810 lines
28 KiB
810 lines
28 KiB
use std::map;
use std::map::HashMap;
use lib::llvm::llvm;
use lib::llvm::ValueRef;
use trans::common::*;
use trans::base;
use trans::build::B;
use middle::ty;
use syntax::{ast, codemap, ast_util, ast_map};
use syntax::parse::token::ident_interner;
use codemap::span;
use ast::ty;
use pat_util::*;
use util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
use driver::session::session;
export create_local_var;
export create_function;
export create_arg;
export update_source_pos;
export debug_ctxt;
export mk_ctxt;
const LLVMDebugVersion: int = (9 << 16);
const DW_LANG_RUST: int = 0x9000;
const DW_VIRTUALITY_none: int = 0;
const CompileUnitTag: int = 17;
const FileDescriptorTag: int = 41;
const SubprogramTag: int = 46;
const SubroutineTag: int = 21;
const BasicTypeDescriptorTag: int = 36;
const AutoVariableTag: int = 256;
const ArgVariableTag: int = 257;
const ReturnVariableTag: int = 258;
const LexicalBlockTag: int = 11;
const PointerTypeTag: int = 15;
const StructureTypeTag: int = 19;
const MemberTag: int = 13;
const ArrayTypeTag: int = 1;
const SubrangeTag: int = 33;
const DW_ATE_boolean: int = 0x02;
const DW_ATE_float: int = 0x04;
const DW_ATE_signed: int = 0x05;
const DW_ATE_signed_char: int = 0x06;
const DW_ATE_unsigned: int = 0x07;
const DW_ATE_unsigned_char: int = 0x08;
fn llstr(s: ~str) -> ValueRef {
str::as_c_str(s, |sbuf| {
llvm::LLVMMDString(sbuf, str::len(s) as libc::c_uint)
fn lltag(lltag: int) -> ValueRef {
lli32(LLVMDebugVersion | lltag)
fn lli32(val: int) -> ValueRef {
C_i32(val as i32)
fn lli64(val: int) -> ValueRef {
C_i64(val as i64)
fn lli1(bval: bool) -> ValueRef {
fn llmdnode(elems: ~[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
vec::len(elems) as libc::c_uint)
fn llunused() -> ValueRef {
fn llnull() -> ValueRef unsafe {
fn add_named_metadata(cx: @crate_ctxt, name: ~str, val: ValueRef) {
str::as_c_str(name, |sbuf| {
llvm::LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand(cx.llmod, sbuf, val)
type debug_ctxt = {
llmetadata: metadata_cache,
names: namegen,
crate_file: ~str
fn mk_ctxt(crate: ~str, intr: ident_interner) -> debug_ctxt {
{llmetadata: map::int_hash(),
names: new_namegen(intr),
crate_file: crate}
fn update_cache(cache: metadata_cache, mdtag: int, val: debug_metadata) {
let existing = if cache.contains_key(mdtag) {
} else {
cache.insert(mdtag, vec::append_one(existing, val));
type metadata<T> = {node: ValueRef, data: T};
type file_md = {path: ~str};
type compile_unit_md = {name: ~str};
type subprogram_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type local_var_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type tydesc_md = {hash: uint};
type block_md = {start: codemap::loc, end: codemap::loc};
type argument_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type retval_md = {id: ast::node_id};
type metadata_cache = HashMap<int, ~[debug_metadata]>;
enum debug_metadata {
fn cast_safely<T: Copy, U>(val: T) -> U unsafe {
let val2 = val;
return unsafe::transmute(move val2);
fn md_from_metadata<T>(val: debug_metadata) -> T unsafe {
match val {
file_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
compile_unit_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
subprogram_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
local_var_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
tydesc_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
block_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
argument_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md),
retval_metadata(md) => cast_safely(md)
fn cached_metadata<T: Copy>(cache: metadata_cache, mdtag: int,
eq: fn(md: T) -> bool) -> Option<T> unsafe {
if cache.contains_key(mdtag) {
let items = cache.get(mdtag);
for items.each |item| {
let md: T = md_from_metadata::<T>(item);
if eq(md) {
return option::Some(md);
return option::None;
fn create_compile_unit(cx: @crate_ctxt)
-> @metadata<compile_unit_md> unsafe {
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let crate_name = option::get(cx.dbg_cx).crate_file;
let tg = CompileUnitTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<compile_unit_md>>(cache, tg,
|md| md.data.name == crate_name) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let (_, work_dir) = get_file_path_and_dir(cx.sess.working_dir.to_str(),
let unit_metadata = ~[lltag(tg),
lli1(true), // deprecated: main compile unit
lli1(cx.sess.opts.optimize != session::No),
llstr(~""), // flags (???)
