Marijn Haverbeke 31586339b1 Make it possible to have locals that don't live on the stack
Local values that are not mutated, don't need to be cleaned up, and
are immediate, don't need to be spilled. (All immediate args, and
non-pointer immediate let locals.)
2011-10-07 14:43:19 +02:00

750 lines
25 KiB

import std::{str, vec, option, int};
import option::{some, none};
import std::map::hashmap;
import lib::llvm::llvm;
import lib::llvm::llvm::{ValueRef, TypeRef, BasicBlockRef};
import trans_build::*;
import trans::{new_sub_block_ctxt, new_scope_block_ctxt, load_if_immediate};
import ty::pat_ty;
import syntax::ast;
import syntax::ast_util;
import syntax::ast_util::dummy_sp;
import syntax::ast::def_id;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import util::common::lit_eq;
import trans_common::*;
// An option identifying a branch (either a literal, a tag variant or a range)
tag opt {
var(/* variant id */uint, /* variant dids */{tg: def_id, var: def_id});
range(@ast::lit, @ast::lit);
fn opt_eq(a: opt, b: opt) -> bool {
alt a {
lit(la) {
ret alt b { lit(lb) { lit_eq(la, lb) } _ { false } };
var(ida, _) {
ret alt b { var(idb, _) { ida == idb } _ { false } };
range(la1, la2) {
ret alt b {
range(lb1, lb2) { lit_eq(la1, lb1) && lit_eq(la2, lb2) }
_ { false }
tag opt_result {
range_result(result, result);
fn trans_opt(bcx: @block_ctxt, o: opt) -> opt_result {
alt o {
lit(l) {
alt l.node {
ast::lit_str(s) {
let strty = ty::mk_str(bcx_tcx(bcx));
let {bcx, val: dst} = trans::alloc_ty(bcx, strty);
bcx = trans_vec::trans_str(bcx, s, trans::save_in(dst));
add_clean_temp(bcx, dst, strty);
ret single_result(rslt(bcx, dst));
_ {
ret single_result(
rslt(bcx, trans::trans_crate_lit(bcx_ccx(bcx), *l)));
var(id, _) { ret single_result(rslt(bcx, C_int(id as int))); }
range(l1, l2) {
let cell1 = trans::empty_dest_cell();
let cell2 = trans::empty_dest_cell();
let bcx = trans::trans_lit(bcx, *l1, trans::by_val(cell1));
let bcx = trans::trans_lit(bcx, *l2, trans::by_val(cell2));
ret range_result(rslt(bcx, *cell1), rslt(bcx, *cell2));
fn variant_opt(ccx: @crate_ctxt, pat_id: ast::node_id) -> opt {
let vdef = ast_util::variant_def_ids(ccx.tcx.def_map.get(pat_id));
let variants = ty::tag_variants(ccx.tcx,;
let i = 0u;
for v: ty::variant_info in variants {
if vdef.var == { ret var(i, vdef); }
i += 1u;
type bind_map = [{ident: ast::ident, val: ValueRef}];
fn assoc(key: str, list: bind_map) -> option::t<ValueRef> {
for elt: {ident: ast::ident, val: ValueRef} in list {
if str::eq(elt.ident, key) { ret some(elt.val); }
ret none;
type match_branch =
@{pats: [@ast::pat],
bound: bind_map,
@{body: BasicBlockRef,
guard: option::t<@ast::expr>,
id_map: ast_util::pat_id_map}};
type match = [match_branch];
fn matches_always(p: @ast::pat) -> bool {
ret alt p.node {
ast::pat_wild. { true }
ast::pat_bind(_) { true }
ast::pat_rec(_, _) { true }
ast::pat_tup(_) { true }
_ { false }
type enter_pat = fn(@ast::pat) -> option::t<[@ast::pat]>;
fn enter_match(m: match, col: uint, val: ValueRef, e: enter_pat) -> match {
let result = [];
