Alex Crichton 33573bc0aa syntax: Clean out obsolete syntax parsing
All of these features have been obsolete since February 2014, where most have
been obsolete since 2013. There shouldn't be any more need to keep around the
parser hacks after this length of time.
2014-05-23 09:07:28 -07:00

796 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use ast::*;
use ast;
use ast_util;
use codemap;
use codemap::Span;
use owned_slice::OwnedSlice;
use parse::token;
use print::pprust;
use visit::Visitor;
use visit;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cmp;
use std::strbuf::StrBuf;
use std::u32;
pub fn path_name_i(idents: &[Ident]) -> StrBuf {
// FIXME: Bad copies (#2543 -- same for everything else that says "bad")
idents.iter().map(|i| {
// totally scary function: ignores all but the last element, should have
// a different name
pub fn path_to_ident(path: &Path) -> Ident {
pub fn local_def(id: NodeId) -> DefId {
ast::DefId { krate: LOCAL_CRATE, node: id }
pub fn is_local(did: ast::DefId) -> bool { did.krate == LOCAL_CRATE }
pub fn stmt_id(s: &Stmt) -> NodeId {
match s.node {
StmtDecl(_, id) => id,
StmtExpr(_, id) => id,
StmtSemi(_, id) => id,
StmtMac(..) => fail!("attempted to analyze unexpanded stmt")
pub fn variant_def_ids(d: Def) -> Option<(DefId, DefId)> {
match d {
DefVariant(enum_id, var_id, _) => {
Some((enum_id, var_id))
_ => None
pub fn def_id_of_def(d: Def) -> DefId {
match d {
DefFn(id, _) | DefStaticMethod(id, _, _) | DefMod(id) |
DefForeignMod(id) | DefStatic(id, _) |
DefVariant(_, id, _) | DefTy(id) | DefTyParam(id, _) |
DefUse(id) | DefStruct(id) | DefTrait(id) | DefMethod(id, _) => {
DefArg(id, _) | DefLocal(id, _) | DefSelfTy(id)
| DefUpvar(id, _, _, _) | DefBinding(id, _) | DefRegion(id)
| DefTyParamBinder(id) | DefLabel(id) => {
DefPrimTy(_) => fail!()
pub fn binop_to_str(op: BinOp) -> &'static str {
match op {
BiAdd => "+",
BiSub => "-",
BiMul => "*",
BiDiv => "/",
BiRem => "%",
BiAnd => "&&",
BiOr => "||",
BiBitXor => "^",
BiBitAnd => "&",
BiBitOr => "|",
BiShl => "<<",
BiShr => ">>",
BiEq => "==",
BiLt => "<",
BiLe => "<=",
BiNe => "!=",
BiGe => ">=",
BiGt => ">"
pub fn lazy_binop(b: BinOp) -> bool {
match b {
BiAnd => true,
BiOr => true,
_ => false
pub fn is_shift_binop(b: BinOp) -> bool {
match b {
BiShl => true,
BiShr => true,
_ => false
pub fn unop_to_str(op: UnOp) -> &'static str {
match op {
UnBox => "@",
UnUniq => "box() ",
UnDeref => "*",
UnNot => "!",
UnNeg => "-",
pub fn is_path(e: @Expr) -> bool {
return match e.node { ExprPath(_) => true, _ => false };
pub enum SuffixMode {
// Get a string representation of a signed int type, with its value.
// We want to avoid "45int" and "-3int" in favor of "45" and "-3"
pub fn int_ty_to_str(t: IntTy, val: Option<i64>, mode: SuffixMode) -> StrBuf {
let s = match t {
TyI if val.is_some() => match mode {
AutoSuffix => "",
ForceSuffix => "i",
TyI => "int",
TyI8 => "i8",
TyI16 => "i16",
TyI32 => "i32",
TyI64 => "i64"
match val {
// cast to a u64 so we can correctly print INT64_MIN. All integral types
// are parsed as u64, so we wouldn't want to print an extra negative
// sign.
