2022-01-19 13:58:29 +01:00

1151 lines
44 KiB

//! Codegen of intrinsics. This includes `extern "rust-intrinsic"`, `extern "platform-intrinsic"`
//! and LLVM intrinsics that have symbol names starting with `llvm.`.
mod cpuid;
mod llvm;
mod simd;
pub(crate) use cpuid::codegen_cpuid_call;
pub(crate) use llvm::codegen_llvm_intrinsic_call;
use rustc_middle::ty::print::with_no_trimmed_paths;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym};
use crate::prelude::*;
use cranelift_codegen::ir::AtomicRmwOp;
macro intrinsic_pat {
(_) => {
($name:ident) => {
(kw.$name:ident) => {
($name:literal) => {
macro intrinsic_arg {
(o $fx:expr, $arg:ident) => {
(c $fx:expr, $arg:ident) => {
codegen_operand($fx, $arg)
(v $fx:expr, $arg:ident) => {
codegen_operand($fx, $arg).load_scalar($fx)
macro intrinsic_substs {
($substs:expr, $index:expr,) => {},
($substs:expr, $index:expr, $first:ident $(,$rest:ident)*) => {
let $first = $substs.type_at($index);
intrinsic_substs!($substs, $index+1, $($rest),*);
macro intrinsic_match {
($fx:expr, $intrinsic:expr, $substs:expr, $args:expr,
_ => $unknown:block;
$($($name:tt).*)|+ $(if $cond:expr)?, $(<$($subst:ident),*>)? ($($a:ident $arg:ident),*) $content:block;
)*) => {
let _ = $substs; // Silence warning when substs is unused.
match $intrinsic {
$(intrinsic_pat!($($name).*))|* $(if $cond)? => {
#[allow(unused_parens, non_snake_case)]
intrinsic_substs!($substs, 0, $($subst),*);
if let [$($arg),*] = $args {
let ($($arg,)*) = (
$(intrinsic_arg!($a $fx, $arg),)*
#[warn(unused_parens, non_snake_case)]
} else {
bug!("wrong number of args for intrinsic {:?}", $intrinsic);
_ => $unknown,
macro call_intrinsic_match {
($fx:expr, $intrinsic:expr, $substs:expr, $ret:expr, $destination:expr, $args:expr, $(
$name:ident($($arg:ident),*) -> $ty:ident => $func:ident,
)*) => {
match $intrinsic {
sym::$name => {
if let [$(ref $arg),*] = *$args {
let ($($arg,)*) = (
$(codegen_operand($fx, $arg),)*
let res = $fx.easy_call(stringify!($func), &[$($arg),*], $fx.tcx.types.$ty);
$ret.write_cvalue($fx, res);
if let Some((_, dest)) = $destination {
let ret_block = $fx.get_block(dest);
$fx.bcx.ins().jump(ret_block, &[]);
} else {
} else {
bug!("wrong number of args for intrinsic {:?}", $intrinsic);
_ => {}
macro validate_atomic_type($fx:ident, $intrinsic:ident, $span:ident, $ty:expr) {
match $ty.kind() {
ty::Uint(_) | ty::Int(_) | ty::RawPtr(..) => {}
_ => {
"`{}` intrinsic: expected basic integer or raw pointer type, found `{:?}`",
$intrinsic, $ty
// Prevent verifier error
crate::trap::trap_unreachable($fx, "compilation should not have succeeded");
macro validate_simd_type($fx:ident, $intrinsic:ident, $span:ident, $ty:expr) {
if !$ty.is_simd() {
$fx.tcx.sess.span_err($span, &format!("invalid monomorphization of `{}` intrinsic: expected SIMD input type, found non-SIMD `{}`", $intrinsic, $ty));
// Prevent verifier error
crate::trap::trap_unreachable($fx, "compilation should not have succeeded");
pub(crate) fn clif_vector_type<'tcx>(tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>) -> Option<Type> {
let (element, count) = match layout.abi {
Abi::Vector { element, count } => (element, count),
_ => unreachable!(),
match scalar_to_clif_type(tcx, element).by(u16::try_from(count).unwrap()) {
// Cranelift currently only implements icmp for 128bit vectors.
