The new macro loading infrastructure needs the ability to force a procedural-macro crate to be built with the host architecture rather than the target architecture (because the compiler is just about to dlopen it).
1156 lines
39 KiB
1156 lines
39 KiB
// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use common::config;
use common::mode_compile_fail;
use common::mode_pretty;
use common::mode_run_fail;
use common::mode_run_pass;
use errors;
use header::TestProps;
use header::load_props;
use procsrv;
use util::logv;
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
use util;
use std::io::File;
use std::io::fs;
use std::io::net::ip::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr};
use std::io::net::tcp;
use std::io::process::ProcessExit;
use std::io::process;
use std::io::timer;
use std::io;
use std::os;
use std::str;
use std::task;
use std::vec;
use extra::test::MetricMap;
pub fn run(config: config, testfile: ~str) {
match {
~"arm-linux-androideabi" => {
if !config.adb_device_status {
fail!("android device not available");
_=> { }
let mut _mm = MetricMap::new();
run_metrics(config, testfile, &mut _mm);
pub fn run_metrics(config: config, testfile: ~str, mm: &mut MetricMap) {
if config.verbose {
// We're going to be dumping a lot of info. Start on a new line.
let testfile = Path::new(testfile);
debug!("running {}", testfile.display());
let props = load_props(&testfile);
debug!("loaded props");
match config.mode {
mode_compile_fail => run_cfail_test(&config, &props, &testfile),
mode_run_fail => run_rfail_test(&config, &props, &testfile),
mode_run_pass => run_rpass_test(&config, &props, &testfile),
mode_pretty => run_pretty_test(&config, &props, &testfile),
mode_debug_info => run_debuginfo_test(&config, &props, &testfile),
mode_codegen => run_codegen_test(&config, &props, &testfile, mm)
fn run_cfail_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) {
let ProcRes = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compile-fail test compiled successfully!", &ProcRes);
let expected_errors = errors::load_errors(testfile);
if !expected_errors.is_empty() {
if !props.error_patterns.is_empty() {
fatal(~"both error pattern and expected errors specified");
check_expected_errors(expected_errors, testfile, &ProcRes);
} else {
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, &ProcRes);
fn run_rfail_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) {
let ProcRes = if !config.jit {
let ProcRes = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compilation failed!", &ProcRes);
exec_compiled_test(config, props, testfile)
} else {
jit_test(config, props, testfile)
// The value our Makefile configures valgrind to return on failure
static VALGRIND_ERR: int = 100;
if ProcRes.status.matches_exit_status(VALGRIND_ERR) {
fatal_ProcRes(~"run-fail test isn't valgrind-clean!", &ProcRes);
check_error_patterns(props, testfile, &ProcRes);
fn check_correct_failure_status(ProcRes: &ProcRes) {
// The value the rust runtime returns on failure
static RUST_ERR: int = 101;
if !ProcRes.status.matches_exit_status(RUST_ERR) {
format!("failure produced the wrong error: {}", ProcRes.status),
fn run_rpass_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) {
if !config.jit {
let mut ProcRes = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compilation failed!", &ProcRes);
ProcRes = exec_compiled_test(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"test run failed!", &ProcRes);
} else {
let ProcRes = jit_test(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() { fatal_ProcRes(~"jit failed!", &ProcRes); }
fn run_pretty_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) {
if props.pp_exact.is_some() {
logv(config, ~"testing for exact pretty-printing");
} else { logv(config, ~"testing for converging pretty-printing"); }
let rounds =
match props.pp_exact { Some(_) => 1, None => 2 };
let src = File::open(testfile).read_to_end();
let src = str::from_utf8_owned(src);
let mut srcs = ~[src];
let mut round = 0;
while round < rounds {
logv(config, format!("pretty-printing round {}", round));
let ProcRes = print_source(config, testfile, srcs[round].clone());
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(format!("pretty-printing failed in round {}", round),
let ProcRes{ stdout, .. } = ProcRes;
round += 1;
let mut expected = match props.pp_exact {
Some(ref file) => {
let filepath = testfile.dir_path().join(file);
let s = File::open(&filepath).read_to_end();
None => { srcs[srcs.len() - 2u].clone() }
let mut actual = srcs[srcs.len() - 1u].clone();
if props.pp_exact.is_some() {
// Now we have to care about line endings
let cr = ~"\r";
actual = actual.replace(cr, "");
expected = expected.replace(cr, "");
compare_source(expected, actual);
// Finally, let's make sure it actually appears to remain valid code
let ProcRes = typecheck_source(config, props, testfile, actual);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"pretty-printed source does not typecheck", &ProcRes);
