2012-09-04 11:23:53 -07:00

319 lines
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//! Sorting methods
use vec::{len, push};
use core::cmp::{Eq, Ord};
export le;
export merge_sort;
export quick_sort;
export quick_sort3;
export Sort;
type le<T> = pure fn(v1: &T, v2: &T) -> bool;
* Merge sort. Returns a new vector containing the sorted list.
* Has worst case O(n log n) performance, best case O(n), but
* is not space efficient. This is a stable sort.
fn merge_sort<T: copy>(le: le<T>, v: &[const T]) -> ~[T] {
type slice = (uint, uint);
return merge_sort_(le, v, (0u, len(v)));
fn merge_sort_<T: copy>(le: le<T>, v: &[const T], slice: slice)
-> ~[T] {
let begin = slice.first();
let end = slice.second();
let v_len = end - begin;
if v_len == 0u { return ~[]; }
if v_len == 1u { return ~[v[begin]]; }
let mid = v_len / 2u + begin;
let a = (begin, mid);
let b = (mid, end);
return merge(le, merge_sort_(le, v, a), merge_sort_(le, v, b));
fn merge<T: copy>(le: le<T>, a: &[T], b: &[T]) -> ~[T] {
let mut rs = ~[];
vec::reserve(rs, len(a) + len(b));
let a_len = len(a);
let mut a_ix = 0u;
let b_len = len(b);
let mut b_ix = 0u;
while a_ix < a_len && b_ix < b_len {
if le(&a[a_ix], &b[b_ix]) {
vec::push(rs, a[a_ix]);
a_ix += 1u;
} else { vec::push(rs, b[b_ix]); b_ix += 1u; }
rs = vec::append(rs, vec::slice(a, a_ix, a_len));
rs = vec::append(rs, vec::slice(b, b_ix, b_len));
return rs;
fn part<T: copy>(compare_func: le<T>, arr: &[mut T], left: uint,
right: uint, pivot: uint) -> uint {
let pivot_value = arr[pivot];
arr[pivot] <-> arr[right];
let mut storage_index: uint = left;
let mut i: uint = left;
while i < right {
if compare_func(&arr[i], &pivot_value) {
arr[i] <-> arr[storage_index];
storage_index += 1u;
i += 1u;
arr[storage_index] <-> arr[right];
return storage_index;
fn qsort<T: copy>(compare_func: le<T>, arr: &[mut T], left: uint,
right: uint) {
if right > left {
let pivot = (left + right) / 2u;
let new_pivot = part::<T>(compare_func, arr, left, right, pivot);
if new_pivot != 0u {
// Need to do this check before recursing due to overflow
qsort::<T>(compare_func, arr, left, new_pivot - 1u);
qsort::<T>(compare_func, arr, new_pivot + 1u, right);
* Quicksort. Sorts a mut vector in place.
* Has worst case O(n^2) performance, average case O(n log n).
* This is an unstable sort.
fn quick_sort<T: copy>(compare_func: le<T>, arr: &[mut T]) {
if len::<T>(arr) == 0u { return; }
qsort::<T>(compare_func, arr, 0u, len::<T>(arr) - 1u);
fn qsort3<T: copy Ord Eq>(arr: &[mut T], left: int, right: int) {
if right <= left { return; }
let v: T = arr[right];
let mut i: int = left - 1;
let mut j: int = right;
let mut p: int = i;
let mut q: int = j;
loop {
i += 1;
while arr[i] < v { i += 1; }
j -= 1;
while v < arr[j] {
if j == left { break; }
j -= 1;
if i >= j { break; }
arr[i] <-> arr[j];
if arr[i] == v {
p += 1;
arr[p] <-> arr[i];
if v == arr[j] {
q -= 1;
arr[j] <-> arr[q];
arr[i] <-> arr[right];
j = i - 1;
i += 1;
let mut k: int = left;
while k < p {
arr[k] <-> arr[j];
k += 1;
j -= 1;
if k == len::<T>(arr) as int { break; }
k = right - 1;
while k > q {
arr[i] <-> arr[k];
k -= 1;
i += 1;
if k == 0 { break; }
qsort3::<T>(arr, left, j);
qsort3::<T>(arr, i, right);
* Fancy quicksort. Sorts a mut vector in place.