lli32(0) // runtime version (???)
let unit_node = llmdnode(unit_metadata);
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"llvm.dbg.cu", unit_node);
let mdval = @{node: unit_node, data: {name: crate_name}};
update_cache(cache, tg, compile_unit_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;
fn get_cache(cx: @crate_ctxt) -> metadata_cache {
fn get_file_path_and_dir(work_dir: &str, full_path: &str) -> (~str, ~str) {
(if str::starts_with(full_path, work_dir) {
str::slice(full_path, str::len(work_dir) + 1u,
} else {
}, str::from_slice(work_dir))
fn create_file(cx: @crate_ctxt, full_path: ~str) -> @metadata<file_md> {
let cache = get_cache(cx);;
let tg = FileDescriptorTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<file_md>>(
cache, tg, |md| md.data.path == full_path) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let (file_path, work_dir) =
let unit_node = create_compile_unit(cx).node;
let file_md = ~[lltag(tg),
let val = llmdnode(file_md);
let mdval = @{node: val, data: {path: full_path}};
update_cache(cache, tg, file_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;
fn line_from_span(cm: codemap::codemap, sp: span) -> uint {
codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, sp.lo).line
fn create_block(cx: block) -> @metadata<block_md> {
let cache = get_cache(cx.ccx());
let mut cx = cx;
while option::is_none(cx.node_info) {
match cx.parent {
Some(b) => cx = b,
None => fail
let sp = option::get(cx.node_info).span;
let start = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.lo);
let fname = start.file.name;
let end = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess().codemap, sp.hi);
let tg = LexicalBlockTag;
/*alt cached_metadata::<@metadata<block_md>>(
cache, tg,
{|md| start == md.data.start && end == md.data.end}) {
option::Some(md) { return md; }
option::None {}
let parent = match cx.parent {
None => create_function(cx.fcx).node,
Some(bcx) => create_block(bcx).node
let file_node = create_file(cx.ccx(), fname);
let unique_id = match cache.find(LexicalBlockTag) {
option::Some(v) => vec::len(v) as int,
option::None => 0
let lldata = ~[lltag(tg),
lli32(start.line as int),
lli32(start.col as int),
let val = llmdnode(lldata);
let mdval = @{node: val, data: {start: start, end: end}};
//update_cache(cache, tg, block_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;
fn size_and_align_of(cx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> (int, int) {
let llty = type_of::type_of(cx, t);
(shape::llsize_of_real(cx, llty) as int,
shape::llalign_of_pref(cx, llty) as int)
fn create_basic_type(cx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, span: span)
-> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = BasicTypeDescriptorTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<tydesc_md>>(
cache, tg, |md| ty::type_id(t) == md.data.hash) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let (name, encoding) = (~"uint", DW_ATE_unsigned);
let fname = filename_from_span(cx, span);
let file_node = create_file(cx, fname);
let cu_node = create_compile_unit(cx);
let (size, align) = size_and_align_of(cx, t);
let lldata = ~[lltag(tg),
lli32(0), //XXX source line
lli64(size * 8), // size in bits
lli64(align * 8), // alignment in bits
lli64(0), //XXX offset?
lli32(0), //XXX flags?