fn print_source(config: &config, testfile: &Path, src: ~str) -> ProcRes {
compose_and_run(config, testfile, make_pp_args(config, testfile),
~[], config.compile_lib_path, Some(src))
fn make_pp_args(config: &config, _testfile: &Path) -> ProcArgs {
let args = ~[~"-", ~"--pretty", ~"normal"];
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
return ProcArgs {prog: config.rustc_path.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), args: args};
fn compare_source(expected: &str, actual: &str) {
if expected != actual {
error(~"pretty-printed source does not match expected source");
expected, actual);
fn typecheck_source(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path, src: ~str) -> ProcRes {
let args = make_typecheck_args(config, props, testfile);
compose_and_run_compiler(config, props, testfile, args, Some(src))
fn make_typecheck_args(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) -> ProcArgs {
let aux_dir = aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let mut args = ~[~"-",
~"--no-trans", ~"--lib",
~"-L", config.build_base.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
return ProcArgs {prog: config.rustc_path.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), args: args};
fn run_debuginfo_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) {
// do not optimize debuginfo tests
let mut config = match config.rustcflags {
Some(ref flags) => config {
rustcflags: Some(flags.replace("-O", "")),
.. (*config).clone()
None => (*config).clone()
let config = &mut config;
let check_lines = &props.check_lines;
let mut cmds = props.debugger_cmds.connect("\n");
// compile test file (it shoud have 'compile-flags:-g' in the header)
let mut ProcRes = compile_test(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compilation failed!", &ProcRes);
let exe_file = make_exe_name(config, testfile);
let mut ProcArgs;
match {
~"arm-linux-androideabi" => {
cmds = cmds.replace("run","continue");
// write debugger script
let script_str = [~"set charset UTF-8",
format!("file {}",exe_file.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()),
~"target remote :5039",
debug!("script_str = {}", script_str);
dump_output_file(config, testfile, script_str, "debugger.script");
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path,
[~"push", exe_file.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path,
[~"forward", ~"tcp:5039", ~"tcp:5039"],
~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
let adb_arg = format!("export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={}; gdbserver :5039 {}/{}",
config.adb_test_dir.clone(), config.adb_test_dir.clone(),
let mut process = procsrv::run_background("", config.adb_path,
~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
loop {
//waiting 1 second for gdbserver start
let result = do task::try {
SocketAddr { ip: Ipv4Addr(127, 0, 0, 1), port: 5039 });
if result.is_err() {
let args = split_maybe_args(&config.rustcflags);
let mut tool_path:~str = ~"";
for arg in args.iter() {
if arg.contains("--android-cross-path=") {
tool_path = arg.replace("--android-cross-path=","");
if tool_path.equals(&~"") {
fatal(~"cannot found android cross path");
let debugger_script = make_out_name(config, testfile, "debugger.script");
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let debugger_opts = ~[~"-quiet", ~"-batch", ~"-nx",
"-command=" + debugger_script.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()];
let gdb_path = tool_path.append("/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gdb");
let procsrv::Result{ out, err, status }=
debugger_opts, ~[(~"",~"")], None)
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", gdb_path));
let cmdline = {
let cmdline = make_cmdline("", "arm-linux-androideabi-gdb", debugger_opts);
logv(config, format!("executing {}", cmdline));
ProcRes = ProcRes {status: status,
stdout: out,
stderr: err,
cmdline: cmdline};
_=> {
// write debugger script
let script_str = [~"set charset UTF-8",
debug!("script_str = {}", script_str);
dump_output_file(config, testfile, script_str, "debugger.script");
// run debugger script with gdb
fn debugger() -> ~str { ~"gdb.exe" }
fn debugger() -> ~str { ~"gdb" }
let debugger_script = make_out_name(config, testfile, "debugger.script");
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let debugger_opts = ~[~"-quiet", ~"-batch", ~"-nx",
"-command=" + debugger_script.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
ProcArgs = ProcArgs {prog: debugger(), args: debugger_opts};
ProcRes = compose_and_run(config, testfile, ProcArgs, ~[], "", None);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal(~"gdb failed to execute");
let num_check_lines = check_lines.len();
if num_check_lines > 0 {
// Allow check lines to leave parts unspecified (e.g., uninitialized
// bits in the wrong case of an enum) with the notation "[...]".