Some(vector_ty) if vector_ty.bits() == 128 => Some(vector_ty),
_ => None,
fn simd_for_each_lane<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
val: CValue<'tcx>,
ret: CPlace<'tcx>,
f: impl Fn(
&mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
) -> CValue<'tcx>,
) {
let layout = val.layout();
let (lane_count, lane_ty) = layout.ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let lane_layout = fx.layout_of(lane_ty);
let (ret_lane_count, ret_lane_ty) = ret.layout().ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let ret_lane_layout = fx.layout_of(ret_lane_ty);
assert_eq!(lane_count, ret_lane_count);
for lane_idx in 0..lane_count {
let lane = val.value_lane(fx, lane_idx).load_scalar(fx);
let res_lane = f(fx, lane_layout, ret_lane_layout, lane);
ret.place_lane(fx, lane_idx).write_cvalue(fx, res_lane);
fn simd_pair_for_each_lane<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
x: CValue<'tcx>,
y: CValue<'tcx>,
ret: CPlace<'tcx>,
f: impl Fn(
&mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
) -> CValue<'tcx>,
) {
assert_eq!(x.layout(), y.layout());
let layout = x.layout();
let (lane_count, lane_ty) = layout.ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let lane_layout = fx.layout_of(lane_ty);
let (ret_lane_count, ret_lane_ty) = ret.layout().ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let ret_lane_layout = fx.layout_of(ret_lane_ty);
assert_eq!(lane_count, ret_lane_count);
for lane_idx in 0..lane_count {
let x_lane = x.value_lane(fx, lane_idx).load_scalar(fx);
let y_lane = y.value_lane(fx, lane_idx).load_scalar(fx);
let res_lane = f(fx, lane_layout, ret_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane);
ret.place_lane(fx, lane_idx).write_cvalue(fx, res_lane);
fn simd_reduce<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
val: CValue<'tcx>,
acc: Option<Value>,
ret: CPlace<'tcx>,
f: impl Fn(&mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>, TyAndLayout<'tcx>, Value, Value) -> Value,
) {
let (lane_count, lane_ty) = val.layout().ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let lane_layout = fx.layout_of(lane_ty);
assert_eq!(lane_layout, ret.layout());
let (mut res_val, start_lane) =
if let Some(acc) = acc { (acc, 0) } else { (val.value_lane(fx, 0).load_scalar(fx), 1) };
for lane_idx in start_lane..lane_count {
let lane = val.value_lane(fx, lane_idx).load_scalar(fx);
res_val = f(fx, lane_layout, res_val, lane);
let res = CValue::by_val(res_val, lane_layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
// FIXME move all uses to `simd_reduce`
fn simd_reduce_bool<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
val: CValue<'tcx>,
ret: CPlace<'tcx>,
f: impl Fn(&mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>, Value, Value) -> Value,
) {
let (lane_count, _lane_ty) = val.layout().ty.simd_size_and_type(fx.tcx);
let res_val = val.value_lane(fx, 0).load_scalar(fx);
let mut res_val = fx.bcx.ins().band_imm(res_val, 1); // mask to boolean
for lane_idx in 1..lane_count {
let lane = val.value_lane(fx, lane_idx).load_scalar(fx);
let lane = fx.bcx.ins().band_imm(lane, 1); // mask to boolean
res_val = f(fx, res_val, lane);
let res_val = if fx.bcx.func.dfg.value_type(res_val) != types::I8 {
fx.bcx.ins().ireduce(types::I8, res_val)
} else {
let res = CValue::by_val(res_val, ret.layout());
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
fn bool_to_zero_or_max_uint<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
layout: TyAndLayout<'tcx>,
val: Value,
) -> CValue<'tcx> {
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let int_ty = match ty {
types::F32 => types::I32,
types::F64 => types::I64,
ty => ty,
let val = fx.bcx.ins().bint(int_ty, val);
let mut res = fx.bcx.ins().ineg(val);
if ty.is_float() {
res = fx.bcx.ins().bitcast(ty, res);
CValue::by_val(res, layout)
macro simd_cmp {
($fx:expr, $cc:ident|$cc_f:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
let vector_ty = clif_vector_type($fx.tcx, $x.layout());
if let Some(vector_ty) = vector_ty {
let x = $x.load_scalar($fx);
let y = $y.load_scalar($fx);
let val = if vector_ty.lane_type().is_float() {
$fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::$cc_f, x, y)
} else {
$fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::$cc, x, y)
// HACK This depends on the fact that icmp for vectors represents bools as 0 and !0, not 0 and 1.
