This removes some RPC when creating and emitting diagnostics, and simplifies the bridge slightly. After this change, there are no remaining methods which take advantage of the support for `&mut` references to objects in the store as arguments, meaning that support for them could technically be removed if we wanted. The only remaining uses of immutable references into the store are `TokenStream` and `SourceFile`.
468 lines
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468 lines
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//! proc-macro server implementation
//! Based on idea from <https://github.com/fedochet/rust-proc-macro-expander>
//! The lib-proc-macro server backend is `TokenStream`-agnostic, such that
//! we could provide any TokenStream implementation.
//! The original idea from fedochet is using proc-macro2 as backend,
//! we use tt instead for better integration with RA.
//! FIXME: No span and source file information is implemented yet
use super::proc_macro::{
bridge::{self, server},
mod token_stream;
pub use token_stream::TokenStream;
use token_stream::TokenStreamBuilder;
mod symbol;
pub use symbol::*;
use std::{iter::FromIterator, ops::Bound};
type Group = tt::Subtree;
type TokenTree = tt::TokenTree;
type Punct = tt::Punct;
type Spacing = tt::Spacing;
type Literal = tt::Literal;
type Span = tt::TokenId;
pub struct SourceFile {
// FIXME stub
type Level = super::proc_macro::Level;
type LineColumn = super::proc_macro::LineColumn;
pub struct FreeFunctions;
pub struct RustAnalyzer {
// FIXME: store span information here.
impl server::Types for RustAnalyzer {
type FreeFunctions = FreeFunctions;
type TokenStream = TokenStream;
type SourceFile = SourceFile;
type Span = Span;
type Symbol = Symbol;
impl server::FreeFunctions for RustAnalyzer {
fn track_env_var(&mut self, _var: &str, _value: Option<&str>) {
// FIXME: track env var accesses
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/71858
fn track_path(&mut self, _path: &str) {}
fn literal_from_str(
&mut self,
s: &str,
) -> Result<bridge::Literal<Self::Span, Self::Symbol>, ()> {
// FIXME: keep track of LitKind and Suffix
Ok(bridge::Literal {
kind: bridge::LitKind::Err,
symbol: Symbol::intern(s),
suffix: None,
span: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, _: bridge::Diagnostic<Self::Span>) {
// FIXME handle diagnostic
impl server::TokenStream for RustAnalyzer {
fn is_empty(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> bool {
fn from_str(&mut self, src: &str) -> Self::TokenStream {
use std::str::FromStr;
Self::TokenStream::from_str(src).expect("cannot parse string")
fn to_string(&mut self, stream: &Self::TokenStream) -> String {
fn from_token_tree(
&mut self,
tree: bridge::TokenTree<Self::TokenStream, Self::Span, Self::Symbol>,
) -> Self::TokenStream {
match tree {
bridge::TokenTree::Group(group) => {
let group = Group {
delimiter: delim_to_internal(group.delimiter),
token_trees: match group.stream {
Some(stream) => stream.into_iter().collect(),
None => Vec::new(),
let tree = TokenTree::from(group);
bridge::TokenTree::Ident(ident) => {
// FIXME: handle raw idents
let text = ident.sym.text();
let ident: tt::Ident = tt::Ident { text, id: ident.span };
let leaf = tt::Leaf::from(ident);
let tree = TokenTree::from(leaf);
bridge::TokenTree::Literal(literal) => {
let literal = LiteralFormatter(literal);
let text = literal
.with_stringify_parts(|parts| tt::SmolStr::from_iter(parts.iter().copied()));
let literal = tt::Literal { text, id: literal.0.span };
let leaf = tt::Leaf::from(literal);
let tree = TokenTree::from(leaf);
bridge::TokenTree::Punct(p) => {
let punct = tt::Punct {
char: p.ch as char,
spacing: if p.joint { Spacing::Joint } else { Spacing::Alone },
id: p.span,
let leaf = tt::Leaf::from(punct);
let tree = TokenTree::from(leaf);
fn expand_expr(&mut self, self_: &Self::TokenStream) -> Result<Self::TokenStream, ()> {
fn concat_trees(
&mut self,
base: Option<Self::TokenStream>,
trees: Vec<bridge::TokenTree<Self::TokenStream, Self::Span, Self::Symbol>>,
) -> Self::TokenStream {
let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