let check_fragments: ~[~[&str]] =|s| s.split_str("[...]").collect());
// check if each line in props.check_lines appears in the
// output (in order)
let mut i = 0u;
for line in ProcRes.stdout.lines() {
let mut rest = line.trim();
let mut first = true;
let mut failed = false;
for &frag in check_fragments[i].iter() {
let found = if first {
if rest.starts_with(frag) { Some(0) } else { None }
} else {
match found {
None => {
failed = true;
Some(i) => {
rest = rest.slice_from(i + frag.len());
first = false;
if !failed && rest.len() == 0 {
i += 1u;
if i == num_check_lines {
// all lines checked
if i != num_check_lines {
fatal_ProcRes(format!("line not found in debugger output: {}",
check_lines[i]), &ProcRes);
fn check_error_patterns(props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path,
ProcRes: &ProcRes) {
if props.error_patterns.is_empty() {
testfile.display().with_str(|s| {
fatal(~"no error pattern specified in " + s);
if ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal(~"process did not return an error status");
let mut next_err_idx = 0u;
let mut next_err_pat = &props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
let mut done = false;
for line in ProcRes.stderr.lines() {
if line.contains(*next_err_pat) {
debug!("found error pattern {}", *next_err_pat);
next_err_idx += 1u;
if next_err_idx == props.error_patterns.len() {
debug!("found all error patterns");
done = true;
next_err_pat = &props.error_patterns[next_err_idx];
if done { return; }
let missing_patterns =
props.error_patterns.slice(next_err_idx, props.error_patterns.len());
if missing_patterns.len() == 1u {
fatal_ProcRes(format!("error pattern '{}' not found!",
missing_patterns[0]), ProcRes);
} else {
for pattern in missing_patterns.iter() {
error(format!("error pattern '{}' not found!", *pattern));
fatal_ProcRes(~"multiple error patterns not found", ProcRes);
fn check_expected_errors(expected_errors: ~[errors::ExpectedError],
testfile: &Path,
ProcRes: &ProcRes) {
// true if we found the error in question
let mut found_flags = vec::from_elem(
expected_errors.len(), false);
if ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal(~"process did not return an error status");
let prefixes = expected_errors.iter().map(|ee| {
format!("{}:{}:", testfile.display(), ee.line)
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn to_lower( s : &str ) -> ~str {
let i = s.chars();
let c : ~[char] = |c| {
if c.is_ascii() {
} else {
} ).collect();
str::from_chars( c )
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn prefix_matches( line : &str, prefix : &str ) -> bool {
to_lower(line).starts_with( to_lower(prefix) )
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn prefix_matches( line : &str, prefix : &str ) -> bool {
line.starts_with( prefix )
// Scan and extract our error/warning messages,
// which look like:
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *error:* msg
// filename:line1:col1: line2:col2: *warning:* msg
// where line1:col1: is the starting point, line2:col2:
// is the ending point, and * represents ANSI color codes.