let val = $fx.bcx.ins().raw_bitcast(vector_ty, val);
$ret.write_cvalue($fx, CValue::by_val(val, $ret.layout()));
} else {
|fx, lane_layout, res_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane| {
let res_lane = match lane_layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Uint(_) | ty::Int(_) => fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::$cc, x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Float(_) => fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::$cc_f, x_lane, y_lane),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", lane_layout.ty),
bool_to_zero_or_max_uint(fx, res_lane_layout, res_lane)
($fx:expr, $cc_u:ident|$cc_s:ident|$cc_f:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
// FIXME use vector icmp when possible
|fx, lane_layout, res_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane| {
let res_lane = match lane_layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Uint(_) => fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::$cc_u, x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Int(_) => fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::$cc_s, x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Float(_) => fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::$cc_f, x_lane, y_lane),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", lane_layout.ty),
bool_to_zero_or_max_uint(fx, res_lane_layout, res_lane)
macro simd_int_binop {
($fx:expr, $op:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
simd_int_binop!($fx, $op|$op($x, $y) -> $ret);
($fx:expr, $op_u:ident|$op_s:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
|fx, lane_layout, ret_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane| {
let res_lane = match lane_layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Uint(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op_u(x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Int(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op_s(x_lane, y_lane),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", lane_layout.ty),
CValue::by_val(res_lane, ret_lane_layout)
macro simd_int_flt_binop {
($fx:expr, $op:ident|$op_f:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
simd_int_flt_binop!($fx, $op|$op|$op_f($x, $y) -> $ret);
($fx:expr, $op_u:ident|$op_s:ident|$op_f:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) => {
|fx, lane_layout, ret_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane| {
let res_lane = match lane_layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Uint(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op_u(x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Int(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op_s(x_lane, y_lane),
ty::Float(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op_f(x_lane, y_lane),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", lane_layout.ty),
CValue::by_val(res_lane, ret_lane_layout)
macro simd_flt_binop($fx:expr, $op:ident($x:ident, $y:ident) -> $ret:ident) {
|fx, lane_layout, ret_lane_layout, x_lane, y_lane| {
let res_lane = match lane_layout.ty.kind() {
ty::Float(_) => fx.bcx.ins().$op(x_lane, y_lane),
_ => unreachable!("{:?}", lane_layout.ty),
CValue::by_val(res_lane, ret_lane_layout)
pub(crate) fn codegen_intrinsic_call<'tcx>(
fx: &mut FunctionCx<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
instance: Instance<'tcx>,
args: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
destination: Option<(CPlace<'tcx>, BasicBlock)>,
span: Span,
) {
let intrinsic = fx.tcx.item_name(instance.def_id());
let substs = instance.substs;
let ret = match destination {
Some((place, _)) => place,
None => {
// Insert non returning intrinsics here
match intrinsic {
sym::abort => {
trap_abort(fx, "Called intrinsic::abort.");
