328 lines
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328 lines
12 KiB
use std::path::Path;
use regex::Regex;
use crate::rustc_stderr::Level;
use color_eyre::eyre::{bail, ensure, eyre, Result};
mod tests;
/// This crate supports various magic comments that get parsed as file-specific
/// configuration values. This struct parses them all in one go and then they
/// get processed by their respective use sites.
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct Comments {
/// List of revision names to execute. Can only be speicified once
pub revisions: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Don't run this test if any of these filters apply
pub ignore: Vec<Condition>,
/// Only run this test if all of these filters apply
pub only: Vec<Condition>,
/// Generate one .stderr file per bit width, by prepending with `.64bit` and similar
pub stderr_per_bitwidth: bool,
/// Additional flags to pass to the executable
pub compile_flags: Vec<String>,
/// Additional env vars to set for the executable
pub env_vars: Vec<(String, String)>,
/// Normalizations to apply to the stderr output before emitting it to disk
pub normalize_stderr: Vec<(Regex, String)>,
/// An arbitrary pattern to look for in the stderr.
pub error_pattern: Option<(Pattern, usize)>,
pub error_matches: Vec<ErrorMatch>,
/// Ignore diagnostics below this level.
/// `None` means pick the lowest level from the `error_pattern`s.
pub require_annotations_for_level: Option<Level>,
/// The conditions used for "ignore" and "only" filters.
pub(crate) enum Condition {
/// The given string must appear in the target.
/// Tests that the bitwidth is the given one.
/// Tests that the target is the host.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum Pattern {
pub(crate) struct ErrorMatch {
pub pattern: Pattern,
pub revision: Option<String>,
pub level: Level,
/// The line where the message was defined, for reporting issues with it (e.g. in case it wasn't found).
pub definition_line: usize,
/// The line this pattern is expecting to find a message in.
pub line: usize,
impl Condition {
fn parse(c: &str) -> Result<Self> {
if c == "on-host" {
} else if let Some(bits) = c.strip_suffix("bit") {
let bits: u8 = bits.parse().map_err(|_err| {
eyre!("invalid ignore/only filter ending in 'bit': {c:?} is not a valid bitwdith")
} else if let Some(target) = c.strip_prefix("target-") {
} else {
Err(eyre!("invalid ignore/only condition {c:?}"))
impl Comments {
pub(crate) fn parse_file(path: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
let content = std::fs::read_to_string(path)?;
Self::parse(path, &content)
/// Parse comments in `content`.
/// `path` is only used to emit diagnostics if parsing fails.
pub(crate) fn parse(path: &Path, content: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let mut this = Self::default();
let mut fallthrough_to = None; // The line that a `|` will refer to.
for (l, line) in content.lines().enumerate() {
let l = l + 1; // enumerate starts at 0, but line numbers start at 1
this.parse_checked_line(l, &mut fallthrough_to, line).map_err(|err| {
err.wrap_err(format!("{}:{l}: failed to parse annotation", path.display()))
fn parse_checked_line(
&mut self,
l: usize,
fallthrough_to: &mut Option<usize>,
line: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
if let Some((_, command)) = line.split_once("//@") {
self.parse_command(command.trim(), l)
} else if let Some((_, pattern)) = line.split_once("//~") {
self.parse_pattern(pattern, fallthrough_to, l)
} else if let Some((_, pattern)) = line.split_once("//[") {
self.parse_revisioned_pattern(pattern, fallthrough_to, l)
} else {
*fallthrough_to = None;
fn parse_command(&mut self, command: &str, l: usize) -> Result<()> {
// Commands are letters or dashes, grab everything until the first character that is neither of those.
let (command, args) =
match command.chars().position(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric() && c != '-') {
None => (command, ""),
Some(i) => {
let (command, args) = command.split_at(i);
let mut args = args.chars();
// Commands are separated from their arguments by ':' or ' '
let next = args
.expect("the `position` above guarantees that there is at least one char");
ensure!(next == ':', "test command must be followed by : (or end the line)");
(command, args.as_str().trim())
match command {
"revisions" => {
ensure!(self.revisions.is_none(), "cannot specifiy revisions twice");
self.revisions = Some(args.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect());
"compile-flags" => {
self.compile_flags.extend(args.split_whitespace().map(|s| s.to_string()));
"rustc-env" =>
for env in args.split_whitespace() {
let (k, v) = env.split_once('=').ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("environment variables must be key/value pairs separated by a `=`")
self.env_vars.push((k.to_string(), v.to_string()));
"normalize-stderr-test" => {
/// Parses a string literal. `s` has to start with `"`; everything until the next `"` is
/// returned in the first component. `\` can be used to escape arbitrary character.
/// Second return component is the rest of the string with leading whitespace removed.
fn parse_str(s: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str)> {
let mut chars = s.char_indices();
match chars.next().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("missing arguments"))?.1 {
'"' => {
let s = chars.as_str();
let mut escaped = false;
for (i, c) in chars {
if escaped {
// Accept any character as literal after a `\`.
escaped = false;
} else if c == '"' {
return Ok((&s[..(i - 1)], s[i..].trim_start()));
} else {
escaped = c == '\\';
bail!("no closing quotes found for {s}")
c => bail!("expected '\"', got {c}"),
let (from, rest) = parse_str(args)?;
let to = rest.strip_prefix("->").ok_or_else(|| {
eyre!("normalize-stderr-test needs a pattern and replacement separated by `->`")
let (to, rest) = parse_str(to)?;
ensure!(rest.is_empty(), "trailing text after pattern replacement: {rest}");
let from = Regex::new(from)?;
self.normalize_stderr.push((from, to.to_string()));
"error-pattern" => {
"cannot specifiy error_pattern twice, previous: {:?}",
self.error_pattern = Some((Pattern::parse(args.trim())?, l));
"stderr-per-bitwidth" => {
// args are ignored (can be used as comment)
ensure!(!self.stderr_per_bitwidth, "cannot specifiy stderr-per-bitwidth twice");
self.stderr_per_bitwidth = true;
"require-annotations-for-level" => {
"cannot specify `require-annotations-for-level` twice"
self.require_annotations_for_level = Some(args.trim().parse()?);
command => {
if let Some(s) = command.strip_prefix("ignore-") {
// args are ignored (can be sue as comment)
return Ok(());
if let Some(s) = command.strip_prefix("only-") {
// args are ignored (can be sue as comment)
return Ok(());
bail!("unknown command {command}");
fn parse_pattern(
&mut self,
pattern: &str,
fallthrough_to: &mut Option<usize>,
l: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.parse_pattern_inner(pattern, fallthrough_to, None, l)
fn parse_revisioned_pattern(
&mut self,
pattern: &str,
fallthrough_to: &mut Option<usize>,
l: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let (revision, pattern) =
pattern.split_once(']').ok_or_else(|| eyre!("`//[` without corresponding `]`"))?;
if let Some(pattern) = pattern.strip_prefix('~') {
self.parse_pattern_inner(pattern, fallthrough_to, Some(revision.to_owned()), l)
} else {
bail!("revisioned pattern must have `~` following the `]`");
// parse something like (?P<offset>\||[\^]+)? *(?P<level>ERROR|HELP|WARN|NOTE): (?P<text>.*)
fn parse_pattern_inner(
&mut self,
pattern: &str,
fallthrough_to: &mut Option<usize>,
revision: Option<String>,
l: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
let (match_line, pattern) =
match pattern.chars().next().ok_or_else(|| eyre!("no pattern specified"))? {
'|' =>
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("`//~|` pattern without preceding line"))?,
'^' => {
let offset = pattern.chars().take_while(|&c| c == '^').count();
(l - offset, &pattern[offset..])
_ => (l, pattern),
let pattern = pattern.trim_start();
let offset = pattern
.position(|c| !matches!(c, 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z'))
.ok_or_else(|| eyre!("pattern without level"))?;
let level = pattern[..offset].parse()?;
let pattern = &pattern[offset..];
let pattern = pattern.strip_prefix(':').ok_or_else(|| eyre!("no `:` after level found"))?;
let pattern = pattern.trim();
ensure!(!pattern.is_empty(), "no pattern specified");
let pattern = Pattern::parse(pattern)?;
*fallthrough_to = Some(match_line);
self.error_matches.push(ErrorMatch {
definition_line: l,
line: match_line,
impl Pattern {
pub(crate) fn matches(&self, message: &str) -> bool {
match self {
Pattern::SubString(s) => message.contains(s),
Pattern::Regex(r) => r.is_match(message),
pub(crate) fn parse(pattern: &str) -> Result<Self> {
if let Some(pattern) = pattern.strip_prefix('/') {
let regex =
pattern.strip_suffix('/').ok_or_else(|| eyre!("regex must end with `/`"))?;
} else {