for br: match_branch in m {
alt e(br.pats[col]) {
some(sub) {
let pats =
vec::slice(br.pats, 0u, col) + sub +
vec::slice(br.pats, col + 1u, vec::len(br.pats));
let new_br =
@{pats: pats,
alt br.pats[col].node {
ast::pat_bind(name) {
br.bound + [{ident: name, val: val}]
_ { br.bound }
} with *br};
result += [new_br];
none. { }
ret result;
fn enter_default(m: match, col: uint, val: ValueRef) -> match {
fn e(p: @ast::pat) -> option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
ret if matches_always(p) { some([]) } else { none };
ret enter_match(m, col, val, e);
fn enter_opt(ccx: @crate_ctxt, m: match, opt: opt, col: uint, tag_size: uint,
val: ValueRef) -> match {
let dummy = @{id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
fn e(ccx: @crate_ctxt, dummy: @ast::pat, opt: opt, size: uint,
p: @ast::pat) -> option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_tag(ctor, subpats) {
ret if opt_eq(variant_opt(ccx,, opt) {
} else { none };
ast::pat_lit(l) {
ret if opt_eq(lit(l), opt) { some([]) } else { none };
ast::pat_range(l1, l2) {
ret if opt_eq(range(l1, l2), opt) { some([]) } else { none };
_ { ret some(vec::init_elt(dummy, size)); }
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(ccx, dummy, opt, tag_size, _));
fn enter_rec(m: match, col: uint, fields: [ast::ident], val: ValueRef) ->
match {
let dummy = @{id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
fn e(dummy: @ast::pat, fields: [ast::ident], p: @ast::pat) ->
option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_rec(fpats, _) {
let pats = [];
for fname: ast::ident in fields {
let pat = dummy;
for fpat: ast::field_pat in fpats {
if str::eq(fpat.ident, fname) { pat = fpat.pat; break; }
pats += [pat];
ret some(pats);
_ { ret some(vec::init_elt(dummy, vec::len(fields))); }
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, fields, _));
fn enter_tup(m: match, col: uint, val: ValueRef, n_elts: uint) -> match {
let dummy = @{id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
fn e(dummy: @ast::pat, n_elts: uint, p: @ast::pat) ->
option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_tup(elts) { ret some(elts); }
_ { ret some(vec::init_elt(dummy, n_elts)); }
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, n_elts, _));
fn enter_box(m: match, col: uint, val: ValueRef) -> match {
let dummy = @{id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
fn e(dummy: @ast::pat, p: @ast::pat) -> option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_box(sub) { ret some([sub]); }
_ { ret some([dummy]); }
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, _));
fn enter_uniq(m: match, col: uint, val: ValueRef) -> match {
let dummy = @{id: 0, node: ast::pat_wild, span: dummy_sp()};
fn e(dummy: @ast::pat, p: @ast::pat) -> option::t<[@ast::pat]> {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_uniq(sub) { ret some([sub]); }
_ { ret some([dummy]); }
ret enter_match(m, col, val, bind e(dummy, _));
fn get_options(ccx: @crate_ctxt, m: match, col: uint) -> [opt] {
fn add_to_set(&set: [opt], val: opt) {
