This wasn't a right decision in the first place, the feature flag was broken in the last rustfmt release, and syntax highlighting of imports is more important anyway
160 lines
4.7 KiB
160 lines
4.7 KiB
use std::{
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use ra_arena::{impl_arena_id, Arena, RawId};
use ra_syntax::{ast, AstNode, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, TreeArc};
use crate::{AstDatabase, HirFileId};
/// `AstId` points to an AST node in any file.
/// It is stable across reparses, and can be used as salsa key/value.
pub(crate) struct AstId<N: AstNode> {
file_id: HirFileId,
file_ast_id: FileAstId<N>,
impl<N: AstNode> Clone for AstId<N> {
fn clone(&self) -> AstId<N> {
impl<N: AstNode> Copy for AstId<N> {}
impl<N: AstNode> PartialEq for AstId<N> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
(self.file_id, self.file_ast_id) == (other.file_id, other.file_ast_id)
impl<N: AstNode> Eq for AstId<N> {}
impl<N: AstNode> Hash for AstId<N> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
(self.file_id, self.file_ast_id).hash(hasher);
impl<N: AstNode> AstId<N> {
pub(crate) fn file_id(&self) -> HirFileId {
pub(crate) fn to_node(&self, db: &impl AstDatabase) -> TreeArc<N> {
let syntax_node = db.ast_id_to_node(self.file_id, self.file_ast_id.raw);
/// `AstId` points to an AST node in a specific file.
pub(crate) struct FileAstId<N: AstNode> {
raw: ErasedFileAstId,
_ty: PhantomData<N>,
impl<N: AstNode> Clone for FileAstId<N> {
fn clone(&self) -> FileAstId<N> {
impl<N: AstNode> Copy for FileAstId<N> {}
impl<N: AstNode> PartialEq for FileAstId<N> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.raw == other.raw
impl<N: AstNode> Eq for FileAstId<N> {}
impl<N: AstNode> Hash for FileAstId<N> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
impl<N: AstNode> FileAstId<N> {
pub(crate) fn with_file_id(self, file_id: HirFileId) -> AstId<N> {
AstId { file_id, file_ast_id: self }
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ErasedFileAstId(RawId);
/// Maps items' `SyntaxNode`s to `ErasedFileAstId`s and back.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
pub struct AstIdMap {
arena: Arena<ErasedFileAstId, SyntaxNodePtr>,
impl AstIdMap {
pub(crate) fn ast_id_map_query(db: &impl AstDatabase, file_id: HirFileId) -> Arc<AstIdMap> {
let map = if let Some(node) = db.parse_or_expand(file_id) {
} else {
pub(crate) fn file_item_query(
db: &impl AstDatabase,
file_id: HirFileId,
ast_id: ErasedFileAstId,
) -> TreeArc<SyntaxNode> {
let node = db.parse_or_expand(file_id).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn ast_id<N: AstNode>(&self, item: &N) -> FileAstId<N> {
let ptr = SyntaxNodePtr::new(item.syntax());
let raw = match self.arena.iter().find(|(_id, i)| **i == ptr) {
Some((it, _)) => it,
None => panic!(
"Can't find {:?} in AstIdMap:\n{:?}",
self.arena.iter().map(|(_id, i)| i).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
FileAstId { raw, _ty: PhantomData }
fn from_source(node: &SyntaxNode) -> AstIdMap {
let mut res = AstIdMap { arena: Arena::default() };
// By walking the tree in bread-first order we make sure that parents
// get lower ids then children. That is, adding a new child does not
// change parent's id. This means that, say, adding a new function to a
// trait does not change ids of top-level items, which helps caching.
bfs(node, |it| {
if let Some(module_item) = ast::ModuleItem::cast(it) {
} else if let Some(macro_call) = ast::MacroCall::cast(it) {
fn alloc(&mut self, item: &SyntaxNode) -> ErasedFileAstId {
/// Walks the subtree in bfs order, calling `f` for each node.
fn bfs(node: &SyntaxNode, mut f: impl FnMut(&SyntaxNode)) {
let mut curr_layer = vec![node];
let mut next_layer = vec![];
while !curr_layer.is_empty() {
curr_layer.drain(..).for_each(|node| {
std::mem::swap(&mut curr_layer, &mut next_layer);