let llnode = llmdnode(lldata);
let mdval = @{node: llnode, data: {hash: ty::type_id(t)}};
update_cache(cache, tg, tydesc_metadata(mdval));
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"llvm.dbg.ty", llnode);
return mdval;
fn create_pointer_type(cx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, span: span,
pointee: @metadata<tydesc_md>)
-> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
let tg = PointerTypeTag;
/*let cache = cx.llmetadata;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<tydesc_md>>(
cache, tg, {|md| ty::hash_ty(t) == ty::hash_ty(md.data.hash)}) {
option::Some(md) { return md; }
option::None {}
let (size, align) = size_and_align_of(cx, t);
let fname = filename_from_span(cx, span);
let file_node = create_file(cx, fname);
//let cu_node = create_compile_unit(cx, fname);
let llnode = create_derived_type(tg, file_node.node, ~"", 0, size * 8,
align * 8, 0, pointee.node);
let mdval = @{node: llnode, data: {hash: ty::type_id(t)}};
//update_cache(cache, tg, tydesc_metadata(mdval));
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"llvm.dbg.ty", llnode);
return mdval;
type struct_ctxt = {
file: ValueRef,
name: ~str,
line: int,
mut members: ~[ValueRef],
mut total_size: int,
align: int
fn finish_structure(cx: @struct_ctxt) -> ValueRef {
return create_composite_type(StructureTypeTag, cx.name, cx.file, cx.line,
cx.total_size, cx.align, 0, option::None,
fn create_structure(file: @metadata<file_md>, name: ~str, line: int)
-> @struct_ctxt {
let cx = @{file: file.node,
name: name,
line: line,
mut members: ~[],
mut total_size: 0,
align: 64 //XXX different alignment per arch?
return cx;
fn create_derived_type(type_tag: int, file: ValueRef, name: ~str, line: int,
size: int, align: int, offset: int, ty: ValueRef)
-> ValueRef {
let lldata = ~[lltag(type_tag),
return llmdnode(lldata);
fn add_member(cx: @struct_ctxt, name: ~str, line: int, size: int, align: int,
ty: ValueRef) {
vec::push(cx.members, create_derived_type(MemberTag, cx.file, name, line,
size * 8, align * 8, cx.total_size,
cx.total_size += size * 8;
fn create_record(cx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, fields: ~[ast::ty_field],
span: span) -> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
let fname = filename_from_span(cx, span);
let file_node = create_file(cx, fname);
let scx = create_structure(file_node,
span) as int);
for fields.each |field| {
let field_t = ty::get_field(cx.tcx, t, field.node.ident).mt.ty;
let ty_md = create_ty(cx, field_t, field.node.mt.ty);
let (size, align) = size_and_align_of(cx, field_t);
add_member(scx, cx.sess.str_of(field.node.ident),
line_from_span(cx.sess.codemap, field.span) as int,
size as int, align as int, ty_md.node);
let mdval = @{node: finish_structure(scx), data:{hash: ty::type_id(t)}};
return mdval;
fn create_boxed_type(cx: @crate_ctxt, outer: ty::t, _inner: ty::t,
span: span, boxed: @metadata<tydesc_md>)
-> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
//let tg = StructureTypeTag;
/*let cache = cx.llmetadata;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<tydesc_md>>(
cache, tg, {|md| ty::hash_ty(outer) == ty::hash_ty(md.data.hash)}) {
option::Some(md) { return md; }
option::None {}
let fname = filename_from_span(cx, span);
let file_node = create_file(cx, fname);
//let cu_node = create_compile_unit_metadata(cx, fname);
let uint_t = ty::mk_uint(cx.tcx);
let refcount_type = create_basic_type(cx, uint_t, span);
let scx = create_structure(file_node, ty_to_str(cx.tcx, outer), 0);
add_member(scx, ~"refcnt", 0, sys::size_of::<uint>() as int,
sys::min_align_of::<uint>() as int, refcount_type.node);
add_member(scx, ~"boxed", 0, 8, //XXX member_size_and_align(??)
