704 lines
23 KiB
704 lines
23 KiB
import syntax::{ast, ast_util};
import ast::{ident, fn_ident, node_id};
import syntax::codemap::span;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
import core::{vec, option};
import std::list;
import option::{some, none, is_none};
import list::list;
import driver::session::session;
import pat_util::*;
// This is not an alias-analyser (though it would merit from becoming one, or
// getting input from one, to be more precise). It is a pass that checks
// whether aliases are used in a safe way.
enum copied { not_allowed, copied, not_copied, }
enum invalid_reason { overwritten, val_taken, }
type invalid = {reason: invalid_reason,
node_id: node_id,
sp: span, path: @ast::path};
enum unsafe_ty { contains(ty::t), mut_contains(ty::t), }
type binding = @{node_id: node_id,
span: span,
root_var: option::t<node_id>,
local_id: uint,
unsafe_tys: [unsafe_ty],
mutable copied: copied};
// FIXME it may be worthwhile to use a linked list of bindings instead
type scope = {bs: [binding],
invalid: @mutable list<@invalid>};
fn mk_binding(cx: ctx, id: node_id, span: span, root_var: option::t<node_id>,
unsafe_tys: [unsafe_ty]) -> binding {
alt root_var {
some(r_id) { cx.ref_map.insert(id, r_id); }
_ {}
ret @{node_id: id, span: span, root_var: root_var,
local_id: local_id_of_node(cx, id),
unsafe_tys: unsafe_tys,
mutable copied: not_copied};
enum local_info { local(uint), }
type copy_map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, ()>;
type ref_map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, node_id>;
type ctx = {tcx: ty::ctxt,
copy_map: copy_map,
ref_map: ref_map,
mutable silent: bool};
fn check_crate(tcx: ty::ctxt, crate: @ast::crate) -> (copy_map, ref_map) {
// Stores information about function arguments that's otherwise not easily
// available.
let cx = @{tcx: tcx,
copy_map: std::map::new_int_hash(),
ref_map: std::map::new_int_hash(),
mutable silent: false};
let v = @{visit_fn: bind visit_fn(cx, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
visit_expr: bind visit_expr(cx, _, _, _),
visit_block: bind visit_block(cx, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor::<scope>()};
let sc = {bs: [], invalid: @mutable list::nil};
visit::visit_crate(*crate, sc, visit::mk_vt(v));
ret (cx.copy_map, cx.ref_map);
fn visit_fn(cx: @ctx, _fk: visit::fn_kind, decl: ast::fn_decl,
body: ast::blk, sp: span,
id: ast::node_id, sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
visit::visit_fn_decl(decl, sc, v);
let fty = ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx, id);
let args = ty::ty_fn_args(cx.tcx, fty);
for arg in args {
if arg.mode == ast::by_val &&
ty::type_has_dynamic_size(cx.tcx, arg.ty) {
err(*cx, sp, "can not pass a dynamically-sized type by value");
// Blocks need to obey any restrictions from the enclosing scope, and may
// be called multiple times.
let proto = ty::ty_fn_proto(cx.tcx, fty);
alt proto {
ast::proto_block | ast::proto_any {
check_loop(*cx, sc) {|| v.visit_block(body, sc, v);}
ast::proto_box | ast::proto_uniq | ast::proto_bare {
let sc = {bs: [], invalid: @mutable list::nil};
v.visit_block(body, sc, v);
fn visit_expr(cx: @ctx, ex: @ast::expr, sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
let handled = true;
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_call(f, args, _) {
check_call(*cx, sc, f, args);
handled = false;
ast::expr_alt(input, arms) { check_alt(*cx, input, arms, sc, v); }
ast::expr_for(decl, seq, blk) {
v.visit_expr(seq, sc, v);
check_loop(*cx, sc) {|| check_for(*cx, decl, seq, blk, sc, v); }
ast::expr_path(pt) {
check_var(*cx, ex, pt, ex.id, false, sc);
handled = false;
ast::expr_swap(lhs, rhs) {
check_lval(cx, lhs, sc, v);
check_lval(cx, rhs, sc, v);
handled = false;
ast::expr_move(dest, src) {
check_assign(cx, dest, src, sc, v);