Some(n) => format!("{}{}", n as u64, s).to_strbuf(),
None => s.to_strbuf()
pub fn int_ty_max(t: IntTy) -> u64 {
match t {
TyI8 => 0x80u64,
TyI16 => 0x8000u64,
TyI | TyI32 => 0x80000000u64, // actually ni about TyI
TyI64 => 0x8000000000000000u64
// Get a string representation of an unsigned int type, with its value.
// We want to avoid "42uint" in favor of "42u"
pub fn uint_ty_to_str(t: UintTy, val: Option<u64>, mode: SuffixMode) -> StrBuf {
let s = match t {
TyU if val.is_some() => match mode {
AutoSuffix => "",
ForceSuffix => "u",
TyU => "uint",
TyU8 => "u8",
TyU16 => "u16",
TyU32 => "u32",
TyU64 => "u64"
match val {
Some(n) => format!("{}{}", n, s).to_strbuf(),
None => s.to_strbuf()
pub fn uint_ty_max(t: UintTy) -> u64 {
match t {
TyU8 => 0xffu64,
TyU16 => 0xffffu64,
TyU | TyU32 => 0xffffffffu64, // actually ni about TyU
TyU64 => 0xffffffffffffffffu64
pub fn float_ty_to_str(t: FloatTy) -> StrBuf {
match t {
TyF32 => "f32".to_strbuf(),
TyF64 => "f64".to_strbuf(),
TyF128 => "f128".to_strbuf(),
pub fn is_call_expr(e: @Expr) -> bool {
match e.node { ExprCall(..) => true, _ => false }
pub fn block_from_expr(e: @Expr) -> P<Block> {
P(Block {
view_items: Vec::new(),
stmts: Vec::new(),
expr: Some(e),
rules: DefaultBlock,
span: e.span
pub fn ident_to_path(s: Span, identifier: Ident) -> Path {
ast::Path {
span: s,
global: false,
segments: vec!(
ast::PathSegment {
identifier: identifier,
lifetimes: Vec::new(),
types: OwnedSlice::empty(),
pub fn ident_to_pat(id: NodeId, s: Span, i: Ident) -> @Pat {
@ast::Pat { id: id,
node: PatIdent(BindByValue(MutImmutable), ident_to_path(s, i), None),
span: s }
pub fn name_to_dummy_lifetime(name: Name) -> Lifetime {
Lifetime { id: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
span: codemap::DUMMY_SP,
name: name }
pub fn is_unguarded(a: &Arm) -> bool {
match a.guard {
None => true,
_ => false
pub fn unguarded_pat(a: &Arm) -> Option<Vec<@Pat> > {
if is_unguarded(a) {
Some(/* FIXME (#2543) */ a.pats.clone())
} else {
/// Generate a "pretty" name for an `impl` from its type and trait.
/// This is designed so that symbols of `impl`'d methods give some
/// hint of where they came from, (previously they would all just be
/// listed as `__extensions__::method_name::hash`, with no indication
/// of the type).