for l: opt in set { if opt_eq(l, val) { ret; } }
set += [val];
let found = [];
for br: match_branch in m {
alt br.pats[col].node {
ast::pat_lit(l) { add_to_set(found, lit(l)); }
ast::pat_range(l1, l2) {
add_to_set(found, range(l1, l2));
ast::pat_tag(_, _) {
add_to_set(found, variant_opt(ccx, br.pats[col].id));
_ { }
ret found;
fn extract_variant_args(bcx: @block_ctxt, pat_id: ast::node_id,
vdefs: {tg: def_id, var: def_id}, val: ValueRef) ->
{vals: [ValueRef], bcx: @block_ctxt} {
let ccx = bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx;
let ty_param_substs = ty::node_id_to_type_params(ccx.tcx, pat_id);
let blobptr = val;
let variants = ty::tag_variants(ccx.tcx,;
let args = [];
let size =
vec::len(ty::tag_variant_with_id(ccx.tcx,, vdefs.var).args);
if size > 0u && vec::len(variants) != 1u {
let tagptr =
PointerCast(bcx, val, trans_common::T_opaque_tag_ptr(;
blobptr = GEP(bcx, tagptr, [C_int(0), C_int(1)]);
let i = 0u;
let vdefs_tg =;
let vdefs_var = vdefs.var;
while i < size {
check (valid_variant_index(i, bcx, vdefs_tg, vdefs_var));
let r =
trans::GEP_tag(bcx, blobptr, vdefs_tg, vdefs_var, ty_param_substs,
bcx = r.bcx;
args += [r.val];
i += 1u;
ret {vals: args, bcx: bcx};
fn collect_record_fields(m: match, col: uint) -> [ast::ident] {
let fields = [];
for br: match_branch in m {
alt br.pats[col].node {
ast::pat_rec(fs, _) {
for f: ast::field_pat in fs {
if !vec::any(bind str::eq(f.ident, _), fields) {
fields += [f.ident];
_ { }
ret fields;
fn any_box_pat(m: match, col: uint) -> bool {
for br: match_branch in m {
alt br.pats[col].node { ast::pat_box(_) { ret true; } _ { } }
ret false;
fn any_uniq_pat(m: match, col: uint) -> bool {
for br: match_branch in m {
alt br.pats[col].node { ast::pat_uniq(_) { ret true; } _ { } }
ret false;
fn any_tup_pat(m: match, col: uint) -> bool {
for br: match_branch in m {
alt br.pats[col].node { ast::pat_tup(_) { ret true; } _ { } }
ret false;
type exit_node = {bound: bind_map, from: BasicBlockRef, to: BasicBlockRef};
type mk_fail = fn() -> BasicBlockRef;
fn pick_col(m: match) -> uint {
let scores = vec::init_elt_mut(0u, vec::len(m[0].pats));
for br: match_branch in m {
let i = 0u;
for p: @ast::pat in br.pats {
alt p.node {
ast::pat_lit(_) | ast::pat_tag(_, _) | ast::pat_range(_, _) {
scores[i] += 1u;
_ { }
i += 1u;
let max_score = 0u;
let best_col = 0u;
let i = 0u;
for score: uint in scores {
// Irrefutable columns always go first, they'd only be duplicated in
// the branches.
if score == 0u { ret i; }
// If no irrefutable ones are found, we pick the one with the biggest
// branching factor.
if score > max_score { max_score = score; best_col = i; }
i += 1u;
ret best_col;
fn compile_submatch(bcx: @block_ctxt, m: match, vals: [ValueRef], f: mk_fail,
&exits: [exit_node]) {
if vec::len(m) == 0u { Br(bcx, f()); ret; }
if vec::len(m[0].pats) == 0u {
let data = m[0].data;
alt data.guard {
some(e) {
let guard_cx = new_scope_block_ctxt(bcx, "submatch_guard");
Br(bcx, guard_cx.llbb);
// Temporarily set bindings. They'll be rewritten to PHI nodes for
// the actual arm block.