check_lval(cx, src, sc, v);
ast::expr_assign(dest, src) | ast::expr_assign_op(_, dest, src) {
check_assign(cx, dest, src, sc, v);
ast::expr_if(c, then, els) { check_if(c, then, els, sc, v); }
ast::expr_while(_, _) | ast::expr_do_while(_, _) {
check_loop(*cx, sc) {|| visit::visit_expr(ex, sc, v); }
_ { handled = false; }
if !handled { visit::visit_expr(ex, sc, v); }
fn visit_block(cx: @ctx, b: ast::blk, sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
let bs = sc.bs, sc = sc;
for stmt in b.node.stmts {
alt stmt.node {
ast::stmt_decl(@{node: ast::decl_item(it), _}, _) {
v.visit_item(it, sc, v);
ast::stmt_decl(@{node: ast::decl_local(locs), _}, _) {
for (st, loc) in locs {
if st == ast::let_ref {
add_bindings_for_let(*cx, bs, loc);
sc = {bs: bs with sc};
alt loc.node.init {
some(init) {
if init.op == ast::init_move {
check_lval(cx, init.expr, sc, v);
none { }
ast::stmt_expr(ex, _) | ast::stmt_semi(ex, _) {
v.visit_expr(ex, sc, v);
visit::visit_expr_opt(b.node.expr, sc, v);
fn add_bindings_for_let(cx: ctx, &bs: [binding], loc: @ast::local) {
alt loc.node.init {
some(init) {
if init.op == ast::init_move {
err(cx, loc.span, "can not move into a by-reference binding");
let root = expr_root(cx, init.expr, false);
let root_var = path_def_id(cx, root.ex);
if is_none(root_var) {
err(cx, loc.span, "a reference binding can't be \
rooted in a temporary");
for proot in pattern_roots(cx.tcx, root.mut, loc.node.pat) {
let bnd = mk_binding(cx, proot.id, proot.span, root_var,
// Don't implicitly copy explicit references
bnd.copied = not_allowed;
bs += [bnd];
_ {
err(cx, loc.span, "by-reference bindings must be initialized");
fn cant_copy(cx: ctx, b: binding) -> bool {
alt b.copied {
not_allowed { ret true; }
copied { ret false; }
not_copied {}
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(cx.tcx, b.node_id);
if ty::type_allows_implicit_copy(cx.tcx, ty) {
b.copied = copied;
cx.copy_map.insert(b.node_id, ());
if copy_is_expensive(cx.tcx, ty) {
"inserting an implicit copy for type " +
util::ppaux::ty_to_str(cx.tcx, ty));
ret false;
} else { ret true; }
fn check_call(cx: ctx, sc: scope, f: @ast::expr, args: [@ast::expr])
-> [binding] {
let fty = ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, f);
let arg_ts = ty::ty_fn_args(cx.tcx, fty);
let mut_roots: [{arg: uint, node: node_id}] = [];
let bindings = [];
let i = 0u;
for arg_t: ty::arg in arg_ts {
let arg = args[i];
let root = expr_root(cx, arg, false);
if arg_t.mode == ast::by_mut_ref {
alt path_def(cx, arg) {
some(def) {
let dnum = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def).node;
mut_roots += [{arg: i, node: dnum}];
_ { }
let root_var = path_def_id(cx, root.ex);
bindings += [@{node_id: arg.id,
span: arg.span,
root_var: root_var,
local_id: 0u,
unsafe_tys: unsafe_set(root.mut),
mutable copied: alt arg_t.mode {
ast::by_move | ast::by_copy { copied }
ast::by_mut_ref { not_allowed }
_ { not_copied }
i += 1u;
let f_may_close =
alt f.node {
ast::expr_path(_) { def_is_local(cx.tcx.def_map.get(f.id)) }
_ { true }
if f_may_close {
let i = 0u;
for b in bindings {
let unsfe = vec::len(b.unsafe_tys) > 0u;
alt b.root_var {
some(rid) {
for o in sc.bs {
if o.node_id == rid && vec::len(o.unsafe_tys) > 0u {
unsfe = true; break;
_ {}
if unsfe && cant_copy(cx, b) {
err(cx, f.span, #fmt["function may alias with argument \
%u, which is not immutably rooted", i]);
i += 1u;
let j = 0u;
for b in bindings {
for unsafe_ty in b.unsafe_tys {
let i = 0u;
for arg_t: ty::arg in arg_ts {
let mut_alias = arg_t.mode == ast::by_mut_ref;
if i != j &&
ty_can_unsafely_include(cx, unsafe_ty, arg_t.ty,
mut_alias) &&
cant_copy(cx, b) {
err(cx, args[i].span,
#fmt["argument %u may alias with argument %u, \
which is not immutably rooted", i, j]);
i += 1u;
j += 1u;
// Ensure we're not passing a root by mutable alias.
