Elaborate on deriving vs implementing `Copy`
I was reading this documentation and this wasn't immediately clear to me.
In my mind, it seemed obvious that a type can only claim to be `Copy` if the bits it is storing can be `Copy`, and in the case of a generic struct that can only be the case if `T: Copy`. So the bound added by the derive seemed necessary at all times, and I thought what the documentation was trying to say is that the custom implementation allows you to add _additional bounds_.
Of course what it was actually trying to point out is that just because you have a generic parameter `T`, it doesn't necessarily mean you are storing the bits of `T`. And if you aren't, it may be the case that your own bits can be copied regardless of whether the bits of `T` can be safely copied.
Thought it may be worth elaborating to make that a bit more clear. Haven't tested/didn't try to figure out how to render this locally. Mainly not sure if the `PhantomData` back link is going to just work or need some extra stuff, but I figured someone else probably could just tell.