sym::transmute => {
crate::base::codegen_panic(fx, "Transmuting to uninhabited type.", span);
_ => unimplemented!("unsupported instrinsic {}", intrinsic),
if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("simd_") {
self::simd::codegen_simd_intrinsic_call(fx, instance, args, ret, span);
let ret_block = fx.get_block(destination.expect("SIMD intrinsics don't diverge").1);
fx.bcx.ins().jump(ret_block, &[]);
let usize_layout = fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.usize);
call_intrinsic_match! {
fx, intrinsic, substs, ret, destination, args,
expf32(flt) -> f32 => expf,
expf64(flt) -> f64 => exp,
exp2f32(flt) -> f32 => exp2f,
exp2f64(flt) -> f64 => exp2,
sqrtf32(flt) -> f32 => sqrtf,
sqrtf64(flt) -> f64 => sqrt,
powif32(a, x) -> f32 => __powisf2, // compiler-builtins
powif64(a, x) -> f64 => __powidf2, // compiler-builtins
powf32(a, x) -> f32 => powf,
powf64(a, x) -> f64 => pow,
logf32(flt) -> f32 => logf,
logf64(flt) -> f64 => log,
log2f32(flt) -> f32 => log2f,
log2f64(flt) -> f64 => log2,
log10f32(flt) -> f32 => log10f,
log10f64(flt) -> f64 => log10,
fabsf32(flt) -> f32 => fabsf,
fabsf64(flt) -> f64 => fabs,
fmaf32(x, y, z) -> f32 => fmaf,
fmaf64(x, y, z) -> f64 => fma,
copysignf32(x, y) -> f32 => copysignf,
copysignf64(x, y) -> f64 => copysign,
// rounding variants
// FIXME use clif insts
floorf32(flt) -> f32 => floorf,
floorf64(flt) -> f64 => floor,
ceilf32(flt) -> f32 => ceilf,
ceilf64(flt) -> f64 => ceil,
truncf32(flt) -> f32 => truncf,
truncf64(flt) -> f64 => trunc,
roundf32(flt) -> f32 => roundf,
roundf64(flt) -> f64 => round,
// trigonometry
sinf32(flt) -> f32 => sinf,
sinf64(flt) -> f64 => sin,
cosf32(flt) -> f32 => cosf,
cosf64(flt) -> f64 => cos,
intrinsic_match! {
fx, intrinsic, substs, args,
_ => {
fx.tcx.sess.span_fatal(span, &format!("unsupported intrinsic {}", intrinsic));
assume, (c _a) {};
likely | unlikely, (c a) {
ret.write_cvalue(fx, a);
breakpoint, () {
copy | copy_nonoverlapping, <elem_ty> (v src, v dst, v count) {
let elem_size: u64 = fx.layout_of(elem_ty).size.bytes();
assert_eq!(args.len(), 3);
let byte_amount = if elem_size != 1 {
fx.bcx.ins().imul_imm(count, elem_size as i64)
} else {
if intrinsic == sym::copy_nonoverlapping {
// FIXME emit_small_memcpy
fx.bcx.call_memcpy(fx.target_config, dst, src, byte_amount);
} else {
// FIXME emit_small_memmove
fx.bcx.call_memmove(fx.target_config, dst, src, byte_amount);
// NOTE: the volatile variants have src and dst swapped
volatile_copy_memory | volatile_copy_nonoverlapping_memory, <elem_ty> (v dst, v src, v count) {
let elem_size: u64 = fx.layout_of(elem_ty).size.bytes();
assert_eq!(args.len(), 3);
let byte_amount = if elem_size != 1 {
fx.bcx.ins().imul_imm(count, elem_size as i64)
} else {
// FIXME make the copy actually volatile when using emit_small_mem{cpy,move}
if intrinsic == sym::volatile_copy_nonoverlapping_memory {
// FIXME emit_small_memcpy
fx.bcx.call_memcpy(fx.target_config, dst, src, byte_amount);
} else {
// FIXME emit_small_memmove
fx.bcx.call_memmove(fx.target_config, dst, src, byte_amount);
size_of_val, <T> (c ptr) {
let layout = fx.layout_of(T);
let size = if layout.is_unsized() {
let (_ptr, info) = ptr.load_scalar_pair(fx);
let (size, _align) = crate::unsize::size_and_align_of_dst(fx, layout, info);
} else {
.iconst(fx.pointer_type, layout.size.bytes() as i64)
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(size, usize_layout));
min_align_of_val, <T> (c ptr) {
let layout = fx.layout_of(T);
let align = if layout.is_unsized() {
let (_ptr, info) = ptr.load_scalar_pair(fx);
let (_size, align) = crate::unsize::size_and_align_of_dst(fx, layout, info);
} else {
.iconst(fx.pointer_type, layout.align.abi.bytes() as i64)
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(align, usize_layout));
unchecked_add | unchecked_sub | unchecked_div | exact_div | unchecked_rem
| unchecked_shl | unchecked_shr, (c x, c y) {
// FIXME trap on overflow
let bin_op = match intrinsic {
sym::unchecked_add => BinOp::Add,
sym::unchecked_sub => BinOp::Sub,
sym::unchecked_div | sym::exact_div => BinOp::Div,
sym::unchecked_rem => BinOp::Rem,
sym::unchecked_shl => BinOp::Shl,
sym::unchecked_shr => BinOp::Shr,
_ => unreachable!(),
let res = crate::num::codegen_int_binop(fx, bin_op, x, y);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
add_with_overflow | sub_with_overflow | mul_with_overflow, (c x, c y) {
assert_eq!(x.layout().ty, y.layout().ty);
let bin_op = match intrinsic {
sym::add_with_overflow => BinOp::Add,
sym::sub_with_overflow => BinOp::Sub,
sym::mul_with_overflow => BinOp::Mul,
_ => unreachable!(),
let res = crate::num::codegen_checked_int_binop(
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
saturating_add | saturating_sub, <T> (c lhs, c rhs) {
assert_eq!(lhs.layout().ty, rhs.layout().ty);
let bin_op = match intrinsic {
sym::saturating_add => BinOp::Add,
sym::saturating_sub => BinOp::Sub,
_ => unreachable!(),
let signed = type_sign(T);
let checked_res = crate::num::codegen_checked_int_binop(
let (val, has_overflow) = checked_res.load_scalar_pair(fx);
let clif_ty = fx.clif_type(T).unwrap();
let (min, max) = type_min_max_value(&mut fx.bcx, clif_ty, signed);
let val = match (intrinsic, signed) {
(sym::saturating_add, false) => fx.bcx.ins().select(has_overflow, max, val),
(sym::saturating_sub, false) => fx.bcx.ins().select(has_overflow, min, val),
(sym::saturating_add, true) => {
let rhs = rhs.load_scalar(fx);
let rhs_ge_zero = fx.bcx.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, rhs, 0);
let sat_val = fx.bcx.ins().select(rhs_ge_zero, max, min);
fx.bcx.ins().select(has_overflow, sat_val, val)
(sym::saturating_sub, true) => {
let rhs = rhs.load_scalar(fx);
let rhs_ge_zero = fx.bcx.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::SignedGreaterThanOrEqual, rhs, 0);
let sat_val = fx.bcx.ins().select(rhs_ge_zero, min, max);
fx.bcx.ins().select(has_overflow, sat_val, val)
_ => unreachable!(),
let res = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
rotate_left, <T>(v x, v y) {
let layout = fx.layout_of(T);
let res = fx.bcx.ins().rotl(x, y);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(res, layout));
rotate_right, <T>(v x, v y) {
let layout = fx.layout_of(T);
let res = fx.bcx.ins().rotr(x, y);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(res, layout));
// The only difference between offset and arith_offset is regarding UB. Because Cranelift
// doesn't have UB both are codegen'ed the same way
offset | arith_offset, (c base, v offset) {
let pointee_ty = base.layout().ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
let pointee_size = fx.layout_of(pointee_ty).size.bytes();
let ptr_diff = if pointee_size != 1 {
fx.bcx.ins().imul_imm(offset, pointee_size as i64)
} else {
let base_val = base.load_scalar(fx);
let res = fx.bcx.ins().iadd(base_val, ptr_diff);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(res, base.layout()));
transmute, (c from) {
ret.write_cvalue_transmute(fx, from);
write_bytes | volatile_set_memory, (c dst, v val, v count) {
let pointee_ty = dst.layout().ty.builtin_deref(true).unwrap().ty;
let pointee_size = fx.layout_of(pointee_ty).size.bytes();
let count = if pointee_size != 1 {
fx.bcx.ins().imul_imm(count, pointee_size as i64)
} else {
let dst_ptr = dst.load_scalar(fx);
// FIXME make the memset actually volatile when switching to emit_small_memset
// FIXME use emit_small_memset
fx.bcx.call_memset(fx.target_config, dst_ptr, val, count);
ctlz | ctlz_nonzero, <T> (v arg) {
// FIXME trap on `ctlz_nonzero` with zero arg.