for {node: node, arg: arg} in mut_roots {
let i = 0u;
for b in bindings {
if i != arg {
alt b.root_var {
some(root) {
if node == root && cant_copy(cx, b) {
err(cx, args[arg].span,
"passing a mutable reference to a \
variable that roots another reference");
none { }
i += 1u;
ret bindings;
fn check_alt(cx: ctx, input: @ast::expr, arms: [ast::arm], sc: scope,
v: vt<scope>) {
v.visit_expr(input, sc, v);
let orig_invalid = *sc.invalid;
let all_invalid = orig_invalid;
let root = expr_root(cx, input, true);
for a: ast::arm in arms {
let new_bs = sc.bs;
let root_var = path_def_id(cx, root.ex);
let pat_id_map = pat_util::pat_id_map(cx.tcx, a.pats[0]);
type info = {
id: node_id,
mutable unsafe_tys: [unsafe_ty],
span: span};
let binding_info: [info] = [];
for pat in a.pats {
for proot in pattern_roots(cx.tcx, root.mut, pat) {
let canon_id = pat_id_map.get(proot.name);
alt vec::find(binding_info, {|x| x.id == canon_id}) {
some(s) { s.unsafe_tys += unsafe_set(proot.mut); }
none {
binding_info += [
{id: canon_id,
mutable unsafe_tys: unsafe_set(proot.mut),
span: proot.span}];
for info in binding_info {
new_bs += [mk_binding(cx, info.id, info.span, root_var,
copy info.unsafe_tys)];
*sc.invalid = orig_invalid;
visit::visit_arm(a, {bs: new_bs with sc}, v);
all_invalid = append_invalid(all_invalid, *sc.invalid, orig_invalid);
*sc.invalid = all_invalid;
fn check_for(cx: ctx, local: @ast::local, seq: @ast::expr, blk: ast::blk,
sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
let root = expr_root(cx, seq, false);
// If this is a mutable vector, don't allow it to be touched.
let seq_t = ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, seq);
let cur_mut = root.mut;
alt ty::struct(cx.tcx, seq_t) {
ty::ty_vec(mt) {
if mt.mut != ast::imm {
cur_mut = some(contains(seq_t));
_ {}
let root_var = path_def_id(cx, root.ex);
let new_bs = sc.bs;
for proot in pattern_roots(cx.tcx, cur_mut, local.node.pat) {
new_bs += [mk_binding(cx, proot.id, proot.span, root_var,
visit::visit_block(blk, {bs: new_bs with sc}, v);
fn check_var(cx: ctx, ex: @ast::expr, p: @ast::path, id: ast::node_id,
assign: bool, sc: scope) {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.get(id);
if !def_is_local(def) { ret; }
let my_defnum = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def).node;
let my_local_id = local_id_of_node(cx, my_defnum);
let var_t = ty::expr_ty(cx.tcx, ex);
for b in sc.bs {
// excludes variables introduced since the alias was made
if my_local_id < b.local_id {
for unsafe_ty in b.unsafe_tys {
if ty_can_unsafely_include(cx, unsafe_ty, var_t, assign) {
let inv = @{reason: val_taken, node_id: b.node_id,
sp: ex.span, path: p};
*sc.invalid = list::cons(inv, @*sc.invalid);
} else if b.node_id == my_defnum {
test_scope(cx, sc, b, p);
fn check_lval(cx: @ctx, dest: @ast::expr, sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
alt dest.node {
ast::expr_path(p) {
let def = cx.tcx.def_map.get(dest.id);
let dnum = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def).node;
for b in sc.bs {
if b.root_var == some(dnum) {
let inv = @{reason: overwritten, node_id: b.node_id,
sp: dest.span, path: p};
*sc.invalid = list::cons(inv, @*sc.invalid);
_ { visit_expr(cx, dest, sc, v); }
fn check_assign(cx: @ctx, dest: @ast::expr, src: @ast::expr, sc: scope,
v: vt<scope>) {
visit_expr(cx, src, sc, v);