for line in ProcRes.stderr.lines() {
let mut was_expected = false;
for (i, ee) in expected_errors.iter().enumerate() {
if !found_flags[i] {
debug!("prefix={} ee.kind={} ee.msg={} line={}",
prefixes[i], ee.kind, ee.msg, line);
if (prefix_matches(line, prefixes[i]) &&
line.contains(ee.kind) &&
line.contains(ee.msg)) {
found_flags[i] = true;
was_expected = true;
// ignore this msg which gets printed at the end
if line.contains("aborting due to") {
was_expected = true;
if !was_expected && is_compiler_error_or_warning(line) {
fatal_ProcRes(format!("unexpected compiler error or warning: '{}'",
for (i, &flag) in found_flags.iter().enumerate() {
if !flag {
let ee = &expected_errors[i];
fatal_ProcRes(format!("expected {} on line {} not found: {}",
ee.kind, ee.line, ee.msg), ProcRes);
fn is_compiler_error_or_warning(line: &str) -> bool {
let mut i = 0u;
scan_until_char(line, ':', &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ':', &mut i) &&
scan_integer(line, &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ':', &mut i) &&
scan_integer(line, &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ':', &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ' ', &mut i) &&
scan_integer(line, &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ':', &mut i) &&
scan_integer(line, &mut i) &&
scan_char(line, ' ', &mut i) &&
(scan_string(line, "error", &mut i) ||
scan_string(line, "warning", &mut i));
fn scan_until_char(haystack: &str, needle: char, idx: &mut uint) -> bool {
if *idx >= haystack.len() {
return false;
let opt = haystack.slice_from(*idx).find(needle);
if opt.is_none() {
return false;
*idx = opt.unwrap();
return true;
fn scan_char(haystack: &str, needle: char, idx: &mut uint) -> bool {
if *idx >= haystack.len() {
return false;
let range = haystack.char_range_at(*idx);
if != needle {
return false;
*idx =;
return true;
fn scan_integer(haystack: &str, idx: &mut uint) -> bool {
let mut i = *idx;
while i < haystack.len() {
let range = haystack.char_range_at(i);
if < '0' || '9' < {
i =;
if i == *idx {
return false;
*idx = i;
return true;
fn scan_string(haystack: &str, needle: &str, idx: &mut uint) -> bool {
let mut haystack_i = *idx;
let mut needle_i = 0u;
while needle_i < needle.len() {
if haystack_i >= haystack.len() {
return false;
let range = haystack.char_range_at(haystack_i);
haystack_i =;
if !scan_char(needle,, &mut needle_i) {
return false;
*idx = haystack_i;
return true;
struct ProcArgs {prog: ~str, args: ~[~str]}
struct ProcRes {status: ProcessExit, stdout: ~str, stderr: ~str, cmdline: ~str}
fn compile_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path) -> ProcRes {
compile_test_(config, props, testfile, [])
fn jit_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) -> ProcRes {
compile_test_(config, props, testfile, [~"--jit"])
fn compile_test_(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path, extra_args: &[~str]) -> ProcRes {
let aux_dir = aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let link_args = ~[~"-L", aux_dir.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()];
let args = make_compile_args(config, props, link_args + extra_args,
make_exe_name, testfile);
compose_and_run_compiler(config, props, testfile, args, None)
fn exec_compiled_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path) -> ProcRes {
let env = props.exec_env.clone();
match {
~"arm-linux-androideabi" => {
_arm_exec_compiled_test(config, props, testfile, env)
_=> {
compose_and_run(config, testfile,
make_run_args(config, props, testfile),
config.run_lib_path, None)
fn compose_and_run_compiler(
config: &config,
props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path,
args: ProcArgs,
input: Option<~str>) -> ProcRes {
if !props.aux_builds.is_empty() {
ensure_dir(&aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile));
let aux_dir = aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let extra_link_args = ~[~"-L", aux_dir.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()];
for rel_ab in props.aux_builds.iter() {
let abs_ab = config.aux_base.join(rel_ab.as_slice());
let aux_props = load_props(&abs_ab);
let aux_args =
make_compile_args(config, &aux_props, ~[~"--lib"] + extra_link_args,
|a,b| make_lib_name(a, b, testfile), &abs_ab);
let auxres = compose_and_run(config, &abs_ab, aux_args, ~[],
config.compile_lib_path, None);
if !auxres.status.success() {
format!("auxiliary build of {} failed to compile: ",
match {
~"arm-linux-androideabi" => {
_arm_push_aux_shared_library(config, testfile);
_=> { }
compose_and_run(config, testfile, args, ~[],
config.compile_lib_path, input)
fn ensure_dir(path: &Path) {
if path.is_dir() { return; }
fs::mkdir(path, io::UserRWX);
fn compose_and_run(config: &config, testfile: &Path,
ProcArgs{ args, prog }: ProcArgs,
procenv: ~[(~str, ~str)],
lib_path: &str,
input: Option<~str>) -> ProcRes {
return program_output(config, testfile, lib_path,
prog, args, procenv, input);
fn make_compile_args(config: &config,
props: &TestProps,
extras: ~[~str],
xform: |&config, &Path| -> Path,
testfile: &Path)
-> ProcArgs {
let xform_file = xform(config, testfile);
let target = if props.force_host {
} else {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let mut args = ~[testfile.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
~"-o", xform_file.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
~"-L", config.build_base.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
~"--target=" + target]
+ extras;
return ProcArgs {prog: config.rustc_path.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), args: args};
fn make_lib_name(config: &config, auxfile: &Path, testfile: &Path) -> Path {
// what we return here is not particularly important, as it
// happens; rustc ignores everything except for the directory.