if let Some(base) = base {
for tree in trees {
fn concat_streams(
&mut self,
base: Option<Self::TokenStream>,
streams: Vec<Self::TokenStream>,
) -> Self::TokenStream {
let mut builder = TokenStreamBuilder::new();
if let Some(base) = base {
for stream in streams {
fn into_trees(
&mut self,
stream: Self::TokenStream,
) -> Vec<bridge::TokenTree<Self::TokenStream, Self::Span, Self::Symbol>> {
.map(|tree| match tree {
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(ident)) => {
bridge::TokenTree::Ident(bridge::Ident {
sym: Symbol::intern(&ident.text),
// FIXME: handle raw idents
is_raw: false,
span: ident.id,
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Literal(lit)) => {
bridge::TokenTree::Literal(bridge::Literal {
// FIXME: handle literal kinds
kind: bridge::LitKind::Err,
symbol: Symbol::intern(&lit.text),
// FIXME: handle suffixes
suffix: None,
span: lit.id,
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Punct(punct)) => {
bridge::TokenTree::Punct(bridge::Punct {
ch: punct.char as u8,
joint: punct.spacing == Spacing::Joint,
span: punct.id,
tt::TokenTree::Subtree(subtree) => bridge::TokenTree::Group(bridge::Group {
delimiter: delim_to_external(subtree.delimiter),
stream: if subtree.token_trees.is_empty() {
} else {
span: bridge::DelimSpan::from_single(
subtree.delimiter.map_or(Span::unspecified(), |del| del.id),
fn delim_to_internal(d: proc_macro::Delimiter) -> Option<tt::Delimiter> {
let kind = match d {
proc_macro::Delimiter::Parenthesis => tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis,
proc_macro::Delimiter::Brace => tt::DelimiterKind::Brace,
proc_macro::Delimiter::Bracket => tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket,
proc_macro::Delimiter::None => return None,
Some(tt::Delimiter { id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(), kind })
fn delim_to_external(d: Option<tt::Delimiter>) -> proc_macro::Delimiter {
match d.map(|it| it.kind) {
Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis) => proc_macro::Delimiter::Parenthesis,
Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Brace) => proc_macro::Delimiter::Brace,
Some(tt::DelimiterKind::Bracket) => proc_macro::Delimiter::Bracket,
None => proc_macro::Delimiter::None,
fn spacing_to_internal(spacing: proc_macro::Spacing) -> Spacing {
match spacing {
proc_macro::Spacing::Alone => Spacing::Alone,
proc_macro::Spacing::Joint => Spacing::Joint,
fn spacing_to_external(spacing: Spacing) -> proc_macro::Spacing {
match spacing {
Spacing::Alone => proc_macro::Spacing::Alone,
Spacing::Joint => proc_macro::Spacing::Joint,
impl server::SourceFile for RustAnalyzer {
// FIXME these are all stubs
fn eq(&mut self, _file1: &Self::SourceFile, _file2: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool {
fn path(&mut self, _file: &Self::SourceFile) -> String {
fn is_real(&mut self, _file: &Self::SourceFile) -> bool {
impl server::Span for RustAnalyzer {
fn debug(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> String {
format!("{:?}", span.0)
fn source_file(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> Self::SourceFile {
SourceFile {}
fn save_span(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> usize {
// FIXME stub
fn recover_proc_macro_span(&mut self, _id: usize) -> Self::Span {
// FIXME stub
/// Recent feature, not yet in the proc_macro
/// See PR:
/// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/55780
fn source_text(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> Option<String> {
fn parent(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> Option<Self::Span> {
// FIXME handle span
fn source(&mut self, span: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {
// FIXME handle span
fn start(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn {
// FIXME handle span
LineColumn { line: 0, column: 0 }
fn end(&mut self, _span: Self::Span) -> LineColumn {
// FIXME handle span
LineColumn { line: 0, column: 0 }
fn join(&mut self, first: Self::Span, _second: Self::Span) -> Option<Self::Span> {
// Just return the first span again, because some macros will unwrap the result.
fn subspan(
&mut self,
span: Self::Span,
_start: Bound<usize>,
_end: Bound<usize>,
) -> Option<Self::Span> {
// Just return the span again, because some macros will unwrap the result.
fn resolved_at(&mut self, _span: Self::Span, _at: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {
// FIXME handle span
fn after(&mut self, _self_: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {
fn before(&mut self, _self_: Self::Span) -> Self::Span {
impl server::Symbol for RustAnalyzer {
fn normalize_and_validate_ident(&mut self, string: &str) -> Result<Self::Symbol, ()> {
// FIXME: nfc-normalize and validate idents
Ok(<Self as server::Server>::intern_symbol(string))
impl server::Server for RustAnalyzer {
fn globals(&mut self) -> bridge::ExpnGlobals<Self::Span> {
bridge::ExpnGlobals {
def_site: Span::unspecified(),
call_site: Span::unspecified(),
mixed_site: Span::unspecified(),
fn intern_symbol(ident: &str) -> Self::Symbol {
fn with_symbol_string(symbol: &Self::Symbol, f: impl FnOnce(&str)) {
struct LiteralFormatter(bridge::Literal<tt::TokenId, Symbol>);
impl LiteralFormatter {
/// Invokes the callback with a `&[&str]` consisting of each part of the
/// literal's representation. This is done to allow the `ToString` and
/// `Display` implementations to borrow references to symbol values, and
/// both be optimized to reduce overhead.
fn with_stringify_parts<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&[&str]) -> R) -> R {
/// Returns a string containing exactly `num` '#' characters.
/// Uses a 256-character source string literal which is always safe to
/// index with a `u8` index.
fn get_hashes_str(num: u8) -> &'static str {
const HASHES: &str = "\
const _: () = assert!(HASHES.len() == 256);
&HASHES[..num as usize]
self.with_symbol_and_suffix(|symbol, suffix| match self.0.kind {
bridge::LitKind::Byte => f(&["b'", symbol, "'", suffix]),
bridge::LitKind::Char => f(&["'", symbol, "'", suffix]),
bridge::LitKind::Str => f(&["\"", symbol, "\"", suffix]),
bridge::LitKind::StrRaw(n) => {
let hashes = get_hashes_str(n);
f(&["r", hashes, "\"", symbol, "\"", hashes, suffix])
bridge::LitKind::ByteStr => f(&["b\"", symbol, "\"", suffix]),
bridge::LitKind::ByteStrRaw(n) => {
let hashes = get_hashes_str(n);
f(&["br", hashes, "\"", symbol, "\"", hashes, suffix])
_ => f(&[symbol, suffix]),
fn with_symbol_and_suffix<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&str, &str) -> R) -> R {
let symbol = self.0.symbol.text();
let suffix = self.0.suffix.map(|s| s.text()).unwrap_or_default();
f(symbol.as_str(), suffix.as_str())
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_ra_server_to_string() {
let s = TokenStream {
token_trees: vec![
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(tt::Ident {
text: "struct".into(),
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(tt::Ident {
text: "T".into(),
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt::Subtree {
delimiter: Some(tt::Delimiter {
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
kind: tt::DelimiterKind::Brace,
token_trees: vec![],
assert_eq!(s.to_string(), "struct T {}");
fn test_ra_server_from_str() {
use std::str::FromStr;
let subtree_paren_a = tt::TokenTree::Subtree(tt::Subtree {
delimiter: Some(tt::Delimiter {
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
kind: tt::DelimiterKind::Parenthesis,
token_trees: vec![tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(tt::Ident {
text: "a".into(),
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),
let t1 = TokenStream::from_str("(a)").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t1.token_trees.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(t1.token_trees[0], subtree_paren_a);
let t2 = TokenStream::from_str("(a);").unwrap();
assert_eq!(t2.token_trees.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(t2.token_trees[0], subtree_paren_a);
let underscore = TokenStream::from_str("_").unwrap();
tt::TokenTree::Leaf(tt::Leaf::Ident(tt::Ident {
text: "_".into(),
id: tt::TokenId::unspecified(),