This removes the stacking of type parameters that occurs when invoking trait methods, and fixes all places in the standard library that were relying on it. It is somewhat awkward in places; I think we'll probably want something like the `Foo::<for T>::new()` syntax.
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1166 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! A doubly-linked list with owned nodes.
//! The DList allows pushing and popping elements at either end.
//! DList implements the trait Deque. It should be imported with `use
//! extra::container::Deque`.
// DList is constructed like a singly-linked list over the field `next`.
// including the last link being None; each Node owns its `next` field.
// Backlinks over DList::prev are raw pointers that form a full chain in
// the reverse direction.
use std::cast;
use std::ptr;
use std::util;
use std::iterator::{FromIterator, Extendable, Invert};
use std::iterator;
use container::Deque;
/// A doubly-linked list.
pub struct DList<T> {
priv length: uint,
priv list_head: Link<T>,
priv list_tail: Rawlink<Node<T>>,
type Link<T> = Option<~Node<T>>;
struct Rawlink<T> { priv p: *mut T }
struct Node<T> {
priv next: Link<T>,
priv prev: Rawlink<Node<T>>,
priv value: T,
/// Double-ended DList iterator
pub struct DListIterator<'self, T> {
priv head: &'self Link<T>,
priv tail: Rawlink<Node<T>>,
priv nelem: uint,
/// Double-ended mutable DList iterator
pub struct MutDListIterator<'self, T> {
priv list: &'self mut DList<T>,
priv head: Rawlink<Node<T>>,
priv tail: Rawlink<Node<T>>,
priv nelem: uint,
/// DList consuming iterator
pub struct MoveIterator<T> {
priv list: DList<T>
/// Rawlink is a type like Option<T> but for holding a raw pointer
impl<T> Rawlink<T> {
/// Like Option::None for Rawlink
fn none() -> Rawlink<T> {
Rawlink{p: ptr::mut_null()}
/// Like Option::Some for Rawlink
fn some(n: &mut T) -> Rawlink<T> {
Rawlink{p: ptr::to_mut_unsafe_ptr(n)}
/// Convert the `Rawlink` into an Option value
fn resolve_immut(&self) -> Option<&T> {
unsafe { self.p.to_option() }
/// Convert the `Rawlink` into an Option value
fn resolve(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
if self.p.is_null() {
} else {
Some(unsafe { cast::transmute(self.p) })
/// Return the `Rawlink` and replace with `Rawlink::none()`
fn take(&mut self) -> Rawlink<T> {
util::replace(self, Rawlink::none())
impl<T> Clone for Rawlink<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Rawlink<T> {
Rawlink{p: self.p}
impl<T> Node<T> {
fn new(v: T) -> Node<T> {
Node{value: v, next: None, prev: Rawlink::none()}
/// Set the .prev field on `next`, then return `Some(next)`
fn link_with_prev<T>(mut next: ~Node<T>, prev: Rawlink<Node<T>>) -> Link<T> {
next.prev = prev;
impl<T> Container for DList<T> {
/// O(1)
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// O(1)
fn len(&self) -> uint {
impl<T> Mutable for DList<T> {
/// Remove all elements from the DList
/// O(N)
fn clear(&mut self) {
*self = DList::new()
// private methods
impl<T> DList<T> {
/// Add a Node first in the list
fn push_front_node(&mut self, mut new_head: ~Node<T>) {
match self.list_head {
None => {
self.list_tail = Rawlink::some(new_head);
self.list_head = link_with_prev(new_head, Rawlink::none());
Some(ref mut head) => {
new_head.prev = Rawlink::none();
head.prev = Rawlink::some(new_head);
util::swap(head, &mut new_head);
head.next = Some(new_head);
self.length += 1;
/// Remove the first Node and return it, or None if the list is empty
fn pop_front_node(&mut self) -> Option<~Node<T>> {
do self.list_head.take().map_move |mut front_node| {
self.length -= 1;
match front_node.next.take() {
Some(node) => self.list_head = link_with_prev(node, Rawlink::none()),
None => self.list_tail = Rawlink::none()
/// Add a Node last in the list
fn push_back_node(&mut self, mut new_tail: ~Node<T>) {
match self.list_tail.resolve() {
None => return self.push_front_node(new_tail),
Some(tail) => {
self.list_tail = Rawlink::some(new_tail);
tail.next = link_with_prev(new_tail, Rawlink::some(tail));
self.length += 1;
/// Remove the last Node and return it, or None if the list is empty
fn pop_back_node(&mut self) -> Option<~Node<T>> {
do self.list_tail.resolve().map_move_default(None) |tail| {
self.length -= 1;
self.list_tail = tail.prev;
match tail.prev.resolve() {
None => self.list_head.take(),
Some(tail_prev) => tail_prev.next.take()
impl<T> Deque<T> for DList<T> {
/// Provide a reference to the front element, or None if the list is empty
fn front<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a T> {
self.list_head.map(|head| &head.value)