for each @{key: key, val: val} in data.id_map.items() {
let local = local_mem(option::get(assoc(key, m[0].bound)));
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(val, local);
let {bcx: guard_bcx, val: guard_val} =
trans::trans_temp_expr(guard_cx, e);
guard_bcx = trans::trans_block_cleanups(guard_bcx, guard_cx);
let next_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(guard_cx, "submatch_next");
let else_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(guard_cx, "submatch_else");
CondBr(guard_bcx, guard_val, next_cx.llbb, else_cx.llbb);
compile_submatch(else_cx, vec::slice(m, 1u, vec::len(m)), vals, f,
bcx = next_cx;
_ { }
if !bcx.unreachable {
exits += [{bound: m[0].bound, from: bcx.llbb, to: data.body}];
Br(bcx, data.body);
let col = pick_col(m);
let val = vals[col];
let vals_left =
vec::slice(vals, 0u, col) +
vec::slice(vals, col + 1u, vec::len(vals));
let ccx = bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx;
let pat_id = 0;
for br: match_branch in m {
// Find a real id (we're adding placeholder wildcard patterns, but
// each column is guaranteed to have at least one real pattern)
if pat_id == 0 { pat_id = br.pats[col].id; }
let rec_fields = collect_record_fields(m, col);
// Separate path for extracting and binding record fields
if vec::len(rec_fields) > 0u {
let rec_ty = ty::node_id_to_monotype(ccx.tcx, pat_id);
let fields =
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, rec_ty) { ty::ty_rec(fields) { fields } };
let rec_vals = [];
for field_name: ast::ident in rec_fields {
let ix: uint =
ty::field_idx(ccx.sess, dummy_sp(), field_name, fields);
// not sure how to get rid of this check
check type_is_tup_like(bcx, rec_ty);
let r = trans::GEP_tup_like(bcx, rec_ty, val, [0, ix as int]);
rec_vals += [r.val];
bcx = r.bcx;
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_rec(m, col, rec_fields, val),
rec_vals + vals_left, f, exits);
if any_tup_pat(m, col) {
let tup_ty = ty::node_id_to_monotype(ccx.tcx, pat_id);
let n_tup_elts =
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, tup_ty) {
ty::ty_tup(elts) { vec::len(elts) }
let tup_vals = [], i = 0u;
while i < n_tup_elts {
// how to get rid of this check?
check type_is_tup_like(bcx, tup_ty);
let r = trans::GEP_tup_like(bcx, tup_ty, val, [0, i as int]);
tup_vals += [r.val];
bcx = r.bcx;
i += 1u;
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_tup(m, col, val, n_tup_elts),
tup_vals + vals_left, f, exits);
// Unbox in case of a box field
if any_box_pat(m, col) {
let box = Load(bcx, val);
let unboxed =
InBoundsGEP(bcx, box,
[C_int(0), C_int(back::abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_box(m, col, val), [unboxed] + vals_left,
f, exits);
if any_uniq_pat(m, col) {
let unboxed = Load(bcx, val);
compile_submatch(bcx, enter_uniq(m, col, val),
[unboxed] + vals_left, f, exits);
// Decide what kind of branch we need
let opts = get_options(ccx, m, col);
tag branch_kind { no_branch; single; switch; compare; }
let kind = no_branch;
let test_val = val;
if vec::len(opts) > 0u {
alt opts[0] {
var(_, vdef) {
if vec::len(ty::tag_variants(ccx.tcx, == 1u {
kind = single;
} else {
let tagptr =
PointerCast(bcx, val,
let discrimptr = GEP(bcx, tagptr, [C_int(0), C_int(0)]);
test_val = Load(bcx, discrimptr);
kind = switch;
lit(l) {
kind = alt l.node {
ast::lit_str(_) { compare }
ast::lit_nil. { test_val = Load(bcx, val); compare }
_ { test_val = Load(bcx, val); switch }
range(_, _) {
test_val = Load(bcx, val);
kind = compare;
for o: opt in opts {
alt o {
range(_, _) { kind = compare; break; }
_ { }
let else_cx =
alt kind {
no_branch. | single. { bcx }
_ { new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "match_else") }
let sw;
if kind == switch {
sw = Switch(bcx, test_val, else_cx.llbb, vec::len(opts));
// FIXME This statement is purely here as a work-around for a bug that
// I expect to be the same as issue #951. If I remove it, sw ends up
// holding a corrupted value (when the compiler is optimized).
// This can be removed after our next LLVM upgrade.