check_lval(cx, dest, sc, v);
fn check_if(c: @ast::expr, then: ast::blk, els: option::t<@ast::expr>,
sc: scope, v: vt<scope>) {
v.visit_expr(c, sc, v);
let orig_invalid = *sc.invalid;
v.visit_block(then, sc, v);
let then_invalid = *sc.invalid;
*sc.invalid = orig_invalid;
visit::visit_expr_opt(els, sc, v);
*sc.invalid = append_invalid(*sc.invalid, then_invalid, orig_invalid);
fn check_loop(cx: ctx, sc: scope, checker: fn()) {
let orig_invalid = filter_invalid(*sc.invalid, sc.bs);
let new_invalid = filter_invalid(*sc.invalid, sc.bs);
// Have to check contents of loop again if it invalidated an alias
if list::len(orig_invalid) < list::len(new_invalid) {
let old_silent = cx.silent;
cx.silent = true;
cx.silent = old_silent;
*sc.invalid = new_invalid;
fn test_scope(cx: ctx, sc: scope, b: binding, p: @ast::path) {
let prob = find_invalid(b.node_id, *sc.invalid);
alt b.root_var {
some(dn) {
for other in sc.bs {
if !is_none(prob) { break; }
if other.node_id == dn {
prob = find_invalid(other.node_id, *sc.invalid);
_ {}
if !is_none(prob) && cant_copy(cx, b) {
let i = option::get(prob);
let msg = alt i.reason {
overwritten { "overwriting " + ast_util::path_name(i.path) }
val_taken { "taking the value of " + ast_util::path_name(i.path) }
err(cx, i.sp, msg + " will invalidate reference " +
ast_util::path_name(p) + ", which is still used");
fn path_def(cx: ctx, ex: @ast::expr) -> option::t<ast::def> {
ret alt ex.node {
ast::expr_path(_) { some(cx.tcx.def_map.get(ex.id)) }
_ { none }
fn path_def_id(cx: ctx, ex: @ast::expr) -> option::t<ast::node_id> {
alt ex.node {
ast::expr_path(_) {
ret some(ast_util::def_id_of_def(cx.tcx.def_map.get(ex.id)).node);
_ { ret none; }
fn ty_can_unsafely_include(cx: ctx, needle: unsafe_ty, haystack: ty::t,
mut: bool) -> bool {
fn get_mut(cur: bool, mt: ty::mt) -> bool {
ret cur || mt.mut != ast::imm;
fn helper(tcx: ty::ctxt, needle: unsafe_ty, haystack: ty::t, mut: bool)
-> bool {
if alt needle {
contains(ty) { ty == haystack }
mut_contains(ty) { mut && ty == haystack }
} { ret true; }
alt ty::struct(tcx, haystack) {
ty::ty_enum(_, ts) {
for t: ty::t in ts {
if helper(tcx, needle, t, mut) { ret true; }
ret false;
ty::ty_box(mt) | ty::ty_ptr(mt) | ty::ty_uniq(mt) {
ret helper(tcx, needle, mt.ty, get_mut(mut, mt));
ty::ty_rec(fields) {
for f: ty::field in fields {
if helper(tcx, needle, f.mt.ty, get_mut(mut, f.mt)) {
ret true;
ret false;
ty::ty_tup(ts) {
for t in ts { if helper(tcx, needle, t, mut) { ret true; } }
ret false;
ty::ty_fn({proto: ast::proto_bare, _}) { ret false; }
// These may contain anything.
ty::ty_fn(_) | ty::ty_iface(_, _) { ret true; }
// A type param may include everything, but can only be
// treated as opaque downstream, and is thus safe unless we
// saw mutable fields, in which case the whole thing can be
// overwritten.
ty::ty_param(_, _) { ret mut; }
_ { ret false; }
ret helper(cx.tcx, needle, haystack, mut);
fn def_is_local(d: ast::def) -> bool {
alt d {
ast::def_local(_, _) | ast::def_arg(_, _) | ast::def_binding(_) |
ast::def_upvar(_, _, _) | ast::def_self(_) { true }
_ { false }
fn local_id_of_node(cx: ctx, id: node_id) -> uint {
alt cx.tcx.items.find(id) {
some(ast_map::node_arg(_, id)) | some(ast_map::node_local(id)) { id }
_ { 0u }
// Heuristic, somewhat random way to decide whether to warn when inserting an
// implicit copy.
