857 lines
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857 lines
31 KiB
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use core::prelude::*;
use abi::AbiSet;
use ast::ident;
use ast;
use ast_util;
use codemap::{span, respan, dummy_sp};
use fold;
use ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use ext::quote::rt::*;
use opt_vec;
use opt_vec::OptVec;
pub struct Field {
ident: ast::ident,
ex: @ast::expr
// Transitional reexports so qquote can find the paths it is looking for
mod syntax {
pub use ext;
pub use parse;
pub trait AstBuilder {
// paths
fn path(&self, span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path;
fn path_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident) -> @ast::Path;
fn path_global(&self, span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path;
fn path_all(&self, sp: span,
global: bool,
idents: ~[ast::ident],
rp: Option<@ast::Lifetime>,
types: ~[@ast::Ty])
-> @ast::Path;
// types
fn ty_mt(&self, ty: @ast::Ty, mutbl: ast::mutability) -> ast::mt;
fn ty(&self, span: span, ty: ast::ty_) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_path(&self, @ast::Path) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_ident(&self, span: span, idents: ast::ident) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_rptr(&self, span: span,
ty: @ast::Ty,
lifetime: Option<@ast::Lifetime>,
mutbl: ast::mutability)
-> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_uniq(&self, span: span, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_box(&self, span: span, ty: @ast::Ty, mutbl: ast::mutability) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_option(&self, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_infer(&self, sp: span) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_nil(&self) -> @ast::Ty;
fn ty_vars(&self, ty_params: &OptVec<ast::TyParam>) -> ~[@ast::Ty];
fn ty_vars_global(&self, ty_params: &OptVec<ast::TyParam>) -> ~[@ast::Ty];
fn ty_field_imm(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::ty_field;
fn strip_bounds(&self, bounds: &Generics) -> Generics;
fn typaram(&self, id: ast::ident, bounds: @OptVec<ast::TyParamBound>) -> ast::TyParam;
fn trait_ref(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::trait_ref;
fn typarambound(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> ast::TyParamBound;
fn lifetime(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> ast::Lifetime;
// statements
fn stmt_expr(&self, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt;
fn stmt_let(&self, sp: span, mutbl: bool, ident: ast::ident, ex: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt;
// blocks
fn blk(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt], expr: Option<@ast::expr>) -> ast::blk;
fn blk_expr(&self, expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk;
fn blk_all(&self, span: span,
view_items: ~[@ast::view_item],
stmts: ~[@ast::stmt],
expr: Option<@ast::expr>) -> ast::blk;
// expressions
fn expr(&self, span: span, node: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_path(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_self(&self, span: span) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_binary(&self, sp: span, op: ast::binop,
lhs: @ast::expr, rhs: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_deref(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_unary(&self, sp: span, op: ast::unop, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_copy(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_managed(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_addr_of(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_mut_addr_of(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_field_access(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_call(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_call_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_call_global(&self, sp: span, fn_path: ~[ast::ident],
args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_method_call(&self, span: span,
expr: @ast::expr, ident: ast::ident,
args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_blk(&self, b: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr;
fn field_imm(&self, span: span, name: ident, e: @ast::expr) -> ast::field;
fn expr_struct(&self, span: span, path: @ast::Path, fields: ~[ast::field]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_struct_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident, fields: ~[ast::field]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_lit(&self, sp: span, lit: ast::lit_) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_uint(&self, span: span, i: uint) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_int(&self, sp: span, i: int) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_u8(&self, sp: span, u: u8) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_bool(&self, sp: span, value: bool) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_vstore(&self, sp: span, expr: @ast::expr, vst: ast::expr_vstore) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_vec(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_vec_uniq(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_vec_slice(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_str(&self, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_str_uniq(&self, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_unreachable(&self, span: span) -> @ast::expr;
fn pat(&self, span: span, pat: ast::pat_) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_wild(&self, span: span) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_lit(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_ident(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_ident_binding_mode(&self,
span: span,
ident: ast::ident,
bm: ast::binding_mode) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_enum(&self, span: span, path: @ast::Path, subpats: ~[@ast::pat]) -> @ast::pat;
fn pat_struct(&self, span: span,
path: @ast::Path, field_pats: ~[ast::field_pat]) -> @ast::pat;
fn arm(&self, span: span, pats: ~[@ast::pat], expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::arm;
fn arm_unreachable(&self, span: span) -> ast::arm;
fn expr_match(&self, span: span, arg: @ast::expr, arms: ~[ast::arm]) -> @ast::expr;
fn expr_if(&self, span: span,
cond: @ast::expr, then: @ast::expr, els: Option<@ast::expr>) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_fn_decl(&self, span: span, fn_decl: ast::fn_decl, blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda0(&self, span: span, blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda1(&self, span: span, blk: ast::blk, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_expr(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], blk: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_expr_0(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_expr_1(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_stmts(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], blk: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_stmts_0(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr;
fn lambda_stmts_1(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt], ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr;
// items
fn item(&self, span: span,
name: ident, attrs: ~[ast::attribute], node: ast::item_) -> @ast::item;
fn arg(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::arg;
// XXX unused self
fn fn_decl(&self, inputs: ~[ast::arg], output: @ast::Ty) -> ast::fn_decl;
fn item_fn_poly(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
inputs: ~[ast::arg],
output: @ast::Ty,
generics: Generics,
body: ast::blk) -> @ast::item;
fn item_fn(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
inputs: ~[ast::arg],
output: @ast::Ty,
body: ast::blk) -> @ast::item;
fn variant(&self, span: span, name: ident, tys: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> ast::variant;
fn item_enum_poly(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
enum_definition: ast::enum_def,
generics: Generics) -> @ast::item;
fn item_enum(&self, span: span, name: ident, enum_def: ast::enum_def) -> @ast::item;
fn item_struct_poly(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
struct_def: ast::struct_def,
generics: Generics) -> @ast::item;
fn item_struct(&self, span: span, name: ident, struct_def: ast::struct_def) -> @ast::item;
fn item_mod(&self, span: span,
name: ident, attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
vi: ~[@ast::view_item], items: ~[@ast::item]) -> @ast::item;
fn item_ty_poly(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
ty: @ast::Ty,
generics: Generics) -> @ast::item;
fn item_ty(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::item;
fn attribute(&self, sp: span, mi: @ast::meta_item) -> ast::attribute;
fn meta_word(&self, sp: span, w: ~str) -> @ast::meta_item;
fn meta_list(&self, sp: span, name: ~str, mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> @ast::meta_item;
fn meta_name_value(&self, sp: span, name: ~str, value: ast::lit_) -> @ast::meta_item;
fn view_use(&self, sp: span,
vis: ast::visibility, vp: ~[@ast::view_path]) -> @ast::view_item;
fn view_use_list(&self, sp: span, vis: ast::visibility,
path: ~[ast::ident], imports: &[ast::ident]) -> @ast::view_item;
fn view_use_glob(&self, sp: span,
vis: ast::visibility, path: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::view_item;
impl AstBuilder for @ExtCtxt {
fn path(&self, span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path {
self.path_all(span, false, strs, None, ~[])
fn path_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident) -> @ast::Path {
self.path(span, ~[id])
fn path_global(&self, span: span, strs: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::Path {
self.path_all(span, true, strs, None, ~[])
fn path_all(&self, sp: span,
global: bool,
idents: ~[ast::ident],
rp: Option<@ast::Lifetime>,
types: ~[@ast::Ty])
-> @ast::Path {
@ast::Path {
span: sp,
global: global,
idents: idents,
rp: rp,
types: types
fn ty_mt(&self, ty: @ast::Ty, mutbl: ast::mutability) -> ast::mt {
ast::mt {
ty: ty,
mutbl: mutbl
fn ty(&self, span: span, ty: ast::ty_) -> @ast::Ty {
@ast::Ty {
id: self.next_id(),
span: span,
node: ty
fn ty_path(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::Ty {
ast::ty_path(path, self.next_id()))
fn ty_ident(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident)
-> @ast::Ty {
self.ty_path(self.path_ident(span, ident))
fn ty_rptr(&self,
span: span,
ty: @ast::Ty,
lifetime: Option<@ast::Lifetime>,
mutbl: ast::mutability)
-> @ast::Ty {
ast::ty_rptr(lifetime, self.ty_mt(ty, mutbl)))
fn ty_uniq(&self, span: span, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty {
self.ty(span, ast::ty_uniq(self.ty_mt(ty, ast::m_imm)))
fn ty_box(&self, span: span,
ty: @ast::Ty, mutbl: ast::mutability) -> @ast::Ty {
self.ty(span, ast::ty_box(self.ty_mt(ty, mutbl)))
fn ty_option(&self, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::Ty {
~[ ty ]))
fn ty_field_imm(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::ty_field {
ast::ty_field_ {
ident: name,
mt: ast::mt { ty: ty, mutbl: ast::m_imm },
fn ty_infer(&self, span: span) -> @ast::Ty {
self.ty(span, ast::ty_infer)
fn ty_nil(&self) -> @ast::Ty {
@ast::Ty {
id: self.next_id(),
node: ast::ty_nil,
span: dummy_sp(),
fn typaram(&self, id: ast::ident, bounds: @OptVec<ast::TyParamBound>) -> ast::TyParam {
ast::TyParam { ident: id, id: self.next_id(), bounds: bounds }
// these are strange, and probably shouldn't be used outside of
// pipes. Specifically, the global version possible generates
// incorrect code.
fn ty_vars(&self, ty_params: &OptVec<ast::TyParam>) -> ~[@ast::Ty] {
ty_params.map(|p| self.ty_ident(dummy_sp(), p.ident)))
fn ty_vars_global(&self, ty_params: &OptVec<ast::TyParam>) -> ~[@ast::Ty] {
ty_params.map(|p| self.ty_path(
self.path_global(dummy_sp(), ~[p.ident]))))
fn strip_bounds(&self, generics: &Generics) -> Generics {
let no_bounds = @opt_vec::Empty;
let new_params = do generics.ty_params.map |ty_param| {
ast::TyParam { bounds: no_bounds, ..copy *ty_param }
Generics {
ty_params: new_params,
.. copy *generics
fn trait_ref(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::trait_ref {
@ast::trait_ref {
path: path,
ref_id: self.next_id()
fn typarambound(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> ast::TyParamBound {
fn lifetime(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> ast::Lifetime {
ast::Lifetime { id: self.next_id(), span: span, ident: ident }
fn stmt_expr(&self, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt {
@respan(expr.span, ast::stmt_semi(expr, self.next_id()))
fn stmt_let(&self, sp: span, mutbl: bool, ident: ast::ident, ex: @ast::expr) -> @ast::stmt {
let pat = self.pat_ident(sp, ident);
let local = @respan(sp,
ast::local_ {
is_mutbl: mutbl,
ty: self.ty_infer(sp),
pat: pat,
init: Some(ex),
id: self.next_id(),
let decl = respan(sp, ast::decl_local(~[local]));
@respan(sp, ast::stmt_decl(@decl, self.next_id()))
fn blk(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt], expr: Option<@expr>) -> ast::blk {
self.blk_all(span, ~[], stmts, expr)
fn blk_expr(&self, expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::blk {
self.blk_all(expr.span, ~[], ~[], Some(expr))
fn blk_all(&self,
span: span,
view_items: ~[@ast::view_item],
stmts: ~[@ast::stmt],
expr: Option<@ast::expr>) -> ast::blk {
ast::blk_ {
view_items: view_items,
stmts: stmts,
expr: expr,
id: self.next_id(),
rules: ast::default_blk,
fn expr(&self, span: span, node: ast::expr_) -> @ast::expr {
@ast::expr {
id: self.next_id(),
node: node,
span: span,
fn expr_path(&self, path: @ast::Path) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(path.span, ast::expr_path(path))
fn expr_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_path(self.path_ident(span, id))
fn expr_self(&self, span: span) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_self)
fn expr_binary(&self, sp: span, op: ast::binop,
lhs: @ast::expr, rhs: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_binary(self.next_id(), op, lhs, rhs))
fn expr_deref(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_unary(sp, ast::deref, e)
fn expr_unary(&self, sp: span, op: ast::unop, e: @ast::expr)
-> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_unary(self.next_id(), op, e))
fn expr_copy(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_copy(e))
fn expr_managed(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_unary(sp, ast::box(ast::m_imm), e)
fn expr_field_access(&self, sp: span, expr: @ast::expr, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_field(expr, ident, ~[]))
fn expr_addr_of(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_addr_of(ast::m_imm, e))
fn expr_mut_addr_of(&self, sp: span, e: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_addr_of(ast::m_mutbl, e))
fn expr_call(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_call(expr, args, ast::NoSugar))
fn expr_call_ident(&self, span: span, id: ast::ident, args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
ast::expr_call(self.expr_ident(span, id), args, ast::NoSugar))
fn expr_call_global(&self, sp: span, fn_path: ~[ast::ident],
args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
let pathexpr = self.expr_path(self.path_global(sp, fn_path));
self.expr_call(sp, pathexpr, args)
fn expr_method_call(&self, span: span,
expr: @ast::expr,
ident: ast::ident,
args: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
ast::expr_method_call(self.next_id(), expr, ident, ~[], args, ast::NoSugar))
fn expr_blk(&self, b: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(b.span, ast::expr_block(b))
fn field_imm(&self, span: span, name: ident, e: @ast::expr) -> ast::field {
respan(span, ast::field_ { ident: name, expr: e })
fn expr_struct(&self, span: span, path: @ast::Path, fields: ~[ast::field]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_struct(path, fields, None))
fn expr_struct_ident(&self, span: span,
id: ast::ident, fields: ~[ast::field]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_struct(span, self.path_ident(span, id), fields)
fn expr_lit(&self, sp: span, lit: ast::lit_) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_lit(@respan(sp, lit)))
fn expr_uint(&self, span: span, i: uint) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_lit(span, ast::lit_uint(i as u64, ast::ty_u))
fn expr_int(&self, sp: span, i: int) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::lit_int(i as i64, ast::ty_i))
fn expr_u8(&self, sp: span, u: u8) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::lit_uint(u as u64, ast::ty_u8))
fn expr_bool(&self, sp: span, value: bool) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::lit_bool(value))
fn expr_vstore(&self, sp: span, expr: @ast::expr, vst: ast::expr_vstore) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_vstore(expr, vst))
fn expr_vec(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(sp, ast::expr_vec(exprs, ast::m_imm))
fn expr_vec_uniq(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_vstore(sp, self.expr_vec(sp, exprs), ast::expr_vstore_uniq)
fn expr_vec_slice(&self, sp: span, exprs: ~[@ast::expr]) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_vstore(sp, self.expr_vec(sp, exprs), ast::expr_vstore_slice)
fn expr_str(&self, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_lit(sp, ast::lit_str(@s))
fn expr_str_uniq(&self, sp: span, s: ~str) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr_vstore(sp, self.expr_str(sp, s), ast::expr_vstore_uniq)
fn expr_unreachable(&self, span: span) -> @ast::expr {
let loc = self.codemap().lookup_char_pos(span.lo);
self.expr_str(span, ~"internal error: entered unreachable code"),
self.expr_str(span, copy loc.file.name),
self.expr_uint(span, loc.line),
fn pat(&self, span: span, pat: ast::pat_) -> @ast::pat {
@ast::pat { id: self.next_id(), node: pat, span: span }
fn pat_wild(&self, span: span) -> @ast::pat {
self.pat(span, ast::pat_wild)
fn pat_lit(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::pat {
self.pat(span, ast::pat_lit(expr))
fn pat_ident(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::pat {
self.pat_ident_binding_mode(span, ident, ast::bind_infer)
fn pat_ident_binding_mode(&self,
span: span,
ident: ast::ident,
bm: ast::binding_mode) -> @ast::pat {
let path = self.path_ident(span, ident);
let pat = ast::pat_ident(bm, path, None);
self.pat(span, pat)
fn pat_enum(&self, span: span, path: @ast::Path, subpats: ~[@ast::pat]) -> @ast::pat {
let pat = ast::pat_enum(path, Some(subpats));
self.pat(span, pat)
fn pat_struct(&self, span: span,
path: @ast::Path, field_pats: ~[ast::field_pat]) -> @ast::pat {
let pat = ast::pat_struct(path, field_pats, false);
self.pat(span, pat)
fn arm(&self, _span: span, pats: ~[@ast::pat], expr: @ast::expr) -> ast::arm {
ast::arm {
pats: pats,
guard: None,
body: self.blk_expr(expr)
fn arm_unreachable(&self, span: span) -> ast::arm {
self.arm(span, ~[self.pat_wild(span)], self.expr_unreachable(span))
fn expr_match(&self, span: span, arg: @ast::expr, arms: ~[ast::arm]) -> @expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_match(arg, arms))
fn expr_if(&self, span: span,
cond: @ast::expr, then: @ast::expr, els: Option<@ast::expr>) -> @ast::expr {
let els = els.map(|x| self.expr_blk(self.blk_expr(*x)));
self.expr(span, ast::expr_if(cond, self.blk_expr(then), els))
fn lambda_fn_decl(&self, span: span, fn_decl: ast::fn_decl, blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
self.expr(span, ast::expr_fn_block(fn_decl, blk))
fn lambda(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
let fn_decl = self.fn_decl(
ids.map(|id| self.arg(span, *id, self.ty_infer(span))),
self.expr(span, ast::expr_fn_block(fn_decl, blk))
fn lambda0(&self, _span: span, blk: ast::blk) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = *self;
let blk_e = self.expr(copy blk.span, ast::expr_block(copy blk));
quote_expr!(|| $blk_e )
fn lambda1(&self, _span: span, blk: ast::blk, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
let ext_cx = *self;
let blk_e = self.expr(copy blk.span, ast::expr_block(copy blk));
quote_expr!(|$ident| $blk_e )
fn lambda_expr(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda(span, ids, self.blk_expr(expr))
fn lambda_expr_0(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda0(span, self.blk_expr(expr))
fn lambda_expr_1(&self, span: span, expr: @ast::expr, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda1(span, self.blk_expr(expr), ident)
fn lambda_stmts(&self, span: span, ids: ~[ast::ident], stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda(span, ids, self.blk(span, stmts, None))