/// Provide a mutable reference to the front element, or None if the list is empty
fn front_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
self.list_head.map_mut(|head| &mut head.value)
/// Provide a reference to the back element, or None if the list is empty
fn back<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a T> {
self.list_tail.resolve_immut().map(|tail| &tail.value)
/// Provide a mutable reference to the back element, or None if the list is empty
fn back_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
self.list_tail.resolve().map_mut(|tail| &mut tail.value)
/// Add an element first in the list
/// O(1)
fn push_front(&mut self, elt: T) {
/// Remove the first element and return it, or None if the list is empty
/// O(1)
fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
self.pop_front_node().map_move(|~Node{value, _}| value)
/// Add an element last in the list
/// O(1)
fn push_back(&mut self, elt: T) {
/// Remove the last element and return it, or None if the list is empty
/// O(1)
fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
self.pop_back_node().map_move(|~Node{value, _}| value)
impl<T> DList<T> {
/// Create an empty DList
pub fn new() -> DList<T> {
DList{list_head: None, list_tail: Rawlink::none(), length: 0}
/// Move the last element to the front of the list.
/// If the list is empty, do nothing.
pub fn rotate_forward(&mut self) {
do self.pop_back_node().map_move |tail| {
/// Move the first element to the back of the list.
/// If the list is empty, do nothing.
pub fn rotate_backward(&mut self) {
do self.pop_front_node().map_move |head| {
/// Add all elements from `other` to the end of the list
/// O(1)
pub fn append(&mut self, mut other: DList<T>) {
match self.list_tail.resolve() {
None => *self = other,
Some(tail) => {
// Carefully empty `other`.
let o_tail = other.list_tail.take();
let o_length = other.length;
match other.list_head.take() {
None => return,
Some(node) => {
tail.next = link_with_prev(node, self.list_tail);
self.list_tail = o_tail;
self.length += o_length;
/// Add all elements from `other` to the beginning of the list
/// O(1)
pub fn prepend(&mut self, mut other: DList<T>) {
util::swap(self, &mut other);
/// Insert `elt` before the first `x` in the list where `f(x, elt)` is true,
/// or at the end.
/// O(N)
pub fn insert_when(&mut self, elt: T, f: &fn(&T, &T) -> bool) {
let mut it = self.mut_iter();
loop {
match it.peek_next() {
None => break,
Some(x) => if f(x, &elt) { break }
/// Merge DList `other` into this DList, using the function `f`.
/// Iterate the both DList with `a` from self and `b` from `other`, and
/// put `a` in the result if `f(a, b)` is true, else `b`.
/// O(max(N, M))
pub fn merge(&mut self, mut other: DList<T>, f: &fn(&T, &T) -> bool) {
let mut it = self.mut_iter();
loop {
let take_a = match (it.peek_next(), other.front()) {
(_ , None) => return,
(None, _ ) => break,
(Some(ref mut x), Some(y)) => f(*x, y),
if take_a {
} else {
/// Provide a forward iterator
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> DListIterator<'a, T> {
DListIterator{nelem: self.len(), head: &self.list_head, tail: self.list_tail}
/// Provide a reverse iterator
pub fn rev_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Invert<DListIterator<'a, T>> {
/// Provide a forward iterator with mutable references
pub fn mut_iter<'a>(&'a mut self) -> MutDListIterator<'a, T> {
let head_raw = match self.list_head {
Some(ref mut h) => Rawlink::some(*h),
None => Rawlink::none(),
nelem: self.len(),
head: head_raw,
tail: self.list_tail,
list: self
/// Provide a reverse iterator with mutable references
pub fn mut_rev_iter<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Invert<MutDListIterator<'a, T>> {
/// Consume the list into an iterator yielding elements by value
pub fn move_iter(self) -> MoveIterator<T> {
MoveIterator{list: self}
/// Consume the list into an iterator yielding elements by value, in reverse
pub fn move_rev_iter(self) -> Invert<MoveIterator<T>> {
impl<T: Ord> DList<T> {
/// Insert `elt` sorted in ascending order
/// O(N)
pub fn insert_ordered(&mut self, elt: T) {
self.insert_when(elt, |a, b| a >= b)
impl<T> Drop for DList<T> {
fn drop(&self) {
let mut_self = unsafe {
// Dissolve the dlist in backwards direction
// Just dropping the list_head can lead to stack exhaustion
// when length is >> 1_000_000
let mut tail = mut_self.list_tail;
loop {
match tail.resolve() {
None => break,
Some(prev) => {
prev.next.take(); // release ~Node<T>
tail = prev.prev;
mut_self.length = 0;
mut_self.list_head = None;
mut_self.list_tail = Rawlink::none();