} else { sw = C_int(0); } // Placeholder for when not using a switch
// Compile subtrees for each option
for opt: opt in opts {
let opt_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "match_case");
alt kind {
single. { Br(bcx, opt_cx.llbb); }
switch. {
let res = trans_opt(bcx, opt);
alt res {
single_result(r) {
llvm::LLVMAddCase(sw, r.val, opt_cx.llbb);
bcx = r.bcx;
compare. {
let compare_cx = new_scope_block_ctxt(bcx, "compare_scope");
Br(bcx, compare_cx.llbb);
bcx = compare_cx;
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, pat_id);
let res = trans_opt(bcx, opt);
alt res {
single_result(r) {
bcx = r.bcx;
let eq =
trans::trans_compare(bcx, ast::eq, test_val, t, r.val, t);
let cleanup_cx = trans::trans_block_cleanups(
eq.bcx, compare_cx);
bcx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "compare_next");
CondBr(cleanup_cx, eq.val, opt_cx.llbb, bcx.llbb);
range_result(rbegin, rend) {
bcx = rend.bcx;
let ge = trans::trans_compare(bcx, ast::ge, test_val, t,
rbegin.val, t);
let le = trans::trans_compare(ge.bcx, ast::le, test_val, t,
rend.val, t);
let in_range = rslt(le.bcx, And(le.bcx, ge.val, le.val));
/*let*/ bcx = in_range.bcx; //XXX uncomment for assertion
let cleanup_cx =
trans::trans_block_cleanups(bcx, compare_cx);
bcx = new_sub_block_ctxt(bcx, "compare_next");
CondBr(cleanup_cx, in_range.val, opt_cx.llbb, bcx.llbb);
_ { }
let size = 0u;
let unpacked = [];
alt opt {
var(_, vdef) {
let args = extract_variant_args(opt_cx, pat_id, vdef, val);
size = vec::len(args.vals);
unpacked = args.vals;
opt_cx = args.bcx;
lit(_) | range(_, _) { }
compile_submatch(opt_cx, enter_opt(ccx, m, opt, col, size, val),
unpacked + vals_left, f, exits);
// Compile the fall-through case
if kind == compare { Br(bcx, else_cx.llbb); }
if kind != single {
compile_submatch(else_cx, enter_default(m, col, val), vals_left, f,
// Returns false for unreachable blocks
fn make_phi_bindings(bcx: @block_ctxt, map: [exit_node],
ids: ast_util::pat_id_map) -> bool {
let our_block = bcx.llbb as uint;
let success = true;
for each @{key: name, val: node_id} in ids.items() {
let llbbs = [];
let vals = [];
for ex: exit_node in map {
if as uint == our_block {
alt assoc(name, ex.bound) {
some(val) { llbbs += [ex.from]; vals += [val]; }
none. { }
if vec::len(vals) > 0u {
let local = Phi(bcx, val_ty(vals[0]), vals, llbbs);
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(node_id, local_mem(local));
} else { success = false; }
if success {
// Copy references that the alias analysis considered unsafe
for each @{val: node_id, _} in ids.items() {
if bcx_ccx(bcx).copy_map.contains_key(node_id) {
let local = alt bcx.fcx.lllocals.get(node_id) {
local_mem(x) { x }
let e_ty = ty::node_id_to_type(bcx_tcx(bcx), node_id);
let {bcx: abcx, val: alloc} = trans::alloc_ty(bcx, e_ty);
bcx = trans::copy_val(abcx, trans::INIT, alloc,
load_if_immediate(abcx, local, e_ty),
add_clean(bcx, alloc, e_ty);
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(node_id, local_mem(alloc));
} else {
ret success;
fn trans_alt(cx: @block_ctxt, expr: @ast::expr, arms: [ast::arm],
dest: trans::dest) -> @block_ctxt {
let bodies = [];
let match: match = [];
let er = trans::trans_temp_expr(cx, expr);
if er.bcx.unreachable { ret er.bcx; }
for a: ast::arm in arms {
let body = new_scope_block_ctxt(er.bcx, "case_body");
let id_map = ast_util::pat_id_map(a.pats[0]);
bodies += [body];
for p: @ast::pat in a.pats {
match +=
[@{pats: [p],
bound: [],