fn lambda_stmts_0(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt]) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda0(span, self.blk(span, stmts, None))
fn lambda_stmts_1(&self, span: span, stmts: ~[@ast::stmt], ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr {
self.lambda1(span, self.blk(span, stmts, None), ident)
fn arg(&self, span: span, ident: ast::ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> ast::arg {
let arg_pat = self.pat_ident(span, ident);
ast::arg {
is_mutbl: false,
ty: ty,
pat: arg_pat,
id: self.next_id()
// XXX unused self
fn fn_decl(&self, inputs: ~[ast::arg], output: @ast::Ty) -> ast::fn_decl {
ast::fn_decl {
inputs: inputs,
output: output,
cf: ast::return_val,
fn item(&self, span: span,
name: ident, attrs: ~[ast::attribute], node: ast::item_) -> @ast::item {
// XXX: Would be nice if our generated code didn't violate
// Rust coding conventions
@ast::item { ident: name,
attrs: attrs,
id: self.next_id(),
node: node,
vis: ast::public,
span: span }
fn item_fn_poly(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
inputs: ~[ast::arg],
output: @ast::Ty,
generics: Generics,
body: ast::blk) -> @ast::item {
ast::item_fn(self.fn_decl(inputs, output),
fn item_fn(&self,
span: span,
name: ident,
inputs: ~[ast::arg],
output: @ast::Ty,
body: ast::blk
) -> @ast::item {
fn variant(&self, span: span, name: ident, tys: ~[@ast::Ty]) -> ast::variant {
let args = do tys.map |ty| {
ast::variant_arg { ty: *ty, id: self.next_id() }
ast::variant_ {
name: name,
attrs: ~[],
kind: ast::tuple_variant_kind(args),
id: self.next_id(),
disr_expr: None,
vis: ast::public
fn item_enum_poly(&self, span: span, name: ident,
enum_definition: ast::enum_def,
generics: Generics) -> @ast::item {
self.item(span, name, ~[], ast::item_enum(enum_definition, generics))
fn item_enum(&self, span: span, name: ident,
enum_definition: ast::enum_def) -> @ast::item {
self.item_enum_poly(span, name, enum_definition,
fn item_struct(
span: span,
name: ident,
struct_def: ast::struct_def
) -> @ast::item {
fn item_struct_poly(
span: span,
name: ident,
struct_def: ast::struct_def,
generics: Generics
) -> @ast::item {
self.item(span, name, ~[], ast::item_struct(@struct_def, generics))
fn item_mod(&self, span: span, name: ident,
attrs: ~[ast::attribute],
vi: ~[@ast::view_item],
items: ~[@ast::item]) -> @ast::item {
ast::item_mod(ast::_mod {
view_items: vi,
items: items,
fn item_ty_poly(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty,
generics: Generics) -> @ast::item {
self.item(span, name, ~[], ast::item_ty(ty, generics))
fn item_ty(&self, span: span, name: ident, ty: @ast::Ty) -> @ast::item {
self.item_ty_poly(span, name, ty, ast_util::empty_generics())
fn attribute(&self, sp: span, mi: @ast::meta_item) -> ast::attribute {
ast::attribute_ {
style: ast::attr_outer,
value: mi,
is_sugared_doc: false
fn meta_word(&self, sp: span, w: ~str) -> @ast::meta_item {
@respan(sp, ast::meta_word(@w))
fn meta_list(&self, sp: span, name: ~str, mis: ~[@ast::meta_item]) -> @ast::meta_item {
@respan(sp, ast::meta_list(@name, mis))
fn meta_name_value(&self, sp: span, name: ~str, value: ast::lit_) -> @ast::meta_item {
@respan(sp, ast::meta_name_value(@name, respan(sp, value)))
fn view_use(&self, sp: span,
vis: ast::visibility, vp: ~[@ast::view_path]) -> @ast::view_item {
@ast::view_item {
node: ast::view_item_use(vp),
attrs: ~[],
vis: vis,
span: sp
fn view_use_list(&self, sp: span, vis: ast::visibility,
path: ~[ast::ident], imports: &[ast::ident]) -> @ast::view_item {
let imports = do imports.map |id| {
respan(sp, ast::path_list_ident_ { name: *id, id: self.next_id() })
self.view_use(sp, vis,
ast::view_path_list(self.path(sp, path),
fn view_use_glob(&self, sp: span,
vis: ast::visibility, path: ~[ast::ident]) -> @ast::view_item {
self.view_use(sp, vis,
ast::view_path_glob(self.path(sp, path), self.next_id()))])
pub trait Duplicate {
// Duplication functions
// These functions just duplicate AST nodes.
fn duplicate(&self, cx: @ExtCtxt) -> Self;
impl Duplicate for @ast::expr {
fn duplicate(&self, cx: @ExtCtxt) -> @ast::expr {
let folder = fold::default_ast_fold();
let folder = @fold::AstFoldFns {
new_id: |_| cx.next_id(),
let folder = fold::make_fold(folder);