pub fn impl_pretty_name(trait_ref: &Option<TraitRef>, ty: &Ty) -> Ident {
let mut pretty = pprust::ty_to_str(ty);
match *trait_ref {
Some(ref trait_ref) => {
None => {}
pub fn public_methods(ms: Vec<@Method> ) -> Vec<@Method> {
ms.move_iter().filter(|m| {
match m.vis {
Public => true,
_ => false
// extract a TypeMethod from a TraitMethod. if the TraitMethod is
// a default, pull out the useful fields to make a TypeMethod
pub fn trait_method_to_ty_method(method: &TraitMethod) -> TypeMethod {
match *method {
Required(ref m) => (*m).clone(),
Provided(ref m) => {
TypeMethod {
ident: m.ident,
attrs: m.attrs.clone(),
fn_style: m.fn_style,
decl: m.decl,
generics: m.generics.clone(),
explicit_self: m.explicit_self,
span: m.span,
vis: m.vis,
pub fn split_trait_methods(trait_methods: &[TraitMethod])
-> (Vec<TypeMethod> , Vec<@Method> ) {
let mut reqd = Vec::new();
let mut provd = Vec::new();
for trt_method in trait_methods.iter() {
match *trt_method {
Required(ref tm) => reqd.push((*tm).clone()),
Provided(m) => provd.push(m)
(reqd, provd)
pub fn struct_field_visibility(field: ast::StructField) -> Visibility {
match field.node.kind {
ast::NamedField(_, v) | ast::UnnamedField(v) => v
/// Maps a binary operator to its precedence
pub fn operator_prec(op: ast::BinOp) -> uint {
match op {
// 'as' sits here with 12
BiMul | BiDiv | BiRem => 11u,
BiAdd | BiSub => 10u,
BiShl | BiShr => 9u,
BiBitAnd => 8u,
BiBitXor => 7u,
BiBitOr => 6u,
BiLt | BiLe | BiGe | BiGt => 4u,
BiEq | BiNe => 3u,
BiAnd => 2u,
BiOr => 1u
/// Precedence of the `as` operator, which is a binary operator
/// not appearing in the prior table.
pub static as_prec: uint = 12u;
pub fn empty_generics() -> Generics {
Generics {lifetimes: Vec::new(),
ty_params: OwnedSlice::empty()}
// ______________________________________________________________________
// Enumerating the IDs which appear in an AST
#[deriving(Encodable, Decodable)]
pub struct IdRange {
pub min: NodeId,
pub max: NodeId,
impl IdRange {
pub fn max() -> IdRange {
IdRange {
min: u32::MAX,
max: u32::MIN,
pub fn empty(&self) -> bool {
self.min >= self.max
pub fn add(&mut self, id: NodeId) {
self.min = cmp::min(self.min, id);
self.max = cmp::max(self.max, id + 1);
pub trait IdVisitingOperation {
fn visit_id(&self, node_id: NodeId);
pub struct IdVisitor<'a, O> {
pub operation: &'a O,
pub pass_through_items: bool,
pub visited_outermost: bool,
impl<'a, O: IdVisitingOperation> IdVisitor<'a, O> {
fn visit_generics_helper(&self, generics: &Generics) {
for type_parameter in generics.ty_params.iter() {
for lifetime in generics.lifetimes.iter() {
impl<'a, O: IdVisitingOperation> Visitor<()> for IdVisitor<'a, O> {
fn visit_mod(&mut self,
module: &Mod,
_: Span,
node_id: NodeId,
env: ()) {
visit::walk_mod(self, module, env)
fn visit_view_item(&mut self, view_item: &ViewItem, env: ()) {
if !self.pass_through_items {
if self.visited_outermost {
} else {
self.visited_outermost = true;
match view_item.node {
ViewItemExternCrate(_, _, node_id) => {
ViewItemUse(ref view_path) => {
match view_path.node {
ViewPathSimple(_, _, node_id) |
ViewPathGlob(_, node_id) => {
ViewPathList(_, ref paths, node_id) => {
for path in paths.iter() {
visit::walk_view_item(self, view_item, env);
self.visited_outermost = false;
fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, foreign_item: &ForeignItem, env: ()) {
visit::walk_foreign_item(self, foreign_item, env)
fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &Item, env: ()) {
if !self.pass_through_items {
if self.visited_outermost {
} else {
self.visited_outermost = true
match item.node {
ItemEnum(ref enum_definition, _) => {
for variant in enum_definition.variants.iter() {
_ => {}
visit::walk_item(self, item, env);
self.visited_outermost = false
fn visit_local(&mut self, local: &Local, env: ()) {
visit::walk_local(self, local, env)
fn visit_block(&mut self, block: &Block, env: ()) {
visit::walk_block(self, block, env)
fn visit_stmt(&mut self, statement: &Stmt, env: ()) {
visit::walk_stmt(self, statement, env)
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pattern: &Pat, env: ()) {
visit::walk_pat(self, pattern, env)
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expression: &Expr, env: ()) {
visit::walk_expr(self, expression, env)
fn visit_ty(&mut self, typ: &Ty, env: ()) {
match typ.node {
TyPath(_, _, id) => self.operation.visit_id(id),
_ => {}
visit::walk_ty(self, typ, env)
fn visit_generics(&mut self, generics: &Generics, env: ()) {
visit::walk_generics(self, generics, env)
fn visit_fn(&mut self,
function_kind: &visit::FnKind,
function_declaration: &FnDecl,
block: &Block,
span: Span,
node_id: NodeId,
env: ()) {
if !self.pass_through_items {
match *function_kind {
visit::FkMethod(..) if self.visited_outermost => return,
visit::FkMethod(..) => self.visited_outermost = true,
_ => {}
match *function_kind {
visit::FkItemFn(_, generics, _, _) |
visit::FkMethod(_, generics, _) => {
visit::FkFnBlock => {}
for argument in function_declaration.inputs.iter() {
if !self.pass_through_items {
match *function_kind {
visit::FkMethod(..) => self.visited_outermost = false,
_ => {}
fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, struct_field: &StructField, env: ()) {
visit::walk_struct_field(self, struct_field, env)
fn visit_struct_def(&mut self,
struct_def: &StructDef,
_: ast::Ident,
_: &ast::Generics,
id: NodeId,
_: ()) {
self.operation.visit_id(id);|ctor_id| self.operation.visit_id(ctor_id));
visit::walk_struct_def(self, struct_def, ());
fn visit_trait_method(&mut self, tm: &ast::TraitMethod, _: ()) {
match *tm {
ast::Required(ref m) => self.operation.visit_id(,
ast::Provided(ref m) => self.operation.visit_id(,
visit::walk_trait_method(self, tm, ());
pub fn visit_ids_for_inlined_item<O: IdVisitingOperation>(item: &InlinedItem,
operation: &O) {
let mut id_visitor = IdVisitor {
operation: operation,
pass_through_items: true,
visited_outermost: false,
visit::walk_inlined_item(&mut id_visitor, item, ());
struct IdRangeComputingVisitor {
result: Cell<IdRange>,
impl IdVisitingOperation for IdRangeComputingVisitor {
fn visit_id(&self, id: NodeId) {
let mut id_range = self.result.get();
pub fn compute_id_range_for_inlined_item(item: &InlinedItem) -> IdRange {
let visitor = IdRangeComputingVisitor {
result: Cell::new(IdRange::max())
visit_ids_for_inlined_item(item, &visitor);
pub fn compute_id_range_for_fn_body(fk: &visit::FnKind,
decl: &FnDecl,
body: &Block,
sp: Span,
id: NodeId)
-> IdRange
* Computes the id range for a single fn body,
* ignoring nested items.
let visitor = IdRangeComputingVisitor {
result: Cell::new(IdRange::max())
let mut id_visitor = IdVisitor {
operation: &visitor,
pass_through_items: false,
visited_outermost: false,
id_visitor.visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, ());
pub fn is_item_impl(item: @ast::Item) -> bool {
match item.node {
ItemImpl(..) => true,
_ => false
pub fn walk_pat(pat: &Pat, it: |&Pat| -> bool) -> bool {
if !it(pat) {
return false;
match pat.node {
PatIdent(_, _, Some(p)) => walk_pat(p, it),
PatStruct(_, ref fields, _) => {
fields.iter().advance(|f| walk_pat(f.pat, |p| it(p)))
PatEnum(_, Some(ref s)) | PatTup(ref s) => {
s.iter().advance(|&p| walk_pat(p, |p| it(p)))
PatUniq(s) | PatRegion(s) => {
walk_pat(s, it)
PatVec(ref before, ref slice, ref after) => {
before.iter().advance(|&p| walk_pat(p, |p| it(p))) &&
slice.iter().advance(|&p| walk_pat(p, |p| it(p))) &&
after.iter().advance(|&p| walk_pat(p, |p| it(p)))
PatWild | PatWildMulti | PatLit(_) | PatRange(_, _) | PatIdent(_, _, _) |
PatEnum(_, _) => {
pub trait EachViewItem {
fn each_view_item(&self, f: |&ast::ViewItem| -> bool) -> bool;
struct EachViewItemData<'a> {
callback: |&ast::ViewItem|: 'a -> bool,
impl<'a> Visitor<()> for EachViewItemData<'a> {
fn visit_view_item(&mut self, view_item: &ast::ViewItem, _: ()) {
let _ = (self.callback)(view_item);
impl EachViewItem for ast::Crate {
fn each_view_item(&self, f: |&ast::ViewItem| -> bool) -> bool {
let mut visit = EachViewItemData {
callback: f,
visit::walk_crate(&mut visit, self, ());
pub fn view_path_id(p: &ViewPath) -> NodeId {
match p.node {
ViewPathSimple(_, _, id) | ViewPathGlob(_, id)
| ViewPathList(_, _, id) => id
/// Returns true if the given struct def is tuple-like; i.e. that its fields
/// are unnamed.
pub fn struct_def_is_tuple_like(struct_def: &ast::StructDef) -> bool {
/// Returns true if the given pattern consists solely of an identifier
/// and false otherwise.
pub fn pat_is_ident(pat: @ast::Pat) -> bool {
match pat.node {
ast::PatIdent(..) => true,
_ => false,
// are two paths equal when compared unhygienically?
// since I'm using this to replace ==, it seems appropriate
// to compare the span, global, etc. fields as well.
pub fn path_name_eq(a : &ast::Path, b : &ast::Path) -> bool {
(a.span == b.span)
&& ( ==
&& (segments_name_eq(a.segments.as_slice(), b.segments.as_slice()))
// are two arrays of segments equal when compared unhygienically?
pub fn segments_name_eq(a : &[ast::PathSegment], b : &[ast::PathSegment]) -> bool {
if a.len() != b.len() {
} else {
for (idx,seg) in a.iter().enumerate() {
if ( != b[idx]
// FIXME #7743: ident -> name problems in lifetime comparison?
|| (seg.lifetimes != b[idx].lifetimes)
// can types contain idents?
|| (seg.types != b[idx].types) {
return false;
// Returns true if this literal is a string and false otherwise.
pub fn lit_is_str(lit: @Lit) -> bool {
match lit.node {
LitStr(..) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn get_inner_tys(ty: P<Ty>) -> Vec<P<Ty>> {
match ty.node {
ast::TyRptr(_, mut_ty) | ast::TyPtr(mut_ty) => {
| ast::TyVec(ty)
| ast::TyUniq(ty)
| ast::TyFixedLengthVec(ty, _) => vec!(ty),
ast::TyTup(ref tys) => tys.clone(),
_ => Vec::new()
mod test {
use ast::*;
use super::*;
use owned_slice::OwnedSlice;
fn ident_to_segment(id : &Ident) -> PathSegment {
PathSegment {identifier:id.clone(),
lifetimes: Vec::new(),
types: OwnedSlice::empty()}
#[test] fn idents_name_eq_test() {
[Ident{name:3,ctxt:4}, Ident{name:78,ctxt:82}]
[Ident{name:3,ctxt:104}, Ident{name:78,ctxt:182}]
[Ident{name:3,ctxt:4}, Ident{name:78,ctxt:82}]
[Ident{name:3,ctxt:104}, Ident{name:77,ctxt:182}]