Scott Olson 330be7766f Represent PrimVals as "bitbags".
Now instead of holding a native type based on the tag, all PrimVals
store a u64 (the `bits`), along with a `kind` corresponding to the
variant as it would be in the old PrimVal representation.

This commit makes no major optimizations and attempts to not change any
behaviour. There will be commits to follow that make use of this
representation to eliminate unnecessary allocation hacks like in

A number of places could be even more cleaned up after this commit,
particularly in ``.
2016-10-20 04:42:19 -06:00

403 lines
13 KiB

use std::mem::transmute;
use rustc::mir::repr as mir;
use error::{EvalError, EvalResult};
use memory::{AllocId, Pointer};
fn bits_to_f32(bits: u64) -> f32 {
unsafe { transmute::<u32, f32>(bits as u32) }
fn bits_to_f64(bits: u64) -> f64 {
unsafe { transmute::<u64, f64>(bits) }
fn f32_to_bits(f: f32) -> u64 {
unsafe { transmute::<f32, u32>(f) as u64 }
fn f64_to_bits(f: f64) -> u64 {
unsafe { transmute::<f64, u64>(f) }
fn bits_to_bool(n: u64) -> bool {
// FIXME(solson): Can we reach here due to user error?
debug_assert!(n == 0 || n == 1, "bits interpreted as bool were {}", n);
n & 1 == 1
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct PrimVal {
pub bits: u64,
pub kind: PrimValKind,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum PrimValKind {
I8, I16, I32, I64,
U8, U16, U32, U64,
F32, F64,
impl PrimValKind {
pub fn is_int(self) -> bool {
use self::PrimValKind::*;
match self {
I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | U8 | U16 | U32 | U64 => true,
_ => false,
impl PrimVal {
pub fn new(bits: u64, kind: PrimValKind) -> Self {
PrimVal { bits: bits, kind: kind }
pub fn from_ptr(ptr: Pointer) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(ptr.offset as u64, PrimValKind::Ptr(ptr.alloc_id))
pub fn from_fn_ptr(ptr: Pointer) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(ptr.offset as u64, PrimValKind::FnPtr(ptr.alloc_id))
pub fn from_bool(b: bool) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(b as u64, PrimValKind::Bool)
pub fn from_char(c: char) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(c as u64, PrimValKind::Char)
pub fn from_f32(f: f32) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(f32_to_bits(f), PrimValKind::F32)
pub fn from_f64(f: f64) -> Self {
PrimVal::new(f64_to_bits(f), PrimValKind::F64)
pub fn from_uint_with_size(n: u64, size: usize) -> Self {
let kind = match size {
1 => PrimValKind::U8,
2 => PrimValKind::U16,
4 => PrimValKind::U32,
8 => PrimValKind::U64,
_ => bug!("can't make uint ({}) with size {}", n, size),
PrimVal::new(n, kind)
pub fn from_int_with_size(n: i64, size: usize) -> Self {
let kind = match size {
1 => PrimValKind::I8,
2 => PrimValKind::I16,
4 => PrimValKind::I32,
8 => PrimValKind::I64,
_ => bug!("can't make int ({}) with size {}", n, size),
PrimVal::new(n as u64, kind)
pub fn to_f32(self) -> f32 {
pub fn to_f64(self) -> f64 {
pub fn expect_uint(self, error_msg: &str) -> u64 {
use self::PrimValKind::*;
match self.kind {
U8 | U16 | U32 | U64 => self.bits,
Ptr(alloc_id) => {
let ptr = Pointer::new(alloc_id, self.bits as usize);
ptr.to_int().expect("non abstract ptr") as u64
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_int(self, error_msg: &str) -> i64 {
use self::PrimValKind::*;
match self.kind {
I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 => self.bits as i64,
Ptr(alloc_id) => {
let ptr = Pointer::new(alloc_id, self.bits as usize);
ptr.to_int().expect("non abstract ptr") as i64
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_bool(self, error_msg: &str) -> bool {
match (self.kind, self.bits) {
(PrimValKind::Bool, 0) => false,
(PrimValKind::Bool, 1) => true,
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_f32(self, error_msg: &str) -> f32 {