impl<'self, A> Iterator<&'self A> for DListIterator<'self, A> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self A> {
if self.nelem == 0 {
return None;
do self.head.map |head| {
self.nelem -= 1;
self.head = &head.next;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (uint, Option<uint>) {
(self.nelem, Some(self.nelem))
impl<'self, A> DoubleEndedIterator<&'self A> for DListIterator<'self, A> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'self A> {
if self.nelem == 0 {
return None;
do self.tail.resolve().map_move |prev| {
self.nelem -= 1;
self.tail = prev.prev;
impl<'self, A> Iterator<&'self mut A> for MutDListIterator<'self, A> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'self mut A> {
if self.nelem == 0 {
return None;
do self.head.resolve().map_move |next| {
self.nelem -= 1;
self.head = match next.next {
Some(ref mut node) => Rawlink::some(&mut **node),
None => Rawlink::none(),
&mut next.value
fn size_hint(&self) -> (uint, Option<uint>) {
(self.nelem, Some(self.nelem))
impl<'self, A> DoubleEndedIterator<&'self mut A> for MutDListIterator<'self, A> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'self mut A> {
if self.nelem == 0 {
return None;
do self.tail.resolve().map_move |prev| {
self.nelem -= 1;
self.tail = prev.prev;
&mut prev.value
/// Allow mutating the DList while iterating
pub trait ListInsertion<A> {
/// Insert `elt` just after to the element most recently returned by `.next()`
/// The inserted element does not appear in the iteration.
fn insert_next(&mut self, elt: A);
/// Provide a reference to the next element, without changing the iterator
fn peek_next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut A>;
// private methods for MutDListIterator
impl<'self, A> MutDListIterator<'self, A> {
fn insert_next_node(&mut self, mut ins_node: ~Node<A>) {
// Insert before `self.head` so that it is between the
// previously yielded element and self.head.
// The inserted node will not appear in further iteration.
match self.head.resolve() {
None => { self.list.push_back_node(ins_node); }
Some(node) => {
let prev_node = match node.prev.resolve() {
None => return self.list.push_front_node(ins_node),
Some(prev) => prev,
let node_own = prev_node.next.take_unwrap();
ins_node.next = link_with_prev(node_own, Rawlink::some(ins_node));
prev_node.next = link_with_prev(ins_node, Rawlink::some(prev_node));
self.list.length += 1;
impl<'self, A> ListInsertion<A> for MutDListIterator<'self, A> {
fn insert_next(&mut self, elt: A) {
fn peek_next<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Option<&'a mut A> {
if self.nelem == 0 {
return None
self.head.resolve().map_move(|head| &mut head.value)
impl<A> Iterator<A> for MoveIterator<A> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.list.pop_front() }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (uint, Option<uint>) {
(self.list.length, Some(self.list.length))
impl<A> DoubleEndedIterator<A> for MoveIterator<A> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<A> { self.list.pop_back() }
impl<A> FromIterator<A> for DList<A> {
fn from_iterator<T: Iterator<A>>(iterator: &mut T) -> DList<A> {
let mut ret = DList::new();
impl<A> Extendable<A> for DList<A> {
fn extend<T: Iterator<A>>(&mut self, iterator: &mut T) {
for elt in *iterator { self.push_back(elt); }
impl<A: Eq> Eq for DList<A> {
fn eq(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
self.len() == other.len() &&
iterator::order::eq(self.iter(), other.iter())
fn ne(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
self.len() != other.len() &&
iterator::order::ne(self.iter(), other.iter())
impl<A: Eq + Ord> Ord for DList<A> {
fn lt(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
iterator::order::lt(self.iter(), other.iter())
fn le(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
iterator::order::le(self.iter(), other.iter())
fn gt(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
iterator::order::gt(self.iter(), other.iter())
fn ge(&self, other: &DList<A>) -> bool {
iterator::order::ge(self.iter(), other.iter())
impl<A: Clone> Clone for DList<A> {
fn clone(&self) -> DList<A> {
self.iter().map(|x| x.clone()).collect()
pub fn check_links<T>(list: &DList<T>) {
let mut len = 0u;
let mut last_ptr: Option<&Node<T>> = None;
let mut node_ptr: &Node<T>;
match list.list_head {
None => { assert_eq!(0u, list.length); return }
Some(ref node) => node_ptr = &**node,
loop {
match (last_ptr, node_ptr.prev.resolve_immut()) {
(None , None ) => {}
(None , _ ) => fail!("prev link for list_head"),
(Some(p), Some(pptr)) => {
assert_eq!(p as *Node<T>, pptr as *Node<T>);
_ => fail!("prev link is none, not good"),
match node_ptr.next {
Some(ref next) => {
last_ptr = Some(node_ptr);
node_ptr = &**next;
len += 1;
None => {
len += 1;
assert_eq!(len, list.length);
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::rand;
use extra::test;
fn test_basic() {
let mut m: DList<~int> = DList::new();
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
assert_eq!(m.pop_back(), None);
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(~1));
assert_eq!(m.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(~2));
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(~3));
assert_eq!(m.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), None);
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(~1));
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(n.front().unwrap(), &3);
let x = n.front_mut().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*x, 3);
*x = 0;
assert_eq!(n.back().unwrap(), &2);
let y = n.back_mut().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*y, 2);
*y = 1;
assert_eq!(n.pop_front(), Some(0));
assert_eq!(n.pop_front(), Some(1));
fn generate_test() -> DList<int> {
fn list_from<T: Clone>(v: &[T]) -> DList<T> {
v.iter().map(|x| (*x).clone()).collect()
fn test_append() {
let mut m = DList::new();
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(m.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.pop_back(), Some(2));
let mut m = DList::new();
let n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(m.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.pop_back(), Some(2));
let v = ~[1,2,3,4,5];
let u = ~[9,8,1,2,3,4,5];
let mut m = list_from(v);
let sum = v + u;
assert_eq!(sum.len(), m.len());
for elt in sum.move_iter() {
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(elt))
fn test_prepend() {
let mut m = DList::new();
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(m.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(m.pop_back(), Some(2));
let v = ~[1,2,3,4,5];
let u = ~[9,8,1,2,3,4,5];
let mut m = list_from(v);
let sum = u + v;
assert_eq!(sum.len(), m.len());
for elt in sum.move_iter() {
assert_eq!(m.pop_front(), Some(elt))
fn test_rotate() {
let mut n: DList<int> = DList::new();
n.rotate_backward(); check_links(&n);
assert_eq!(n.len(), 0);
n.rotate_forward(); check_links(&n);
assert_eq!(n.len(), 0);
let v = ~[1,2,3,4,5];
let mut m = list_from(v);
m.rotate_backward(); check_links(&m);
m.rotate_forward(); check_links(&m);
assert_eq!(v.iter().collect::<~[&int]>(), m.iter().collect());
m.rotate_forward(); check_links(&m);
m.rotate_forward(); check_links(&m);
m.pop_front(); check_links(&m);
m.rotate_forward(); check_links(&m);
m.rotate_backward(); check_links(&m);
m.push_front(9); check_links(&m);
m.rotate_forward(); check_links(&m);
assert_eq!(~[3,9,5,1,2], m.move_iter().collect());
fn test_iterator() {
let m = generate_test();
for (i, elt) in m.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(i as int, *elt);
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(n.iter().next(), None);
let mut it = n.iter();
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &4);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
assert_eq!(it.next(), None);
fn test_iterator_clone() {
let mut n = DList::new();
let mut it = n.iter();
let mut jt = it.clone();
assert_eq!(it.next(), jt.next());
assert_eq!(it.next_back(), jt.next_back());
assert_eq!(it.next(), jt.next());
fn test_iterator_double_end() {
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(n.iter().next(), None);
let mut it = n.iter();
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (3, Some(3)));
assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &6);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
assert_eq!(it.next_back().unwrap(), &4);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
assert_eq!(it.next_back().unwrap(), &5);
assert_eq!(it.next_back(), None);
assert_eq!(it.next(), None);
fn test_rev_iter() {
let m = generate_test();
for (i, elt) in m.rev_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!((6 - i) as int, *elt);
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(n.rev_iter().next(), None);
let mut it = n.rev_iter();
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
assert_eq!(it.next().unwrap(), &4);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
assert_eq!(it.next(), None);
fn test_mut_iter() {
let mut m = generate_test();
let mut len = m.len();
for (i, elt) in m.mut_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(i as int, *elt);
len -= 1;
assert_eq!(len, 0);
let mut n = DList::new();
let mut it = n.mut_iter();
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (0, Some(0)));
fn test_iterator_mut_double_end() {
let mut n = DList::new();
let mut it = n.mut_iter();
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (3, Some(3)));
assert_eq!(*it.next().unwrap(), 6);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (2, Some(2)));
assert_eq!(*it.next_back().unwrap(), 4);
assert_eq!(it.size_hint(), (1, Some(1)));
assert_eq!(*it.next_back().unwrap(), 5);
fn test_insert_prev() {
let mut m = list_from(&[0,2,4,6,8]);
let len = m.len();
let mut it = m.mut_iter();
loop {
match it.next() {
None => break,
Some(elt) => {
it.insert_next(*elt + 1);
match it.peek_next() {
Some(x) => assert_eq!(*x, *elt + 2),
None => assert_eq!(8, *elt),
assert_eq!(m.len(), 3 + len * 2);
assert_eq!(m.move_iter().collect::<~[int]>(), ~[-2,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1]);
fn test_merge() {
let mut m = list_from([0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2]);
let n = list_from([-1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 9]);
let len = m.len() + n.len();
m.merge(n, |a, b| a <= b);
assert_eq!(m.len(), len);
let res = m.move_iter().collect::<~[int]>();
assert_eq!(res, ~[-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2, 7, 7, 9]);
fn test_insert_ordered() {
let mut n = DList::new();
assert_eq!(n.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(n.pop_front(), Some(1));
let mut m = DList::new();
assert_eq!(~[2,3,4], m.move_iter().collect::<~[int]>());
fn test_mut_rev_iter() {
let mut m = generate_test();
for (i, elt) in m.mut_rev_iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!((6-i) as int, *elt);
let mut n = DList::new();
let mut it = n.mut_rev_iter();
fn test_send() {
let n = list_from([1,2,3]);
do spawn {
assert_eq!(~[&1,&2,&3], n.iter().collect::<~[&int]>());
fn test_eq() {
let mut n: DList<u8> = list_from([]);
let mut m = list_from([]);
assert_eq!(&n, &m);
assert!(n != m);
assert_eq!(&n, &m);
fn test_ord() {
let n: DList<int> = list_from([]);
let m = list_from([1,2,3]);
assert!(n < m);
assert!(m > n);
assert!(n <= n);
assert!(n >= n);
fn test_ord_nan() {
let nan = 0.0/0.0;
let n = list_from([nan]);
let m = list_from([nan]);
assert!(!(n < m));
assert!(!(n > m));
assert!(!(n <= m));
assert!(!(n >= m));
let n = list_from([nan]);
let one = list_from([1.0]);
assert!(!(n < one));
assert!(!(n > one));
assert!(!(n <= one));
assert!(!(n >= one));
let u = list_from([1.0,2.0,nan]);
let v = list_from([1.0,2.0,3.0]);
assert!(!(u < v));
assert!(!(u > v));
assert!(!(u <= v));
assert!(!(u >= v));
let s = list_from([1.0,2.0,4.0,2.0]);
let t = list_from([1.0,2.0,3.0,2.0]);
assert!(!(s < t));
assert!(s > one);
assert!(!(s <= one));
assert!(s >= one);
fn test_fuzz() {
do 25.times {
fn fuzz_test(sz: int) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
let mut v = ~[];
for i in range(0, sz) {
let r: u8 = rand::random();
match r % 6 {
0 => {
if v.len() > 0 { v.pop(); }
1 => {
if v.len() > 0 { v.shift(); }
2 | 4 => {
3 | 5 | _ => {
let mut i = 0u;
for (a, &b) in m.move_iter().zip(v.iter()) {
i += 1;
assert_eq!(a, b);
assert_eq!(i, v.len());
fn bench_collect_into(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let v = &[0, ..64];
do b.iter {
let _: DList<int> = v.iter().map(|x| *x).collect();
fn bench_push_front(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_push_back(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_push_back_pop_back(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_push_front_pop_front(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_rotate_forward(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_rotate_backward(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let mut m: DList<int> = DList::new();
do b.iter {
fn bench_iter(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let v = &[0, ..128];
let m: DList<int> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
do b.iter {
assert!(m.iter().len() == 128);
fn bench_iter_mut(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let v = &[0, ..128];
let mut m: DList<int> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
do b.iter {
assert!(m.mut_iter().len() == 128);
fn bench_iter_rev(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let v = &[0, ..128];
let m: DList<int> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
do b.iter {
assert!(m.rev_iter().len() == 128);
fn bench_iter_mut_rev(b: &mut test::BenchHarness) {
let v = &[0, ..128];
let mut m: DList<int> = v.iter().map(|&x|x).collect();
do b.iter {
assert!(m.mut_rev_iter().len() == 128);