An MD5 implementation was originally included in #8097, but, since there are a couple different implementations of that digest algorithm (@alco mentioned his implementation on the mailing list just before I opened that PR), it was suggested that I remove it from that PR and open up a new PR to discuss the different implementations and the best way forward. If anyone wants to discuss a different implementation, feel free to present it here and discuss and compare it to this one. I'll just discuss my implementation and I'll leave it to others to present details of theirs. This implementation relies on the FixedBuffer struct from for managing the input buffer, just like the Sha1 and Sha2 digest implementations do. I tried manually unrolling the loops in the compression function, but I got slightly worse performance when I did that. Outside of the #[test]s, I also tested the implementation by generating 1,000 inputs of up to 10MB in size and checking the MD5 digest calculated by this code against the MD5 digest calculated by Java's implementation. On my computer, I'm getting the following performance: ``` test md5::bench::md5_10 ... bench: 52 ns/iter (+/- 1) = 192 MB/s test md5::bench::md5_1k ... bench: 2819 ns/iter (+/- 44) = 363 MB/s test md5::bench::md5_64k ... bench: 178566 ns/iter (+/- 4927) = 367 MB/s ```
This is a preliminary version of the Rust compiler, libraries and tools Source layout: librustc/ The self-hosted compiler libstd/ The standard library (imported and linked by default) libextra/ The "extras" library (slightly more peripheral code) libsyntax/ The Rust parser and pretty-printer rt/ The runtime system rt/rust_*.cpp - The majority of the runtime services rt/isaac - The PRNG used for pseudo-random choices in the runtime rt/bigint - The bigint library used for the 'big' type rt/uthash - Small hashtable-and-list library for C, used in runtime rt/sync - Concurrency utils rt/util - Small utility classes for the runtime. rt/vg - Valgrind headers rt/msvc - MSVC support rt/linenoise - a readline-like line editing library test/ Testsuite test/compile-fail - Tests that should fail to compile test/run-fail - Tests that should compile, run and fail test/run-pass - Tests that should compile, run and succeed test/bench - Benchmarks and miscellanea test/pretty - Pretty-printer tests test/auxiliary - Dependencies of tests compiletest/ The test runner librustpkg/ The package manager and build system librusti/ The JIT REPL librustdoc/ The Rust API documentation tool llvm/ The LLVM submodule libuv/ The libuv submodule rustllvm/ LLVM support code libfuzzer/ A collection of fuzz testers etc/ Scripts, editor support, misc