match self.kind {
PrimValKind::F32 => bits_to_f32(self.bits),
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_f64(self, error_msg: &str) -> f64 {
match self.kind {
PrimValKind::F32 => bits_to_f64(self.bits),
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_ptr(self, error_msg: &str) -> Pointer {
match self.kind {
PrimValKind::Ptr(alloc_id) => Pointer::new(alloc_id, self.bits as usize),
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
pub fn expect_fn_ptr(self, error_msg: &str) -> Pointer {
match self.kind {
PrimValKind::FnPtr(alloc_id) => Pointer::new(alloc_id, self.bits as usize),
_ => bug!("{}", error_msg),
// MIR operator evaluation
macro_rules! overflow {
($kind:expr, $op:ident, $l:expr, $r:expr) => ({
let (val, overflowed) = $l.$op($r);
let primval = PrimVal::new(val as u64, $kind);
Ok((primval, overflowed))
macro_rules! int_arithmetic {
($kind:expr, $int_op:ident, $l:expr, $r:expr) => ({
let l = $l;
let r = $r;
match $kind {
I8 => overflow!(I8, $int_op, l as i8, r as i8),
I16 => overflow!(I16, $int_op, l as i16, r as i16),
I32 => overflow!(I32, $int_op, l as i32, r as i32),
I64 => overflow!(I64, $int_op, l as i64, r as i64),
U8 => overflow!(U8, $int_op, l as u8, r as u8),
U16 => overflow!(U16, $int_op, l as u16, r as u16),
U32 => overflow!(U32, $int_op, l as u32, r as u32),
U64 => overflow!(U64, $int_op, l as u64, r as u64),
_ => bug!("int_arithmetic should only be called on int primvals"),
macro_rules! int_shift {
($kind:expr, $int_op:ident, $l:expr, $r:expr) => ({
let l = $l;
let r = $r;
match $kind {
I8 => overflow!(I8, $int_op, l as i8, r),
I16 => overflow!(I16, $int_op, l as i16, r),
I32 => overflow!(I32, $int_op, l as i32, r),
I64 => overflow!(I64, $int_op, l as i64, r),
U8 => overflow!(U8, $int_op, l as u8, r),
U16 => overflow!(U16, $int_op, l as u16, r),
U32 => overflow!(U32, $int_op, l as u32, r),
U64 => overflow!(U64, $int_op, l as u64, r),
_ => bug!("int_shift should only be called on int primvals"),
macro_rules! float_arithmetic {
($kind:expr, $from_bits:ident, $to_bits:ident, $float_op:tt, $l:expr, $r:expr) => ({
let l = $from_bits($l);
let r = $from_bits($r);
let bits = $to_bits(l $float_op r);
PrimVal::new(bits, $kind)
macro_rules! f32_arithmetic {
($float_op:tt, $l:expr, $r:expr) => (
float_arithmetic!(F32, bits_to_f32, f32_to_bits, $float_op, $l, $r)
macro_rules! f64_arithmetic {
($float_op:tt, $l:expr, $r:expr) => (
float_arithmetic!(F64, bits_to_f64, f64_to_bits, $float_op, $l, $r)
/// Returns the result of the specified operation and whether it overflowed.
pub fn binary_op<'tcx>(
bin_op: mir::BinOp,
left: PrimVal,
right: PrimVal
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (PrimVal, bool)> {
use rustc::mir::repr::BinOp::*;
use self::PrimValKind::*;
match (left.kind, right.kind) {
(FnPtr(_), Ptr(_)) |
(Ptr(_), FnPtr(_)) => return Ok((unrelated_ptr_ops(bin_op)?, false)),
(Ptr(l_alloc), Ptr(r_alloc)) if l_alloc != r_alloc
=> return Ok((unrelated_ptr_ops(bin_op)?, false)),
(FnPtr(l_alloc), FnPtr(r_alloc)) => {
match bin_op {
Eq => return Ok((PrimVal::from_bool(l_alloc == r_alloc), false)),
Ne => return Ok((PrimVal::from_bool(l_alloc != r_alloc), false)),
_ => {}
_ => {}
let (l, r) = (left.bits, right.bits);
// These ops can have an RHS with a different numeric type.
if bin_op == Shl || bin_op == Shr {
// These are the maximum values a bitshift RHS could possibly have. For example, u16
// can be bitshifted by 0..16, so masking with 0b1111 (16 - 1) will ensure we are in
// that range.
let type_bits: u32 = match left.kind {
I8 | U8 => 8,
I16 | U16 => 16,
I32 | U32 => 32,
I64 | U64 => 64,
_ => bug!("bad MIR: bitshift lhs is not integral"),
// Cast to `u32` because `overflowing_sh{l,r}` only take `u32`, then apply the bitmask
// to ensure it's within the valid shift value range.