* Based on algorithm presented by ~[Sedgewick and Bentley]
* (
* According to these slides this is the algorithm of choice for
* 'randomly ordered keys, abstract compare' & 'small number of key values'.
* This is an unstable sort.
fn quick_sort3<T: copy Ord Eq>(arr: &[mut T]) {
if arr.len() <= 1 { return; }
qsort3(arr, 0, (arr.len() - 1) as int);
trait Sort {
fn qsort(self);
impl<T: copy Ord Eq> &[mut T] : Sort {
fn qsort(self) { quick_sort3(self); }
mod test_qsort3 {
fn check_sort(v1: &[mut int], v2: &[mut int]) {
let len = vec::len::<int>(v1);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
log(debug, v2[i]);
assert (v2[i] == v1[i]);
i += 1u;
fn test() {
let v1 = ~[mut 3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 9, 5, 8];
let v2 = ~[mut 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
let v1 = ~[mut 1, 1, 1];
let v2 = ~[mut 1, 1, 1];
check_sort(v1, v2);
let v1: ~[mut int] = ~[mut];
let v2: ~[mut int] = ~[mut];
check_sort(v1, v2);
{ let v1 = ~[mut 9]; let v2 = ~[mut 9]; check_sort(v1, v2); }
let v1 = ~[mut 9, 3, 3, 3, 9];
let v2 = ~[mut 3, 3, 3, 9, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
mod test_qsort {
fn check_sort(v1: &[mut int], v2: &[mut int]) {
let len = vec::len::<int>(v1);
pure fn leual(a: &int, b: &int) -> bool { *a <= *b }
quick_sort::<int>(leual, v1);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
log(debug, v2[i]);
assert (v2[i] == v1[i]);
i += 1u;
fn test() {
let v1 = ~[mut 3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 9, 5, 8];
let v2 = ~[mut 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
let v1 = ~[mut 1, 1, 1];
let v2 = ~[mut 1, 1, 1];
check_sort(v1, v2);
let v1: ~[mut int] = ~[mut];
let v2: ~[mut int] = ~[mut];
check_sort(v1, v2);
{ let v1 = ~[mut 9]; let v2 = ~[mut 9]; check_sort(v1, v2); }
let v1 = ~[mut 9, 3, 3, 3, 9];
let v2 = ~[mut 3, 3, 3, 9, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
// Regression test for #750
fn test_simple() {
let names = ~[mut 2, 1, 3];
let expected = ~[1, 2, 3];
sort::quick_sort(|x, y| { int::le(*x, *y) }, names);
let immut_names = vec::from_mut(names);
let pairs = vec::zip(expected, immut_names);
for vec::each(pairs) |p| {
let (a, b) = p;
debug!("%d %d", a, b);
assert (a == b);
mod tests {
fn check_sort(v1: &[int], v2: &[int]) {
let len = vec::len::<int>(v1);
pure fn le(a: &int, b: &int) -> bool { *a <= *b }
let f = le;
let v3 = merge_sort::<int>(f, v1);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
log(debug, v3[i]);
assert (v3[i] == v2[i]);
i += 1u;
fn test() {
let v1 = ~[3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 9, 5, 8];
let v2 = ~[2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 8, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
{ let v1 = ~[1, 1, 1]; let v2 = ~[1, 1, 1]; check_sort(v1, v2); }
{ let v1:~[int] = ~[]; let v2:~[int] = ~[]; check_sort(v1, v2); }
{ let v1 = ~[9]; let v2 = ~[9]; check_sort(v1, v2); }
let v1 = ~[9, 3, 3, 3, 9];
let v2 = ~[3, 3, 3, 9, 9];
check_sort(v1, v2);
fn test_merge_sort_mutable() {
pure fn le(a: &int, b: &int) -> bool { *a <= *b }
let v1 = ~[mut 3, 2, 1];
let v2 = merge_sort(le, v1);
assert v2 == ~[1, 2, 3];
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