data: @{body: body.llbb, guard: a.guard, id_map: id_map}}];
// Cached fail-on-fallthrough block
let fail_cx = @mutable none;
fn mk_fail(cx: @block_ctxt, sp: span,
done: @mutable option::t<BasicBlockRef>) -> BasicBlockRef {
alt *done { some(bb) { ret bb; } _ { } }
let fail_cx = new_sub_block_ctxt(cx, "case_fallthrough");
trans::trans_fail(fail_cx, some(sp), "non-exhaustive match failure");;
*done = some(fail_cx.llbb);
ret fail_cx.llbb;
let exit_map = [];
let t = trans::node_id_type(cx.fcx.lcx.ccx,;
let vr = trans::spill_if_immediate(er.bcx, er.val, t);
compile_submatch(vr.bcx, match, [vr.val],
bind mk_fail(cx, expr.span, fail_cx), exit_map);
let arm_cxs = [], arm_dests = [], i = 0u;
for a: ast::arm in arms {
let body_cx = bodies[i];
if make_phi_bindings(body_cx, exit_map,
ast_util::pat_id_map(a.pats[0])) {
let arm_dest = trans::dup_for_join(dest);
arm_dests += [arm_dest];
arm_cxs += [trans::trans_block_dps(body_cx, a.body, arm_dest)];
i += 1u;
ret trans::join_returns(cx, arm_cxs, arm_dests, dest);
// Not alt-related, but similar to the pattern-munging code above
fn bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx: @block_ctxt, pat: @ast::pat, val: ValueRef,
make_copy: bool) -> @block_ctxt {
let ccx = bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx;
alt pat.node {
ast::pat_bind(_) {
if make_copy || ccx.copy_map.contains_key( {
let ty = ty::node_id_to_monotype(ccx.tcx,;
// FIXME: Could constrain pat_bind to make this
// check unnecessary.
check (type_has_static_size(ccx, ty));
check non_ty_var(ccx, ty);
let llty = trans::type_of(ccx, pat.span, ty);
let alloc = trans::alloca(bcx, llty);
bcx =
trans::copy_val(bcx, trans::INIT, alloc,
trans::load_if_immediate(bcx, val, ty), ty);
bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(, local_mem(alloc));
trans_common::add_clean(bcx, alloc, ty);
} else { bcx.fcx.lllocals.insert(, local_mem(val)); }
ast::pat_tag(_, sub) {
if vec::len(sub) == 0u { ret bcx; }
let vdefs = ast_util::variant_def_ids(ccx.tcx.def_map.get(;
let args = extract_variant_args(bcx,, vdefs, val);
let i = 0;
for argval: ValueRef in args.vals {
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx, sub[i], argval, make_copy);
i += 1;
ast::pat_rec(fields, _) {
let rec_ty = ty::node_id_to_monotype(ccx.tcx,;
let rec_fields =
alt ty::struct(ccx.tcx, rec_ty) { ty::ty_rec(fields) { fields } };
for f: ast::field_pat in fields {
let ix: uint =
ty::field_idx(ccx.sess, pat.span, f.ident, rec_fields);
// how to get rid of this check?
check type_is_tup_like(bcx, rec_ty);
let r = trans::GEP_tup_like(bcx, rec_ty, val, [0, ix as int]);
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(r.bcx, f.pat, r.val, make_copy);
ast::pat_tup(elems) {
let tup_ty = ty::node_id_to_monotype(ccx.tcx,;
let i = 0u;
for elem in elems {
// how to get rid of this check?
check type_is_tup_like(bcx, tup_ty);
let r = trans::GEP_tup_like(bcx, tup_ty, val, [0, i as int]);
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(r.bcx, elem, r.val, make_copy);
i += 1u;
ast::pat_box(inner) {
let box = Load(bcx, val);
let unboxed =
InBoundsGEP(bcx, box,
[C_int(0), C_int(back::abi::box_rc_field_body)]);
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx, inner, unboxed, true);
ast::pat_uniq(inner) {
let val = Load(bcx, val);
bcx = bind_irrefutable_pat(bcx, inner, val, true);
ast::pat_wild. | ast::pat_lit(_) | ast::pat_range(_, _) { }
ret bcx;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: