
674 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use abi::AbiSet;
use ast::*;
use ast_util;
use codemap::Span;
use fold::Folder;
use fold;
use parse::token;
use print::pprust;
use util::small_vector::SmallVector;
use std::logging;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::iter;
use std::vec;
#[deriving(Clone, Eq)]
pub enum PathElem {
impl PathElem {
pub fn name(&self) -> Name {
match *self {
PathMod(name) | PathName(name) => name
impl ToStr for PathElem {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
struct LinkedPathNode<'a> {
node: PathElem,
next: LinkedPath<'a>,
type LinkedPath<'a> = Option<&'a LinkedPathNode<'a>>;
impl<'a> Iterator<PathElem> for LinkedPath<'a> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathElem> {
match *self {
Some(node) => {
*self =;
None => None
// HACK(eddyb) move this into libstd (value wrapper for vec::Items).
pub struct Values<'a, T>(vec::Items<'a, T>);
impl<'a, T: Pod> Iterator<T> for Values<'a, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let &Values(ref mut items) = self;|&x| x)
/// The type of the iterator used by with_path.
pub type PathElems<'a, 'b> = iter::Chain<Values<'a, PathElem>, LinkedPath<'b>>;
pub fn path_to_str<PI: Iterator<PathElem>>(mut path: PI) -> ~str {
let itr = token::get_ident_interner();
path.fold(~"", |mut s, e| {
let e = itr.get(;
if !s.is_empty() {
pub enum Node {
/// NodeStructCtor represents a tuple struct.
// The odd layout is to bring down the total size.
enum MapEntry {
// Placeholder for holes in the map.
// All the node types, with a parent ID.
EntryItem(NodeId, @Item),
EntryForeignItem(NodeId, @ForeignItem),
EntryTraitMethod(NodeId, @TraitMethod),
EntryMethod(NodeId, @Method),
EntryVariant(NodeId, P<Variant>),
EntryExpr(NodeId, @Expr),
EntryStmt(NodeId, @Stmt),
EntryArg(NodeId, @Pat),
EntryLocal(NodeId, @Pat),
EntryBlock(NodeId, P<Block>),
EntryStructCtor(NodeId, @StructDef),
EntryCalleeScope(NodeId, @Expr),
// Roots for node trees.
struct InlinedParent {
path: ~[PathElem],
// Required by NodeTraitMethod and NodeMethod.
def_id: DefId
impl MapEntry {
fn parent(&self) -> Option<NodeId> {
Some(match *self {
EntryItem(id, _) => id,
EntryForeignItem(id, _) => id,
EntryTraitMethod(id, _) => id,
EntryMethod(id, _) => id,
EntryVariant(id, _) => id,
EntryExpr(id, _) => id,
EntryStmt(id, _) => id,
EntryArg(id, _) => id,
EntryLocal(id, _) => id,
EntryBlock(id, _) => id,
EntryStructCtor(id, _) => id,
EntryCalleeScope(id, _) => id,
_ => return None
fn to_node(&self) -> Option<Node> {
Some(match *self {
EntryItem(_, p) => NodeItem(p),
EntryForeignItem(_, p) => NodeForeignItem(p),
EntryTraitMethod(_, p) => NodeTraitMethod(p),
EntryMethod(_, p) => NodeMethod(p),
EntryVariant(_, p) => NodeVariant(p),
EntryExpr(_, p) => NodeExpr(p),
EntryStmt(_, p) => NodeStmt(p),
EntryArg(_, p) => NodeArg(p),
EntryLocal(_, p) => NodeLocal(p),
EntryBlock(_, p) => NodeBlock(p),
EntryStructCtor(_, p) => NodeStructCtor(p),
EntryCalleeScope(_, p) => NodeCalleeScope(p),
_ => return None
pub struct Map {
/// NodeIds are sequential integers from 0, so we can be
/// super-compact by storing them in a vector. Not everything with
/// a NodeId is in the map, but empirically the occupancy is about
/// 75-80%, so there's not too much overhead (certainly less than
/// a hashmap, since they (at the time of writing) have a maximum
/// of 75% occupancy).
/// Also, indexing is pretty quick when you've got a vector and
/// plain old integers.
priv map: RefCell<~[MapEntry]>
impl Map {
fn find_entry(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<MapEntry> {
let map =;
map.get().get(id as uint).map(|x| *x)
/// Retrieve the Node corresponding to `id`, failing if it cannot
/// be found.
pub fn get(&self, id: NodeId) -> Node {
match self.find(id) {
Some(node) => node,
None => fail!("couldn't find node id {} in the AST map", id)
/// Retrieve the Node corresponding to `id`, returning None if
/// cannot be found.
pub fn find(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<Node> {
self.find_entry(id).and_then(|x| x.to_node())
pub fn get_parent(&self, id: NodeId) -> NodeId {
self.find_entry(id).and_then(|x| x.parent()).unwrap_or(id)
pub fn get_parent_did(&self, id: NodeId) -> DefId {
let parent = self.get_parent(id);
match self.find_entry(parent) {
Some(RootInlinedParent(data)) => data.def_id,
_ => ast_util::local_def(parent)
pub fn get_foreign_abis(&self, id: NodeId) -> AbiSet {
let parent = self.get_parent(id);
let abis = match self.find_entry(parent) {
Some(EntryItem(_, i)) => match i.node {
ItemForeignMod(ref nm) => Some(nm.abis),
_ => None
// Wrong but OK, because the only inlined foreign items are intrinsics.
Some(RootInlinedParent(_)) => Some(AbiSet::Intrinsic()),
_ => None
match abis {
Some(abis) => abis,
None => fail!("expected foreign mod or inlined parent, found {}",
pub fn get_foreign_vis(&self, id: NodeId) -> Visibility {
let vis = self.expect_foreign_item(id).vis;
match self.find(self.get_parent(id)) {
Some(NodeItem(i)) => vis.inherit_from(i.vis),
_ => vis
pub fn expect_item(&self, id: NodeId) -> @Item {
match self.find(id) {
Some(NodeItem(item)) => item,
_ => fail!("expected item, found {}", self.node_to_str(id))
pub fn expect_foreign_item(&self, id: NodeId) -> @ForeignItem {
match self.find(id) {
Some(NodeForeignItem(item)) => item,
_ => fail!("expected foreign item, found {}", self.node_to_str(id))
pub fn get_path_elem(&self, id: NodeId) -> PathElem {
match self.get(id) {
NodeItem(item) => {
match item.node {
ItemMod(_) | ItemForeignMod(_) => {
_ => PathName(
NodeForeignItem(i) => PathName(,
NodeMethod(m) => PathName(,
NodeTraitMethod(tm) => match *tm {
Required(ref m) => PathName(,
Provided(ref m) => PathName(
NodeVariant(v) => PathName(,
node => fail!("no path elem for {:?}", node)
pub fn with_path<T>(&self, id: NodeId, f: |PathElems| -> T) -> T {
self.with_path_next(id, None, f)
pub fn path_to_str(&self, id: NodeId) -> ~str {
self.with_path(id, |path| path_to_str(path))
fn path_to_str_with_ident(&self, id: NodeId, i: Ident) -> ~str {
self.with_path(id, |path| {
fn with_path_next<T>(&self, id: NodeId, next: LinkedPath, f: |PathElems| -> T) -> T {
let parent = self.get_parent(id);
let parent = match self.find_entry(id) {
Some(EntryForeignItem(..)) | Some(EntryVariant(..)) => {
// Anonymous extern items, enum variants and struct ctors
// go in the parent scope.
// But tuple struct ctors don't have names, so use the path of its
// parent, the struct item. Similarly with closure expressions.
Some(EntryStructCtor(..)) | Some(EntryExpr(..)) => {
return self.with_path_next(parent, next, f);
_ => parent
if parent == id {
match self.find_entry(id) {
Some(RootInlinedParent(data)) => {
_ => f(Values([].iter()).chain(next))
} else {
self.with_path_next(parent, Some(&LinkedPathNode {
node: self.get_path_elem(id),
next: next
}), f)
pub fn with_attrs<T>(&self, id: NodeId, f: |Option<&[Attribute]>| -> T) -> T {
let attrs = match self.get(id) {
NodeItem(i) => Some(i.attrs.as_slice()),
NodeForeignItem(fi) => Some(fi.attrs.as_slice()),
NodeTraitMethod(tm) => match *tm {
Required(ref type_m) => Some(type_m.attrs.as_slice()),
Provided(m) => Some(m.attrs.as_slice())
NodeMethod(m) => Some(m.attrs.as_slice()),
NodeVariant(ref v) => Some(v.node.attrs.as_slice()),
// unit/tuple structs take the attributes straight from
// the struct definition.
// FIXME(eddyb) make this work again (requires access to the map).
NodeStructCtor(_) => {
return self.with_attrs(self.get_parent(id), f);
_ => None
pub fn span(&self, id: NodeId) -> Span {
match self.find(id) {
Some(NodeItem(item)) => item.span,
Some(NodeForeignItem(foreign_item)) => foreign_item.span,
Some(NodeTraitMethod(trait_method)) => {
match *trait_method {
Required(ref type_method) => type_method.span,
Provided(ref method) => method.span,
Some(NodeMethod(method)) => method.span,
Some(NodeVariant(variant)) => variant.span,
Some(NodeExpr(expr)) => expr.span,
Some(NodeStmt(stmt)) => stmt.span,
Some(NodeArg(pat)) | Some(NodeLocal(pat)) => pat.span,
Some(NodeBlock(block)) => block.span,
Some(NodeStructCtor(_)) => self.expect_item(self.get_parent(id)).span,
Some(NodeCalleeScope(expr)) => expr.span,
_ => fail!("node_span: could not find span for id {}", id),
pub fn node_to_str(&self, id: NodeId) -> ~str {
node_id_to_str(self, id)
pub trait FoldOps {
fn new_id(&self, id: NodeId) -> NodeId {
fn new_span(&self, span: Span) -> Span {
pub struct Ctx<'a, F> {
map: &'a Map,
// The node in which we are currently mapping (an item or a method).
// When equal to DUMMY_NODE_ID, the next mapped node becomes the parent.
parent: NodeId,
fold_ops: F
impl<'a, F> Ctx<'a, F> {
fn insert(&self, id: NodeId, entry: MapEntry) {
let mut map =;
map.get().grow_set(id as uint, &NotPresent, entry);
impl<'a, F: FoldOps> Folder for Ctx<'a, F> {
fn new_id(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> NodeId {
let id = self.fold_ops.new_id(id);
if self.parent == DUMMY_NODE_ID {
self.parent = id;
fn new_span(&mut self, span: Span) -> Span {
fn fold_item(&mut self, i: @Item) -> SmallVector<@Item> {
let parent = self.parent;
self.parent = DUMMY_NODE_ID;
let i = fold::noop_fold_item(i, self).expect_one("expected one item");
match i.node {
ItemImpl(_, _, _, ref ms) => {
for &m in ms.iter() {
self.insert(, EntryMethod(self.parent, m));
ItemEnum(ref enum_definition, _) => {
for &v in enum_definition.variants.iter() {
self.insert(, EntryVariant(self.parent, v));
ItemForeignMod(ref nm) => {
for &nitem in nm.items.iter() {
self.insert(, EntryForeignItem(self.parent, nitem));
ItemStruct(struct_def, _) => {
// If this is a tuple-like struct, register the constructor.
match struct_def.ctor_id {
Some(ctor_id) => {
self.insert(ctor_id, EntryStructCtor(self.parent,
None => {}
ItemTrait(_, ref traits, ref methods) => {
for t in traits.iter() {
self.insert(t.ref_id, EntryItem(self.parent, i));
for tm in methods.iter() {
match *tm {
Required(ref m) => {
self.insert(, EntryTraitMethod(self.parent,
Provided(m) => {
self.insert(, EntryTraitMethod(self.parent,
_ => {}
self.parent = parent;
self.insert(, EntryItem(self.parent, i));
fn fold_pat(&mut self, pat: @Pat) -> @Pat {
let pat = fold::noop_fold_pat(pat, self);
match pat.node {
PatIdent(..) => {
// Note: this is at least *potentially* a pattern...
self.insert(, EntryLocal(self.parent, pat));
_ => {}
fn fold_expr(&mut self, expr: @Expr) -> @Expr {
let expr = fold::noop_fold_expr(expr, self);
self.insert(, EntryExpr(self.parent, expr));
// Expressions which are or might be calls:
for callee_id in expr.get_callee_id().iter() {
self.insert(*callee_id, EntryCalleeScope(self.parent, expr));
fn fold_stmt(&mut self, stmt: &Stmt) -> SmallVector<@Stmt> {
let stmt = fold::noop_fold_stmt(stmt, self).expect_one("expected one statement");
self.insert(ast_util::stmt_id(stmt), EntryStmt(self.parent, stmt));
fn fold_method(&mut self, m: @Method) -> @Method {
let parent = self.parent;
self.parent = DUMMY_NODE_ID;
let m = fold::noop_fold_method(m, self);
self.parent = parent;
fn fold_fn_decl(&mut self, decl: &FnDecl) -> P<FnDecl> {
let decl = fold::noop_fold_fn_decl(decl, self);
for a in decl.inputs.iter() {
self.insert(, EntryArg(self.parent, a.pat));
fn fold_block(&mut self, block: P<Block>) -> P<Block> {
let block = fold::noop_fold_block(block, self);
self.insert(, EntryBlock(self.parent, block));
pub fn map_crate<F: FoldOps>(krate: Crate, fold_ops: F) -> (Crate, Map) {
let map = Map { map: RefCell::new(~[]) };
let krate = {
let mut cx = Ctx {
map: &map,
parent: CRATE_NODE_ID,
fold_ops: fold_ops
cx.insert(CRATE_NODE_ID, RootCrate);
if log_enabled!(logging::DEBUG) {
let map =;
// This only makes sense for ordered stores; note the
// enumerate to count the number of entries.
let (entries_less_1, _) = map.get().iter().filter(|&x| {
match *x {
NotPresent => false,
_ => true
}).enumerate().last().expect("AST map was empty after folding?");
let entries = entries_less_1 + 1;
let vector_length = map.get().len();
debug!("The AST map has {} entries with a maximum of {}: occupancy {:.1}%",
entries, vector_length, (entries as f64 / vector_length as f64) * 100.);
(krate, map)
// Used for items loaded from external crate that are being inlined into this
// crate. The `path` should be the path to the item but should not include
// the item itself.
pub fn map_decoded_item<F: FoldOps>(map: &Map,
path: ~[PathElem],
fold_ops: F,
fold: |&mut Ctx<F>| -> InlinedItem)
-> InlinedItem {
let mut cx = Ctx {
map: map,
parent: DUMMY_NODE_ID,
fold_ops: fold_ops
// Generate a NodeId for the RootInlinedParent inserted below.
// Methods get added to the AST map when their impl is visited. Since we
// don't decode and instantiate the impl, but just the method, we have to
// add it to the table now. Likewise with foreign items.
let mut def_id = DefId { krate: LOCAL_CRATE, node: DUMMY_NODE_ID };
let ii = fold(&mut cx);
match ii {
IIItem(_) => {}
IIMethod(impl_did, is_provided, m) => {
let entry = if is_provided {
EntryTraitMethod(cx.parent, @Provided(m))
} else {
EntryMethod(cx.parent, m)
cx.insert(, entry);
def_id = impl_did;
IIForeign(i) => {
cx.insert(, EntryForeignItem(cx.parent, i));
cx.insert(cx.parent, RootInlinedParent(P(InlinedParent {
path: path,
def_id: def_id
fn node_id_to_str(map: &Map, id: NodeId) -> ~str {
match map.find(id) {
Some(NodeItem(item)) => {
let path_str = map.path_to_str_with_ident(id, item.ident);
let item_str = match item.node {
ItemStatic(..) => "static",
ItemFn(..) => "fn",
ItemMod(..) => "mod",
ItemForeignMod(..) => "foreign mod",
ItemTy(..) => "ty",
ItemEnum(..) => "enum",
ItemStruct(..) => "struct",
ItemTrait(..) => "trait",
ItemImpl(..) => "impl",
ItemMac(..) => "macro"
format!("{} {} (id={})", item_str, path_str, id)
Some(NodeForeignItem(item)) => {
let path_str = map.path_to_str_with_ident(id, item.ident);
format!("foreign item {} (id={})", path_str, id)
Some(NodeMethod(m)) => {
format!("method {} in {} (id={})",
map.path_to_str(id), id)
Some(NodeTraitMethod(ref tm)) => {
let m = ast_util::trait_method_to_ty_method(&**tm);
format!("method {} in {} (id={})",
map.path_to_str(id), id)
Some(NodeVariant(ref variant)) => {
format!("variant {} in {} (id={})",
map.path_to_str(id), id)
Some(NodeExpr(expr)) => {
format!("expr {} (id={})", pprust::expr_to_str(expr), id)
Some(NodeCalleeScope(expr)) => {
format!("callee_scope {} (id={})", pprust::expr_to_str(expr), id)
Some(NodeStmt(stmt)) => {
format!("stmt {} (id={})", pprust::stmt_to_str(stmt), id)
Some(NodeArg(pat)) => {
format!("arg {} (id={})", pprust::pat_to_str(pat), id)
Some(NodeLocal(pat)) => {
format!("local {} (id={})", pprust::pat_to_str(pat), id)
Some(NodeBlock(block)) => {
format!("block {} (id={})", pprust::block_to_str(block), id)
Some(NodeStructCtor(_)) => {
format!("struct_ctor {} (id={})", map.path_to_str(id), id)
None => {
format!("unknown node (id={})", id)