8, //XXX just a guess
let llnode = finish_structure(scx);
let mdval = @{node: llnode, data: {hash: ty::type_id(outer)}};
//update_cache(cache, tg, tydesc_metadata(mdval));
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"llvm.dbg.ty", llnode);
return mdval;
fn create_composite_type(type_tag: int, name: ~str, file: ValueRef, line: int,
size: int, align: int, offset: int,
derived: Option<ValueRef>,
members: Option<~[ValueRef]>)
-> ValueRef {
let lldata = ~[lltag(type_tag),
llstr(name), // type name
file, // source file definition
lli32(line), // source line definition
lli64(size), // size of members
lli64(align), // align
lli32/*64*/(offset), // offset
lli32(0), // flags
if option::is_none(derived) {
} else { // derived from
if option::is_none(members) {
} else { //members
lli32(0), // runtime language
return llmdnode(lldata);
fn create_vec(cx: @crate_ctxt, vec_t: ty::t, elem_t: ty::t,
vec_ty_span: codemap::span, elem_ty: @ast::ty)
-> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
let fname = filename_from_span(cx, vec_ty_span);
let file_node = create_file(cx, fname);
let elem_ty_md = create_ty(cx, elem_t, elem_ty);
let scx = create_structure(file_node, ty_to_str(cx.tcx, vec_t), 0);
let size_t_type = create_basic_type(cx, ty::mk_uint(cx.tcx), vec_ty_span);
add_member(scx, ~"fill", 0, sys::size_of::<libc::size_t>() as int,
sys::min_align_of::<libc::size_t>() as int, size_t_type.node);
add_member(scx, ~"alloc", 0, sys::size_of::<libc::size_t>() as int,
sys::min_align_of::<libc::size_t>() as int, size_t_type.node);
let subrange = llmdnode(~[lltag(SubrangeTag), lli64(0), lli64(0)]);
let (arr_size, arr_align) = size_and_align_of(cx, elem_t);
let data_ptr = create_composite_type(ArrayTypeTag, ~"", file_node.node, 0,
arr_size, arr_align, 0,
add_member(scx, ~"data", 0, 0, // clang says the size should be 0
sys::min_align_of::<u8>() as int, data_ptr);
let llnode = finish_structure(scx);
return @{node: llnode, data: {hash: ty::type_id(vec_t)}};
fn create_ty(_cx: @crate_ctxt, _t: ty::t, _ty: @ast::ty)
-> @metadata<tydesc_md> {
/*let cache = get_cache(cx);
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<tydesc_md>>(
cache, tg, {|md| t == md.data.hash}) {
option::Some(md) { return md; }
option::None {}
/* FIXME (#2012): disabled this code as part of the patch that moves
* recognition of named builtin types into resolve. I tried to fix
* it, but it seems to already be broken -- it's only called when
* --xg is given, and compiling with --xg fails on trivial programs.
* Generating an ast::ty from a ty::t seems like it should not be
* needed. It is only done to track spans, but you will not get the
* right spans anyway -- types tend to refer to stuff defined
* elsewhere, not be self-contained.