let res = fx.bcx.ins().clz(arg);
let res = CValue::by_val(res, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
cttz | cttz_nonzero, <T> (v arg) {
// FIXME trap on `cttz_nonzero` with zero arg.
let res = fx.bcx.ins().ctz(arg);
let res = CValue::by_val(res, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
ctpop, <T> (v arg) {
let res = fx.bcx.ins().popcnt(arg);
let res = CValue::by_val(res, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
bitreverse, <T> (v arg) {
let res = fx.bcx.ins().bitrev(arg);
let res = CValue::by_val(res, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
bswap, <T> (v arg) {
// FIXME(CraneStation/cranelift#794) add bswap instruction to cranelift
fn swap(bcx: &mut FunctionBuilder<'_>, v: Value) -> Value {
match bcx.func.dfg.value_type(v) {
types::I8 => v,
// https://code.woboq.org/gcc/include/bits/byteswap.h.html
types::I16 => {
let tmp1 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 8);
let n1 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp1, 0xFF00);
let tmp2 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 8);
let n2 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp2, 0x00FF);
bcx.ins().bor(n1, n2)
types::I32 => {
let tmp1 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 24);
let n1 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp1, 0xFF00_0000);
let tmp2 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 8);
let n2 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp2, 0x00FF_0000);
let tmp3 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 8);
let n3 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp3, 0x0000_FF00);
let tmp4 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 24);
let n4 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp4, 0x0000_00FF);
let or_tmp1 = bcx.ins().bor(n1, n2);
let or_tmp2 = bcx.ins().bor(n3, n4);
bcx.ins().bor(or_tmp1, or_tmp2)
types::I64 => {
let tmp1 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 56);
let n1 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp1, 0xFF00_0000_0000_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp2 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 40);
let n2 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp2, 0x00FF_0000_0000_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp3 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 24);
let n3 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp3, 0x0000_FF00_0000_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp4 = bcx.ins().ishl_imm(v, 8);
let n4 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp4, 0x0000_00FF_0000_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp5 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 8);
let n5 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp5, 0x0000_0000_FF00_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp6 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 24);
let n6 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp6, 0x0000_0000_00FF_0000u64 as i64);
let tmp7 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 40);
let n7 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp7, 0x0000_0000_0000_FF00u64 as i64);
let tmp8 = bcx.ins().ushr_imm(v, 56);
let n8 = bcx.ins().band_imm(tmp8, 0x0000_0000_0000_00FFu64 as i64);
let or_tmp1 = bcx.ins().bor(n1, n2);
let or_tmp2 = bcx.ins().bor(n3, n4);
let or_tmp3 = bcx.ins().bor(n5, n6);
let or_tmp4 = bcx.ins().bor(n7, n8);
let or_tmp5 = bcx.ins().bor(or_tmp1, or_tmp2);
let or_tmp6 = bcx.ins().bor(or_tmp3, or_tmp4);
bcx.ins().bor(or_tmp5, or_tmp6)
types::I128 => {
let (lo, hi) = bcx.ins().isplit(v);
let lo = swap(bcx, lo);
let hi = swap(bcx, hi);
bcx.ins().iconcat(hi, lo)
ty => unreachable!("bswap {}", ty),
let res = CValue::by_val(swap(&mut fx.bcx, arg), fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
assert_inhabited | assert_zero_valid | assert_uninit_valid, <T> () {
let layout = fx.layout_of(T);
if layout.abi.is_uninhabited() {
with_no_trimmed_paths(|| crate::base::codegen_panic(
&format!("attempted to instantiate uninhabited type `{}`", T),
if intrinsic == sym::assert_zero_valid && !layout.might_permit_raw_init(fx, /*zero:*/ true) {
with_no_trimmed_paths(|| crate::base::codegen_panic(
&format!("attempted to zero-initialize type `{}`, which is invalid", T),
if intrinsic == sym::assert_uninit_valid && !layout.might_permit_raw_init(fx, /*zero:*/ false) {
with_no_trimmed_paths(|| crate::base::codegen_panic(
&format!("attempted to leave type `{}` uninitialized, which is invalid", T),
volatile_load | unaligned_volatile_load, (c ptr) {
// Cranelift treats loads as volatile by default
// FIXME correctly handle unaligned_volatile_load
let inner_layout =
let val = CValue::by_ref(Pointer::new(ptr.load_scalar(fx)), inner_layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
volatile_store | unaligned_volatile_store, (v ptr, c val) {
// Cranelift treats stores as volatile by default
// FIXME correctly handle unaligned_volatile_store
let dest = CPlace::for_ptr(Pointer::new(ptr), val.layout());
dest.write_cvalue(fx, val);
pref_align_of | needs_drop | type_id | type_name | variant_count, () {
let const_val =
fx.tcx.const_eval_instance(ParamEnv::reveal_all(), instance, None).unwrap();
let val = crate::constant::codegen_const_value(
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
ptr_offset_from, <T> (v ptr, v base) {
let isize_layout = fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.isize);
let pointee_size: u64 = fx.layout_of(T).size.bytes();
let diff = fx.bcx.ins().isub(ptr, base);
// FIXME this can be an exact division.