let auxname = output_testname(auxfile);
aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile).join(&auxname)
fn make_exe_name(config: &config, testfile: &Path) -> Path {
let mut f = output_base_name(config, testfile);
if !os::consts::EXE_SUFFIX.is_empty() {
match f.filename().map(|s| s + os::consts::EXE_SUFFIX.as_bytes()) {
Some(v) => f.set_filename(v),
None => ()
fn make_run_args(config: &config, _props: &TestProps, testfile: &Path) ->
ProcArgs {
// If we've got another tool to run under (valgrind),
// then split apart its command
let mut args = split_maybe_args(&config.runtool);
let exe_file = make_exe_name(config, testfile);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let prog = args.shift();
return ProcArgs {prog: prog, args: args};
fn split_maybe_args(argstr: &Option<~str>) -> ~[~str] {
match *argstr {
Some(ref s) => {
s.split(' ')
.filter_map(|s| if s.is_whitespace() {None} else {Some(s.to_owned())})
None => ~[]
fn program_output(config: &config, testfile: &Path, lib_path: &str, prog: ~str,
args: ~[~str], env: ~[(~str, ~str)],
input: Option<~str>) -> ProcRes {
let cmdline =
let cmdline = make_cmdline(lib_path, prog, args);
logv(config, format!("executing {}", cmdline));
let procsrv::Result{ out, err, status } =
procsrv::run(lib_path, prog, args, env, input)
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", prog));
dump_output(config, testfile, out, err);
return ProcRes {status: status,
stdout: out,
stderr: err,
cmdline: cmdline};
// Linux and mac don't require adjusting the library search path
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
fn make_cmdline(_libpath: &str, prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
format!("{} {}", prog, args.connect(" "))
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn make_cmdline(libpath: &str, prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ~str {
format!("{} {} {}", lib_path_cmd_prefix(libpath), prog,
args.connect(" "))
// Build the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable as it would be seen on the command line
// for diagnostic purposes
#[cfg(target_os = "win32")]
fn lib_path_cmd_prefix(path: &str) -> ~str {
format!("{}=\"{}\"", util::lib_path_env_var(), util::make_new_path(path))
fn dump_output(config: &config, testfile: &Path, out: &str, err: &str) {
dump_output_file(config, testfile, out, "out");
dump_output_file(config, testfile, err, "err");
maybe_dump_to_stdout(config, out, err);
fn dump_output_file(config: &config, testfile: &Path,
out: &str, extension: &str) {
let outfile = make_out_name(config, testfile, extension);
fn make_out_name(config: &config, testfile: &Path, extension: &str) -> Path {
output_base_name(config, testfile).with_extension(extension)
fn aux_output_dir_name(config: &config, testfile: &Path) -> Path {
let mut f = output_base_name(config, testfile);
match f.filename().map(|s| s + bytes!(".libaux")) {
Some(v) => f.set_filename(v),
None => ()
fn output_testname(testfile: &Path) -> Path {
fn output_base_name(config: &config, testfile: &Path) -> Path {
fn maybe_dump_to_stdout(config: &config, out: &str, err: &str) {
if config.verbose {
println!("------{}------------------------------", "stdout");
println!("{}", out);
println!("------{}------------------------------", "stderr");
println!("{}", err);
fn error(err: ~str) { println!("\nerror: {}", err); }
fn fatal(err: ~str) -> ! { error(err); fail!(); }
fn fatal_ProcRes(err: ~str, ProcRes: &ProcRes) -> ! {
error: {}\n\
command: {}\n\
err, ProcRes.cmdline, ProcRes.stdout, ProcRes.stderr);
fn _arm_exec_compiled_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path, env: ~[(~str, ~str)]) -> ProcRes {
let args = make_run_args(config, props, testfile);