fn t_to_ty(cx: crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, span: span) -> @ast::ty {
let ty = match ty::get(t).struct {
ty::ty_nil { ast::ty_nil }
ty::ty_bot { ast::ty_bot }
ty::ty_bool { ast::ty_bool }
ty::ty_int(t) { ast::ty_int(t) }
ty::ty_float(t) { ast::ty_float(t) }
ty::ty_uint(t) { ast::ty_uint(t) }
ty::ty_box(mt) { ast::ty_box({ty: t_to_ty(cx, mt.ty, span),
mutbl: mt.mutbl}) }
ty::ty_uniq(mt) { ast::ty_uniq({ty: t_to_ty(cx, mt.ty, span),
mutbl: mt.mutbl}) }
ty::ty_rec(fields) {
let fs = ~[];
for field in fields {
vec::push(fs, {node: {ident: field.ident,
mt: {ty: t_to_ty(cx, field.mt.ty, span),
mutbl: field.mt.mutbl}},
span: span});
ty::ty_vec(mt) { ast::ty_vec({ty: t_to_ty(cx, mt.ty, span),
mutbl: mt.mutbl}) }
_ {
cx.sess.span_bug(span, "t_to_ty: Can't handle this type");
return @{node: ty, span: span};
match ty.node {
ast::ty_box(mt) {
let inner_t = match ty::get(t).struct {
ty::ty_box(boxed) { boxed.ty }
_ { cx.sess.span_bug(ty.span, "t_to_ty was incoherent"); }
let md = create_ty(cx, inner_t, mt.ty);
let box = create_boxed_type(cx, t, inner_t, ty.span, md);
return create_pointer_type(cx, t, ty.span, box);
ast::ty_uniq(mt) {
let inner_t = match ty::get(t).struct {
ty::ty_uniq(boxed) { boxed.ty }
// Hoping we'll have a way to eliminate this check soon.
_ { cx.sess.span_bug(ty.span, "t_to_ty was incoherent"); }
let md = create_ty(cx, inner_t, mt.ty);
return create_pointer_type(cx, t, ty.span, md);
ast::ty_infer {
let inferred = t_to_ty(cx, t, ty.span);
return create_ty(cx, t, inferred);
ast::ty_rec(fields) {
return create_record(cx, t, fields, ty.span);
ast::ty_vec(mt) {
let inner_t = ty::sequence_element_type(cx.tcx, t);
let inner_ast_t = t_to_ty(cx, inner_t, mt.ty.span);
let v = create_vec(cx, t, inner_t, ty.span, inner_ast_t);
return create_pointer_type(cx, t, ty.span, v);
ast::ty_path(_, id) {
match cx.tcx.def_map.get(id) {
ast::def_prim_ty(pty) {
return create_basic_type(cx, t, pty, ty.span);
_ {}
_ {}
fn filename_from_span(cx: @crate_ctxt, sp: codemap::span) -> ~str {
codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap, sp.lo).file.name
fn create_var(type_tag: int, context: ValueRef, name: ~str, file: ValueRef,
line: int, ret_ty: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
let lldata = ~[lltag(type_tag),
return llmdnode(lldata);
fn create_local_var(bcx: block, local: @ast::local)
-> @metadata<local_var_md> unsafe {
let cx = bcx.ccx();
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = AutoVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<local_var_md>>(
cache, tg, |md| md.data.id == local.node.id) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let name = match local.node.pat.node {
ast::pat_ident(_, pth, _) => ast_util::path_to_ident(pth),
// FIXME this should be handled (#2533)
_ => fail ~"no single variable name for local"
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let ty = node_id_type(bcx, local.node.id);
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, local.node.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, loc.file.name);
let context = match bcx.parent {
None => create_function(bcx.fcx).node,
Some(_) => create_block(bcx).node
let mdnode = create_var(tg, context, cx.sess.str_of(name), filemd.node,
loc.line as int, tymd.node);
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id: local.node.id}};
update_cache(cache, AutoVariableTag, local_var_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match bcx.fcx.lllocals.find(local.node.id) {
option::Some(local_mem(v)) => v,
option::Some(_) => {
bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird");
option::None => {
match bcx.fcx.lllocals.get(local.node.pat.id) {
local_imm(v) => v,
_ => bcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(local.span, ~"local is bound to \
something weird")
