711 lines
25 KiB
711 lines
25 KiB
import driver::session;
import lib::llvm::llvm;
import front::attr;
import middle::ty;
import metadata::{encoder, cstore};
import middle::trans_common::crate_ctxt;
import str;
import std::fs;
import vec;
import option;
import std::run;
import option::some;
import option::none;
import std::sha1::sha1;
import syntax::ast;
import syntax::print::pprust;
import lib::llvm::llvm::ModuleRef;
import lib::llvm::mk_pass_manager;
import lib::llvm::mk_target_data;
import lib::llvm::False;
import util::filesearch;
tag output_type {
fn llvm_err(sess: session::session, msg: str) unsafe {
let buf = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if buf == ptr::null() {
} else { sess.fatal(msg + ": " + str::str_from_cstr(buf)); }
fn load_intrinsics_bc(sess: session::session) -> option::t<ModuleRef> {
let path = alt filesearch::search(
bind filesearch::pick_file("intrinsics.bc", _)) {
option::some(path) { path }
option::none. {
sess.warn("couldn't find intrinsics.bc");
ret option::none;
let membuf = str::as_buf(path, {|buf|
if membuf as uint == 0u {
llvm_err(sess, "installation problem: couldn't open " + path);
let llintrinsicsmod = llvm::LLVMRustParseBitcode(membuf);
if llintrinsicsmod as uint == 0u {
sess.warn("couldn't parse intrinsics.bc");
ret option::none;
ret option::some(llintrinsicsmod);
fn load_intrinsics_ll(sess: session::session) -> ModuleRef {
let path = alt filesearch::search(
bind filesearch::pick_file("intrinsics.ll", _)) {
option::some(path) { path }
option::none. { sess.fatal("couldn't find intrinsics.ll") }
let llintrinsicsmod = str::as_buf(path, { |buf|
if llintrinsicsmod as uint == 0u {
llvm_err(sess, "couldn't parse intrinsics.ll");
ret llintrinsicsmod;
fn link_intrinsics(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef) {
let llintrinsicsmod = {
alt load_intrinsics_bc(sess) {
option::some(m) { m }
option::none. {
// When the bitcode format changes we can't parse a .bc
// file produced with a newer LLVM (as happens when stage0
// is trying to build against a new LLVM revision), in
// that case we'll try to parse the assembly.
sess.warn("couldn't parse intrinsics.bc, trying intrinsics.ll");
let linkres = llvm::LLVMLinkModules(llmod, llintrinsicsmod);
if linkres == False {
llvm_err(sess, "couldn't link the module with the intrinsics");
mod write {
fn is_object_or_assembly_or_exe(ot: output_type) -> bool {
if ot == output_type_assembly || ot == output_type_object ||
ot == output_type_exe {
ret true;
ret false;
// Decides what to call an intermediate file, given the name of the output
// and the extension to use.
fn mk_intermediate_name(output_path: str, extension: str) -> str {
let dot_pos = str::index(output_path, '.' as u8);
let stem;
if dot_pos < 0 {
stem = output_path;
} else { stem = str::substr(output_path, 0u, dot_pos as uint); }
ret stem + "." + extension;
fn run_passes(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef, output: str) {
let opts = sess.get_opts();
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustEnableTimePasses(); }
link_intrinsics(sess, llmod);
let pm = mk_pass_manager();
let td = mk_target_data(
llvm::LLVMAddTargetData(td.lltd, pm.llpm);
// TODO: run the linter here also, once there are llvm-c bindings for
// it.
// Generate a pre-optimization intermediate file if -save-temps was
// specified.
if opts.save_temps {
alt opts.output_type {
output_type_bitcode. {
if opts.optimize != 0u {
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "no-opt.bc");
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, buf)
_ {
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "bc");
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, buf)
if opts.verify { llvm::LLVMAddVerifierPass(pm.llpm); }
// FIXME: This is mostly a copy of the bits of opt's -O2 that are
// available in the C api.
// FIXME2: We might want to add optimization levels like -O1, -O2,
// -Os, etc
// FIXME3: Should we expose and use the pass lists used by the opt
// tool?
if opts.optimize != 0u {
let fpm = mk_pass_manager();
llvm::LLVMAddTargetData(td.lltd, fpm.llpm);
let FPMB = llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate();
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(FPMB, 2u);
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(fpm.llpm, llmod);
let threshold: uint = 225u;
if opts.optimize == 3u { threshold = 275u; }
let MPMB = llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderCreate();
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(MPMB, opts.optimize);
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(MPMB, 0);
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnitAtATime(MPMB, False);
llvm::LLVMPassManagerBuilderSetDisableUnrollLoops(MPMB, False);
if threshold != 0u {
(MPMB, threshold);
if opts.verify { llvm::LLVMAddVerifierPass(pm.llpm); }
if is_object_or_assembly_or_exe(opts.output_type) {
let LLVMAssemblyFile: int = 0;
let LLVMObjectFile: int = 1;
let LLVMOptNone: int = 0; // -O0
let LLVMOptLess: int = 1; // -O1
let LLVMOptDefault: int = 2; // -O2, -Os
let LLVMOptAggressive: int = 3; // -O3
let CodeGenOptLevel;
alt opts.optimize {
0u { CodeGenOptLevel = LLVMOptNone; }
1u { CodeGenOptLevel = LLVMOptLess; }
2u { CodeGenOptLevel = LLVMOptDefault; }
3u { CodeGenOptLevel = LLVMOptAggressive; }
_ { fail; }
let FileType;
if opts.output_type == output_type_object ||
opts.output_type == output_type_exe {
FileType = LLVMObjectFile;
} else { FileType = LLVMAssemblyFile; }
// Write optimized bitcode if --save-temps was on.
if opts.save_temps {
// Always output the bitcode file with --save-temps
let filename = mk_intermediate_name(output, "opt.bc");
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(pm.llpm, llmod);
llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, buf)
pm = mk_pass_manager();
// Save the assembly file if -S is used
if opts.output_type == output_type_assembly {
let _: () = str::as_buf(
str::as_buf(output, {|buf_o|
// Save the object file for -c or --save-temps alone
// This .o is needed when an exe is built
if opts.output_type == output_type_object ||
opts.output_type == output_type_exe {
let _: () =
str::as_buf(output, {|buf_o|
} else {
// If we aren't saving temps then just output the file
// type corresponding to the '-c' or '-S' flag used
let _: () =
str::as_buf(output, {|buf_o|
// Clean up and return
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustPrintPassTimings(); }
if opts.output_type == output_type_llvm_assembly {
// Given options "-S --emit-llvm": output LLVM assembly
str::as_buf(output, {|buf_o|
llvm::LLVMRustAddPrintModulePass(pm.llpm, llmod, buf_o)});
} else {
// If only a bitcode file is asked for by using the '--emit-llvm'
// flag, then output it here
llvm::LLVMRunPassManager(pm.llpm, llmod);
{|buf| llvm::LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(llmod, buf) });
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustPrintPassTimings(); }
* Name mangling and its relationship to metadata. This is complex. Read
* carefully.
* The semantic model of Rust linkage is, broadly, that "there's no global
* namespace" between crates. Our aim is to preserve the illusion of this
* model despite the fact that it's not *quite* possible to implement on
* modern linkers. We initially didn't use system linkers at all, but have
* been convinced of their utility.
* There are a few issues to handle:
* - Linkers operate on a flat namespace, so we have to flatten names.
* We do this using the C++ namespace-mangling technique. Foo::bar
* symbols and such.
* - Symbols with the same name but different types need to get different
* linkage-names. We do this by hashing a string-encoding of the type into
* a fixed-size (currently 16-byte hex) cryptographic hash function (CHF:
* we use SHA1) to "prevent collisions". This is not airtight but 16 hex
* digits on uniform probability means you're going to need 2**32 same-name
* symbols in the same process before you're even hitting birthday-paradox
* collision probability.
* - Symbols in different crates but with same names "within" the crate need
* to get different linkage-names.
* So here is what we do:
* - Separate the meta tags into two sets: exported and local. Only work with
* the exported ones when considering linkage.
* - Consider two exported tags as special (and mandatory): name and vers.
* Every crate gets them; if it doesn't name them explicitly we infer them
* as basename(crate) and "0.1", respectively. Call these CNAME, CVERS.
* - Define CMETA as all the non-name, non-vers exported meta tags in the
* crate (in sorted order).
* - Define CMH as hash(CMETA + hashes of dependent crates).
* - Compile our crate to lib CNAME-CMH-CVERS.so
* - Define STH(sym) as hash(CNAME, CMH, type_str(sym))
* - Suffix a mangled sym with ::STH@CVERS, so that it is unique in the
* name, non-name metadata, and type sense, and versioned in the way
* system linkers understand.