let cmdline = make_cmdline("", args.prog, args.args);
// get bare program string
let mut tvec: ~[~str] = args.prog.split('/').map(|ts| ts.to_owned()).collect();
let prog_short = tvec.pop();
// copy to target
let copy_result = procsrv::run("", config.adb_path,
[~"push", args.prog.clone(), config.adb_test_dir.clone()],
~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
if config.verbose {
println!("push ({}) {} {} {}",
|, args.prog,
copy_result.out, copy_result.err);
logv(config, format!("executing ({}) {}",, cmdline));
let mut runargs = ~[];
// run test via adb_run_wrapper
for (key, val) in env.move_iter() {
runargs.push(format!("{}={}", key, val));
runargs.push(format!("{}/", config.adb_test_dir));
runargs.push(format!("{}", config.adb_test_dir));
runargs.push(format!("{}", prog_short));
for tv in args.args.iter() {
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path, runargs, ~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
// get exitcode of result
runargs = ~[];
runargs.push(format!("{}/{}.exitcode", config.adb_test_dir, prog_short));
let procsrv::Result{ out: exitcode_out, err: _, status: _ } =
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path, runargs, ~[(~"",~"")],
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
let mut exitcode : int = 0;
for c in exitcode_out.chars() {
if !c.is_digit() { break; }
exitcode = exitcode * 10 + match c {
'0' .. '9' => c as int - ('0' as int),
_ => 101,
// get stdout of result
runargs = ~[];
runargs.push(format!("{}/{}.stdout", config.adb_test_dir, prog_short));
let procsrv::Result{ out: stdout_out, err: _, status: _ } =
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path, runargs, ~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
// get stderr of result
runargs = ~[];
runargs.push(format!("{}/{}.stderr", config.adb_test_dir, prog_short));
let procsrv::Result{ out: stderr_out, err: _, status: _ } =
procsrv::run("", config.adb_path, runargs, ~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
dump_output(config, testfile, stdout_out, stderr_out);
ProcRes {
status: process::ExitStatus(exitcode),
stdout: stdout_out,
stderr: stderr_out,
cmdline: cmdline
fn _arm_push_aux_shared_library(config: &config, testfile: &Path) {
let tdir = aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile);
let dirs = fs::readdir(&tdir);
for file in dirs.iter() {
if file.extension_str() == Some("so") {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let copy_result = procsrv::run("", config.adb_path,
[~"push", file.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(), config.adb_test_dir.clone()],
~[(~"",~"")], Some(~""))
.expect(format!("failed to exec `{}`", config.adb_path));
if config.verbose {
println!("push ({}) {} {} {}",
|, file.display(),
copy_result.out, copy_result.err);
// codegen tests (vs. clang)
fn make_o_name(config: &config, testfile: &Path) -> Path {
output_base_name(config, testfile).with_extension("o")
fn append_suffix_to_stem(p: &Path, suffix: &str) -> Path {
if suffix.len() == 0 {
} else {
let stem = p.filestem().unwrap();
p.with_filename(stem + bytes!("-") + suffix.as_bytes())
fn compile_test_and_save_bitcode(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path) -> ProcRes {
let aux_dir = aux_output_dir_name(config, testfile);
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
let link_args = ~[~"-L", aux_dir.as_str().unwrap().to_owned()];
let llvm_args = ~[~"-c", ~"--lib", ~"--save-temps"];
let args = make_compile_args(config, props,
link_args + llvm_args,
make_o_name, testfile);
compose_and_run_compiler(config, props, testfile, args, None)
fn compile_cc_with_clang_and_save_bitcode(config: &config, _props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path) -> ProcRes {