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
trans::build::Call(bcx, cx.intrinsics.get(~"llvm.dbg.declare"),
return mdval;
fn create_arg(bcx: block, arg: ast::arg, sp: span)
-> @metadata<argument_md> unsafe {
let fcx = bcx.fcx, cx = fcx.ccx;
let cache = get_cache(cx);
let tg = ArgVariableTag;
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<argument_md>>(
cache, ArgVariableTag, |md| md.data.id == arg.id) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let ty = node_id_type(bcx, arg.id);
let tymd = create_ty(cx, ty, arg.ty);
let filemd = create_file(cx, loc.file.name);
let context = create_function(bcx.fcx);
let mdnode = create_var(tg, context.node, cx.sess.str_of(arg.ident),
filemd.node, loc.line as int, tymd.node);
let mdval = @{node: mdnode, data: {id: arg.id}};
update_cache(cache, tg, argument_metadata(mdval));
let llptr = match fcx.llargs.get(arg.id) {
local_mem(v) | local_imm(v) => v,
let declargs = ~[llmdnode(~[llptr]), mdnode];
trans::build::Call(bcx, cx.intrinsics.get(~"llvm.dbg.declare"),
return mdval;
fn update_source_pos(cx: block, s: span) {
if !cx.sess().opts.debuginfo {
let cm = cx.sess().codemap;
let blockmd = create_block(cx);
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cm, s.lo);
let scopedata = ~[lli32(loc.line as int),
lli32(loc.col as int),
let dbgscope = llmdnode(scopedata);
llvm::LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(trans::build::B(cx), dbgscope);
fn create_function(fcx: fn_ctxt) -> @metadata<subprogram_md> {
let cx = fcx.ccx;
let dbg_cx = option::get(cx.dbg_cx);
log(debug, fcx.id);
let sp = option::get(fcx.span);
log(debug, codemap::span_to_str(sp, cx.sess.codemap));
let (ident, ret_ty, id) = match cx.tcx.items.get(fcx.id) {
ast_map::node_item(item, _) => {
match item.node {
ast::item_fn(decl, _, _, _) => {
(item.ident, decl.output, item.id)
_ => fcx.ccx.sess.span_bug(item.span, ~"create_function: item \
bound to non-function")
ast_map::node_method(method, _, _) => {
(method.ident, method.decl.output, method.id)
ast_map::node_ctor(nm, _, ctor, _, _) => {
// FIXME: output type may be wrong (#2194)
(nm, ctor.node.dec.output, ctor.node.id)
ast_map::node_expr(expr) => {
match expr.node {
ast::expr_fn(_, decl, _, _) => {
(dbg_cx.names(~"fn"), decl.output, expr.id)
ast::expr_fn_block(decl, _, _) => {
(dbg_cx.names(~"fn"), decl.output, expr.id)
_ => fcx.ccx.sess.span_bug(expr.span,
~"create_function: \
expected an expr_fn or fn_block here")
_ => fcx.ccx.sess.bug(~"create_function: unexpected \
sort of node")
log(debug, ident);
log(debug, id);
let cache = get_cache(cx);
match cached_metadata::<@metadata<subprogram_md>>(
cache, SubprogramTag, |md| md.data.id == id) {
option::Some(md) => return md,
option::None => ()
let loc = codemap::lookup_char_pos(cx.sess.codemap,
let file_node = create_file(cx, loc.file.name).node;
let ty_node = if cx.sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
match ret_ty.node {
ast::ty_nil => llnull(),
_ => create_ty(cx, ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx, id), ret_ty).node
} else {
let sub_node = create_composite_type(SubroutineTag, ~"", file_node, 0, 0,
0, 0, option::None,
let fn_metadata = ~[lltag(SubprogramTag),
//XXX fully-qualified C++ name:
llstr(~""), //XXX MIPS name?????
lli32(loc.line as int),
lli1(false), //XXX static (check export)
lli1(true), // defined in compilation unit
lli32(DW_VIRTUALITY_none), // virtual-ness
lli32(0i), //index into virt func
/*llnull()*/ lli32(0), // base type with vtbl
lli32(256), // flags
lli1(cx.sess.opts.optimize != session::No),
//list of template params
//func decl descriptor
//list of func vars
let val = llmdnode(fn_metadata);
add_named_metadata(cx, ~"llvm.dbg.sp", val);
let mdval = @{node: val, data: {id: id}};
update_cache(cache, SubprogramTag, subprogram_metadata(mdval));
return mdval;