Reading through the code for diagnostics and observing debug logs, I noticed that diagnostics are transmitted after every change for every opened file, even if they haven't changed (especially visible for files with no diagnostics). This change avoids marking files as "changed" if diagnostics are the same to what was already sent before. This will only work if diagnostics are always produced in the same order, but from my limited testing it seems this is the case.
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106 lines
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//! Book keeping for keeping diagnostics easily in sync with the client.
pub(crate) mod to_proto;
use std::{mem, sync::Arc};
use ide::FileId;
use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
use crate::lsp_ext;
pub(crate) type CheckFixes = Arc<FxHashMap<FileId, Vec<Fix>>>;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct DiagnosticsMapConfig {
pub warnings_as_info: Vec<String>,
pub warnings_as_hint: Vec<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct DiagnosticCollection {
// FIXME: should be FxHashMap<FileId, Vec<ra_id::Diagnostic>>
pub(crate) native: FxHashMap<FileId, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>>,
// FIXME: should be Vec<flycheck::Diagnostic>
pub(crate) check: FxHashMap<FileId, Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>>,
pub(crate) check_fixes: CheckFixes,
changes: FxHashSet<FileId>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct Fix {
pub(crate) range: lsp_types::Range,
pub(crate) action: lsp_ext::CodeAction,
impl DiagnosticCollection {
pub(crate) fn clear_check(&mut self) {
Arc::make_mut(&mut self.check_fixes).clear();
self.changes.extend(self.check.drain().map(|(key, _value)| key))
pub(crate) fn add_check_diagnostic(
&mut self,
file_id: FileId,
diagnostic: lsp_types::Diagnostic,
fixes: Vec<lsp_ext::CodeAction>,
) {
let diagnostics = self.check.entry(file_id).or_default();
for existing_diagnostic in diagnostics.iter() {
if are_diagnostics_equal(&existing_diagnostic, &diagnostic) {
let check_fixes = Arc::make_mut(&mut self.check_fixes);
.extend(fixes.into_iter().map(|action| Fix { range: diagnostic.range, action }));
pub(crate) fn set_native_diagnostics(
&mut self,
file_id: FileId,
diagnostics: Vec<lsp_types::Diagnostic>,
) {
if let Some(existing_diagnostics) = self.native.get(&file_id) {
if existing_diagnostics.len() == diagnostics.len()
&& diagnostics
.all(|(new, existing)| are_diagnostics_equal(new, existing))
self.native.insert(file_id, diagnostics);
pub(crate) fn diagnostics_for(
file_id: FileId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &lsp_types::Diagnostic> {
let native = self.native.get(&file_id).into_iter().flatten();
let check = self.check.get(&file_id).into_iter().flatten();
pub(crate) fn take_changes(&mut self) -> Option<FxHashSet<FileId>> {
if self.changes.is_empty() {
return None;
Some(mem::take(&mut self.changes))
fn are_diagnostics_equal(left: &lsp_types::Diagnostic, right: &lsp_types::Diagnostic) -> bool {
left.source == right.source
&& left.severity == right.severity
&& left.range == right.range
&& left.message == right.message