let bitcodefile = output_base_name(config, testfile).with_extension("bc");
let bitcodefile = append_suffix_to_stem(&bitcodefile, "clang");
let testcc = testfile.with_extension("cc");
let ProcArgs = ProcArgs {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
prog: config.clang_path.get_ref().as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
args: ~[~"-c",
~"-o", bitcodefile.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
testcc.as_str().unwrap().to_owned() ]
compose_and_run(config, testfile, ProcArgs, ~[], "", None)
fn extract_function_from_bitcode(config: &config, _props: &TestProps,
fname: &str, testfile: &Path,
suffix: &str) -> ProcRes {
let bitcodefile = output_base_name(config, testfile).with_extension("bc");
let bitcodefile = append_suffix_to_stem(&bitcodefile, suffix);
let extracted_bc = append_suffix_to_stem(&bitcodefile, "extract");
let prog = config.llvm_bin_path.get_ref().join("llvm-extract");
let ProcArgs = ProcArgs {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
prog: prog.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
args: ~["-func=" + fname,
"-o=" + extracted_bc.as_str().unwrap(),
bitcodefile.as_str().unwrap().to_owned() ]
compose_and_run(config, testfile, ProcArgs, ~[], "", None)
fn disassemble_extract(config: &config, _props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path, suffix: &str) -> ProcRes {
let bitcodefile = output_base_name(config, testfile).with_extension("bc");
let bitcodefile = append_suffix_to_stem(&bitcodefile, suffix);
let extracted_bc = append_suffix_to_stem(&bitcodefile, "extract");
let extracted_ll = extracted_bc.with_extension("ll");
let prog = config.llvm_bin_path.get_ref().join("llvm-dis");
let ProcArgs = ProcArgs {
// FIXME (#9639): This needs to handle non-utf8 paths
prog: prog.as_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
args: ~["-o=" + extracted_ll.as_str().unwrap(),
extracted_bc.as_str().unwrap().to_owned() ]
compose_and_run(config, testfile, ProcArgs, ~[], "", None)
fn count_extracted_lines(p: &Path) -> uint {
let x = File::open(&p.with_extension("ll")).read_to_end();
let x = str::from_utf8_owned(x);
fn run_codegen_test(config: &config, props: &TestProps,
testfile: &Path, mm: &mut MetricMap) {
if config.llvm_bin_path.is_none() {
fatal(~"missing --llvm-bin-path");
if config.clang_path.is_none() {
fatal(~"missing --clang-path");
let mut ProcRes = compile_test_and_save_bitcode(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compilation failed!", &ProcRes);
ProcRes = extract_function_from_bitcode(config, props, "test", testfile, "");
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"extracting 'test' function failed", &ProcRes);
ProcRes = disassemble_extract(config, props, testfile, "");
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"disassembling extract failed", &ProcRes);
let mut ProcRes = compile_cc_with_clang_and_save_bitcode(config, props, testfile);
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"compilation failed!", &ProcRes);
ProcRes = extract_function_from_bitcode(config, props, "test", testfile, "clang");
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"extracting 'test' function failed", &ProcRes);
ProcRes = disassemble_extract(config, props, testfile, "clang");
if !ProcRes.status.success() {
fatal_ProcRes(~"disassembling extract failed", &ProcRes);
let base = output_base_name(config, testfile);
let base_extract = append_suffix_to_stem(&base, "extract");
let base_clang = append_suffix_to_stem(&base, "clang");
let base_clang_extract = append_suffix_to_stem(&base_clang, "extract");
let base_lines = count_extracted_lines(&base_extract);
let clang_lines = count_extracted_lines(&base_clang_extract);
(base_lines as f64) / (clang_lines as f64),