type link_meta = {name: str, vers: str, extras_hash: str};
fn build_link_meta(sess: session::session, c: ast::crate, output: str,
sha: sha1) -> link_meta {
type provided_metas =
{name: option::t<str>,
vers: option::t<str>,
cmh_items: [@ast::meta_item]};
fn provided_link_metas(sess: session::session, c: ast::crate) ->
provided_metas {
let name: option::t<str> = none;
let vers: option::t<str> = none;
let cmh_items: [@ast::meta_item] = [];
let linkage_metas = attr::find_linkage_metas(c.node.attrs);
attr::require_unique_names(sess, linkage_metas);
for meta: @ast::meta_item in linkage_metas {
if attr::get_meta_item_name(meta) == "name" {
alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str(meta) {
some(v) { name = some(v); }
none. { cmh_items += [meta]; }
} else if attr::get_meta_item_name(meta) == "vers" {
alt attr::get_meta_item_value_str(meta) {
some(v) { vers = some(v); }
none. { cmh_items += [meta]; }
} else { cmh_items += [meta]; }
ret {name: name, vers: vers, cmh_items: cmh_items};
// This calculates CMH as defined above
fn crate_meta_extras_hash(sha: sha1, _crate: ast::crate,
metas: provided_metas,
dep_hashes: [str]) -> str {
fn len_and_str(s: str) -> str {
ret #fmt["%u_%s", str::byte_len(s), s];
fn len_and_str_lit(l: ast::lit) -> str {
ret len_and_str(pprust::lit_to_str(@l));
let cmh_items = attr::sort_meta_items(metas.cmh_items);
for m_: @ast::meta_item in cmh_items {
let m = m_;
alt m.node {
ast::meta_name_value(key, value) {
ast::meta_word(name) { sha.input_str(len_and_str(name)); }
ast::meta_list(_, _) {
// FIXME (#607): Implement this
fail "unimplemented meta_item variant";
for dh in dep_hashes {
ret truncated_sha1_result(sha);
fn warn_missing(sess: session::session, name: str, default: str) {
if !sess.building_library() { ret; }
sess.warn(#fmt["missing crate link meta '%s', using '%s' as default",
name, default]);
fn crate_meta_name(sess: session::session, _crate: ast::crate,
output: str, metas: provided_metas) -> str {
ret alt metas.name {
some(v) { v }
none. {
let name =
let os = str::split(fs::basename(output), '.' as u8);
assert (vec::len(os) >= 2u);
str::connect(os, ".")
warn_missing(sess, "name", name);
fn crate_meta_vers(sess: session::session, _crate: ast::crate,
metas: provided_metas) -> str {
ret alt metas.vers {
some(v) { v }
none. {
let vers = "0.0";
warn_missing(sess, "vers", vers);
let provided_metas = provided_link_metas(sess, c);
let name = crate_meta_name(sess, c, output, provided_metas);
let vers = crate_meta_vers(sess, c, provided_metas);
let dep_hashes = cstore::get_dep_hashes(sess.get_cstore());
let extras_hash =
crate_meta_extras_hash(sha, c, provided_metas, dep_hashes);
ret {name: name, vers: vers, extras_hash: extras_hash};
fn truncated_sha1_result(sha: sha1) -> str {
ret str::substr(sha.result_str(), 0u, 16u);
// This calculates STH for a symbol, as defined above
fn symbol_hash(tcx: ty::ctxt, sha: sha1, t: ty::t, link_meta: link_meta) ->
str {
// NB: do *not* use abbrevs here as we want the symbol names
// to be independent of one another in the crate.
// FIXME: This wants to be link_meta.meta_hash
sha.input_str(encoder::encoded_ty(tcx, t));
let hash = truncated_sha1_result(sha);
// Prefix with _ so that it never blends into adjacent digits
ret "_" + hash;
fn get_symbol_hash(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t) -> str {
let hash = "";
alt ccx.type_sha1s.find(t) {
some(h) { hash = h; }
none. {
hash = symbol_hash(ccx.tcx, ccx.sha, t, ccx.link_meta);
ccx.type_sha1s.insert(t, hash);
ret hash;
fn mangle(ss: [str]) -> str {
// Follow C++ namespace-mangling style
let n = "_ZN"; // Begin name-sequence.
for s: str in ss { n += #fmt["%u%s", str::byte_len(s), s]; }
n += "E"; // End name-sequence.