let val = CValue::by_val(fx.bcx.ins().sdiv_imm(diff, pointee_size as i64), isize_layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
ptr_guaranteed_eq, (c a, c b) {
let val = crate::num::codegen_ptr_binop(fx, BinOp::Eq, a, b);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
ptr_guaranteed_ne, (c a, c b) {
let val = crate::num::codegen_ptr_binop(fx, BinOp::Ne, a, b);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
caller_location, () {
let caller_location = fx.get_caller_location(span);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, caller_location);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_fence"), () {
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_singlethreadfence"), () {
// FIXME use a compiler fence once Cranelift supports it
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_load"), <T> (v ptr) {
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, T);
let ty = fx.clif_type(T).unwrap();
let val = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_load(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), ptr);
let val = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(T));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_store"), (v ptr, c val) {
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, val.layout().ty);
let val = val.load_scalar(fx);
fx.bcx.ins().atomic_store(MemFlags::trusted(), val, ptr);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_xchg"), (v ptr, c new) {
let layout = new.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let new = new.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Xchg, ptr, new);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_cxchg"), (v ptr, c test_old, c new) { // both atomic_cxchg_* and atomic_cxchgweak_*
let layout = new.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let test_old = test_old.load_scalar(fx);
let new = new.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_cas(MemFlags::trusted(), ptr, test_old, new);
let is_eq = fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::Equal, old, test_old);
let ret_val = CValue::by_val_pair(old, fx.bcx.ins().bint(types::I8, is_eq), ret.layout());
ret.write_cvalue(fx, ret_val)
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_xadd"), (v ptr, c amount) {
let layout = amount.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let amount = amount.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Add, ptr, amount);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_xsub"), (v ptr, c amount) {
let layout = amount.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let amount = amount.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Sub, ptr, amount);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_and"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::And, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_or"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Or, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_xor"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Xor, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_nand"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Nand, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_max"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Smax, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_umax"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Umax, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_min"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Smin, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
_ if intrinsic.as_str().starts_with("atomic_umin"), (v ptr, c src) {
let layout = src.layout();
validate_atomic_type!(fx, intrinsic, span, layout.ty);
let ty = fx.clif_type(layout.ty).unwrap();
let src = src.load_scalar(fx);
let old = fx.bcx.ins().atomic_rmw(ty, MemFlags::trusted(), AtomicRmwOp::Umin, ptr, src);
let old = CValue::by_val(old, layout);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, old);
// In Rust floating point min and max don't propagate NaN. In Cranelift they do however.
// For this reason it is necessary to use `a.is_nan() ? b : (a >= b ? b : a)` for `minnumf*`
// and `a.is_nan() ? b : (a <= b ? b : a)` for `maxnumf*`. NaN checks are done by comparing
// a float against itself. Only in case of NaN is it not equal to itself.
minnumf32, (v a, v b) {
let a_is_nan = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, a, a);
let a_ge_b = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThanOrEqual, a, b);
let temp = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_ge_b, b, a);
let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_is_nan, b, temp);
let val = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.f32));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
minnumf64, (v a, v b) {
let a_is_nan = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, a, a);
let a_ge_b = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::GreaterThanOrEqual, a, b);
let temp = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_ge_b, b, a);
let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_is_nan, b, temp);
let val = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.f64));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
maxnumf32, (v a, v b) {
let a_is_nan = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, a, a);
let a_le_b = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::LessThanOrEqual, a, b);
let temp = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_le_b, b, a);
let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_is_nan, b, temp);
let val = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.f32));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
maxnumf64, (v a, v b) {
let a_is_nan = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::NotEqual, a, a);
let a_le_b = fx.bcx.ins().fcmp(FloatCC::LessThanOrEqual, a, b);
let temp = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_le_b, b, a);
let val = fx.bcx.ins().select(a_is_nan, b, temp);
let val = CValue::by_val(val, fx.layout_of(fx.tcx.types.f64));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, val);
kw.Try, (v f, v data, v _catch_fn) {
// FIXME once unwinding is supported, change this to actually catch panics
let f_sig = fx.bcx.func.import_signature(Signature {
call_conv: fx.target_config.default_call_conv,
params: vec![AbiParam::new(fx.bcx.func.dfg.value_type(data))],
returns: vec![],
fx.bcx.ins().call_indirect(f_sig, f, &[data]);
let layout = ret.layout();
let ret_val = CValue::const_val(fx, layout, ty::ScalarInt::null(layout.size));
ret.write_cvalue(fx, ret_val);
fadd_fast | fsub_fast | fmul_fast | fdiv_fast | frem_fast, (c x, c y) {
let res = crate::num::codegen_float_binop(fx, match intrinsic {
sym::fadd_fast => BinOp::Add,
sym::fsub_fast => BinOp::Sub,
sym::fmul_fast => BinOp::Mul,
sym::fdiv_fast => BinOp::Div,
sym::frem_fast => BinOp::Rem,
_ => unreachable!(),
}, x, y);
ret.write_cvalue(fx, res);
float_to_int_unchecked, (v f) {
let res = crate::cast::clif_int_or_float_cast(
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(res, ret.layout()));
raw_eq, <T>(v lhs_ref, v rhs_ref) {
fn type_by_size(size: Size) -> Option<Type> {
let size = fx.layout_of(T).layout.size;
// FIXME add and use emit_small_memcmp
let is_eq_value =
if size == Size::ZERO {
// No bytes means they're trivially equal
fx.bcx.ins().iconst(types::I8, 1)
} else if let Some(clty) = type_by_size(size) {
// Can't use `trusted` for these loads; they could be unaligned.
let mut flags = MemFlags::new();
let lhs_val = fx.bcx.ins().load(clty, flags, lhs_ref, 0);
let rhs_val = fx.bcx.ins().load(clty, flags, rhs_ref, 0);
let eq = fx.bcx.ins().icmp(IntCC::Equal, lhs_val, rhs_val);
fx.bcx.ins().bint(types::I8, eq)
} else {
// Just call `memcmp` (like slices do in core) when the
// size is too large or it's not a power-of-two.
let signed_bytes = i64::try_from(size.bytes()).unwrap();
let bytes_val = fx.bcx.ins().iconst(fx.pointer_type, signed_bytes);
let params = vec![AbiParam::new(fx.pointer_type); 3];
let returns = vec![AbiParam::new(types::I32)];
let args = &[lhs_ref, rhs_ref, bytes_val];
let cmp = fx.lib_call("memcmp", params, returns, args)[0];
let eq = fx.bcx.ins().icmp_imm(IntCC::Equal, cmp, 0);
fx.bcx.ins().bint(types::I8, eq)
ret.write_cvalue(fx, CValue::by_val(is_eq_value, ret.layout()));
black_box, (c a) {
// FIXME implement black_box semantics
ret.write_cvalue(fx, a);
if let Some((_, dest)) = destination {
let ret_block = fx.get_block(dest);
fx.bcx.ins().jump(ret_block, &[]);
} else {
trap_unreachable(fx, "[corruption] Diverging intrinsic returned.");