fn copy_is_expensive(tcx: ty::ctxt, ty: ty::t) -> bool {
fn score_ty(tcx: ty::ctxt, ty: ty::t) -> uint {
ret alt ty::struct(tcx, ty) {
ty::ty_nil | ty::ty_bot | ty::ty_bool | ty::ty_int(_) |
ty::ty_uint(_) | ty::ty_float(_) | ty::ty_type | ty::ty_native(_) |
ty::ty_ptr(_) { 1u }
ty::ty_box(_) | ty::ty_iface(_, _) { 3u }
ty::ty_constr(t, _) | ty::ty_res(_, t, _) { score_ty(tcx, t) }
ty::ty_fn(_) { 4u }
ty::ty_str | ty::ty_vec(_) | ty::ty_param(_, _) { 50u }
ty::ty_uniq(mt) { 1u + score_ty(tcx, mt.ty) }
ty::ty_enum(_, ts) | ty::ty_tup(ts) {
let sum = 0u;
for t in ts { sum += score_ty(tcx, t); }
ty::ty_rec(fs) {
let sum = 0u;
for f in fs { sum += score_ty(tcx, f.mt.ty); }
ret score_ty(tcx, ty) > 8u;
type pattern_root = {id: node_id,
name: ident,
mut: option::t<unsafe_ty>,
span: span};
fn pattern_roots(tcx: ty::ctxt, mut: option::t<unsafe_ty>, pat: @ast::pat)
-> [pattern_root] {
fn walk(tcx: ty::ctxt, mut: option::t<unsafe_ty>, pat: @ast::pat,
&set: [pattern_root]) {
alt normalize_pat(tcx, pat).node {
ast::pat_wild | ast::pat_lit(_) | ast::pat_range(_, _) {}
ast::pat_ident(nm, sub) {
set += [{id: pat.id, name: path_to_ident(nm), mut: mut,
span: pat.span}];
alt sub { some(p) { walk(tcx, mut, p, set); } _ {} }
ast::pat_enum(_, ps) | ast::pat_tup(ps) {
for p in ps { walk(tcx, mut, p, set); }
ast::pat_rec(fs, _) {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, pat.id);
for f in fs {
let m = ty::get_field(tcx, ty, f.ident).mt.mut != ast::imm;
walk(tcx, m ? some(contains(ty)) : mut, f.pat, set);
ast::pat_box(p) {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, pat.id);
let m = alt ty::struct(tcx, ty) {
ty::ty_box(mt) { mt.mut != ast::imm }
walk(tcx, m ? some(contains(ty)) : mut, p, set);
ast::pat_uniq(p) {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, pat.id);
let m = alt ty::struct(tcx, ty) {
ty::ty_uniq(mt) { mt.mut != ast::imm }
walk(tcx, m ? some(contains(ty)) : mut, p, set);
let set = [];
walk(tcx, mut, pat, set);
ret set;
// Wraps the expr_root in mut.rs to also handle roots that exist through
// return-by-reference
fn expr_root(cx: ctx, ex: @ast::expr, autoderef: bool)
-> {ex: @ast::expr, mut: option::t<unsafe_ty>} {
let base_root = mut::expr_root(cx.tcx, ex, autoderef);
let unsafe_ty = none;
for d in *base_root.ds {
if d.mut { unsafe_ty = some(contains(d.outer_t)); break; }
ret {ex: base_root.ex, mut: unsafe_ty};
fn unsafe_set(from: option::t<unsafe_ty>) -> [unsafe_ty] {
alt from { some(t) { [t] } _ { [] } }
fn find_invalid(id: node_id, lst: list<@invalid>)
-> option::t<@invalid> {
let cur = lst;
while true {
alt cur {
list::nil { break; }
list::cons(head, tail) {
if head.node_id == id { ret some(head); }
cur = *tail;
ret none;
fn append_invalid(dest: list<@invalid>, src: list<@invalid>,
stop: list<@invalid>) -> list<@invalid> {
let cur = src, dest = dest;
while cur != stop {
alt cur {
list::cons(head, tail) {
if is_none(find_invalid(head.node_id, dest)) {
dest = list::cons(head, @dest);
cur = *tail;
ret dest;
fn filter_invalid(src: list<@invalid>, bs: [binding]) -> list<@invalid> {
let out = list::nil, cur = src;
while cur != list::nil {
alt cur {
list::cons(head, tail) {
let p = vec::position_pred(bs, {|b| b.node_id == head.node_id});
if !is_none(p) { out = list::cons(head, @out); }
cur = *tail;
ret out;
fn err(cx: ctx, sp: span, err: str) {
if !cx.silent || !cx.tcx.sess.has_errors() {
cx.tcx.sess.span_err(sp, err);
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