ret n;
fn exported_name(path: [str], hash: str, _vers: str) -> str {
// FIXME: versioning isn't working yet
ret mangle(path + [hash]); // + "@" + vers;
fn mangle_exported_name(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: [str], t: ty::t) -> str {
let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, t);
ret exported_name(path, hash, ccx.link_meta.vers);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_type_only(ccx: @crate_ctxt, t: ty::t, name: str) ->
str {
let s = util::ppaux::ty_to_short_str(ccx.tcx, t);
let hash = get_symbol_hash(ccx, t);
ret mangle([name, s, hash]);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq(ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: [str],
flav: str) -> str {
ret mangle(path + [ccx.names.next(flav)]);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_path(_ccx: @crate_ctxt, path: [str]) -> str {
ret mangle(path);
fn mangle_internal_name_by_seq(ccx: @crate_ctxt, flav: str) -> str {
ret ccx.names.next(flav);
// If the user wants an exe generated we need to invoke
// gcc to link the object file with some libs
fn link_binary(sess: session::session,
obj_filename: str,
out_filename: str,
lm: link_meta) {
// Converts a library file name into a gcc -l argument
fn unlib(config: @session::config, filename: str) -> str {
let rmlib =
bind fn (config: @session::config, filename: str) -> str {
if config.os == session::os_macos ||
(config.os == session::os_linux ||
config.os == session::os_freebsd) &&
str::find(filename, "lib") == 0 {
ret str::slice(filename, 3u,
} else { ret filename; }
}(config, _);
fn rmext(filename: str) -> str {
let parts = str::split(filename, '.' as u8);
ret str::connect(parts, ".");
ret alt config.os {
session::os_macos. { rmext(rmlib(filename)) }
session::os_linux. { rmext(rmlib(filename)) }
session::os_freebsd. { rmext(rmlib(filename)) }
_ { rmext(filename) }
let output = if sess.building_library() {
let long_libname =
lm.name, lm.extras_hash, lm.vers));
#debug("link_meta.name: %s", lm.name);
#debug("long_libname: %s", long_libname);
#debug("out_filename: %s", out_filename);
#debug("dirname(out_filename): %s", fs::dirname(out_filename));
fs::connect(fs::dirname(out_filename), long_libname)
} else { out_filename };
log(debug, "output: " + output);
// The default library location, we need this to find the runtime.
// The location of crates will be determined as needed.
let stage: str = "-L" + sess.filesearch().get_target_lib_path();
let prog: str = "gcc";
// The invocations of gcc share some flags across platforms
let gcc_args =
[stage] + sess.get_targ_cfg().target_strs.gcc_args +
["-o", output, obj_filename];
let lib_cmd;
let os = sess.get_targ_cfg().os;
if os == session::os_macos {
lib_cmd = "-dynamiclib";
} else { lib_cmd = "-shared"; }
let cstore = sess.get_cstore();
for cratepath: str in cstore::get_used_crate_files(cstore) {
if str::ends_with(cratepath, ".rlib") {
gcc_args += [cratepath];
let cratepath = cratepath;
let dir = fs::dirname(cratepath);
if dir != "" { gcc_args += ["-L" + dir]; }
let libarg = unlib(sess.get_targ_cfg(), fs::basename(cratepath));
gcc_args += ["-l" + libarg];
let ula = cstore::get_used_link_args(cstore);
for arg: str in ula { gcc_args += [arg]; }
let used_libs = cstore::get_used_libraries(cstore);
for l: str in used_libs { gcc_args += ["-l" + l]; }
if sess.building_library() {
gcc_args += [lib_cmd];
// On mac we need to tell the linker to let this library
// be rpathed
if sess.get_targ_cfg().os == session::os_macos {
gcc_args += ["-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/"
+ fs::basename(output)];
} else {
// FIXME: why do we hardcode -lm?
gcc_args += ["-lm"];
// Always want the runtime linked in
gcc_args += ["-lrustrt"];
// On linux librt and libdl are an indirect dependencies via rustrt,
// and binutils 2.22+ won't add them automatically
if sess.get_targ_cfg().os == session::os_linux {
gcc_args += ["-lrt", "-ldl"];
if sess.get_targ_cfg().os == session::os_freebsd {
gcc_args += ["-lrt", "-L/usr/local/lib", "-lexecinfo",
"-L/usr/local/lib/gcc44", "-lstdc++",
// OS X 10.6 introduced 'compact unwind info', which is produced by the
// linker from the dwarf unwind info. Unfortunately, it does not seem to
// understand how to unwind our __morestack frame, so we have to turn it
// off. This has impacted some other projects like GHC.
if sess.get_targ_cfg().os == session::os_macos {
gcc_args += ["-Wl,-no_compact_unwind"];
// Stack growth requires statically linking a __morestack function
gcc_args += ["-lmorestack"];
gcc_args += rpath::get_rpath_flags(sess, output);
#debug("gcc link args: %s", str::connect(gcc_args, " "));
// We run 'gcc' here
let prog = run::program_output(prog, gcc_args);
if 0 != prog.status {
sess.err(#fmt["linking with gcc failed with code %d", prog.status]);
sess.note(#fmt["gcc arguments: %s", str::connect(gcc_args, " ")]);
sess.note(prog.err + prog.out);
// Clean up on Darwin
if sess.get_targ_cfg().os == session::os_macos {
run::run_program("dsymutil", [output]);
// Remove the temporary object file if we aren't saving temps
if !sess.get_opts().save_temps {
run::run_program("rm", [obj_filename]);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: