use LocalDefId instead of HirId in trait resolution to simplify the obligation clause resolution Signed-off-by: Vincenzo Palazzo <>
200 lines
7.9 KiB
200 lines
7.9 KiB
use crate::collect::ItemCtxt;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
use rustc_hir::{ForeignItem, ForeignItemKind};
use rustc_infer::infer::TyCtxtInferExt;
use rustc_infer::traits::{ObligationCause, WellFormedLoc};
use rustc_middle::ty::query::Providers;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Region, TyCtxt, TypeFoldable, TypeFolder};
use rustc_span::def_id::LocalDefId;
use rustc_trait_selection::traits;
pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
*providers = Providers { diagnostic_hir_wf_check, ..*providers };
// Ideally, this would be in `rustc_trait_selection`, but we
// need access to `ItemCtxt`
fn diagnostic_hir_wf_check<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
(predicate, loc): (ty::Predicate<'tcx>, WellFormedLoc),
) -> Option<ObligationCause<'tcx>> {
let hir = tcx.hir();
let def_id = match loc {
WellFormedLoc::Ty(def_id) => def_id,
WellFormedLoc::Param { function, param_idx: _ } => function,
let hir_id = hir.local_def_id_to_hir_id(def_id);
// HIR wfcheck should only ever happen as part of improving an existing error
.delay_span_bug(tcx.def_span(def_id), "Performed HIR wfcheck without an existing error!");
let icx = ItemCtxt::new(tcx, def_id.to_def_id());
// To perform HIR-based WF checking, we iterate over all HIR types
// that occur 'inside' the item we're checking. For example,
// given the type `Option<MyStruct<u8>>`, we will check
// `Option<MyStruct<u8>>`, `MyStruct<u8>`, and `u8`.
// For each type, we perform a well-formed check, and see if we get
// an error that matches our expected predicate. We save
// the `ObligationCause` corresponding to the *innermost* type,
// which is the most specific type that we can point to.
// In general, the different components of an `hir::Ty` may have
// completely different spans due to macro invocations. Pointing
// to the most accurate part of the type can be the difference
// between a useless span (e.g. the macro invocation site)
// and a useful span (e.g. a user-provided type passed into the macro).
// This approach is quite inefficient - we redo a lot of work done
// by the normal WF checker. However, this code is run at most once
// per reported error - it will have no impact when compilation succeeds,
// and should only have an impact if a very large number of errors is
// displayed to the user.
struct HirWfCheck<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
predicate: ty::Predicate<'tcx>,
cause: Option<ObligationCause<'tcx>>,
cause_depth: usize,
icx: ItemCtxt<'tcx>,
def_id: LocalDefId,
param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
depth: usize,
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for HirWfCheck<'tcx> {
fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &'tcx hir::Ty<'tcx>) {
let infcx = self.tcx.infer_ctxt().build();
let tcx_ty = self.icx.to_ty(ty).fold_with(&mut EraseAllBoundRegions { tcx: self.tcx });
let cause = traits::ObligationCause::new(
let errors = traits::fully_solve_obligation(
if !errors.is_empty() {
debug!("Wf-check got errors for {:?}: {:?}", ty, errors);
for error in errors {
if error.obligation.predicate == self.predicate {
// Save the cause from the greatest depth - this corresponds
// to picking more-specific types (e.g. `MyStruct<u8>`)
// over less-specific types (e.g. `Option<MyStruct<u8>>`)
if self.depth >= self.cause_depth {
self.cause = Some(error.obligation.cause);
self.cause_depth = self.depth
self.depth += 1;
intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty);
self.depth -= 1;
let mut visitor = HirWfCheck {
cause: None,
cause_depth: 0,
param_env: tcx.param_env(def_id.to_def_id()),
depth: 0,
// Get the starting `hir::Ty` using our `WellFormedLoc`.
// We will walk 'into' this type to try to find
// a more precise span for our predicate.
let tys = match loc {
WellFormedLoc::Ty(_) => match hir.get(hir_id) {
hir::Node::ImplItem(item) => match item.kind {
hir::ImplItemKind::Type(ty) => vec![ty],
hir::ImplItemKind::Const(ty, _) => vec![ty],
ref item => bug!("Unexpected ImplItem {:?}", item),
hir::Node::TraitItem(item) => match item.kind {
hir::TraitItemKind::Type(_, ty) => ty.into_iter().collect(),
hir::TraitItemKind::Const(ty, _) => vec![ty],
ref item => bug!("Unexpected TraitItem {:?}", item),
hir::Node::Item(item) => match item.kind {
hir::ItemKind::Static(ty, _, _) | hir::ItemKind::Const(ty, _) => vec![ty],
hir::ItemKind::Impl(impl_) => match &impl_.of_trait {
Some(t) => t
.flat_map(|seg| seg.args().args)
.filter_map(|arg| {
if let hir::GenericArg::Type(ty) = arg { Some(*ty) } else { None }
None => {
ref item => bug!("Unexpected item {:?}", item),
hir::Node::Field(field) => vec![field.ty],
hir::Node::ForeignItem(ForeignItem {
kind: ForeignItemKind::Static(ty, _), ..
}) => vec![*ty],
hir::Node::GenericParam(hir::GenericParam {
kind: hir::GenericParamKind::Type { default: Some(ty), .. },
}) => vec![*ty],
ref node => bug!("Unexpected node {:?}", node),
WellFormedLoc::Param { function: _, param_idx } => {
let fn_decl = hir.fn_decl_by_hir_id(hir_id).unwrap();
// Get return type
if param_idx as usize == fn_decl.inputs.len() {
match fn_decl.output {
hir::FnRetTy::Return(ty) => vec![ty],
// The unit type `()` is always well-formed
hir::FnRetTy::DefaultReturn(_span) => vec![],
} else {
vec![&fn_decl.inputs[param_idx as usize]]
for ty in tys {
struct EraseAllBoundRegions<'tcx> {
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
// Higher ranked regions are complicated.
// To make matters worse, the HIR WF check can instantiate them
// outside of a `Binder`, due to the way we (ab)use
// `ItemCtxt::to_ty`. To make things simpler, we just erase all
// of them, regardless of depth. At worse, this will give
// us an inaccurate span for an error message, but cannot
// lead to unsoundness (we call `delay_span_bug` at the start
// of `diagnostic_hir_wf_check`).
impl<'tcx> TypeFolder<'tcx> for EraseAllBoundRegions<'tcx> {
fn tcx<'a>(&'a self) -> TyCtxt<'tcx> {
fn fold_region(&mut self, r: Region<'tcx>) -> Region<'tcx> {
if r.is_late_bound() { self.tcx.lifetimes.re_erased } else { r }