv, "");
let doc = path_pass::mk_pass().f(srv, doc);
run(srv, doc)