let r = (right.bits as u32) & (type_bits - 1);
return match bin_op {
Shl => int_shift!(left.kind, overflowing_shl, l, r),
Shr => int_shift!(left.kind, overflowing_shr, l, r),
_ => bug!("it has already been checked that this is a shift op"),
if left.kind != right.kind {
let msg = format!("unimplemented binary op: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", left, right, bin_op);
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(msg));
let val = match (bin_op, left.kind) {
(Eq, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) == bits_to_f32(r)),
(Ne, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) != bits_to_f32(r)),
(Lt, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) < bits_to_f32(r)),
(Le, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) <= bits_to_f32(r)),
(Gt, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) > bits_to_f32(r)),
(Ge, F32) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f32(l) >= bits_to_f32(r)),
(Eq, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) == bits_to_f64(r)),
(Ne, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) != bits_to_f64(r)),
(Lt, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) < bits_to_f64(r)),
(Le, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) <= bits_to_f64(r)),
(Gt, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) > bits_to_f64(r)),
(Ge, F64) => PrimVal::from_bool(bits_to_f64(l) >= bits_to_f64(r)),
(Add, F32) => f32_arithmetic!(+, l, r),
(Sub, F32) => f32_arithmetic!(-, l, r),
(Mul, F32) => f32_arithmetic!(*, l, r),
(Div, F32) => f32_arithmetic!(/, l, r),
(Rem, F32) => f32_arithmetic!(%, l, r),
(Add, F64) => f64_arithmetic!(+, l, r),
(Sub, F64) => f64_arithmetic!(-, l, r),
(Mul, F64) => f64_arithmetic!(*, l, r),
(Div, F64) => f64_arithmetic!(/, l, r),
(Rem, F64) => f64_arithmetic!(%, l, r),
(Eq, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l == r),
(Ne, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l != r),
(Lt, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l < r),
(Le, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l <= r),
(Gt, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l > r),
(Ge, _) => PrimVal::from_bool(l >= r),
(BitOr, k) => PrimVal::new(l | r, k),
(BitAnd, k) => PrimVal::new(l & r, k),
(BitXor, k) => PrimVal::new(l ^ r, k),
(Add, k) if k.is_int() => return int_arithmetic!(k, overflowing_add, l, r),
(Sub, k) if k.is_int() => return int_arithmetic!(k, overflowing_sub, l, r),
(Mul, k) if k.is_int() => return int_arithmetic!(k, overflowing_mul, l, r),
(Div, k) if k.is_int() => return int_arithmetic!(k, overflowing_div, l, r),
(Rem, k) if k.is_int() => return int_arithmetic!(k, overflowing_rem, l, r),
_ => {
let msg = format!("unimplemented binary op: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", left, right, bin_op);
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(msg));
Ok((val, false))
fn unrelated_ptr_ops<'tcx>(bin_op: mir::BinOp) -> EvalResult<'tcx, PrimVal> {
use rustc::mir::repr::BinOp::*;
match bin_op {
Eq => Ok(PrimVal::from_bool(false)),
Ne => Ok(PrimVal::from_bool(true)),
Lt | Le | Gt | Ge => Err(EvalError::InvalidPointerMath),
_ => bug!(),
pub fn unary_op<'tcx>(un_op: mir::UnOp, val: PrimVal) -> EvalResult<'tcx, PrimVal> {
use rustc::mir::repr::UnOp::*;
use self::PrimValKind::*;
let bits = match (un_op, val.kind) {
(Not, Bool) => !bits_to_bool(val.bits) as u64,
(Not, U8) => !(val.bits as u8) as u64,
(Not, U16) => !(val.bits as u16) as u64,
(Not, U32) => !(val.bits as u32) as u64,
(Not, U64) => !val.bits,
(Not, I8) => !(val.bits as i8) as u64,
(Not, I16) => !(val.bits as i16) as u64,
(Not, I32) => !(val.bits as i32) as u64,
(Not, I64) => !(val.bits as i64) as u64,
(Neg, I8) => -(val.bits as i8) as u64,
(Neg, I16) => -(val.bits as i16) as u64,
(Neg, I32) => -(val.bits as i32) as u64,
(Neg, I64) => -(val.bits as i64) as u64,
(Neg, F32) => f32_to_bits(-bits_to_f32(val.bits)),
(Neg, F64) => f64_to_bits(-bits_to_f64(val.bits)),
_ => {
let msg = format!("unimplemented unary op: {:?}, {:?}", un_op, val);
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(msg));
Ok(PrimVal::new(bits, val.kind))